T avien pulls Nueena to his chest, his head resting on her head for an intimate embrace, before she moves to the planter.
“Ready?” I ask Nueena.
The salvidah herb is held to her chest when she speaks. “Yes.”
With a wave of her hand, Nueena clears the planters, leaving behind a blank bed. Her eyes flutter closed as she digs her fingers into the fresh soil. I close my eyes too and send up a prayer to Ellova that this will work.
We need this to work. So many lives depend on it.
“Open your eyes.” Leon’s lips are near my ears and I shiver from the sensation, but I do as he says and gasp. Light shines before small green buds that stretch and rise slowly from the dirt. Hundreds of the lifesaving herbs are growing under moonlight.
Nueena shrieks with joy when she sees them, happy tears erasing the grief from before. Leon and Tavien both release us at the same time as Nueena and I launch ourselves at each other, our laughter filling the small greenhouse.
“We did it!” Nueena cheers.
We all stay there for a minute, wrapped in silence, feeling the weight of being so close to the cure and the relief at the sight of the thriving sprouts.
I turn to Tavien. “When will they be ready?”
“They are not fully matured yet. Thankfully we don’t need them for another few weeks. They will need to be watered once a day ’til we harvest them.”
“What is the fourth ingredient?” Leon asks, his reassuring hand lightly stroking my back.
“It’s an underwater plant,” Tavien answers. “It only grows in a few places, any body of water that comes from the Airvell River. I looked at a few maps. Quartzridge has a spring that should have enough, at least while we test the first batch. I figured since we have to go there for one of the crowning ceremonies, we can wait ’til then.”
When the excitement wears off and the stars in the sky fade, we realize the late hour and make our way off the floor. I take the hand Leon offers me, but stumble when I try to stand. He wastes no time and lifts me off the ground, ignoring my gasp of surprise, arms behind my knees and back, heading to our rooms.
Tavien and Nueena chuckle and follow behind us.
I would protest the unnecessary assistance, but with no fight left in me, the weariness that has wrapped itself around my bones leaves only the desire to pull him closer as he ushers me into our rooms. Nueena pulls the blankets down on my bed and Leon lays me down so gently he must think I’m made of glass.
Nueena turns off the lights above and they both wish me good night as they leave. I hear them murmuring in the next room. The library light next to me blinks out a few moments later after a rustle of clothing and the creak of Leon’s bed.
The emotions of the night are still warring within me, an ache in my body from forcing the lock open, the weight of knowing death awaits. Hope fades like a sunset on my worst day; bitterness has replaced what little there was.
“Once the crown has chosen one worthy to wear it, it will cease its havoc on Adreania.”
One worthy to wear it .
It allowed me to wear it, but that does not make me worthy to control it. After every king’s death, it was passed on to another unworthy man. The only difference is its hue on my head and that magic can flow out of it now. Not that I can control that. I imagine a worthy person would be able to control it once again, wield its magic the way Inara once did. I curl in on myself under the blankets. Wouldn’t being the kin of its maker mean anything to the crown? It might not find me worthy, but at the very least, is it too much to ask it not to kill me too?
Will the crown even let me live long enough to see the elixir heal the mortals? To see Nueena’s coronation? Or will the magic have demand more than I can give, taking my life in its place?
The bed is as empty and cold as I feel despite the pleasant night air that the open window brings in.
I lower the wards, granting access into my bedroom. “Leon?” I say it so quietly I do not think he hears, but he appears. The small light that follows above reveals him to be shirtless with low soft pants.
“I’m here.” He kneels beside my bed.
Sorry, I know we agreed we would just be friends, but I want to sleep in your arms again and do not wish to be alone, but worry not if you do not want to be bothered.
“Will…will you stay with me tonight? Only if you wish, of course. It’s just that everything hurts and—” I don’t know what else to say. I’m one hundred and thirty-three years old for fuck’s sake; I should be able to sleep by myself. I’m quite well-practiced at it.
Before I can finish, he sits on the bed, swinging his leg over. I use the last of my energy to move, giving him space. He lies down, the bed sinking before me, but he keeps his distance.
I am too weary to play this chivalrous game with him and move to practically lie across his bare chest. His deep rumble shakes me when he laughs at my boldness.
Leon’s skin is soft and warm, and his muscles flex under me. He pulls me closer and entwines his legs in mine, holding me. He slips his hand under my top to rub sweet circles on my back. I’m overwhelmed with the sweetness of the intimacy; just his presence soothes my troubled heart. It floods my body with warmth even as I’m reminded why I need his comfort tonight.
“I had placed so much hope on Alvina having left behind some way to remove the crown in that book, but it confirmed my fear that we might not be able to find a way to end this curse without—” I can’t even say it. I thought I had hundreds of years left. Not a life as long as Nueena’s or Tavien’s, but another few centuries with them. Time to travel and create beautiful jewelry, to dance under the golden glow of the Gem Court’s temple, and dine on fresh seafood in the Court of Shells’ summer festivals. To see Nueena become the great leader she was always meant to become, a Realm Keeper who ruled with grace and justice, mercy and compassion. To watch her and Tavien celebrate their Zemra union every year under the stars for decades to come.
To maybe find love one day.
I sit up quickly with tears in my eyes. “What are we waiting for?” I ask him. My words have a hysterical edge to them. I reach for the band around his waist but his hands cover mine, stopping me.
“Izadella, what are you doing?” His grip tightens when I try to undo the laces.
“What’s the point of only being friends if this crown is just going to kill me? It’ll probably happen before the magic drives you mad. I want you. I always have, and you desire me, too. I've seen the way you have looked at me for years.”
He hardens beneath my frantic touch and makes no move to deny it.
