“ T hat’s it, keep reaching for it. It’s like you would use your witch powers. It’s the intention that matters and how you wield it. It comes from the same place, but you locked that necromancer side away a long time ago. We need to free it slowly so it cannot be used against you or take you by surprise and leave you weak. I was hoping we could keep it locked away forever, but clearly we can’t, so you need to learn to control it. First, we’ll release it, just like that. Nice and slowly, like opening a door an inch at a time. You are doing great,” Phrixius instructs.
We sit opposite each other, our knees touching.
My demon took the zombie and creature for a walk to give us some peace since they keep sending my powers into disarray. I calmed down after my demon held me, and he urged me to come back. Neither Phrixius nor the creature commented on it. They simply smiled and welcomed me back. None of them looked at me differently, and Phrixius wasn’t hesitant to touch me or be around me.
I keep my eyes closed, focusing on his words. Now that I’m looking inside myself, I see the darkness I was hiding from. At first, I jerked away with fear, but his soothing voice urges me to reach for it. As if it were waiting for this, it surges towards me, making me gasp as my body jerks.
“Relax and do not fear it. It is a part of you, nothing more. It is controlled by you, not the other way around. That’s it, just breathe and let it flow through you. Do not block it or retreat. Fear is your biggest enemy. It will sense heightened emotions and react.”
Nodding, I try to relax, but as that darkness surges through my veins, it feels like my whole body fills to the point of bursting, like a balloon. The power is so strong, I’m surprised I’m not floating away.
This is so much more than I could have ever imagined, and the dark edge feels like vines slithering through my skin. Its sharp edges dig in, taking root. It’s ready to be wielded. I don’t know how long I sit here, fighting through it, before it finally stops.
It sits just under my skin, which feels too tight, but it’s still and I can take a deep breath. My eyes open and clash with Phrixius’s.
He nods. “You’re doing amazing, Freya,” he praises. “Okay, you have released it. Now you must learn to control it. Just like your normal powers, it reacts to what you want and feel, so you need an iron fist. If you get mad, it could mean someone’s death. You need to be aware of that at all times. Imagine a wall, any is fine, and build it inside yourself.”
“Around my power?” I ask with a frown.
“No, around your soul. You must be strong. Think of the strongest wall you can and imagine it surrounding you so nothing can penetrate it, and then step inside it.”
I do as I’m told. It takes a while, and the wall crumbles a few times, so I change from wood to steel. Once I’m inside it, I open my eyes and meet his.
“Good, now every time you feel panic, scared, or angry, imagine it bouncing off that wall and back in until you can control it,” he murmurs.
My back aches, so it’s clear we have been here for hours.
“We’ll take a little break, and then we will try to block the other necromancer and practice control. Unfortunately, we do not have time to go slow or take it easy. You need to learn as quickly as you can. I don’t specialise in necromancy, but I have met enough and know their history, so I can help a little.”
Nodding, I watch him as he stretches his arms up.
“Why haven’t you killed me?” I murmur. “You’re a god, one of magic. It’s your job to stop necromancers . . . so why didn’t you kill me?”
His arms drop as he eyes me, thinking how to respond.
“I should have. It’s my duty,” he admits. “But I couldn’t do it. You were not what I was expecting when I felt the call. You are good. Deep down, you are good. You are not evil, and you haven’t given into the darkness. I was just hoping I could save you and that you were strong enough to fight it. Maybe we can change history for the better this time. I never liked having to end a whole kind just because there is magic in them. As the god of magic, I understand it all has its place, but the others feared it. I was hoping if I were here, then I could help somehow and that I could save you. I have seen so much death, Freya. For once, I wanted life. I wanted to believe in hope. I wanted to believe in you.”
“Why me?”
“I don’t know,” he replies. “There’s something in you, something different. Despite what you are, you still fight to be good. You’re so strong and filled with life, even with death at your fingertips. You are a perfect blend of naivety and anger, sinner and saint, witch and human, good and bad. If anyone stands a chance, Freya, it’s you, and I want you to win. I believe you can. Without hope, what’s the point of living?”
“For a god, you believe a lot in this world. I thought they were all ancient and had given up?” I joke.
He laughs, laying his hand on my knee. “I nearly did. When you live this long, nothing is exciting anymore, but then you came along. For better or worse, you brought life back into my world. You reminded me why I protect our people and what it means to be a god. You know more about living and happiness than even a god, Freya. Never forget that.”
I lean in and place my hand on his. His eyes widen, and I drink in his reaction, but I need to know. “And you fucked me because you want me or because you were worried about my powers?”
