Mysterious Goddess
I floated in a sea of light, weightless, and formless.
Gone was the panic of falling, the chaos of the mission, and the confusion of my arrival in the strange new world.
Here, in this place of pure energy, I felt a sense of peace I had never known prior.
Before me stood a being of indescribable beauty, her form shifting and shimmering like a living constellation. Her eyes, deep pools of wisdom and power, gazed upon me with a mixture of affection and solemnity.
"Welcome, child of two worlds," she said, her voice resonating through my very essence. "You have questions, I see."
I tried to speak, found I had no voice, and yet my thoughts reached her all the same.
"Who are you? Why am I here? What's happening to me?"
The being's laughter was like the chiming of crystal bells.
"So many questions, little one. But then, that is your nature, isn't it? Always seeking, always striving to understand."
She moved closer, and I felt enveloped in a warmth that reminded me of long-forgotten embraces.
"As for why you're here... you stand at a crossroads, dear one. The path you choose will shape not just your destiny, but the fate of many worlds."
"I don't understand," I projected, frustration coloring my thoughts. "I'm just... me. Sparrow. I think. I’m not sure…maybe? I’m an orphan…who worked at the Underground. I can’t be responsible…for worlds?”
This whole thought process seemed weird to me. Confusing in essence, but I felt like she understood my misconception.
The being's form solidified slightly, taking on a more humanoid appearance.
Her eyes, I noticed, were mismatched – one the blue of a summer sky, the other the crimson of fresh blood. They seemed achingly familiar, though I couldn't place why.
"You are far more than you know, child," she said softly. "The power that flows through your veins is ancient, terrible, yet divinely beautiful. But it is not without its dangers. Many will seek to use you, to control your power for their own ends. Others will wish for your failure, and most certainly, your demise."
A chill ran through me at her words.
"What am I supposed to do?"
Back at the Underground, I knew how to defend myself. How to claim my territory among those fiends of men who thought they could walk all over me. I trained to be the best and gained that status with years of commitment, but it was rather obvious I wasn’t going to be privileged to do the same here.
I wouldn’t have years to hone on to the skills needed to survive here. I’d be lucky to have a few weeks at best. Sure, I may be given the privilege to recover, but that can only delay the inevitable for so long.
How can I get ahead before things sway against me?
"Seek answers," she replied, her voice taking on an urgent tone. "Train, grow stronger. Trust in those who have been placed in your path to guide and protect you. The challenges ahead will test you in ways you cannot yet imagine, but you must persevere. The fate of many hangs in the balance."
Suddenly, she began to speak in a language I had never heard before – and yet, somehow, I understood.
"Shal'ven nor'eth, lira'sul. Thar'len nael'ara etha'len, nai’ren all'elen tithar dal’khor."
Be warned, Lirael. The shadow and light must unite, lest all fall to chaos.
As the words washed over me, a memory stirred.
A woman with eyes like mine, singing lullabies in this same, haunting tongue. The scent of night-blooming flowers and the feel of a gentle hand stroking my hair.
"I... I know this language," I said in wonder. "How?"
The being smiled, a sight both beautiful and ghastly.
"The old ways remember, even when we forget. Trust in the knowledge that sleeps within you, little star. It will serve you well in the days to come."
Movement caught my eye, and I turned to see a familiar form padding along a path of starlight. The snow-white fox, its amber eyes gleaming with intelligence, paused and looked back at me expectantly.
"Your guide awaits," the radiant being said. "Follow the path he shows you. Trust your instincts, for they are truer than you know."
I felt a pull, a need to follow the fox, but hesitated.
"Will I see you again?
The being's form began to fade, merging with the light around us.
"When you are stronger, when you have come into your power, our paths will cross again. Until then, know that you carry my blessing with you always."
As she spoke, I felt a burning sensation on my wrist.
Looking down, I saw an intricate tattoo forming – a skull wreathed in flames, roses, and starlight.
"A gift," her voice echoed, growing fainter. "A reminder of the power of death and rebirth, of endings and new beginnings. Wear it well, my child."
My child?
The light began to dim, the peaceful void giving way to a pulling sensation. The fox barked once, the sound echoing strangely in this place between worlds.
"Wait!" I called out, desperate for more answers. "I don't even know your name!"
But the only response was a whisper, carried on a non-existent wind:
"You know me, little star. You have always known me. Now wake, and remember who you are."
The world exploded into a cacophony of light and sound, and I felt myself falling once more.
But this time, I wasn't afraid.
Whatever awaited me on the other side of consciousness, I would face it head-on.
After all, I had a destiny to fulfill.
And a fox to follow.