I suppose I should feel something. I have spent millennia serving these worlds as a god, but I walked away, and the only thing I feel is freedom.
Have I given enough for my duty? Yes is the simple answer.
I have given enough, but I would give more to bring her back. Mors said there is hope, and I have to believe it. Nobody understands death more than he does. I never thought he would be on my side, but as he watched me go, I saw the truth he hides from them.
He stands with us, with the humans and this world, not the gods.
He might do his duty, but it’s for us, not them.
I do not know where to begin, but I have a vague feeling I must find Adder and Sha. If we are to bring our girl back, then we need all her pieces and bonds. One had a deal with her, and the other was created by her. We are tied to her.
Finding them is easier said than done, though, because the gods took them and didn’t tell me where they hid them. I know they are alive. I can sense their magic in the world. We were around each other enough to create our own bonds as well, and it is that which I follow as I wander aimlessly through the world.
I follow the tug deep into the Earth’s crust until my feet are ripped open from the rock and I am spent and exhausted. I wander for days in the wilderness not even the humans dare explore. Deep in the earth, the air becomes hard to breathe and my lungs beg for oxygen. I become lightheaded, but I do not stop, and when I stumble around a corner, I still.
There, hanging from chains, snarling and biting like a wild animal, is Adder . . . but not as I remember.
Half of his body is melted, and he’s almost feral, fighting to free himself.
“Demon,” I murmur, stumbling over to him. I watch his muscles grow around the spelled chains. Snarling, I fling my magic at them and they snap, falling to the ground and hissing with the fire that flows from him.
He falls to his knees, his body shuddering and trying to heal, but he claws at the ground, a whine leaving his lips. When I fall to my knees before him, I realise it’s not a sound, but a name.
Her name.
He once told me breaking the deal would kill her, but if anything, I think it has killed him.
“Demon, pull it together,” I order.
“Freya is gone.” He looks at me, his eyes burning with hatred and vengeance, and I am reminded just what he is capable of. Things could end badly for this world. “You let them kill her.”
“She killed herself,” I snarl as his hand wraps around my throat, and I show him. He must know, he has to know, and I can’t bear to speak it. When it’s over, he slumps, all of his energy gone.
“My little witch.” It’s a sorrowful cry.
“I know.” I lay my arm across his back, tugging him close even as he pushes at me before he slumps and begins to cry.
I know he loves her, but seeing the proof brings tears to my eyes. If she were here, she’d want me to help him. She’d want me to look after him. I failed her, but I won’t fail her again. I can do this. I can bring us back together.
It’s the only shot we have .
Cupping his half-burnt face, I peer into his eyes. “Shh, I have you. We can bring her back, brother. I know we can, but I need your help.”
“She’s gone.” His voice is sadder than I have ever heard it. Everything the little witch instilled in him, all that love and laughter, is gone, and in its place is the supernatural creature made for death and murder.
“Not forever, I know it. If you look past your pain, you will feel it too. There is a chance, but I cannot do this alone.” I press my forehead to his, searching his eyes. “She needs us. Will you help me bring her back?”
“You think you can?” he asks, hope blooming in his eyes as his skin starts to heal.
“I have to try.” Standing, I offer him my hand.
He looks up at my face, swallowing hard before he gives me his taloned hand—a demon and a god making a pact.
“I will do anything to bring her back. Let’s do it.”
“As would I.” I clench his hand tightly. “Now let’s make our family whole again.”