A phrodite walks through the empty corridors of the Under Temple. She has been walking in circles for hours. Perhaps everyone is intentionally avoiding her ire, but she couldn’t care less right now. The few minutes Hades granted her in the Mirror of Remembrance were far too short.
Aphrodite should be grateful she had a precious few fleeting moments to say goodbye, but it also ripped her apart all over again.
The price for those few minutes was steep to be sure, but what is an oath in the face of final moments with your soulmate? Aphrodite will swear a thousand more oaths even for the smaller glimpse of her love.
What is she even supposed to do? Where is she to go? She spent so much time focusing on Circe and mysteries and now her actual reason for existing has been ripped out from under her, replaced with a desperate desire to follow her lover into oblivion.
It whispers in her ears that this is all her fault, that nothing in this world would be wrong if Aphrodite were not in it.
Ahead in the corridor, she spots Medusa sitting on a bench, petting that big three-headed beast. Aphrodite curls a lip when one of the giant tongues slurps across Medusa’s face.
Medusa startles when she sees Aphrodite but laughs at her horrified expression. “What? Have you never pet a dog before?”
Aphrodite crinkles her nose. “Absolutely not. I cannot for the life of me see the appeal.”
Raising an eyebrow, Medusa says, “I find it surprising that the Goddess of Beauty cannot see the beauty in all living things.”
Aphrodite blinks as she realizes Medusa is right. “I never thought of it that way, I suppose.”
Medusa pats the bench beside her, and Aphrodite cautiously takes a seat, eying the serpents that are currently slithering around unobscured.
“Don’t worry. Despite that pile of gryphon dung cursing me, I have full control of them—most of the time. They are part of me, and accepting them allowed me to see all the ways they also protect me. And they will also help me destroy the one who cursed me.”
Not believing what she is hearing, Aphrodite exclaims, “You are going after Poseidon?”
Medusa shakes her head. “Not yet. But I will. I cannot allow him to retain his life when he has harmed so many.”
As Medusa’s words run through Aphrodite’s mind, she can feel the gears in her brain and heart turning. She’s inspired by the bravery of a person who has been hunted by gods and mortals alike, yet still wants to see this world righted.
It stirs something in Aphrodite as she thumbs over the mirror in her pocket.
“Are you just going after Poseidon? Or does your path of justice carry you all the way to the end of whatever war we have brewing?” Aphrodite asks.
“I’ve seen enough of this world to know that innocents are being harmed in every corner and crevice. If you don’t see it at first, look a little harder and you will find famines, families separated, the nymphs you and your friends callously sold into slavery, and more.” Medusa’s serpents softly hiss as her voice takes on a bold edge that makes Aphrodite shift nervously.
“If I had something that would help you, would you accept it from me? I have wasted centuries doing everything wrong, so I am going to try this Icarus’s way.” Aphrodite pulls the mirror from her pocket and hands it to Medusa. “I was told I would know when to give this to someone, and she was right. Everything in me is screaming that this needs to be yours. Use it, and bring them down, all of them. Even if that ends up including me.”
Ignoring the shocked look on Medusa’s face, Aphrodite gets up.
“Where are you going? What is this?” Medusa asks, visibly confused.
“I think you need to look into it when you are alone. Be warned though, I have a feeling in its depths you will be tested like never before. After speaking with you, I have no doubts you are the one to unlock its mysteries.”
“And you?” Medusa tilts her head.
“I’m going to try and make up for all the years of bad.” She leaves Medusa and the dog, immediately making mental plans to return to Circe. That witch knew Aphrodite would end up on this side of things, so it is time to see how Circe will shake up this battlefield.