Reflections Of Another World
W here am I?
As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, more details of the bed chamber emerged.
The ceiling arched high above, painted with a mural that seemed to move and shift as I watched. Constellations I'd never seen before twinkled in a night sky that rippled like the surface of a dark lake; a mesmerizing sight that begins to suck me in, allowing me to be further invested in the unique sight.
Comets streaked across the painted heavens, leaving trails of stardust in their wake.
The light itself seemed alive, emanating from crystalline structures that grew from the walls like luminescent fungi. They pulsed gently, their glow waxing and waning in a rhythm that felt almost like breathing.
The effect was both soothing and slightly unsettling as if the room itself was a living, sentient being.
It seemed so unreal.
In one corner stood a peculiar tree, its trunk twisted and gnarled, bark the color of burnished silver. Instead of leaves, it bore crystals that chimed softly when a nonexistent breeze stirred its branches.
The sound was haunting, a melody just on the edge of familiarity that didn’t simply call to my ears, but resonated with my very soul.
Where have I heard this before?
Scattered around the room were objects that defied easy categorization.
A globe that showed landmasses I'd never seen, continents shifting and reforming as I watched. A clock whose face bore thirteen hours, its hands moving in a way that made my head hurt if I looked at it too long. A chessboard where the pieces moved of their own accord, playing out strategies too complex for my mind to grasp.
Everything was so unique, valuable, and had a touch of familiarity, yet I’m confident I’ve never experienced these things in real life.
Obviously, it’s impossible. Magic…whatever this is, can’t exist.
I approached the vanity, drawn by the shifting surface of the mirror.
The frame was a work of art in itself, carved from some pale wood and inlaid with opal and mother-of-pearl. Figures danced around the edge – lithe, ethereal beings with pointed ears and wings like dragonflies. Their faces were beautiful but alien, with eyes too large and features too perfect to be human.
Pixies…maybe? Was this designed to mimic all those childhood fairytales?
As I gazed into the mirror, I was once again struck by the transformation of my appearance. The difference is enough to make me gasp, while I’m forced to acknowledge the change reflecting before me.
Beyond the mismatched eyes and dual-toned hair of black and pure platinum white, I noticed other changes. My ears had a slight point to them, not quite as pronounced as the figures on the mirror frame, but definitely not human.
My cheekbones were higher, glimmering with a bit of highlight and blush while my features were more symmetrical and refined. I had “less curves” which was strikingly obvious with my slim build, but it wasn’t something I necessarily “hated”.
It was an odd mix of accepted standards wherever this was, while the other part of me yearned for the build I’d worked hard to maintain.
The gown I wore deserved closer inspection, leading me on this mission to lean in close and admire its intricate beauty.
What I had first taken for crystal was actually a living material, something between fabric and gemstone. It flowed like water but sparkled like diamonds, changing color subtly as I moved. Sometimes it was the deep blue of sapphires, while other times the fiery red of rubies. When I remained completely still, the rich green of emeralds glimmered to life, and one swift spin around turned those very glimmering gems into a frosted lavender that twinkled with life.
Intricate patterns were woven into the material, symbols, and runes that seemed to hold meaning just beyond my grasp. They pulsed with a soft light as if responding to my heartbeat, delivering an alluring awe to its wake.
The bodice was fitted, accentuating this newly slimmed figure before flowing out into a full skirt that moved like liquid starlight, twinkling like the starry sky itself had woven this piece..
The jewelry adorning me was equally magnificent. A delicate tiara rested on my brow, crafted from what looked like spun moonlight. It was set with gems that I had no names for – stones that seemed to contain entire galaxies within their depths. Around my neck hung a pendant in the shape of a key, wrought from a metal that shimmered between gold and silver.
It felt warm against my flesh as if it held some hidden power.
Some sorcery opened realms that hid an endless path of mystery.
My wrists and fingers bore rings and bracelets of intricate design, each piece feeling as if it had a story to tell. One ring in particular caught my eye – a band of dark metal set with a stone that seemed to swirl with shadows.
It fit perfectly on my ring finger as if it had always been meant to be there.
A unique wedding ring? A symbol of bonds and commitment in this place?
Truthfully, I wasn’t sure.
I lifted my hands to my face, marveling at how they remained both familiar and strange. My nails had lengthened slightly, coming to delicate points that looked capable of drawing blood. Yet my palms still bore the calluses of my life in the real world, a reminder of who I had been... who I still was, beneath this magical transformation.
Those wounds and scars can’t be erased…but I don’t want those imperfections to fade…right?
It’s a question I have to ask myself because right now, I’m not really sure.
Not hesitant, yet not confident.
My tattoos had changed as well, gaining a life of their own in this realm. The small canary on my wrist now looked as if it might take flight at any moment, its feathers shimmering with an iridescent sheen. The intricate mandala on my shoulder blade had become a swirling vortex of color and light, each line pulsing with energy that I could almost feel beneath my skin.
