Court of Heathens (Courts and Kings #4) Chapter 52 96%
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Chapter 52


O ur little paradise cannot last forever. Despite being locked in my home for two days straight, where they showed me how much they missed me, I know we have other things to deal with. The gods will not give up if they know I am alive.

They will hunt me forever, and moreover, I am a danger to my coven.

As I look over my sleeping men, I realise one thing—this place is not my home anymore—they are.

If I remain here, I could put everyone in danger, not to mention I do not wish to hide anymore and the coven will never accept who or what I am. I also can’t be away from my men, which means I will have to leave. It makes me sad because this place has been my shelter, my protection, and my home for so long, but I know it’s time to move on. It’s time to find out who I really am and enjoy my life.

For now, though, I soak in the morning light and quiet happiness we have fought hard for, and I let them rest, knowing they will need it.

I do not know where we will go. I suppose it depends on if we survive the gods’ wrath or not, but as long as we are together, it does not matter.

I was right. Our peace could not last forever. Word has spread of my return, and the coven has amassed outside my home. I dress and pack up the last of my things, boxing them in case we have time to come back, and then I step out to face them.

Agatha stands there, but she looks worried, not hostile. Stepping closer, I take her hands and kiss the backs of them. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You sheltered me and took me in despite knowing what I was. I will forever owe you my life for that.”

“You owe me nothing. You were an innocent child, one of us, I simply did what was right. I owed your mother—” She swallows, and tears well in her eyes. “I see it in you now, that power.”

“I am okay,” I promise. “I will not harm anyone.” I glance back at my men. “They are here to make sure of it.”

“They will never allow you to live.” She squeezes my hands. “You must hide.”

“No, I am done hiding.” After kissing her hands once more, I step back. “I will leave, and I will not be back. I will not endanger anyone here, and I know despite you all thinking I’m odd and strange, you have loved me, protected me, and lived with me. I will miss this place, but if you ever need me, I will be here. I will always answer your call.” I look back at Agatha. “It’s time I found my own home, though, and time I found a future rather than living in the present.”

“I wish you all the luck in the world,” she calls brightly. “Word has spread about what happened in the city. The threat is gone, and we are all safe once more thanks to you. Remind them of that if they come for you. Remind them what you sacrificed, and tell them evil is not born, it’s created. You, my child, are not evil. You never were and never will be, not with a heart so full. Whenever you need a reminder, come back here. There will always be a home for you,” she promises.

Taking Phrixius’s hand, I nod and smile, looking over the coven that I realise did not come out of fear, but out of concern, to say goodbye.

I spare a glance at Phrixius. “Take us to the gods. Let us end this so we can move on.” I glance back at my coven and smile. No words can express how thankful I am for this life. They will always be part of it, but I’m excited for what’s to come.

We fade and appear on the dais, the one I died upon not too long ago.

There are no chains on my wrists this time, and my men stand at my side as the gods appear, called by the disturbance.

“How?” they ask as they all speak as one.

I hold up my hands. “I will stop the abomination, pervert of nature talk right here,” I warn them, arching my eyebrow. “We are here to make a deal and finish this so we can move on with our lives.”

“There is no moving on. Your death is demanded.”

I roll my eyes, and Phrixius steps forward. “And her death was given,” he retorts. “You will not get it again. She is linked to us now. Our souls reside in her. If you kill her, you will kill us all. You might be okay with killing a necromancer or a demon or even a creature of the night, but can you kill one of your own? Fallen or not, I am tied to this world, and killing me would alter it. You know that.”

They look unsettled, all except Mors, who grins, winking at me when I catch his eye.

“Freya has already died, so she has paid her price. She will not commit any crimes. Our magic helps her control who and what she is. She is not evil. She is simply asking for a chance at life. We cannot keep repeating history. It is time for a new future. The world is changing, and so must we. I ask you to spare us. I ask you to make a deal with us. In return, I will leave this place with her and be at her side forever, protecting her and keeping an eye on her. All I ask is that you allow us to leave and do not follow us.”

“You would give up everything for her?”

“I already have,” he says proudly. “And I have never been happier.”

“I see no issue,” Mors remarks. “Technically, the necromancer died, and what is standing there is a mix of a god, a creature, a demon, and a witch. ”

“If we allow her to live, then we are announcing that we condone necromancers being born and living,” someone else says.

“Is that such a bad thing?” Mors retorts. “The dark wars are over, so leave them in the past. I say let’s give necromancers another chance. They might just surprise you. Plus, this world needs a bit more dark magic to fight true evil out there.”


“Oh, shut up, Vanessa,” Mors snaps. “You’re boring me. We’ll kill the evil ones, like always, but we’ll let the innocent live. It seems like a fair deal to me.” Mors stands. “Now hurry up and make the deal. I wish to get back to my mate. I left her in bed, and she will be angry when I return.” He looks far too happy about that.

The gods share a look, and I hold my breath. Can they truly embrace the chance, or will this all be for nothing?

“If—and that is a big if—we allow this deal, then you cannot go back to your coven. You are too much of a risk.”

“I don’t plan to,” I reply, “nor do I wish to harm anyone. I just want to be given the same opportunity as anyone else to have a life, free from looking over my shoulder.”

“I suppose we have no choice,” Vanessa murmurs. “We cannot kill Phrixius, he is right, so we’ll make a deal. This will not change overnight because there is too much history with the necromancers, but maybe we should give them a chance—one chance. If they prove they cannot live amongst us again, then we will not hesitate to end their kind, you included.”

I smile brightly. “You won’t need to.” I truly believe that because it’s all about how you are shaped a person. We are not inherently evil, and we will show them that. We will be reborn.

“Then leave this place and do not return. We will not follow, but we will be watching all you heathens.”

I grin and glance at my men. “Heathens, I like it.”

“Go now, before we change our minds,” one calls.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Adder mutters, making me grin.

Turning away, we head to the end of the pavilion as I take Phrixius’ s hand once more. Adder holds my free one, and Sha holds Adder’s.

“Where do we go now?” Sha asks, glancing at us.

“Not back,” I murmur, staring at our joined hands and smiling at them. “We’ll go forward and find somewhere new to be our home.”

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