Curses of Olympus (The Olympus Trilogy #2) 12. Hestia 24%
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12. Hestia



H estia sighs as the group assembled around the large table shout over one another. Debates about who will go on the urgent mission to Corcyra have brought the discussions and planning to a standstill. Most who want to go claim it is because of their loyalty to the Allegiance, but she is certain they are restless and eager to see the long-forgotten island, despite the rumors of massive spiders.

The journey is not a particularly dangerous one, with their path avoiding most of the temples altogether, but they will be skirting the coasts near Demeter and Artemis’s temples. The two goddesses have thus far not aligned themselves with the evil underbelly of the Pantheon…

But as far as Hestia is aware, they have not aligned themselves with the Allegiance, either. Seeing Dionysus across the table reminds her she is far from knowledgeable of the Allegiance roster.

Isadora cuts through the cacophony. “We will let Hestia choose her crew.”

Hestia’s mouth falls. “ My crew? Shouldn’t it be Cassandra leading this mission if it isn’t you? Or Alec? Or… anyone else?” she retorts.

A proud smile adorns Isadora’s face. “Yes. Your crew. This is a knowledge-seeking mission. You will have warriors to protect you, of course, but it is you who must assess what we find and act accordingly. The oracle must remain here. She is too valuable to risk the Pantheon getting their hands on her. If she has any further visions bearing importance on your journey, I assure you it will be communicated through the stones you will bring with you.”

The blood drains from Hestia’s face. She does not feel even remotely qualified for this, but every member of the Allegiance puts their discomfort aside and gets the job done. She will not be a coward.

Hestia swallows hard and lifts her chin as she says, “If you are certain that it should be me, it would be my honor.”

Alec pats her hand as Isadora says, “I am positive. You will have others with you who can assist you and guide you when you need it, but this mission is yours.”

Hestia looks around at the gathered faces, all eagerly awaiting her choosing. She hardly knows any of them, so she selects the people she believes she can trust and would like to have on the journey, doing her best to actually choose those with skills to contribute. “Uh. Um. Alec, Dionysus, Medusa, Psyche, and Cadmus.”

Isadora nods. “Iris, you will captain their ship. Pick your first mate and a small crew.”

As they tell Isadora who they wish to have for their crew, Hestia does her best to hide the panic taking over.

I can’t do this. I couldn’t do this when I was a god, and now I’m not even that. I’m not strong, I’m not a warrior.

Alec strokes his thumb over the back of Hestia’s hand. “There is nothing you can’t do, my fire. And I will be with you every step of the way.”

Gulping down air, Hestia lets Alec’s words settle over her until her breathing evens out. She cannot believe this man knows her so well and can read her even when she is trying to keep her emotions in check.

Does that mean he knows about my thoughts of Hera? Am I so transparent that even my deepest secret is laid bare before him?

The group disperses with orders to be ready to depart in an hour, and Hestia does not say a word as she walks with Alec back to her chambers. He follows behind her when she goes in, as if it are his own room as well.

They might as well be. Every moment spent not attending to Allegiance duties, Alec is with Hestia.

Yet despite the amount of time Alec has already managed to spend between her thighs, they have yet to be fully intimate. As Hestia watches he take off his shirt, a shiver runs across her body as she remembers his lips on her center, fingers plunging into her.

She remembers the way he rescued her in Aphrodite’s temple. The way he ferociously defends her peace. As each of his acts of service flash in her mind, the last of Hestia’s hesitations melt away and she knows that she wants this man inside of her.

So much has changed since her lonely days in the library. That Hestia of the past would never let her dress fall to the floor like this. That Hestia would never feel bold enough to stand naked, on full display, for a man. Would never walk over to the bed, spread her legs, and tell him to take her. But that Hestia is not this Hestia. With a dangerous mission looming over their heads, Hestia feels every ounce of her mortality.

But instead of holding her back, this time it gives her the strength to push past her insecurities so she can fully experience the intimate pleasure that she craves.

Alec stands there, watching her, his gaze traveling over every bare inch of her skin before he takes off his pants. When he walks toward her, his tan muscles ripple like predator about to pounce, but his motions are slow and deliberate.

His hands are rough against her soft skin as they dig into her hips and he leans down to kiss Hestia’s stomach, peppering gentle kisses across the delicate rolls of her body. slides his fingers into her already wet core as he stretches up and kisses Hestia deeply.

She moans into his mouth as his fingers torturously work her into a frenzy. Hestia is so close to a climax when Alec pulls his fingers out of her and lines himself up before her center.

Alec hooks Hestia’s thighs over his elbows and pulls her closer to him as he stares into her eyes.

“Tell me you want this. I need you to say it,” Alec rasps, his voice so low and gruff Hestia can hardly hear him.

I can do this.

“Take me.”

“We can stop anytime you need to, my goddess.”

She hates to ruin the moment, but she cannot help herself. “Please don’t call me that anymore.”

Alec cocks his head. “Of course. May I ask why?”

Looking anywhere but at him, Hestia answers, “Keeper of the Flame was my role as a goddess. My place in Olympus. The nickname is a reminder of everything I’m not anymore.”

“You will never be anything less than a goddess to me. And if I have to spend every day for the rest of my life worshipping at the altar of you to prove it, I will happily martyr myself for that cause.”

Alec kisses Hestia’s soft belly. “Goddess.”

Her inner thigh. “Goddess.”

The other thigh. “Goddess.”

Shivers cascade through Hestia. Tears stream down her cheeks mixed with whimpers each time his touch grazes her skin. When the word goddess leaves his lips, Hestia’s mortality seems farther and farther away.

Hestia has read many books on intercourse and is academically familiar with what a woman typically experiences the first time she is penetrated, but now, when faced with the reality of it, she feels wholly unprepared. She never imagined she would have sex, so she hasn't given it too much thought.

But here, with this man who she feels safe with, Hestia is ready to explore the carnal pleasures on the other side of this brief pain.

Alec trails his kisses up to her lips, centering himself between her legs.

He pauses with his manhood at her entrance.

“I’m ready,” she whispers.

Alec buries his face into her shoulder as he slowly thrusts inside of her. His motions are tender and gentle as emotions surge through her. Love, lust, pride—joined quickly after by the now familiar sensation of her body nearing climax.

As her heart rate accelerates and her breathing comes out in soft pants, Alec’s thumb finds her clit, and she soars over the cliff of her orgasm, free falling, tumbling across oblivion. Alec groans as his own climax rips through him, spilling into her.

After collapsing onto the bed, Alec pulls Hestia in for another kiss, clinging tightly to her.

After a few moments, Alec disappears into the bathing room.

He reappears shortly after with a washcloth. Hestia is surprised that it is damp and warm when Alec brings it to her thighs and gently cleans the aftermath of their lovemaking from her skin. It is strange how such a small act can be so intimate.

Hestia wishes the rest of the day could be spent lounging together in bed, but alas, an adventure awaits.

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