A chill runs across Hestia’s skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake as the Allegiance ship sails through the last of the Myst. On this side of the thin veil, the world casts darkness in the absence of the sun, and she can barely make out Isadora and Cassandra to her right. The water below is pitch-black, and the only evidence of its existence is the gentle sound of it lapping against the hull.
In front of them is the soft glow of the dimly lit harbor. On a distant hillside, braziers are lit along a series of stone steps ascending to the Under Temple.
She looks behind her, back the way they came, to the lantern lights on the masts of the other vessels. It took twenty ships to get everyone and their essentials evacuated from the Isle, and Hestia breathes a sigh of relief that they are all safely here.
As they approach the small dock, the other ships hang back and wait. On the ground, people hurriedly move about to prepare for the influx of Allegiance members and refugees. Red hair catches her eye, and she smiles. Hades.
Hestia has always found him to be kind and genuine, and she’s grateful to know he is on their side. But will he treat her the same, now that she is a mortal? He does not have a reputation for treating mortals as less-than, but that hardly quells the tide of nervousness rising in her stomach.
Beside him stands Persephone, her petite curvy frame appearing slight compared to his height. Even in the lifeless entryway to the Underworld though, she shines radiantly. Her warmth is visible in her smile as she discusses and delegates. Curls of dark brown hair poke through the golden laurel leaves holding her updo in place. The light from the many braziers on the docks casts her walnut skin in a warm glow. Her fingers are intertwined with Hades’s slightly tanned ones and Hestia smiles softly at the easy intimacy between them.
A little ways off in the distance is a small island where a figure in a dark hooded robe stands next to an empty boat. He then steps into the vessel and uses a long pole to slowly take the vessel along the River Styx.
The Allegiance ship docks, and their small group disembarks. Persephone beams, and Hestia can smell the hibiscus flowers adorning her hair from a few feet away. The vibrancy of the flower proves a stark contrast to the muted tones of this space between life and death.
“Did everyone make it here alright?” Persephone’s eyebrows furrow.
“They did. We sailed at breakneck speeds, but the entirety of the Allegiance is here.” Isadora steps around Hestia, greeting the god and goddess. Her tight black braids along her scalp fall down her back almost to her narrow waist.
“All but one.” Cassandra turns to Hades, her long golden robes swirling with the motion as she places a hand on his shoulder. “There is much to discuss, but our first priority must be to recover your sister.”
“My sister?” Hades repeats, shaking his head in confusion. “Last time I checked, my family tree was devoid of any sisters.”
Cassandra’s smile is gentle and her cloud of warm brown hair frames her delicate face. “You wouldn’t have known because the Fates only just revealed that fact to me. I’m sure you’ve heard much about the gorgon, Medusa. What you haven’t heard is that she is your half-sister. The Fates have yet to tell me how this was possible, so we’re just going to have to go with it.”
He blinks, not quite comprehending. “Medusa. My sister.”
Persephone interjects, “You’ll have to excuse him. He sometimes takes a few minutes to process big news. Come with me and I’ll show you the space we’ve set up for the Allegiance. There’s room in the temple for some of you. Please, let’s get everyone settled.”
Hestia closes her eyes to steady herself for a moment. This will be her fist time entering a temple as a mortal.
Will it feel different? Will everyone be able to tell just by looking at her that her immortality is gone? She knows she should be grateful to still be alive, and to finally get to be with Alec. But it feels like part of her is missing.
B y early evening, all Allegiance members and refugees have accommodations. The encampment set up for them is truly impressive.
Where Hestia had been picturing tents, she discovered buildings, each with walls and a roof, with enough space to get the refugee families settled and get their supplies organized. The children were at first frightened of their new surroundings, but Cerberus came bounding through the camp, tail wagging and a trio of tongues ready to slather them with affection. The three-headed canine invigorated their spirits in record time.
Hestia now paces in her chambers. Things haven’t been as easy with Alec as she had expected, not for lack of trying on his end. His love has been a welcomed joy, but she can’t stop thinking about how that soul is now mortal.
