Cute but Creepy (Verfallen Asylum #2) Chapter Eleven (Pelvic Therapy) 29%
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Chapter Eleven (Pelvic Therapy)



On the way to Doctor Stein’s office, I couldn’t help smiling as I walked down the hall. Other patients scattered when they saw the giddy look on my face. Then I recalled I only smiled while killing them and couldn’t really blame them. Poor things. I burst out laughing at that thought. Then I grabbed the door for the basement, pulling it open.

My body felt flushed and alive fresh from Gonzo’s room. I really liked him. He was helping me with my brother, and doing things to me no one had. Things that made my brain feel like it was melting along with my body. Once I finished my mission, I wanted more of everything from him.

When I was halfway down the stairs, an orderly stomped into sight and stood sentry at the bottom, waiting for me. With a frown, I went the rest of the way.

“I know where to go,” I complained.

“Oh really?” He asked, a slimy smile on his face. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall—the wrong hall. At least he had my good arm this time.

“Not this again,” I sighed. First, he wouldn’t take me to Orson’s when I wanted to go there. Now he wouldn’t take me to Zero when I was supposed to be there. Then again, something about these daily afternoon meetings with Zero felt… off the book.

He hadn’t said that specifically, but he’d come alone earlier—no nurses or orderlies in sight. Then, when I suggested sending a nurse for me, he instead gave me his watch.

Admittedly, the idea of us meeting regularly off the books had felt thrilling earlier. Now I felt foolish to have let that feeling sneak in. The orderly took me down a long hall. Nurse Rachel waited outside an open door, holding up a straitjacket.

“I have to get to Doctor Stein’s, you heard the announcement.”

“You’re overdue for solitary,” Rachel said. I let her strap me into the jacket. Were they purposely trying to keep me from Zero?

A moment later I was pushed into the room. The door slammed shut behind me as I stared at the space. The entire thing was padded—the walls, the ceiling, the floor. Only half the lights were on, making the room look subdued. Too bright to sleep, too dim to feel awake.

Pushed into the corner was a mattress on the floor. It had no sheets, no blankets, and a pillow with no case. There were straps hanging off the sides which made me feel weird about lying down in it. What if I fell asleep and woke up strapped in? Then again, if I tried to sit or lay on the floor it was going to be a pain in the ass getting back up with my arms in the straitjacket. I shifted my arms, feeling how snug they were wrapped up.

I went back to the door. There was a small window at the top that I peered through. All I could see was the door across from me in the hall.

With a groan, I went to the mattress and sat down. After a moment I couldn’t ignore the feeling between my legs. I could still feel the imprint of Gonzo grinding through our clothes. I laid down on the mattress and pressed my thighs together. There was no relief from this sensation.

I needed to sleep. A nice nap would help make this go faster and hopefully, I’d wake up less horny than I was now. The lights were annoying though. I kicked myself higher in the bed until my head could rest on the pillow, and then I turned to the wall, and squeezed my eyes shut.

The padded wall had a strange scent to it—like licorice or anise. In my line of work, I sometimes went stretches of time where sleeping was a luxury. I had to fit it in at odd times and odd places. Plus, I was so damn tired here all the time. Groggy, as if my mind was always trying and failing to shake off sleep.

What felt like a moment later, I woke up—never realizing I’d fallen asleep. Immediately, I sensed that there was someone in the room with me. I’d shifted in my sleep to face the room, so I cracked one of my eyes open slightly, trying to see who was in here. Someone tall was standing in front of the door, staring at me. The lights reflected off his round glasses—Zero.

I closed my eye again. Why was he just standing there? The hair on my arms raised as the moment stretched on. How long had he been in here watching me?

When I cracked my eye open again, Zero was standing right next to me. I screamed in shock, not expecting it. He hadn’t made a single sound.

“Don’t scream,” he said, pressing his hand to my mouth. A moment later he grabbed the straps on the side of the bed. I sucked in a breath and rolled off the mattress, right into his legs. He fell backwards on the padding while I tried to scramble away like a worm inside the straitjacket. I wasn’t sure what I hoped to accomplish because all I did was go from one corner of the locked, padded room to the other. I squished myself into the corner, watching as he stood up and walked over to me.

“Why are you trying to strap me in?” I asked in a panic.

“Therapy,” he replied, grabbing the strap on the back of my straitjacket. It just so happened to be the strap that went between my legs. It tightened and I gasped. He dragged me across the room, the canvas fabric rubbing against me the entire time. I felt warmth spread across my belly.

Zero dropped me on the mattress, flipped me over on my back, and undid the strap that had teased me. I was horrified to think my soft half-moans had been more obvious than I realized.

Zero leaned over, pressing his palm to my chest to hold me down as he grabbed the first strap on the mattress and flicked it over my body.

I thrashed, trying to roll off again.

“Hazel,” he sighed like I was being a child about being strapped in.

“Did you tell them to bring me here?” I asked.

“No. I wanted you in my office.”

“Then take me to your office,” I insisted. Something about wearing a straitjacket in a soundproof padded room with Zero strapping me to a mattress was making me panic. Who’d have thought?

