Epilogue 2
I flip the sign, go back to the counter and collapse onto the chair.
I’m exhausted.
And I don’t think I can do this alone anymore.
Being pregnant isn’t helping things. I’m only four months along, but I’m already feeling it. Fig’s Fashion and Function is my passion project, and I’m not going to give it up just because I’m too pregnant to work.
But maybe I should hire someone just to manage the counter so I can dedicate what little energy I have to the tailoring work.
I’ll have to do interviews though. And go through all the business that comes with legally hiring someone. Thankfully I got a family to lean on for support, and some of them know business stuff, like Bartlett.
The front door’s bells ring out as it swings open. I’m not surprised since it’s the same visitor I always get around this time of day.
“Good evening, beautiful,” he says, in a sing-songy but oh so sincere voice.
He turns around and locks up the store, drawing the blinds.
“How was business today?”
“Busy,” I say, holding myself up, barely. “Too busy.”
“That’s good, right?”
He makes his way to me. He’s glistening, having broken a bit of sweat, enough to intensify his manly scent, but not too overwhelming. He’s looking exceptionally alluring today in his tight red shirt with the Home FD logo emblazoned on it. He also manages to make suspenders sexy. They’re holding up some baggier thick work pants.
“Did something happen today?”
Hank slides behind me at the counter, his grip tight around my waist, and his breath against my ear. “Kitchen fire got out of hand. We were called in. Managed to put it out before it spread too much, and thankfully no one was hurt besides some minor burns on the guy who thought the answer was more vegetable oil.”
“Just enough to work up a sweat, huh?”
“I’ve just been thinking of you all day, Fig. About how one year ago today, we agreed to marry one another.” He looks around the store and gauges where we are. “Not far from this spot either.”
“Ah, you remembered.”
“I’d never forget any of our anniversaries. You’re the most important thing in the world to me.”
I’m in a dress today. I’ve only recently begun to show, but I’ve gone all-in on making maternity wear my own. I’ve got orders coming in from other expectant mothers who want what I’ve been wearing.
Hank is prepared to take full advantage of it. Those hands of his sliding down my body, and hiking the dress up from behind, grinding his cock against my ass. Even through those thick pants he’s wearing I can feel how hard he is.
“Right here?” I ask.
“I closed the blinds. I think we’re in the clear, aren’t we?”
I giggle. “You’re insatiable.”
There’s rarely been a day without indulging in one another, and mostly those were days where we’d been forced apart.
If we’re together, and we’re alone? The temptation is simply too much to resist.
He unzips, and I shimmy my panties down my legs. I’m worried someone might look in through one of the gaps in the blinds, but I know that’s silly.
Hank’s touch roams up my body, all around my abdomen. “Fuck, you’re just so sexy, Fig. I can’t get enough of you. You being like this just makes you more tempting.”
“So what? You’re going to keep me perpetually pregnant?”
“You want me to do that? Because I’ll do that. Gladly.”
“We’ll see where this goes. This first pregnancy hasn’t been too bad, but there have been some challenges. My mother and sister tell me I’ll get used to it, but I’m not making any promises yet.”
“We’ll take it nice and easy then. Whatever you want, babe. I’m here for you. I'm yours. That much I’m damn sure of.”
His bare cock pokes at my sex and I spread my legs further for him, and he thrusts himself right in, making me cry out in delight. We’d gotten to know one another so damn well in the past year, and the sex has only gotten better. We were virgins in our early twenties, so the last year has been educational, and I have to say I’ve had simply the best study partner.
A hand on my hip and a hand on my breast, Hank starts to fuck me, every thrust shooting through me with so much intensity. I cry out louder and louder as I buck back into him, forcing him deeper inside of me.
Bent over the counter where I do business with dozens of people every day, I can’t help but laugh and feel especially sinful. If only they knew what it’s been used for over the past six months.
My entire form bucks into him again and again, as I crane back to kiss him. Our lips meet, our tongues meet, and become entwined like the rest of us.
Everything we’ve learned has taught us so much about each other. He knows just how to fuck me, and I know just how to squeeze him. All to build ourselves up to something amazing and ecstatic.
Our tryst reaches a fever pitch. I break out into a sweat comparable to his as he pushes me over the edge with a tender and rhythmic touch on my clit, making me cry out so wonderfully at the top of my lungs. Not long after, Hank joins me, the heights of orgasm too tempting for him to resist any longer, and that sweet, oh so delicious warmth being fired into me such a wonderful little feeling on top of everything else.
We’re panting, and my throat hurts from singing his praises. I’m so loud that I’m convinced the Chinese place next door has to know what Hank and I do in here after closing.
Fuck it. Let them know we’re madly in love.
“I’m forever addicted to you, Fig. I simply can’t get enough,” Hank whispers into my ear, his breath tender and sweet.
“I love you too, my hunky mountain man.”
To think, I almost threw this away. To pursue some career in Los Angeles I didn’t want anymore. Because of some sunk cost fallacy, and the belief that the most supportive family in the world would be angry with me for not doing what they thought I’d do. I’d have been miserable down there, probably spending a lot of time hating my boss and my life.
This, though? It was like choosing Heaven instead of Hell.
“Or maybe I should be calling you something else now,” I say, smirking at him.
“Like what?”
“My hunky mountain daddy.”
“No lies detected, my sweet mountain mommy.”
We kiss again, and simply enjoy one another’s embrace for a time.
They’re the best moments of my life, and I have so many of them still in my future.