C admus and Psyche watch Medusa intently as the three of them stand in a circle in the Oasis.
With Psyche now able to reverse the effects of her serpents, Medusa has fewer hesitations about training with Cadmus. So far there have not been any more accidents, and her communication with the snakes gets stronger each time. It takes less and less concentrated thought to keep them at bay.
They are part of her, and the more Medusa sees them as a tool, a layer of protection, the more ownership she possesses of her narrative.
Emboldened by the thought, Medusa pulls her hood back.
Psyche smiles brightly when Cadmus has no reaction. “I think we can take this training out of the Oasis soon,”
All the blood drains from Medusa’s face at the thought, but Cadmus says, “I agree. We will begin somewhere isolated, but then we need to start incorporating new people.”
“No. Nobody else.” Dread laces Medusa’s voice. “It’s bad enough to put you at risk.”
Psyche shakes her head. “He is right, my love. We have to make sure you are the one in control of that ability so you can become stronger and safer. If something happens and you are once again out in the world or, Fates forbid it, in the hands of the Pantheon, I would feel so much better knowing you can protect yourself without having to worry about the risk to innocents.”
Medusa opens her mouth to speak, but Psyche continues.
“No. There have been too many times where you could not use the power that could protect you because you were too concerned about the people who might unjustly fall victim to it.”
“You’re right.” Swallowing and looking down, Medusa says, “If you are certain you can reverse it, we can start tomorrow.”
“I am.”
Psyche laces her fingers between Medusa’s, in a blink they are no longer in the Oasis and back in their chilly room in the Under Temple. Cadmus walks across, crouching down to light the hearth.
Psyche glances at the clock on the wall, then looks back to Medusa with a smirk. “We have some time before we meet up with Isa and Cass.”
Desire floods through Medusa, and she croons, “So we do. Whatever shall we occupy our time with?”
Backing Medusa onto the bed, Psyche crawls to her as they scoot back toward the headboard. Their lips meet, and it is full of heat and passion, tongues colliding and intermingling. Medusa slides her hands up Psyche’s thighs and hips, pulling the goddess’s dress up and breaking their kiss to lift it over her head.
The bed shifts with the weight of Cadmus climbing in behind Psyche, who leans up to twist and kiss him deeply.
Medusa sits up enough to remove her tunic, tossing it to the floor as Psyche focuses on her once more with a delicious grin on her face. Fingers deftly unfastening the buckle of her belt, she slides off Medusa’s pants.
Laying against the pillows, Medusa closes her eyes, gasping as Psyche’s kisses create a scorched trail across her reptilian skin, working their way down until the goddess situates herself between Medusa’s thighs. Behind Psyche, Cadmus runs his hand up and down Psyche’s spine, and she arches against his touch, sighing into Medusa’s skin.
Watching him touch Psyche and seeing her respond sends shockwaves of need through Medusa. A desperate wish for both of them to consume her and claim her.
It is difficult to recall the loneliness of her isolation with two stunningly attractive people in her bed now. Cadmus’s masculine strength and hard edges contrast against the soft sensual felinity of Psyche, and together they have brought Medusa back to life.
Medusa’s head swims with lust, and she cries out as Psyche dips two fingers inside of her.
Psyche moans again, and Medusa opens her eyes to Cadmus mirroring what she is doing to Medusa, his fingers deep inside of the goddess.
Despite the pleasure Cadmus is bringing her, Psyche does not lose focus on Medusa, and her tongue flits over Medusa’s clit before plunging inside of her core. The heavens explode behind her eyelids, and an immediate climax crashes through her.
Sliding her fingers out of Medusa, Psyche moves as Cadmus takes her place, and Medusa crooks her finger to bring him closer. She guides his hips in front of her face, propping up onto her elbows as his hardness is right before her mouth.
“Are you sure?” he asks, voice so husky with desire that it is almost a growl. Yet it does not escape Medusa that he still takes the time to check in with her.
“Definitely.” Medusa smirks and licks her lips before running her tongue in a circle around the head of his cock.
He groans, and Psyche curls her fingers tightly in his hair, whispering, “Do you like that?”
Before he can answer the goddess, Medusa takes him into her mouth, eliciting a guttural, “Mmhmm,” from him.
After a moment, Medusa removes her lips from his cock, leaning back onto the pillow once more and guiding himself to her entrance. Cadmus presses the tip of his length into her and slowly enters her to the hilt.
Medusa’s soft whimpers sound throughout the room as he fills her, and she adjusts to him accordingly.
Taking Psyche’s hand, Medusa pulls the goddess to her, positioning her pelvis to be hovering inches from Medusa’s mouth, but facing Cadmus. As he leans in to kiss the goddess, Medusa brings her lips to Psyche’s center, finding the goddess already dripping wet. Psyche moans into Cadmus’s kiss as Medusa’s tongue drives her to madness.
It must be their connectedness or perhaps the strength of their bond, but it does not take long before all three of them are basking in climactic bliss.
T he meeting room smells like damp stone, as does the rest of the Under Temple. With the entire complex carved into the mountainside, every space feels like a cave, reminding Medusa of the island Poseidon forced her to call home. That feels like lifetimes ago.
“How long do you think we have before the Pantheon figures out the Allegiance is here in the Underworld?” Isadora’s voice brings the chatter around the table to a halt.
All eyes turn to Hades and Persephone, eager to know their thoughts about Isadora’s question.
Meanwhile, Medusa’s pulse races. Poseidon could show up here at any given moment. Would the Pantheon be less likely to attack the Allegiance if he were no longer after her?
I need to eliminate Poseidon from the equation before he is here and everyone I love is at risk of being caught in the middle.
There are so many innocent people here, and Medusa is determined to see this through.
“Communications between my three sisters and I gives no indication that the Pantheon has figured it out yet, but that is not something we can rely on. We must assume that they will find us at any time and be fully prepared for a rapid evacuation if necessary.” Persephone’s soft voice is firm as she speaks.
Isadora nods her agreement. “We will begin assessing the logistics of that immediately. When all of the cards are on the table, will your sisters side with us?”
Persephone presses her lips together. “I believe so. I know Artemis and our half-brother Apollo will certainly be on our side. Despoina, too. Demeter is the main toss-up, but I cannot see her choosing cruelty.”
“Hopefully it won’t come to that.” Hades puts a soothing hand on Persephone’s shoulder, and she leans into his touch.
“Hestia, have you learned anything new about the star or other keys?” Isadora asks.
Before Hestia can answer, Cassandra speaks up, but her voice is that of the Fates.
“The first heart
you have found.
And the star,
hidden below ground.
On the wings of Fate,
must a sacrifice be made.
For key three,
patient you need to be.
Icy beauty for all to see,
shall bring the final key of the three.“
W hen Cassandra returns to normal, Hestia wraps her arms around the oracle’s shoulders as Isadora says, “Fucking riddles. Let’s get to work.”
Medusa closes her eyes. What does it all mean?
From the moment Psyche, Alec, and Yiorgos arrived on her shores, it has felt like Medusa is being pulled forward by destiny, a crucial part of the Fates’ plan. But why won’t the Fates tell them what her role is supposed to be?
How can she prepare for something when she has no idea what to expect?