As I studied my reflection, memories of someone else’s life continued to surface, but now they were interwoven with flashes of... something else. Images that felt like memories but couldn't possibly be mine.
A grand ballroom filled with beings of impossible beauty and terrible power.
A forest of silver trees beneath a purple sky with three moons.
A battlefield strewn with the bodies of creatures out of myth and nightmare.
These visions left me dizzy and disoriented, my mind struggling to reconcile the life I knew with this world of magic and mystery.
Who was I in this place?
What role did I play in the grand tapestry of this realm?
I turned away from the mirror, overwhelmed by questions I couldn't begin to answer. My gaze fell upon a balcony I hadn't noticed before — sheer curtains billowing in a breeze that carried the scent of night-blooming flowers and something wilder, more primal.
My curiosity builds, and the need to dismiss what I’m currently experiencing pushes me to give in to this new desire to explore and be adventurous in nature.
A defiant need to be free from these suffocating chambers.
Drawn by an urge, I moved towards the balcony. As I pushed aside the curtains, my breath caught in my throat. The view before me was breathtaking… and impossible.
This just can’t be real…
I stood at the highest point of a castle that defied the laws of physics and nature. Spires of black glass and silver metal twisted towards a sky ablaze with stars and auroras.
Gardens hung suspended in midair, waterfalls flowing upwards to form rivers that wound between the towers. In the distance, I could see forests of trees with leaves of gold and silver, their branches reaching towards a horizon where two suns – one blood red, one turquoise blue – were set in tandem.
Below, a city sprawled out in concentric circles, each ring separated by canals of softly glowing water. The architecture was a blend of organic and geometric forms, buildings that looked as if they had been grown rather than built.
If such an assumption was even possible.
Streets paved with what appeared to be mother-of-pearl winds between structures of crystal, living wood, and stone that pulsed with inner light.
And everywhere, there was movement.
Beings of all shapes and sizes went about their business in the streets below. Some were humanoid, others decidedly not. I saw winged creatures soaring between the towers, aquatic forms gliding through the canals, and things that defied easy categorization slipping through shadows that seemed deeper than they should be.
It was beautiful, terrifying, and utterly alien.
Yet some part of me felt a deep sense of belonging as if I was finally seeing a home I had forgotten I had.
Why did I dare forget this place…called home?
A warm breeze caressed my skin, carrying with it whispers in a language I didn't understand but somehow recognized. It spoke of ancient magics, battles long past and prophecies yet to be fulfilled. Of a world balanced on the knife-edge between light and shadow, order and chaos.
They grow in volume, humming with calm at first before their harmonic mumbles shift into yearning need. The tone of desperation is rooted in the language that’s so unique to listen to but stirs an unease within my chest.
The tighteness only grows, as my mind begins to mutter something.
Begging for my recognition, until beneath it all, a single word repeated like a heartbeat:
Fae .
The realization hit me with the force of a physical blow - my head began to pound like a nagging drum. A warning? A blessing? I can’t fight the agony it brings while my realization grows to be confronted.
This wasn't just some fantastical dream world.
This was the realm of the Fae, creatures of legend and myth.
Beings of immense power and capricious nature, who had once been worshipped and feared in equal measure by humanity.
But if this was truly the Fae realm, what did that make me?
Why did I feel such a profound connection to this place?
Before I could ponder these questions further, a wave of dizziness washed over me. The world tilted alarmingly, and I staggered back from the balcony. Heat flooded my body, a fire that burned from within and left me gasping for air.
Too hot. So dizzy and weak…what’s going on? What’s happening to me?
This feels unprovoked, especially when a part of me knows I rarely fall ill, but the onset is too random. Almost as if my body is trying to warn me — protect me — but from what?
From myself?
I tried to make my way back to the bed, but my legs gave out beneath me.
I braced for impact with the hard floor...or to wake up from this dream that has yet to become a nightmare.
Only to find myself caught in strong arms that radiated an impossible heat.
I looked up instantly, my gaze meeting golden eyes that burned with an intensity that both thrilled and terrified me. It makes me still in frozen horror, and yet, as the seconds begin to tick, familiarity washes over me.
Recognition of this being of forbidden beauty.
The Monster Prince.
My radiant nightmare in the flesh.
Up close, he was even more breathtaking – and terrifying – than I remembered. His skin was the color of obsidian, smooth and flawless save for the swirling patterns that seemed to move of their own accord.
These markings pulsed with a soft, reddish light, like veins of lava beneath the earth. They formed intricate designs across his broad chest and powerful arms, telling a story I longed to decipher — had begged to learn in the past and yet never got the answers I craved.
The horns that curved from his temples were works of art, spiraling up and back in elegant curves. They were adorned with delicate chains of gold and precious gems, forming a crown that marked him as royalty in this realm of magic and mystery.
