Court of Aether and Shadows (Crowned Monster Trilogy #1) 29. Scan Of Unexpected Worth 55%
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29. Scan Of Unexpected Worth

Scan Of Unexpected Worth


“Wow…” I couldn’t stop the vocalized awe as my eyes scanned around us. After such a tedious orientation, I could finally appreciate the beauty surrounding us.

The auditorium was a marvel of magical architecture, with each section clearly influenced by different courts. Shadow-wrought pillars stood alongside crystalline light structures, while void spaces created impossible dimensions between elemental-grown supports.

The overall effect was both breathtaking and slightly disorienting.

"Well, that was quite the orientation," Nyx whispered as the last professor — a stern-looking Void Court master named Umbra — finished introducing herself. "Though I notice they saved Lord Pretty Boy for last."

Indeed, Lord Helios had commanded attention during his formal introduction as the Advanced Celestial Manipulation professor, his iridescent robes somehow managing to outshine even the natural light in the room.

"At least we know why he's here now," Cypress mused, his elemental tattoos shifting restlessly. "Though I have a feeling teaching isn't his only motivation."

His ocean-deep eyes flickered meaningfully toward me.

"Can we not?" I groaned, still uncomfortable with the earlier implications of my supposed chemistry with the Aether Lord. I’m already technically in a relationship with Lord Aetheron. Don’t get why there’s any implication I’d then need someone else on the love roaster. However, it felt interesting to see what a shift in romantic “popularity” I’m holding in these realms in comparison to the human realm. "We should focus on these scans everyone keeps talking about."

"Speaking of which," Solaris added, his sun-bright presence drawing attention from nearby students, "the scanning stations are divided by court. We should probably..."

"There you are!" a familiar voice called out.

We turned to see Elenore approaching with Finn in tow, both wearing academy uniforms that somehow accommodated their unique energies.

"Elenore! Finn!" I called out, genuinely happy to see their familiar faces. "I want you to meet some people." I gestured to my unusual entourage. Upon their arrival near us, I smiled warmingly before looking at my group. "These are my... well, they're..." I faltered, not quite sure how to describe our complex relationships.

Friends? Wolves? Pack? I’m not even sure what they wanted me to call them.

We should have gone over that and what all of this is before orientation, but can’t dwindle on the past.

"Her wolves," Nyx supplied helpfully, her galaxy eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, most of us. Though Liam here nearly missed the whole thing, being too busy decorating a planter with his breakfast after portal travel. His hissy fits are rather entertaining to witness if you ask me."

"I did not have a 'hissy fit,'" Liam growled, shadows curling defensively around him. "The portal transition was particularly rough today."

"Sure it was, Shadow Boy," Nyx teased. "That's why Sparrow and I handled it like the badass bitches we are, while you big strong alphas were green around the gills."

"These two," I interrupted, hoping to prevent another wolf squabble, "were actually the ones who helped me when I first came through the rift. Elenore's a healer, and Finn has portal master potential."

Cypress whistled, his elemental tattoos pulsing with interest.

"Portal master potential? No wonder you're here. That's rare even by our standards."

"Almost as rare as four court wolves all circling the same Omega," Elenore observed shrewdly, her knowing look making me blush.

"We're not circling," Solaris protested, though his sun-bright energy flickered tellingly. "We're just... ensuring her transition is smooth."

"Is that what we're calling it now?" Nyx snickered. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks an awful lot like?—"

"The scanning stations are this way," Finn interrupted diplomatically, though I caught his slight smile. "We should probably get going before the lines get too long."

As we started walking, Elenore fell into step beside me.

"You certainly know how to draw interesting company," she murmured. "Four court wolves, the attention of two Lords..."

"Don't," I groaned. I can only assume she and Finn witnessed my combative defiant confrontation with Lord Helios earlier. "I'm still trying to process everything myself."

"Process faster," Nyx called from ahead, her void energy swirling playfully. "Because something tells me these scans are going to make things even more interesting."

"The scanning process is quite fascinating," Finn explained as we approached the stations, his eyes lighting up with technical enthusiasm. "It's designed to read not just your current power levels, but your potential across all magical frequencies."

