F reya is quiet, clearly a little shocked as we lie in bed. Her hand is playing with mine, but she’s not paying attention. When she speaks, I startle at how sudden it is.
“Why are you truly here with me?” she queries. This is not the first time she’s asked, but it is the first time she isn’t angry or sad, just curious. Her eyes lift to mine and beg me to give her something to understand.
I could lie to her or distract her like I have in the past, but I do not want to. I don’t want to lie to her, not after today, so for once, I give her some of the truth.
Taking a deep breath, I stare into her eyes, which I know better than my own. I never expected it to become like this, but I wouldn’t change it. I would never go back and undo what I did, because it gave me her.
“A very long time ago, someone made a deal to save your life. I’m keeping that deal and repaying it,” I admit.
She blinks. It’s clearly not what she expected, but it’s the truth. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday, the blood we used to seal it and the way we bound my soul to hers for eternity—not that she knows that. If she dies, it will destroy me. If I die, then she will die. We are forever linked, but she’s scared enough, so that’s all I tell her.
“Who made the deal?” she asks, searching my gaze for answers she doesn’t truly want.
“When you’re ready, I’ll tell you,” I promise.
Her face closes down, and with a huff, she flips over, trying to ignore me.
Chuckling, I move closer, spooning her as I wrap her in my arms. “One day, not never, little witch. I promise you that.”
“Whatever, demon.” She tries to scoot away, but I drag her into my arms.
“You need to sleep. Tomorrow, we will hunt your creature and the masked necromancer, but tonight, just rest. I have you.”
It takes her a while, but she relaxes into my arms and finally falls asleep, snoring ever so softly—a noise I have memorised.
As she does, I lean in like I do every night. “Adder, my real name is Adder.” My name gives power, but this little witch already has power over my soul, body, and heart. If we are honest, she always has. Giving her that last shred of me does nothing, and I have the strangest need for her to speak it one day and call me hers.
The darkness welcomes me, even as the creatures dwelling within the forest, ones that feel stronger and older than me, keep their distance.
What am I?
Where am I?
I do not know. I feel more like somebody’s thought, but I am real. I glance down at my hands. Hands, how do I know the word?
I do not know. All I know is that my eyes opened to find that woman before me and the darkness surrounded me, calling to me. Who is she? Is she the one who called me?
Was it her ?
What am I?
These questions plague me as I wander a world I do not know, yet simultaneously seem to know everything about. Even now, I feel her calling to me. The darkness within her seems to match the one I feel flowing through my veins, yet she looked . . . scared.
I feel another call, something different and earthy, and it blasts through the forest, awakening all the creatures. It’s a cry for help, something instinctive. It screams of pain, terror, and anger.
Wolf. Something tells me it’s a wolf.
Turning, I lumber towards that call with nothing else to do.