Each gem seemed to hold a spark of life within it, tiny stars captured and set in metal. But it was his face that truly captured me.
Such a handsome creation beyond the world of perfection.
Features that should have been terrifying in their alienness instead stirred something deep within me. His jaw was strong and defined, lips full and sensual. High cheekbones and a straight nose gave him an aristocratic air, while the slight points of his ears hinted at his Fae nature.
It was weird because he carried horns as well, so did it mean those weren’t used for listening? Did it dispel some sort of myth or replace the ideology of him being a monster? Was he a unique blessed mixture of two worlds?
I couldn’t decipher something that was suddenly deemed unimportant because my eyes locked on his.
And those eyes...
They were pools of molten gold, flickering with an inner fire that spoke of power beyond my comprehension.
They roamed over my face with a possessive hunger that sent shivers down my spine, but beneath the predatory gaze, I caught a glimpse of something else. Longing. Tenderness. And a pain so ancient it made my heart ache.
That, and made other places ache in forbidden need.
"My little Songbird," he purred, his voice a low rumble that I felt in my very bones. "Always so eager to fly away. Don't you know that you belong here, with me?"
Goodness, heavens…
This must be a dream or a nightmare waiting to manifest, because how can someone so irresistibly desirable exist? That’s the hidden reality of it all.
He can’t be real. None of this is real.
Yet, his words stirred something within me, a sense of rightness that warred with my confusion and fear. I wanted to protest, to demand answers to the thousand questions swirling in my mind.
But my body had other ideas.
I melted into his embrace, every point of contact between us sending sparks of pleasure coursing through my veins. I could fall into this oasis of safety and layered peace for all eternity, but I know something is wrong.
That something just isn’t right here.
"What's happening to me?" I managed to gasp, even as my hands moved of their own accord, exploring the hard planes of his chest. It’s as though a part of my body is running on autopilot; so used to this sense of intimacy and yet there’s that other part that knows this man — or monster — is a stranger to me.
The heat of his skin seeped into my palms, and I marveled at the way his markings seemed to reach out towards my touch, like iron filings drawn to a magnet. Mesmerizing with a hint of cunning delicacy.
"I don't understand... any of this,” I dare to confess, despite it being the truth. I don’t want to sound so vulnerable, but then I feel like it’s okay.
That it’s allowed in this entity’s presence.
He chuckled, the sound dark and rich like the finest chocolate.
"Understanding will come in time, my love. For now, simply feel."
It’s easier said than done, but I urge myself to heed his words.
To try it this one time…
His hand cupped my cheek, tilting my face up to his. His touch was impossibly gentle for a being of such obvious power, his thumb tracing the curve of my cheekbone with a reverence that left me breathless.
I knew I should resist — should push him away and demand answers. But the pull between us was undeniable, a force as inexorable as gravity. It was too hard to not submit to its tempting pull, giving me this bold chance to gain that yearning I always deny myself in the real world.
The touch of a man. A kiss of temptation. The enjoyment of following those instincts of lust rather than worrying about the ifs and whats.
To be free with the emotion buzzing vibrantly between us.
Our lips met in a kiss that was anything but gentle.
It was possession, pure and simple, his mouth claiming mine with a ferocity that left me gasping. I responded with equal fervor, pouring all my confusion and longing into the kiss.
As if this was right…like destiny made no mistake tonight.
My hands tangled in his hair, marveling at its silken texture even as I used it to pull him closer. This pushy dominance wouldn’t get me far in my reality, but here, I feel deep within, this prince of a monster enjoys my bites of dominance.
That I’m not afraid to explore and indulge as a man would do with the woman he wholeheartedly desires.
He tasted of midnight and storm clouds, of forbidden fruit and ancient magic. There was a hint of something metallic, like blood or lightning, that should have repulsed me but instead only fueled my desire.
The pounding need for more.
I was drowning in sensation, lost in a sea of pleasure that threatened to consume me entirely.
And this was just a kiss…
His tongue swept into my mouth, dominating and exploring, and I welcomed the invasion. Every stroke sent jolts of electricity through my body, awakening nerve endings I didn't know I possessed.
I moaned into the kiss, my body arching against his, of its own accord. His warmth seizes hold of me, wrapping me up in a blanket of endless comfort. It’s a sensation I can fall in love with for all eternity if I grasped the privilege to do so.
The Monster Prince growled in response, the sound vibrating through me and settling low in my belly. His hands roamed my body, leaving trails of fire in their wake. He cupped my breasts through the thin material of my gown, thumbs brushing over sensitive peaks and drawing a whimper from my throat.
But even as I surrendered to the kiss, a sharp pain lanced through my body. As if I recognize this agony, I suddenly realize what’s happening.
The real world was calling, tugging me back with brutal insistence.