We watched as a student stepped into what looked like a crystalline chamber, various courts' energies swirling around them in a diagnostic dance.

"According to the Portal Master," Finn continued, "it only shows a fraction of what you're truly capable of. They keep it limited to prevent anyone from being targeted for their full potential. Quite clever, really."

"Our Finn here is basically a magical tech genius," Elenore added proudly, making him blush slightly. "If you need any equipment modified or explained, he's your go-to expert."

"And Elenore," Finn returned the praise, "is brilliant with healing magic. Her remedies can fix almost anything. Magical exhaustion, training injuries, even void-sickness."

"Which some of us clearly need," Nyx smirked, nudging Liam who growled softly in response.

An academy official began distributing schedules, the papers seeming to shimmer with different courts' energies. As each of us received ours, I noticed how the ink shifted and changed, adjusting to our individual resonances.

"Oh," Elenore smiled, looking at her schedule. "Advanced Healing Arts with Master Serra! I was hoping for that one."

I stared at my schedule, reading and rereading the professor listings.

"This... can't be right. Every single class has Lord Helios listed as an instructor or observer."

Solaris peered over my shoulder, his sun-bright energy warming my skin.

"Well, that's interesting. And look. We're all in the same classes." He waved his schedule, which matched mine perfectly. "All four wolves with our Omega."

"Let me see that," Nyx snatched my schedule, her galaxy eyes widening slightly. "Advanced Realm Walking, Combat Magic, Court Integration...okay, these aren't normal first-year classes. And yes…all with Lord Pretty Boy watching."

"At least we're together for Magical Theory first period and Advanced Energy Manipulation last period," Finn offered, comparing his and Elenore's schedules to ours. "Though our middle classes are different."

Liam's shadows curled anxiously as he studied the matching schedules.

"This is deliberate. They're keeping the pack together while..." he hesitated, glancing at me.

"While what?" I prompted.

"While keeping you under very specific observation," Cypress finished, his elemental tattoos rippling with concern. "Lord Helios doesn't do anything without purpose."

Elenore and Finn exchanged knowing looks.

"Well," Elenore said carefully, "at least you'll have healing class with me when things inevitably get... intense."

"This has to be rigged," I huffed, waving my schedule in frustration. "I'm not afraid of Lord Helios, but this level of gatekeeping is ridiculous. I wish Lord Aetheron was here. He'd probably have something to say about this."

Cypress let out a rich laugh that made his elemental tattoos dance.

"Oh Star Girl, you have no idea. Those two can barely be in the same room without the air practically combusting. Their...history is legendary."

"History?" Finn leaned forward, curiosity bright in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

Elenore tilted her head thoughtfully.

"Is it because they're opposites? Shadow and Aether naturally conflicting?"

"Opposites definitely attract in their case," Nyx snickered, her galaxy eyes sparkling with ancient knowledge. "Or should I say, attracted. Multiple times. Very passionately. Usually with property damage."

"Nyx!" Solaris tried to sound scandalized, but his sun-bright energy flickered with amusement. "We're not supposed to discuss court politics."

"What? It's basically common knowledge that they used to—" Nyx started, only to be cut off by Liam's warning growl.

"Used to what?" I asked, suddenly very interested in this piece of information about Aetheron's past.

"Share certain... interests," Cypress supplied diplomatically, though his ocean-deep eyes danced with mischief. "Including, apparently, a tendency to keep tabs on powerful Omegas."

"Not exactly," Nyx said, her voice dropping lower as other students passed by. "They were both drawn to the same women throughout history. A powerful Omega who could bridge realms. Sound familiar?" She gave me a meaningful look.

"But Liarel..." Cypress continued, his elements settling into a more subdued pattern. "She was different. She wasn't just another powerful Omega. She was..."

"The one," Solaris finished when Cypress trailed off. "The prophecied queen who could unite the courts. Both Lords pursued her, but she chose Aetheron. They say Helios never quite got over it."

She had to choose…

"Some say that's why he changed so many policies about female practitioners," Elenore added softly. "After Liarel chose the Twilight Court..."

