H estia’s leans into Hera’s hug as shame sinks down into her bones. Hera thinks of her only as a dear friend. How can she hide these feelings?
“Hestia, I cannot believe you’re here.” Hera sobs but pulls back, looking into Hestia’s eyes.
“Of course I’m here. I haven’t stopped looking for you.” Fates damnit, she’s gorgeous. Hestia tears her gaze away before Hera can see right through her. How could a mortal’s crush not be repulsive to such a goddess? Hera never asked for this.
Hera’s eyes are full of concern. “What’s wrong? Something is different.”
“You didn’t see the Fire Moon recently?” Hestia asks, affixing her gaze to the grass beneath their feet.
“Fire Moon? No. It can’t be.”
“It is. I am no longer the Keeper of the Flame. I’m just a mortal.”
Hera scowls. “Do not start with that ‘just a mortal’ bullshit. You and I both know that the mortals are capable of so much greatness, just as we are. Probably more so if we stopped shoving them down into poverty.”
A knot Hestia did not realize was twisting in her stomach loosens. “Is this why Zeus sent you here? Because of your open-minded policies on mortals?” she asks.
At least if Hera attributes my awkwardness as my new mortality, she will be less likely to see that I have feelings for her. Now I must hide them from both Hera and Alec.
Hera nods, then grimaces. “Among other things.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Hestia catches Dionysus lingering on the outskirts of the group, close enough to Hera but far enough away that she wouldn’t notice him directly.
Jealousy bites at her, but Hestia points to Dionysus, directing Hera’s attention. “I wasn’t the only one who missed you, you know?”
Hestia watches as Hera walks over to Dionysus. His eyes light up when Hera speaks to him.
At least she will be with someone who is devoted to her and dotes on her like Zeus should have. I should have done it myself when she was right there in front of me.
This is all so confusing. How can her heart be hurting over Hera, but also be so full and protected with Alec? Hestia’s love for him has not dimmed even with the direction of her heart’s gaze slightly distracted right now.
Hestia never knew she could hold this much love for two people. So many of the gods have multiple partners, but she hardly thought she would have even one partner, let alone two.
Alec walks over, as if he senses the internal distress that Hestia thought she was hiding better. He pulls her into his strong arms, and his smell envelops her. She closes her eyes and breathes in deeply.
His voice is low in her ear as he says, “I know it’s hard right now, but it will all get sorted.”
Eyes still closed, she nods against his shoulder. “I love you, you know?”
His chest rumbles as he chuckles. “I never had any doubts, my goddess.”
Bringing her lips to his, Hestia kisses Alec deeply, hoping that her love is pouring into the gesture.
Cadmus calls out to the group. “I hate to interrupt these lovely reunions, but I don’t think we should tempt the Pantheon by staying here longer than necessary.”
Hera crosses her arms. “You have a point. But who are you? I know Hestia, Psyche, and Dionysus which leads me to believe you should be trusted, but I know nothing of who you are and who you represent. I’m going to need a little more information before I get on a boat with you.”
The group exchanges wary looks with one another, not wanting to piss off a goddess but unable to violate their oath.
Cadmus offers a polite smile. “My friend, I understand your hesitations. You are free to remain on this island once we depart, but I cannot tell you anything else until we are on the ship. I give you my word that no one on our ship will harm you.”
Hera furrows her brow as she processes. “Fine. But if any of you betray me, you will find I have had a long time to myself and can get very creative with my punishments.”
“Before we go,” Hestia adds. “We came here in search of an old book, but I do not have a title or description. I was told I would know it when I saw it. Is there a library here I can browse?”
Hera nods. “There is, but I can’t imagine any of the books there being special.”
Arachne chimes in, her voice low and scratchy from years of disuse, “Actually, I know what book you mean. I’ll be right back.” She disappears into the temple on wobbly legs, and Cyril rushes after to her to help keep her upright.
When they return, Arachne pulls strand of spider silk off a book and Hestia can already tell is exactly what she was supposed to find. It calls to her like a missing part of her soul. Arachne hands it to Hestia, and it hums beneath her fingertips as she gently runs them over the soft brown leather.
“Alright, you’ve got your reading material, now let’s get off of this island before Zeus shows up and chars us to a crisp,” Cadmus says, and the group makes for the boat once more.