I need to know where I stand with him before I get too attached. I like him, and I like spending time with him. Where my demon encourages me to be mischievous and enjoy life, Phrixius slows me down and reminds me to smile and look around.
I’m starting to adore him and the way he looks at me despite what I am, and I need to know before I get hurt. There is a lot going on, but I still want the answer, and I’m not afraid to ask.
I’ve lived in the dark my entire life, and I refuse to anymore.
“Both,” he answers. “I saw you struggling, and at first, I wanted to help absorb some of it for you so you didn’t fall into the darkness, but then at the first taste of you, I was lost. There is a reason the demon sticks around, Freya—you are addicting. Yes, I want you more than I have ever wanted any being in a thousand lifetimes. It’s a terrifying thought for a god, but it’s true. I want you even now . . . maybe more now. I want to taste your darkness. I want to see you shatter and come apart for me. It’s dangerous, but I want it.”
“Then do it,” I say. “Test me, test how I can control myself now with these powers while we play. If anyone can stop it and keep everyone safe from me, it’s you.”
“And what if I want to keep you safe from the world?”
“Then do that too. Show me how much you want me,” I purr as I lean in, sliding my hand up his thigh as I hold his blazing eyes. “Remind me I’m alive and that I’m good.”
He needs no more prodding, and we tumble to the floor. Our lips meet in a flurry as we drag our hands over each other.
I feel his magic hit me, ripping off my clothes so I’m bare, and I return the favour. I strip him with a thought, and our bare bodies press together.
Our kiss never breaks, not even as his hand slides down my side and across my thigh, hooking around my leg and lifting it as he breaks our kiss and kneels between my parted legs. I meet his eyes as he turns his head and kisses my calf before sliding his tongue up my thigh. I arch up, and he kneels, his tongue inching higher and higher .
Reaching down, I grip his hair, wanting him there. He grins at my impatience but gives me what I want. His tongue drags over my cunt until I cry out. He lashes my clit before slipping it inside me and fucking me with it, thrusting it deeper before pulling out and moving to my ass, where he circles my hole as I shudder.
I feel his magic push inside my pussy, fucking me like a cock as he licks my ass until I can’t handle it. I explode with a cry as I clench around his magic. He slides up my body, still fucking me with magic, but my release only seems to have unlocked more power inside me.
Snarling, I hit him with it, and he falls back as I pounce, straddling him. I grab his cock and sink onto his length, taking what I want.
My hands hit his chest, and I roll my hips, taking him deeper.
Phrixius’s eyes narrow, and I fly back from his magic, a net across my back as he tugs my hips up and slams inside me. He impales me on his cock, my scream filling the air. I push back and take him deeper.
So much pleasure arcs through me, I cannot even breathe. He uses the magic that fills him like a weapon, clamping onto my nipples. Pain and pleasure collide, and I weep beneath him.
Gathering all my power, I hit him with it and free myself from his hold. I manage to flip to my back before he’s on me again.
“I’m a god, remember? I can handle anything you throw at me. You can scare everyone else in the world, but not me,” he warns as he lifts my legs and thrusts his length back into me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I grip my breasts, tweaking and twisting my nipples as he watches me.
“Fuck, Freya, just like that. Goddamn, I could never deny you anything.”
“No?” I reply, an evil grin curling up my lips. “But you said you can handle me. Let’s see.”
The darkness rises, wrapping around us and tightening like a vice, claiming his power and death, and he narrows his eyes. His power pushes mine back, but I pour more into it, testing him even as I arch and cry out when he bottoms out inside me.
He hisses as the darkness slams into him like a weapon, then he reaches down, grips my throat, and slams my head back to the floor, cutting off my air so the darkness retreats, wrapping around me protectively.
His hand tightens on my throat as he snarls above me, keeping me on the verge of death as he hammers into me.
It’s so fucking hot.
His power tames me, and it also allows me to let go.
I shatter, screaming his name, and as my cunt grips his cock, he roars my name as he pumps his release into me.
When the pleasure frees us, we slump together, and he kisses my throat even as I chuckle. He meets my gaze and starts to laugh as well.
A noise makes us turn our heads to see my demon, creature, and the zombie at the entrance. There is a metal dog leash attached to the zombie with his name bedazzled across the collar.
“Really, I have to walk your pets while you two fuck?” We both look at my demon, who shakes his head. “I’m disappointed. You could have at least let me join.”
“Or me,” my creature adds.
I laugh, feeling happier than I have in a very long time.
“Good, again,” Phrixius demands, and I close my eyes and focus on his magic trying to seep inside me. I block it once more, my eyes popping open with a grin. “Very good. We’ll keep practising that every day, but for now, we need to test your abilities.”
“I don’t want to,” I admit.