“No,” he said, tightening the strap above my breasts. I thrashed but it was a losing battle at this point.

“You smell like Gonzo,” he said blankly and I stilled. I felt a strap tighten on each one of my ankles. He yanked them tight and my legs spread open.

“Are you a shifter?” I asked. Shifters were always going on about scent. Zero looked at me a moment before reaching for another strap.

“One doesn’t have to be a shifter to smell his scent all over you.” The strap tightened on my hips.

“We didn’t have sex!” I blurted out, trying to rock back and forth in my restraints.

“Hazel, I’m going to start your therapy now.” He ignored my insistence that I didn’t fuck Gonzo. Did he not believe me? I wanted him to believe me. Not that it really mattered but it felt important since sex was a big no-no for me—not that Zero knew that.

Also, something felt weird between us. The unwanted sex gifts, the uncomfortable attention, the secret meetings in a padded cell while strapped to a mattress… it was kind of romantic, wasn’t it?

Did he say therapy?

“Wait, therapy? I… okay,” I fumbled out.

“I’ve been reading a lot about psychology recently.”

“You aren’t a psychologist?”

“Not at all. Psychology is only important to me when it comes to manipulating… I mean, helping you.” He stared at me blankly.

“Manipulate?” I asked. He was conveniently deaf again.

“I went over your files. Orson had a lot of notes. You must interest him.”

“Uh… okay.” Where was this going?

“I think pelvic massage would be the ideal for you.”

“You think what?” I asked, blinking at him in shock.

“There’s a lot of reasons I think you’d benefit from pelvic massage but I’m not sure it’s a good idea to discuss them with the patient.” He pushed his glasses up his nose an inch. His thick eyelashes and perfect bone structure were very distracting from his complete apathy.

“Stop saying pelvic massage,” I ground out, testing the tightness of the restraints. Zero stayed calmly kneeling next to the mattress, half-lidded eyes staring straight into mine.

“Would you prefer clitoral stimulation, internal stimulation, or both?”

“Stop!” I snapped, my face burning and my eyes wide. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s a common practice for frustrated women who suffer from certain mental ailments. A doctor, such as myself, uses a device to stimulate you until you orgasm.”

“I…” I didn’t know what to say. “This is a real therapy?” Suddenly I wasn’t into fighting the idea of needing therapy. And this wasn’t sex, not really. It was medical therapy that my doctor thought I needed. I stifled a manic giggle as I felt my blush run all the way up to my ears.

“Very real. I believe it’s fairly recent too. Cutting edge in the psychology field. I read so in my books.”

“Oh,” I said softly, my eyes flitting about nervously. The excitement in my stomach was picking up. I didn’t care why he was doing this here instead of his office anymore. I also didn’t care he’d been watching me while I slept. And now, I was almost pleased by how he’d dragged me from the corner, the strap rubbing between my legs. How he forced me on the mattress and strapped me down.

It hit me— that’s why he removed the bottom strap between my legs… it was going to get in the way of what he planned to do. What did he plan to do exactly?

“I plan to use a common vibrator—”

“Are you reading my mind?” I blurted, interrupting him.

“I don’t think you realize when you’re talking aloud sometimes.”

“I’m not crazy,” I hissed.

“Well, then you’d be the only sane one here at Verfallen,” he commented as he walked over and picked up a black doctor’s bag that I hadn’t noticed before. He brought the bag back over and kneeled next to the bed again. The zipper made a purring noise as he opened it. My eyes followed the front straps on his doctor’s coat. TV shows showed white jackets with buttons, not black jackets strapped up. I’d never seen one like his, but then again I never saw real doctors so what did I know?

A large white wand with a bulbous end was pulled out of the bag. My eyes widened. He set the wand on the mattress next to my hip and pulled out two black gloves.

“Doctors used to manually stimulate their patients,” he said, working his long fingers into each plastic glove. The action combined with the words made me look at his hands and wonder what they’d feel like manually stimulating me. He snapped the glove in place, which also snapped my attention back to his face.

“Would you prefer that?” He asked. My heart already felt like it was in my throat. I looked down at the wand and my breathing picked up. Was that massive thing supposed to go inside me? I had no idea but it was vaguely phallic shaped, even if horrifyingly big. Plus it looked like really hard plastic—no give at all. Maybe I was a health nut but organic sounded a lot better at the moment. The vibrators he left in my drawer had been tiny little things that could fit in my palm, this was not that. I was too embarrassed to ask how exactly he planned to use it.

“Um, at first I would prefer…” I trailed off, looking at him and hoping my thoughts were beaming to him and I didn’t have to say it aloud. He just stared at me silently with half-lidded eyes. I swallowed.

“I’d prefer you,” I said quietly. He stopped blinking and I realized I worded that strange. “I mean manually. Not you but uh, yes you but I meant… Shit,” I hissed, getting angry with myself and this ridiculous situation.

“Right,” he said. The ground could open up and swallow me whole. Instead of that happening, Doctor Stein’s gloved hands slid under my skirt, sliding up the sides of my hips, and he began to pull my panties down. I slammed my eyes shut as I felt the cool air between my naked legs.