I cried out, breaking away from the kiss, my body tensing in his arms.
"No," I whimpered, clinging to the Monster Prince with desperate strength. Tears stung my eyes, born of frustration and a bone-deep longing I couldn't explain. "I don't want to go back. Please, let me stay here with you. I belong here. Here…where ever here is."
I look pleadingly up to him as if he can steal me away from all those responsibilities. To sweep me from the horrendous world that has never shown mercy my way.
If only he could be my knight in shining armor, but I’ve accepted long ago that wishes are simply that. Fables of hope that the wheel of fate will finally spin in your favor.
So far in my short life, I’ve been disappointed every single time.
His expression softened, a glimpse of tenderness beneath the predatory hunger.
For a moment, the mask of the terrifying monster royal slipped, revealing something achingly vulnerable.
"Soon, my love," he murmured, pressing a gentler kiss to my forehead. His lips lingered there as if he could impart some of his strength to me through the touch. "But for now, you must return. Heal. Grow stronger…and know that I will be waiting for you."
The pain intensified, and the edges of my vision grew dark with every second that dared pass. Panic clawed at my throat as I felt myself slipping away.
"Wait!" I gasped. "I don't even know your name. How will I find you again?"
A smile curved his lips, equal parts promise and warning.
"Names have power in this realm, little Songbird. But know this – I am the Night Prince, ruler of the Shadow Court. And you, my love, are mine. No matter where you go, no matter how far you run, I will always find you."
Before I could respond, his mouth crashed down on mine once more. But this kiss was different – less a claiming and more ... a gifting.
I felt power flow from him into me, ancient and wild.
It raced through my veins like liquid starlight, soothing the pain and filling me with a strength I'd never known.
As the kiss deepened, his hand slid lower, caressing me through the gossamer-thin fabric of my gown. The touch was electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body that momentarily eclipsed the pain of my impending return to the mortal world.
It seems to take so much strength for our lips to pull apart.
"A taste," he growled against my lips, his fingers finding that secret, aching place with unerring accuracy, "to tide you over until we meet again."
It seems evil to leave me like that, when I’m on the brink of riding a wave of lust I don’t realize was brewing. I arched into his touch, knowing I needed just a bit more.
A few more strokes and that would be enough to tip me over the quaking edge. He seemed to feel pity enough to grant me such a selfish wish; a cry of ecstasy tore from my throat as wave after wave of bliss crashed over me.
It was too much, too intense, and yet not enough. Never enough . His fingers moved with practiced skill, stroking and circling in a rhythm that quickly had me teetering on the edge of oblivion.
I wasn’t sure if I couldcum so soon, yet my wetness flows like a fall of evergreen waters, only juices easily lace the devious royal’s fingers.
All the while, his eyes held mine, that molten gold gaze burning with an intensity that stripped me bare. I felt exposed, vulnerable, every secret and desire laid bare before him. And yet I had never felt safer, more cherished, than I did in that moment.
"Let go, my love," he murmured, his voice a silken caress. "Fall apart for me. Show me your pleasure."
His words were my undoing.
The pleasure reached a fever pitch, and I shattered in his arms. Colors exploded behind my eyelids – not just the golds and reds of earthly passion, but impossible hues that spoke of magic and other worlds. I cried out, as the ecstasy washed over me in endless waves.
“My King!” I scream in bliss.
He expressed his satisfaction with a pleased chuckle, while he admires my undoing — those long skillful fingers still embedded so deeply in my pussy walls, held captive thanks to my pulsing heated walls that quake with endless pleasure.
As I came down from the high, trembling and gasping in his arms, I felt the world begin to dissolve around me. The pain returned, but it was dulled now, manageable.
I clung to this monster prince, trying to memorize every detail of his face, the feel of his skin against mine, the scent of him – like thunderstorms and dark forests and something uniquely him.
"Remember," he said, his voice fading as the dream world slipped away. "Remember, and return to me."
Then I was gasping awake.
My eyes fly open to find myself in a stark white room that couldn't have been further from the opulent bed chamber of my dreams.
The steady beep of medical equipment filled the air, and I became aware of the IV in my arm, and the oxygen mask over my face.
A hospital. I was in a hospital.
But even as reality reasserted itself, I could still feel the phantom touch of the monster prince's hands on my skin.
Still taste him on my lips.
The echo of the pleasure he had given me lingered, a warmth in my core that defied the chill of the hospital room. I couldn’t even confirm if that was where I was, but the mere thought already had me slipping away, exhaustion taking over.
I found myself longing for the world I'd left behind, and I’m sure my mind was desperate for us to return. To be in those comforting strong arms and return to a world of darkness and magic, where I was more than just a broken girl trying to survive.
A world where I was wanted, desired... loved?
I closed my eyes while I relished what happened, allowing myself to drift away.
Remember…that’s all I can hope to do for my Shadowed King.