She closes her eyes to think of him, but all she can see is the moon in the sky night, announcing the birth of the new Keeper of Flame.
A knock comes at her door. Her heart jumps for joy, but her stomach drops. She knows it’s him before she opens it, but that doesn’t stop him from taking her breath away as she takes in the silver of his hair and beard, and his steely gray eyes as they drink her in.
Another hurdle for Hestia has been her chastity. It wasn’t a choice, per se. There just always seemed to be much more fascinating things to study and learn. Romance and intimacy beyond friendship never felt like a priority.
Until Alec. The times she spent alone in her library, dreaming of his touch, she never thought he would be touching a mortal body. Does that change anything, really?
Alec reaches out and takes her hand, weaving their fingers together, sealing the gesture with a gentle squeeze. Heat races from the spots where their skin meets, up her arm, igniting a fire in her that she doesn’t know whether to stoke or extinguish.
Gods, they haven’t even kissed yet. There was so much pain, chaos, and planning after her rescue that they have not had the time to properly dedicate to anything of the sort.
The rush of desire swims inside of her, intermingling with the insecurities over her mortal body. Alec has given no indication that he sees her as any less, but Hestia cannot help but think he must feel differently about her.
He fell in love with a goddess, for Fates’ sake. How can her mortal body hold up to such a standard?
Despite the vortex of emotions swirling inside her mind, her mortality reminds of her one thing: her days in this world are now numbered, limited. Does she want to waste them by living in a state of uncertainty about everything? Perhaps this is more than enough of a reason to shove her concerns as far down as she possibly can, allowing her to attempt to love Alec without the burden of this noise.
She looks into his eyes, finding the intensity of his gaze a twin to the inferno raging inside of her. It doesn’t scare her, though. The heat could never diminish the kindness and patience simmering beneath the surface.
He will wait for her. That knowledge alone is enough to embolden Hestia.
She gently pulls him closer, and his other hand skims along her cheek, sliding behind her neck beneath the nape of her hair. She leans into the touch and sighs.
He bends down slowly, inching closer to her face, giving her every opportunity to tell him to stop until their noses are touching, gently nuzzling.
Hestia almost whimpers when their lips meet. He pulls her even tighter against his body, a low rumble coming from his chest. She runs her fingers through his thick gray hair and his hand encircles her waist as he gently parts her lips with his tongue.
She opens herself fully, and their tongues dance as they cling to each other.
The kiss eventually eases off, and their faces part ever so slightly, still staying within a couple inches of each other.
“Wow,” she says, and immediately feels foolish. One would think she is a na?ve mortal teenager.
She may not have done any of this before, but she’s read books. The never-ending pursuit of knowledge includes the more carnal side of life, of course. And all she could think to say is ‘wow.’
Alec has likely kissed many women, and Hestia’s heart falls slightly. There is no chance he enjoyed such an inexperienced kiss.
Yet he cups her cheeks with both hands and gazes lovingly into her eyes. “Wow, indeed.”
Hestia blushes and drops her gaze, hiding her elation over his response. “Is that why you came by?” she asks.
“Why I came by—what? Oh!” He smacks his forehead with his palm and chuckles. “No. I wanted to tell you I’m leaving for a few days. We have to get Medusa. I can’t just sit by and leave her in Poseidon’s hands anymore.”
Hestia nods her head as she absorbs the situation. “Who is going with you?”
“Psyche and Cadmus. Iris volunteered to be our captain again. We will take a small crew that they’ve assembled and leave within the hour.”
There is some relief in the knowledge that a god is going with him. With her immortality still intact, Psyche bounced back from her time in the god cage in Aphrodite’s temple so much faster than Hestia. Speaking of gods, while Alec is away, she can renew her search for Hera. Now that she knows Dionysus is in the Allegiance with her, he can be a more trustworthy asset and ally than she previously anticipated.
As her thoughts of Hera intermingle with those of her first kiss, Hestia briefly wonders what Hera’s lips would feel like. Then shame washes over her.
Are these thoughts a betrayal to the man who loves Hestia, who saved her?