Curses of Olympus (The Olympus Trilogy #2) 31. Medusa 62%
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31. Medusa



T he warmth of the hot spring bubbles around Medusa as she leans her head back against the cool stone wall. Psyche steps into the water to join her.

After the chaos with Icarus, Cadmus left to go on watch duty. Neither Psyche nor Medusa could sleep, so they are both hopeful that the soothing warmth of the water will make them drowsy again.

Psyche’s hair is twisted up into a bun, with a few simple pins holding it in place. The candlelight of the bathing room casts her ebony locks in a soft golden glow. A few tendrils hang loose from the rest, damp from the water and clinging to her neck.

All Medusa can think is that is where her lips should be.

Bringing her mouth to Psyche’s skin, the goddess sighs when they connect, leaning into the gesture.

She pushes off the side of the bath and moves in front of Psyche, between her legs. The spark in Psyche’s eye is all she needs to see to move in for a deep kiss, digging her fingers into the goddess’s hair.

Gently pulling back, Psyche softly gasps when Medusa’s lips return to her neck, flicking her tongue over the hollow of her throat.

Gripping Psyche’s thighs, Medusa lifts her out of the water, setting Psyche on the edge of the bath without breaking their kiss. Medusa’s thumbs find her already pebbled nipples and squeeze gently, eliciting a moan. Then her lips travel over Psyche’s collarbone and down to her perky breasts, running her tongue over the goddess’s small, dark nipples.

Psyche giggles as Medusa’s kisses tickle her ribs, continuing her journey south until Psyche’s center is before her. Spreading her legs wide to make plenty of room, she cups Medusa’s cheek.

Closing her eyes, she leans into the touch, kissing Psyche’s palm. Her lips brush against Psyche’s opening, and Psyche’s holds the back of Medusa’s head. Her serpents slither around Psyche’s fingers, and Psyche cries out as Medusa’s tongue slowly circles her clit.

Psyche bucks her hips in a slow rhythm that matches Medusa’s. Bringing her fingers to Psyche’s slit, she’s pleased to find it slick with arousal. The first finger slides inside of the goddess with ease, and Medusa adds a second and then third as her lips never leave Psyche’s clit.

She brings her mouth a little lower to join her fingers, and with the goddess’s wetness on her tongue, she swears she would happily drown in it. With every lap of her tongue, the way Psyche tastes is forever being etched onto her brain.

Psyche frowns when she stops abruptly, but understanding crosses her expression when she realizes Medusa is leading them back to the bed.

They fall into the sheets together, with no regard for the dampness from the baths. Their lips meet in a frenzy, and they kiss as if it is more vital than oxygen. Briefly, Medusa makes to return to the paradise between Psyche’s thighs, and Psyche guides Medusa on her side, her own core now inches from Psyche’s lips.

As Medusa’s tongue dives back into the divine pools of Psyche’s center, Psyche’s does the same. Medusa pauses to moan into Psyche’s core as the goddess’s tongue or fingers hit the right spot.

Together, they bring each other to the brink of bliss, falling into the waves of climax crest and crash.

Gasping for breath after, they lie in bed together, limbs tangled in the darkness.

T he corridor is dark and cold, the usual state of things here in the Underworld. It is two in the morning, but it would be no brighter even if it was noontime on a sunny, cloudless day.

Cerberus’s soft footfalls sound beside her as they walk together. He always knows when Medusa is wandering aimlessly and never fails to accompany her.

Psyche fell back asleep quickly, but slumber continued to elude Medusa. As usual.

After several turns without paying attention, Medusa realizes she is not quite sure where she is. She has covered a lot of ground during her walks when she wants to think, but there is still more than enough left undiscovered and she could really get lost here.

She is uncertain what motivates her to pick the directions she takes, but after a little while, she realizes the floor is slanted and that she is getting deeper underground. Yet turn after turn, she keeps going.

Her thoughts are a million miles away, and she wishes they were on the good things she has to focus on, but it shames her that they are focused on revenge.

Every day Medusa’s confidence builds along with her defenses. She always imagined with that would come peace, but it is the opposite. The tougher her armor, the angrier Medusa gets over everything stolen from her. It makes her furious that instead of focusing on the two people who would go to the ends of the earth for her, all she can think about is watching the life leave Poseidon’s eyes.

The slanted floor soon turns into stone steps, and Medusa continues without noticing, visions of vindication glimmering in her mind.

Cerberus barks, and it pulls Medusa from her distracted thoughts.

Her jaw drops when she looks around. She is no longer in a corridor but in a massive cavern. She squints and peers up to see how high it goes, only to be nearly blinded by a glowing light.

The brightness nearly makes Medusa’s heart stop, forcing her to shield her eyes as the words from the Book of Fates return to her.

Shining brightly, but not in the heavens.

This is it. The star.

Cerberus is fast on Medusa’s heels as she races back up the stairs to go find the others.

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