“Hiding from them won’t make them go away. Being a necromancer doesn’t mean you’re inherently evil. Unfortunately, those who came before you chose that path, but the powers themselves are over death and reanimation. There is beauty to that and even joy,” Phrixius explains. “Let’s start here.” He makes a flower, the purple rose wilted and long since forgotten. “Bring it back to life. Make it beautiful again.”
Taking a deep breath, I focus on the rose. He’s right. I can’t hide from what I am, which means I need to train to know how to control it. The worst choice would be to leave it alone and not understand its strengths and weaknesses. That won’t help me at all.
Closing my eyes, I reach for the flower, letting the dark vine inside me unfurl and reach through towards it. It hurts, and I screw my eyelids tighter together. I can taste my blood in my mouth, but I keep going. Silently, those vines seek death, not life. It is not how I thought it would be. It seems to crave the decay in its petals and wants to consume it, turning it into power.
I thought necromancy was about reanimating life, but this seems like it wants to use death. It scares me so much my eyes fling open. Phrixius is grinning at me, completely unaware. “Good, Freya!” I follow his gaze down to the flower, which is now fully blooming, bright with life and a future.
As I stare at that alive flower, I start to wonder if necromancy is truly evil, but as the vine slithers back into place, fed and happy, I shiver in horror, knowing it can be. That feeling, even a little, let me know how easily it could be corrupted.
It wanted death. It didn’t care how it got it, whether from something already passed or still living.
“Again.” Phrixius conjures a whole plant this time.
I’m hesitant, but I follow his instructions. The more control I learn, the better. I don’t want something like that living inside me unchecked. If it truly is evil, and if I am destined to kill and slaughter, then I’ll do my fucking best to stop it. I will not let it win, which means learning control.
I’ll practise so much it never consumes me. I’ll show them all. I have no other choice.
Hours later, I’m covered in a cold sweat and exhausted. I practised until I couldn’t lift my hand anymore. Magic takes a toll, and new magic is wild and harder to maintain. My bones ache and my skin feels uncomfortably tight as I crawl into my bed. Phrixius and my demon are watching me, both worried, but I wave them off.
“I just need to rest a little, then I’ll carry on.”
“Rest,” Phrixius says. “You cannot afford to be weak. ”
I am glad he’s taking this seriously, even if we both know why. He doesn’t want to kill me. He wants me to beat this, and so do I.
My creature, who was happily eating, polishes off the bowl and heads my way, climbing into my bed. My eyes widen as he wraps himself around me, purring happily. “Erm . . .” I try to scoot away, but he clings on tighter, and honestly, I’m too tired to fight him. I just slump into his warm embrace, letting it comfort me after a long day.
“We can’t keep calling you creature,” I murmur.
“You call me demon,” my demon mutters.
“Only because you won’t tell me your name!” I snap before glancing over my shoulder and softening my tone. “Do you have a preference on a name?”
“Whatever you wish to call me, I will cherish.” He presses even closer. I feel his length hardening, but I choose to ignore it and the flash of desire that slides through me.
“How about third wheel? Annoying? Inappropriate?” my demon starts, so I flick my fingers and sew his mouth shut. He mumbles something behind it as he begins to unwind the magic, giving me at least a few moments of peace.
Turning in the creature’s arms, I look up at his monstrously handsome face and try to think, but the first word that pops out of my mouth is equally as strange but almost fitting. “Sha?”
“Sha? Isn’t that just a sound?” Phrixius asks.
“No,” I reply. “I heard it once, a long time ago, in a fairy tale.” I snuggle deeper into the bed, a wide yawn splitting my face. “The elders were telling it to us to scare us, describing a big bad monster coming to eat little witches.” A soft smile curves my lips.
“He ate you, that’s for sure,” my demon interrupts, but I ignore him.
“So I am . . . the villain of this fairy tale?” Sha asks.
“No, not to me. When they told us how this creature was made, I always felt sorry for it. I always felt it was not the monster, but the victim of the witches’ own greed. He was an outcast who was alone and confused. He just wanted the same thing they did—peace—but they wouldn’t let him have it. He was different, and I guess I always liked that. It’s still my favourite story.”
“Sha.” He watches me. “Then that is what you will call me, after the monster that first stole your heart.”
“I knew you had an obsession with monsters, but you had that fetish as a child too? I would say it’s sick, but I’m quite proud—” My demon’s words cut off again as I sew his mouth shut without looking.
“I’ll get the scissors,” Phrixius says, making me laugh as I bury my head in Sha’s chest, letting him hold me protectively.
Sadly, he cannot protect me from what lives inside me.
None of them can. It’s up to me, and that fear follows me into my dreams.