I felt my head spinning with this new information.

"Wait," I whispered, pieces clicking together in my mind. "So when I showed up, with Liarel's essence..."

"And your own natural Omega power," Nyx nodded. "Plus your ability to stand up to him, just like she did..."

"History has a way of repeating itself," Liam said quietly, his shadows curling protectively around me. "Though sometimes with interesting variations."

"The thing about the Elders," Nyx explained, creating a small void bubble around our group for privacy, "is that they're stuck in their ways. Like, really stuck. We're talking millennia of rigid traditions."

"Even with Omegas," Solaris added, his sun-bright energy dimming slightly. "They knew that some of us would be drawn to the same ones, that fate itself would create these bonds, but..."

"But they couldn't handle the scandal," Cypress finished, his elemental tattoos shifting in agitation. "Any relationships had to be kept behind closed doors. Hidden away like some dirty secret."

"It's ridiculous," Nyx scoffed. "The mundane world has evolved. They accept all kinds of love now. Multiple partners, same-sex relationships, gender fluidity. Hell, they're more progressive than our 'ancient and wise' leaders."

Elenore nodded thoughtfully.

"The Council claims it's about preserving sacred traditions, but really..."

"Really, they're just afraid of change," Finn said quietly. "Afraid of what might happen if people started questioning their authority."

"So what you're saying is," I processed slowly, "even if an Omega naturally forms bonds with multiple partners..."

"The Council would expect them to choose just one," Liam confirmed, shadows writhing with barely contained frustration. "At least publicly."

"That sounds absolutely stupid," I muttered, shaking my head at the Council's backward thinking. "I mean, I barely understand what being an Omega means, but forcing people to deny natural bonds? In this century?"

"Oh honey," Nyx patted my arm sympathetically. "We'll have a nice long chat about all things Omega later. Preferably with wine. Lots of wine."

We reached the scanning station, its crystalline chamber pulsing with multicolored energy. The technician, a stern-looking Void Court member, gestured toward our group.

"Wolves first," she announced. "We need baseline readings from established power sources."

"Ladies first," Liam said with an exaggerated bow toward Nyx, his shadows curling with smug satisfaction.

The void wolf's galaxy eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Oh, is that so?" Before anyone could react, her foot shot out with precise accuracy, connecting solidly with Liam's groin. The shadow wolf's eyes bulged as he doubled over, a high-pitched whine escaping him.

"Nyx!" Elenore gasped, though I noticed she was fighting back a smile.

"What?" Nyx asked innocently while Liam collapsed to his knees. "He wanted to be gallant. I just helped him get lower to the ground."

Solaris shook his head, sun-bright energy flickering with barely contained amusement. "You did this to yourself, packmate," he told the groaning Liam. "You know better than to try that chivalry nonsense with her."

Cypress was already stepping into the scanner, his rich laugh making his elemental tattoos dance.

"Come on, guys. Let's get this done before Liam recovers enough to start a real fight."

The scanner hummed to life, various courts' energies swirling around Cypress as it read his power levels. His elements responded enthusiastically, creating a light show that had nearby students stopping to watch.

Solaris went next, his natural radiance almost overwhelming the scanner's crystals.

"Try not to break it," Nyx called out. "Some of us still need to use it."

"Your concern is touching," Solaris replied dryly as he stepped out.

Liam had finally managed to straighten up, though his walk was still somewhat stiff as he approached the scanner.

"I hate all of you," he muttered.

"No, you don't," Nyx sang out cheerfully. "You love us. Especially your precious Star Girl over here." She winked at me while Liam's shadows darkened with embarrassment.

The scanner seemed particularly interested in Liam's shadow magic, the crystals pulsing longer than they had for the others.

Finally, it was Nyx's turn.

"Watch and learn, pups," she said, sauntering toward the chamber. "This is how a real wolf handles a scanning."

She paused next to me before entering, leaning close to whisper in my ear.

"Sometimes," she murmured, her galaxy eyes sparkling with mischief, "you have to use a little violence to get the resolution that helps you. Especially with stubborn alpha males who think they know best."

