Court of Heathens (Courts and Kings #4) Chapter 25 47%
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Chapter 25


P hrixius and I explode into the cave where we tracked the creature. Luckily for my little witch, I am tied to her soul, and after fighting to conjure another portal, we followed that tie to this mountain. Phrixius was a very bad sport about climbing, but I couldn’t risk us evaporating up the side and plunging to our deaths. I would not look good flattened, so instead, we climbed while he complained, but we are here now. We storm into the dark oval entrance, only to come to a stop, our war cries dying on our lips as we share a confused look.

“Well, it looks like we didn’t need to rush to save you. We could have stopped for that iced coffee like I wanted, but no, somebody said it wasn’t important.” I glance at Phrixius, wagging my finger. “Now, don’t you feel silly for worrying? Plus, it looks like she needs some caffeine after that . . . workout.”

Freya’s face flushes as she struggles to sit up, but the creature holding her tugs her back down, narrowing his red eyes on us, but he doesn’t appear angry. A good fuck can do that to a guy.

“I am so confused.” Phrixius’s face is red as he meets Freya’s eyes and tries to be a gentleman.

Leaning in, I whisper, “Need me to give you a book on sex, buddy? See, the penis goes—” He throws me a glare as I cackle. “I told you she likes to fuck monsters. Pay up.”

“You bet I would fuck the monster that abducted me?” Freya snaps.

I blink at her anger. “Yes?” I reply slowly. “I wasn’t wrong, was I? Now we both get to benefit since Phrixius owes us a whole island.”

“An island?” she scoffs haughtily. “Wait, nice bet, I could use a holiday after all this. Can it be somewhere warm?” she asks Phrixius.

“Can we focus please?” he snaps. “This creature abducted you. We thought you were in danger.”

“So did I. I thought he would eat me,” she begins.

“Oh, he did that for sure.” I chuckle.

They both pin me with exasperated looks while the creature in question just snuggles closer to her. “What, a guy can’t have fun? I was riding in here to rescue you, so at least let me enjoy this since I didn’t get to kill anyone. I guess we don’t have to worry about the creature eating and killing people—wait, I’m not sharing the bed with that thing. It’s huge and looks like a cover hog.”

“Mine,” the creature snaps, tugging Freya closer.

“Ours,” I retort. “We share here, buddy.”

“Share?” he asks slowly.

“Share.” I nod. “I guess it works out. She has three holes?—”

“Oh my fucking gods, please stop!” she yells, and we all fall silent. She struggles from the creature’s embrace, pointing at him when he tries to drag her back. “No, bad, stop. Give me a minute.” Despite being totally naked and dripping in monster cum, she stands, propping her hands on her hips and looking every inch the defiant witch as she watches us. “Right, enough. I can fuck whomever I want, and I don’t want any judgment or arguments. Understood?” She glances at me.

“Understood, little witch.” I nod with a grin. “As long as I’m one of them.”

Huffing, she looks at Phrixius. “Understood?”

“Understood.” He nods quickly, glancing at me. “I didn’t even do anything?—”

“Enough,” she snaps, and the god actually closes his mouth. She looks at the monster then. “Understood? I don’t belong to anyone. ”

“Mine,” he snarls.

She snarls back, and despite the shadows now leaking from him in anger or the fact that he’s huge and clearly evil, she points in his face. “No.” Her eyes narrow. “I am my own, and if you cannot accept that, I will never touch you again.”

He shrinks back, his shadows receding into him. “Fine.” He pouts.

“Good, now that’s sorted, I need clothes.”

“Why? I like the cavewoman look you are—” I fly back into the wall, hit by her magic. Groaning, I get to my feet and snap my fingers, swiftly dressing her. “So rude to your rescuers.”

“So we are . . . accepting this creature?” Phrixius asks cordially.

Freya shrugs. “He’s harmless.”

“It is an entity of darkness and unnatural. It shouldn’t even exist. It feels ancient and wrong,” Phrixius admits, and we all stare at the creature who is busy rubbing against Freya’s leg like a house cat.

“Terrifying,” I comment drily.

“I want nothing but this woman, Freya.” It drags her name out to a hiss, and I don’t miss the way her cheeks heat, making me grin. My girl really does love to fuck monsters. God, she’s amazing, but I pretend to be put out.

“So now we are sharing three ways. There are only so many days in a week?—”

“Three ways?” Freya interrupts, looking at Phrixius, but he says nothing, and she rubs her head.

“You are all idiots.” She stalks past us, bursting from the cave. There’s nowhere for her to go, so I don’t worry, but I do step closer to the monster, letting my expression go cold and dead as I channel my power.

“If you hurt her, I don’t care how long it takes, I will find a way to rip you apart and scatter your soul across the world so you will suffer for eternity.” I blink then smile. “Welcome to the family, killer.”

“I have only killed some.” It frowns. “Are we not supposed to?”

“Oh yeah, you’ll fit right in.” I glance at Phrixius to see him watching the entrance anxiously. “What is it? ”

“Did you feel that?” he whispers, his eyes widening as he looks at me. “That call?”

My heart stops and stutters. I was so focused on the creature, I didn’t feel it at first, but I do now.

Darkness and death.

It’s a scream, a call in the air.

We both rush from the cave to find Freya’s eyes completely black as she floats in the air before collapsing to the ground in a slump.

“Freya!” I scream in horror, dropping to my knees at her side and pulling her into my arms. “Little witch, wake up!” I demand, shaking her, but her eyelids don’t even flutter. “Freya, please!”

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