I lean down and press my lips over and over again to his chest, looking up at him. “Let’s be together, even if it’s just for tonight. Maybe it’s all the time we will have.” I have given him so many reasons why we shouldn’t be together but now I can’t seem to remember them.
They seem so unimportant here in the dark with death and madness hovering nearby.
I grind against him when he will not let go of my hands. His groan fills the space and suddenly I am flipped onto my back beneath him. One of his arms is under mine keeping his weight off me, one leg between my thighs. With his free hand he wipes the tear that is tumbling down my face. When my face is free of my obvious pain, he kisses each cheek. Not a quick, friendly peck, but the one only a lover can give. Slow and tender, like his touch.
“As tempting as it is, I will not take you with tears in your eyes.” He moves some of my curls away from my face.
I savor each and every one of his touches, my heart leaping into my throat at his thoughtfulness towards me and my erratic desires.
“But we might not have time,” I whisper into his chest. All I want is time with this mortal man, endless amounts of it.
“You will not die before we have a chance to explore the depths of our passions for each other. Tonight, unfortunately, is not for that.” His smile is so kind I want to weep all over again. “Although I do dream of that moment.”
His lips brush my temple. His chest rises and falls in a contented sigh. “Good night, Izadella.” He rolls over so once again I am draped over his chest.
“I believe you.” I fade into sleep and dream of him ’til dawn.
I wake to Leon’s soft breaths on my nose and one loose arm around me. The aches in my limbs have faded overnight and I am surprised at how well-rested I feel considering last night’s events. The sun is just rising behind him, his outline dipped in gold. When I slide away from him, he moves closer in his sleep, seeking out the warmth I have left behind, his arm sliding up, finding only my pillow. A frown pulls at his lips in his sleep.
I grab a white blouse cut at my waist and a dark green skirt. After changing in the library, I slip out of my room, surprised to find the main living area already occupied. Tavien lounges on one of the couches, papers, and books strewn about, as he lazily flips through a faded leather book with one hand and sips a steaming cup of tea .
“Morning, Tav,” I say, yawning, flopping down on the space across from him.
He grins over the rim of his cup, setting aside the book in his hand. “You feeling all right?”
I lean forward to the table where a teapot is waiting and pour myself a large cup of tea, mixing in fresh milk. The tea is sweet enough on its own so I ignore the bowl of sugar cubes. The teapots never keep the tea quite as hot as I would like. “I’ve certainly been better. I slept surprisingly well last night, though.”
He nods and flicks his wrist at me. A single blue flame erupts from his finger and floats over to me. It wraps itself around my teacup, and the tea boils for a few seconds before he calls back his fire.
I let out a contented sigh, holding the cup up to him. “Thank you.”
He holds his cup up as well and we pretend to clink our glasses from a few feet away.
“What are you reading about?”
Tavien holds up one of the worn books. “Reading some of my family’s personal historical journals about the war over the crown and looking for history on our keyed sword.”
“I've never been more thankful for the Ink Court’s obsessive documentation than I am right now.”
He chuckles. “It is our true passion.”
We both drink our tea in comfortable silence ’til I can no longer hold in my question. “What do you think of Leon?” I try to sound indifferent but am not sure I succeed, hope overtaking my words.
Tavien leans forward on his knees, eyes focused intently on mine. “I like Leon. I do. He seems like an honorable man and you clearly harbor intense feelings for him, but please be wary. Nu and I are worried about you. The hovering shadow of death does not make for a pleasant third partner.”
“I thought you might say that.” My hope bleeds out of me, disappointment taking its place, and I try to hide it by taking a long sip of my tea, ignoring the burning sensation down my throat.
“We want you to be happy. Nueena and I have wished for years you would find what we have and the four of us would have centuries of time together, traveling and living our lives as two pairs. I just hate that you found someone with an hourglass attached to him. I like him, but I love you . I’m sorry, but he’s not worth dying over, Del.” His blue eyes are full of sympathy.
His words pierce me like flaming arrows even if I know they are meant to protect me.
Tavien puts down his own tea and grabs one of the empty cups, filling it and adding sugar and milk.
He turns around to face the door behind him that just opened, his Zemra strolling in. Nueena’s shimmering blue gown moves like a flowing river down her body from its high collar; the sleeves are open and made from a fine fisherman’s net covered in shells at the top that glides down over her arms to reach the floor. Pearls wrap around the cuffs. She joins us on the couch, sitting next to Tavien, who hands her the teacup. While she drinks, she leans her cheek up to Tavien, and he presses his lips to her high cheekbone.
“Good morning! Do you have coronation meetings today?” I ask.
“I have a few meetings with some representatives from the Court of Shells and their Guardian today on the coast. They are building a new ship for my personal use so I will be shown some of its construction, but I will be back in time for dinner.”
A knock at the door has Nueena waving her hand to unlock it. Lillian and Viella appear just as breakfast materializes on the table.
“Good morning, my loves,” Viella’s velvety voice greets us. Lillian follows her in. I move to one end of the plump couch and they join me,
Lillian grabs one of the newly arrived pastries. “One of the rooms on this floor has been cleared and turned into a temporary apothecary for the elixir.” She turns to Tavien. “It has everything you’ve requested.”
“I hope Leon’s ready to work,” Nueena jokes. “There’s much to be done with creating the elixir, and it needs to be done in an extremely short amount of time.” She bites into an apple slice .
Before I’m able to speak on his behalf, a voice from behind me says, “I am.”
We all look at Leon, who is dressed. His green sleeves are rolled up, revealing his strong forearms. His eyes stay on me while he walks over, ready for the day. He takes a seat on the couch arm nearest me, looking down at me with affection. “When do we get started?”