"I can still hear you," Liam grumbled, though his shadows seemed to have relaxed slightly.

Nyx stepped into the scanner with a flourish, her void energy immediately creating patterns that shouldn't have been possible in our dimension.

The technician's eyes widened slightly as she recorded the readings.

Just as I stepped toward the scanner, Lady Aurora materialized in a flash of pure light, her perfect features arranged in practiced urgency.

"I simply must go next," she announced, her harmonious voice carrying across the space. "I have a full schedule with Professor Helios and need to prove his choice was well-founded."

Something told me she was lying her ass off, but I wasn’t going to ruin her parade. Attention seeking was her middle name, so let her continue chasing this imaginary momentum if it helps her sleep at night.

"By all means," I gestured to the scanner with exaggerated politeness. "Please, go right ahead."

Aurora's eyes narrowed at my easy acquiescence, clearly having expected a fight. Still, she lifted her chin and strode into the chamber with imperial grace.

The moment she entered, the scanner's crystals flared with intense light.

Her Aether energy poured off her in waves, making the magical measuring devices flicker and pulse. The technicians scrambled to adjust their readings as pure celestial power filled the chamber.

"Remarkable," one technician breathed, scribbling furiously. "Such raw Aether potential."

"Just as expected from Lord Helios's star pupil," another added, making Aurora's perfect smile widen.

The gathering crowd of students whispered in awe, though I noticed my wolves looking distinctly unimpressed. Nyx actually yawned, earning her a sharp elbow from Solaris.

Of course , none of this impresses her.

"Impressive indeed, Lady Aurora," the head technician said as she exited the chamber. "Your Aether affinity is quite strong."

"Naturally," she preened, tossing her perfect hair over her shoulder. As she passed our group, she paused. "Try not to be too disappointed when your readings prove...less remarkable."

I can’t even try to tame the way my eyes roll at her theatrics in belittling me.

"Let's get this over with," I said with a casual shrug, returning Aurora's venom with honey.

"You'll be fine," Elenore called encouragingly while Finn gave me a thumbs up. My wolves watched intently, though I noticed Nyx practically vibrating with anticipation.

I stepped into the chamber, waiting for something to happen.

The crystals remained dark, no reading registering at all.

The technician frowned at her instruments.

"That's odd. The scanner isn't detecting any magical signature." She tapped the crystals, looking puzzled. "Perhaps if you could..."

"Oh well," I shrugged, moving to leave. "Guess I'm not that important after?—"

My foot landed on the central marking, and suddenly every crystal in the chamber exploded with light. The measuring devices shrieked, their needles spinning past any marked limits before breaking completely. Power surged through the chamber — shadow and starlight, void and aether, all courts' magic responding simultaneously to my presence.

The crowd gasped as the readings continued to climb, the machine's crystals vibrating at a frequency that threatened to shatter them. And there I stood, one foot still raised mid-stride, watching the chaos with mild surprise.

"Vash'nor thy'leth supreme," an Elder's voice cut through the commotion, the ancient words carrying weight and recognition. "The Convergence Walked has awakened."

The other technicians were speaking in a different tongue, yet it translated fluidly in my mind. Despite that, they were speaking far too fast — their words fumbling together in urgency as if they didn’t know what the hell they were going to do.

Lord Helios appeared in a flash of celestial light, his iridescent robes swirling as he placed his hands on the scanner's frame. Golden energy poured from him, stabilizing the wildly fluctuating readings before the entire system could collapse.

"Well," I said into the stunned silence, still balanced on one foot. I was too shocked to even blush with how embarrassing this felt. "This is awkward."

Lord Helios's iridescent eyes met mine, one perfect eyebrow arching as he took in my still-raised foot. The corner of his mouth twitched almost imperceptibly.

"Oops?" I offered with my best innocent smile. "Clearly I did this wrong. I should probably just..." I gestured vaguely toward the exit.

His expression shifted to something distinctly unimpressed, though I could have sworn I saw amusement dancing in those ever-changing eyes.

"We need five minutes to reset the equipment," he announced to the gathered crowd, his harmonious voice brooking no argument. "Lady Sparrow, bring your..." he paused, giving my wolves a pointed look, "...pups with you."

