Curses of Olympus (The Olympus Trilogy #2) 39. Hestia 78%
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39. Hestia



K ey Allegiance members sit around a large circular table trying to decipher the text in the Book of Fates. The diagrams of the stones have been under the most scrutiny for the past few hours as everything in Hestia’s gut screams that they should be their focus.

The mood has been heavy as they throw their energy into defeating the Pantheon. The loss of Cyril ripples through every conversation, every action.

Hestia’s mind is also plagued by the situation with Alec. She hasn’t had a chance to talk to him about her relationship with Hera. Is it really urgent Allegiance matters that have him tied up and busy? Or is that the excuse he is using to avoid her? The tumultuous emotions make it hard for Hestia to concentrate, but she closes her eyes and searches for anywhere she might have seen the illustrations before.

The drawing feels like something she should know, but Hestia is certain she has never read about it in any of the books in the Library of Olympus.

“Do you think those stones are the site of something important that we need to find? Like a source of magic maybe?” Hades asks the group.

“Hmm,” Hestia muses. “I can feel their importance, but I feel like we are still missing something big.”

“I hope it isn’t a weapon,” Isadora says, her voice low. “Anything that has enough power to give us an edge on the Pantheon has the potential to be used against us, and I don’t like the idea of that.”

“That’s very true, Isa,” Hestia says, then turns to Persephone and Hades. “Do you think the Pantheon has any idea about these?”

Hades shrugs, and Persephone shakes her head. “Other than my sisters, I do not have much contact with those gods.”

The door to the meeting room opens, and one of the Muses, Epiphany, comes flitting inside. Her black twists that fall to her shoulders mirror the almost obsidian tone to her skin. Hestia fights a sigh. Epiphany is a sweet soul, but her chaotic energy crashes in like a wrecking ball.

“What are you all up to?” Epiphany asks, her unending optimism oozing out of every word.

“We are really busy, so now might not be the best time, Epiphany,” Isadora says gently.

Epiphany waves a dismissive hand. “Nonsense, I am here to help.”

“Not now, Epiphany,” Hades chides.

With a pout, Epiphany looks at Hades. “I go where the universe directs me, and I am supposed to be here.”

Hestia pinches her brow, but she notices that Cassandra is fighting back laughter. “What do you say, Cass? Do we let her stay?” she asks.

Cassandra laughs out loud then. “I think it is a lesson in madness to try and argue with a Muse.”

Hestia chuckles softly. Of course there is value in having a Muse around.

Shame creeps in as the laughter subsides. Hestia drops her head. They shouldn’t be jovial so soon after Cyril’s death. It feels like dancing on his grave.

Epiphany leans over the table and looks at the book in the middle, squinting at the faded illustration. “Hey! What’s that doing in there?”

Hestia’s breathing stops. “What do you mean?”

Epiphany pulls the book closer and studies it. “Yep! Don’t you recognize that symbol there?” Her ebony finger points to a small emblem drawn onto each of the stones. “You can find these symbols on some of the stones in every single temple in Olympus, of course.”

Cassandra practically jumps out of her seat. “She’s right! I remember seeing that exact image carved into some of the stones in the Solar Temple. I always wondered why some had them and some did not.”

Is the answer truly so simple? How can she never have noticed the symbols before in any of the temples? As someone who prides herself on her attention to detail, she cannot help but feel like she let everyone down.

Would Cyril still be alive if this was discovered sooner?

“Sebastian!” Hades calls out, and an acolyte comes rushing into the room.

Hades beckons him over to the book, grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil. After a quick sketch, he hands the page to Sebastian.

“Make a few copies of this, please,” the god orders. “Any acolytes who do not have urgent duties to attend to must scour the Under Temple for these markings on any of the stones. Write down where you found them, and how many there are.”

Isadora looks around the table. “Do we want to go assist in the search?”

As the group agrees, they disperse and make their separate ways to go symbol hunting.

Deciding to begin with the library, Hestia makes the short walk to her familiar space. At the doors, she finds Icarus standing there waiting for her.

“Hello, Icarus. How are you?” Hestia asks.

“I’m alright. I have a lot on my mind, but that’s nothing new.” Icarus chuckles, but it doesn’t have her usual pep.

“Can you do me a favor?” Icarus digs into her pockets and pulls out two sealed scrolls.

“Of course,” Hestia says, eyeing the papers.

Icarus hands her the scrolls. One has her name on it and Aphrodite’s on the other.

“Please don’t open it now. In the ever-cryptic tone of the times—you’ll know when it’s time.”

Hestia laughs, but is conflicted. She is eager to find the symbols, but Icarus seems to need a shoulder.

“Do you want to talk about the stuff on your mind?” Hestia hopes her interest comes off as sincere and not nosy.

Icarus shakes her head. “You have things to do. Thank you for this.”

As Icarus turns and walks down the hallway, Hestia makes a mental reminder to have a serious check-in with that girl once this upheaval with the symbols settles.

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