Cruel Destinies (Dark Shifter Academy #3) Chapter 30 Shea 81%
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Chapter 30 Shea

It took a lot of begging to get Gram to let me come to Chicago Christmas Eve. She’d been suspicious of me ever since Caesar’s impromptu visit a few days ago, and even though she hadn’t caught on to what happened under her roof yet, she knew something did . But when I showed her the gifts I had so prettily wrapped and ready to deliver, that finally broke her.

With full permission and a strict curfew, I carried my shoulder bag out the door, this time filled with presents. Okay, so there were only four, but I was feeling jolly enough to imagine it was my own personal Santa pack.

I hummed along to Christmas tunes as I made my way through the city to the shifter school entrance. I wasn’t going in, exactly. There was no way I was trying that again until Caesar gave me the go-ahead.

I took my stop at the end of the green line, letting the passengers dissipate before whispering my magic word and slipping onto the secret platform. The train was waiting, just as I’d hoped. I slid three of my gifts onto the seat—wrapped in cellophane so as not to get blown up on arrival out of suspicion—and made sure the name tags were visible beneath the bows and curls of ribbon .

For Arya, along with the mermaid hair clip, I’d included the rose I’d resurrected, an unspoken promise that I’d do everything in my power to figure out how to bring Arya’s mom back. If I could do it for Julian—which I was an evil, evil person for hoping I couldn’t—I’d do it for my best friend in a heartbeat.

For Caesar, I’d gotten something innocuous so as not to trigger anyone’s suspicion if he happened to open it in company, but something only he would understand the meaning of—a tie with a bunch of white kitty faces all over it. I was almost sad that I wouldn’t get to watch him open it, but just imagining his hearty chuckle when he pulled it out gave me a kick.

The final gift was for Ashlyn. It wasn’t easy coming up with something for the phoenix, but I knew she pretty much lived with her headphones on, so I got her a spotify gift card so she could choose whatever music she wanted.

I stepped off the train and headed back toward the exit. Looking around the platform for cameras, I waved and smiled. I hoped that if they didn’t recognize me, they’d at least understand my little break-in bore no ill intent.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and sent Arya a quick text. If Arya got it in time, maybe she could be at the other end to intercept the presents. It would ruin the Christmas surprise a bit, but it was better than getting nothing at all.

Back on the public platform, the next outbound train was just arriving, and I boarded it along with a handful of other people. This one headed directly by Julian’s place if I rode it far enough, and it just happened to be my next destination.

It was probably stupid, getting the vampire anything, but I couldn’t help myself when I spotted the little vampire pet capes. Rainbow and his little lady friend would look adorable in them—assuming Julian could get the capes on the creatures. But that wasn’t my problem .

I might have also gotten him a book of sheet music. It was all current stuff—I figured he probably had all the classics—but the thought of him banging out Bad Romance on his piano put a smile on my face.

Of course, the radio silence Julian had put on our communication since our little motel rendezvous was driving me nuts. I wanted to contact him, but though I hadn’t actually agreed to his terms, his warning still rang fresh in my memory. So, I was letting Julian call the shots. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t make a tiny little pit-stop just to deliver his gift.

Concrete walls turned into tracks above the city as the L neared Julian’s apartment, and I pushed all my troubles out of my mind, determined to just enjoy the Christmas spirit that was finally kicking in.

When I came to my stop, I shuffled off the relative comfort of the L and into the cold wind. It whipped at my clothes, finding every chink in my armor against the winter chill. But I smiled as the seasonal weather completed the yuletide feeling.

I headed toward Julian’s building, casting wary glances at everyone I passed. I wasn’t stupid enough to go right to his apartment door, but I figured I could at least leave my gift somewhere for him to pick up.

And if no one could help me, the bag I’d packed his gifts in would hang nicely from the handle—so basically, I was saving my stupidity for plan B. But I’d be careful. As preparation, I’d signed the tag as S, and swept my scent away with magic so I couldn’t be traced.

Julian’s soul-crushing smile played in my head, and I wished I could be there when he opened everything. I’d only seen that smile a handful of times, but I was aiming to make it a permanent fixture.

The familiar building loomed ahead, and I slowed a pace or two, scanning for signs of Julian’s handsome face—or anyone who might know him. Not that I knew what his Initiate looked like, but I figured the girl must be gorgeous. Right?

A perfectly primped brunette sauntered past, and I marked her as a potential. Or maybe the doe-eyed blonde clutching her fancy coat against the wicked chill.

I gave up as she reached the door. Really, the Initiate could be anyone. And it wasn’t like I could do anything about it, even if I did know. Besides, Julian had made it clear that, even if he didn’t quite want to be with me, he was at least obsessed with me. Initiate Bitch had nothing on me.

I pulled my knit cap down a little lower and fluffed up my scarf as I walked into the warm lobby. A peppermint scent invaded my nostrils, the song coming over the speakers fading away as Jingle Bells took its place. Dishes clanked in the quiet dining room, and I wondered if they were closing or getting ready for an evening crowd.

I made my way to the concierge, who looked like he was packing up for the day. “Excuse me,” I said in the sweetest voice I could muster.

The concierge turned to regard me with an annoyed expression. “Can I help you?”

“I’m sorry. I have a gift for a friend, and I don’t know how to get it to him without ruining the surprise. He lives in apartment 823?” I gave him a hopeful smile, and he sighed.

“Give it to me. I’ll get it to him before I leave.”

“Thank you! So much. Oh, here.” I dug in my bag, pulling out a Snickers bar I’d stashed in case I needed a snack on the return trip. “For your trouble. Merry Christmas?”

The concierge took the candy bar with a shrug and a nod.

I left, humming the rest of the Jingle Bells tune .

It was incredible how quiet the city seemed. Next week would likely be even quieter as families gathered around Christmas trees and exchanged presents. But today’s lull was a little eerie. I wondered how Julian would be celebrating, and hoped Arya and Ashlyn were having a nice time. I hated that I was still on the outside of all their excitement. But it wouldn’t be forever. I’d make sure of that.

The wind blew my scarf into my face, and I unzipped my coat to stuff the errant cloth in.

But I crashed into someone before I could begin, a liquid warmth seeping through my white sweater. Looking down, I saw coffee soaking into my shirt, droplets clinging to the fuzz on my scarf.

“What the hell? Watch where you’re—” The words stuck in my throat as I met the mischievous smirk of Adam. “What are you doing here?”

“Out for a walk. What are you doing here?” he asked, taking a step closer.

“Ruining sweaters, apparently.” I sighed, wiping at the stain on my shirt, but gave up when my efforts only served to spread the liquid further.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Adam said, sounding anything but sorry. He picked up his emptied cup and tossed it into a nearby trash can. “Let me buy you a new one.”

“What?” I asked, unsure I heard him right and still quite annoyed.

He shrugged. “I ruined your sweater. It’s only right I get you another one.”

I frowned, contemplating the time. I’d told Gram I’d be back before dark, but I’d also told her that I was going to visit Arya. Maybe another hour or two wouldn’t hurt anything, and I could still get home before dark .

“Fine,” I said, lifting my chin. “But you owe me two shirts.”

Adam’s brows rose. “Two?”

“Yep. This one was from my aunt and I really liked it.” I met his gaze, challenging him to deny me.

He smirked. “I’d better make it three.”

I matched his smirk. “That’s more like it. Now come on, I have a tight curfew.”

This guy was weird, but who was I to refuse if Christmas wanted to come early this year?

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