"Why do I need to—" I started to ask, hurrying after his retreating form. My foot caught on the scanner's platform edge, sending me pitching forward.

Without even looking back, Lord Helios's left arm shot out, catching me smoothly with a pitch of wind that left me practically levitating until I was against his side. It was as though he'd been expecting exactly this to happen.

"Still as clumsy as ever, I see," he muttered, the words not meant for public consumption.

"What did you just say?" I asked, steadying myself against his arm, noting how his iridescent robes felt like captured starlight under my fingers.

"Speak less, follow more, Lady Sparrow," Lord Helios said, still supporting my weight as if I were light as air. His iridescent robes rippled around us both, creating auroras where they touched my skin.

"My Lord!" Aurora's voice cut through the tension, her perfect features arranged in what she clearly thought was an appealing mixture of devotion and distress. "Surely you'll want to discuss my readings first? They were quite?—"

"Not now, Lady Aurora," he dismissed without even looking at her, continuing his stride with me still tucked against his side. The casual rejection drew several poorly concealed snickers from the gathered students.

"But my Lord!" Aurora persisted, her voice taking on a shrill edge. She stepped directly into our path, her light magic flaring with desperation. "Why would you waste time on someone who couldn't even activate the scanner properly? Surely someone with my level of power deserves?—"

The temperature in the room dropped suddenly as Lord Helios stopped moving.

His power spiked so dramatically that everyone — students, technicians, even my wolves — dropped into immediate bows. Only I remained upright — or I guess, floating — though that was largely because he was still supporting me.

Aurora fell to her knees, her perfect composure finally cracking as Lord Helios looked down at her with eyes that now blazed like trapped supernovas.

"Let us discuss what you lack, Lady Aurora, since you seem so eager to make comparisons," Lord Helios's voice carried harmonics that made the very air vibrate with power. "First and foremost, you lack the basic respect required of an academy student."

His iridescent robes had stopped their fluid movement, now crackling with barely contained energy as he continued to support me. The contrast between his gentle hold on my waist and the devastating power radiating from him was striking.

"You demonstrate a concerning deficit in observation skills, choosing instead to rely on your mouth rather than your eyes or intellect. The Lords of each court are here by choice, not obligation. Our presence is a privilege, not a right. One that can be revoked at any moment should students prove...unworthy."

Aurora's perfect face had gone pale, her own light magic dimming in response to his overwhelming presence. Around us, other students pressed themselves closer to the walls, trying to become invisible.

"Let me make something abundantly clear to everyone present," he continued, his gaze sweeping the room. "Disrespect toward any Professor or Council member will result in immediate and severe consequences. I personally will not hesitate to revoke academy acceptance should any student prove incapable of maintaining proper decorum."

His power pulsed with each word, making the crystals in the room sing with resonant frequencies.

"As for your questioning of Lady Sparrow's capabilities..." A cruel smile curved his perfect lips. "Had you bothered to observe rather than interrupt, you would have noticed my name appearing in bright red at the exit of her scan. A designation reserved for those chosen for private instruction under my personal supervision."

Gasps echoed through the room as everyone's eyes snapped to the scanner's exit panel, where indeed, Lord Helios's name blazed in crimson letters alongside my readings.

"But— but that's impossible," Aurora stammered, still kneeling. "The scanner barely?—"

"The scanner," Lord Helios cut her off, "recorded the highest readings in academy history from a single foot's worth of contact. Imagine, Lady Aurora, what might have happened had Lady Sparrow actually completed the scanning process." His voice dripped with sarcasm. " Though I suppose such observations might be beyond your current...capabilities."

Aurora's face flushed with humiliation as scattered whispers broke out among the students. Even the technicians were failing to hide their reactions to this public dressing down.

"I- I apologize, my Lord," Aurora managed, her voice small. "It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't," he replied coldly. "Now, if we're quite finished with this display of inadequacy, Lady Sparrow and I have matters to discuss." He glanced at my wolves. "You four as well. Come."

I couldn’t say a word of defiance as he carried me with my wolves in tow.

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