I flinched when I felt two fingers slide across my entrance. No one had ever touched me directly before. I’d been committed to my celibacy and never saw doctors, so this was entirely new. My heart was banging in my chest like it meant to burst out through my ribs.

“Interesting,” he said. I popped my eyes open and nearly swallowed my tongue. His gloves were dark and wet where they had touched me.

“I’ll still use some additional lubrication to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

I groaned in dismay, dropping my head back on the mattress and closing my eyes. I heard the snap of the lube cap being opened. I was far too aware of every sound and movement. Time stretched as I waited and then I felt three lubricated, gloved fingers slide up and down my entrance. I bit back a whimper.

My legs tried to widen but he’d strapped them down to the corners too tight to move them. God, he’d strapped my legs open wide so he could get between them easily and without a fight. He had full control over me and could do whatever he wanted.

“I’m going to start with a uterine massage,” he said. I opened my mouth to ask what the fuck that was but before I could his middle finger sunk inside me. I sucked in a breath and nearly choked on my tongue as he pushed his finger deeper.

“Fuck,” I wheezed. He placed his other hand low on my stomach and gently pressed down. Inside he began rubbing.

It felt strange. His palm pressed down on my stomach as he thrust a second finger inside me. I’d never had someone inside me before and it felt peculiar. My breathing was picking up, my body wanted to squirm and a whine was crawling up my throat. This really was therapy, right?

A sensation began building deep inside me. I strained slightly in my straitjacket and against the straps.

“That feels strange,” I said, exhaling roughly. Zero removed his hands and I was concerned I said the wrong thing. I didn’t want him to stop, did I? I wanted the therapy to be… thorough so that I got the full benefit of its healing power.

I popped my eyes open and looked at the doctor. He was staring between my legs unabashedly. I felt his fingers tease my entrance and slide up, sweeping over my clit. I sucked in a breath and his eyes flipped to me.

“I’m done with the uterine massage,” he commented, gliding over my clit. I jerked in shock.

“You have a lot of natural lubrication,” he said while staring between my legs, “It makes this easier.”

“Kill me,” I groaned.

“Later,” he said, mistaking my metaphor for literalism. My neck tingled as the memory of his unflinching grip on my throat resurfaced.

Deftly, he began to tease me with his hand. He was emotionally removed, but exceptionally talented. The entire situation was a clash of clinical and intimate. I wasn’t sure what to think. I tried to swallow moans, it felt inappropriate.

A whimper clawed its way out of my throat as he massaged between my legs. My breathing was erratic and I was straining in my restraints. He changed his movement to up and down swipes and I whined, throwing my head back and lifting my hips from the mattress.

“Interesting,” he noted, making my face flame. The pleasure built and yesterday kept flashing in my head—the doctor overtop of me, watching as I suffocated in his grip. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

Zero was staring at me—observing my face cave to the pleasure. He changed his up and down pattern for circular motions and the breath was knocked out of me.

“You like that one the most,” he commented. I couldn’t look away from him now. Or maybe I just didn’t want to. I wasn’t thinking clearly.

Zero watched me, noting every small shift of my reaction, honing in on the best movements and then improving them. I wanted to roll away and whine, beg for a break. Instead, I laid in my restraints, poorly attempting to lift my hips to chase the movements of his hand.

He held my eyes, capturing them. I wondered if it was some magic. I felt entrapped, unable to see anything in the room except him. Pleasure grew as his speed increased. I panicked as I felt an orgasm building towards its peak. My breath came out fast and short.

Yesterday’s orgasm with him was accidental, an unexpected side effect. Today it’s all he wanted. The pleasure began to crest and his eyes scanned my face, taking in the subtle movement of muscles, the way my mouth opened, and my eyes creased. It felt like he was memorizing every breath from my lungs.

I was going to come. I sucked in a shocked breath before moans burst from my mouth. My body rocked without thought—struggling against restraints. I closed my eyes and felt him grip my chin tightly.

“Eyes on me, Hazel.” I stared into his eyes as I rode the high. He didn’t let go of my face, demanding I look at him as his hand worked me over. Finally, the orgasm tapered off and I thought I’d get a moment of relief. Zero increased the speed of his fingers and pressed down harder. I squirmed against the restraints and his hand tightened on my chin.

“It’s easier to bring a second orgasm right after the first,” he commented. I already felt it building. I was half-frightened by the prospect of another. It felt like I could die if I experienced it again so soon. I whined and tried to get away but he was relentless.

“This will be good for you,” he said, eyes sweeping over my body. The orgasm came and my doubts were swept away. It was mind-numbing. Groans rose up my throat until all my energy was depleted.

He released my chin and removed his hand from between my legs. The air was even cooler on my pussy now that I was soaking wet.

I closed my eyes and caught my breath. Then I heard an electric buzzing and my eyes flew open. He had the wand in his hand.

“Don’t put that inside me!” I blurted.

“I think that would be rather difficult,” he commented before pressing the bulbous end to my clit. I screamed. His eyes shot to mine and I saw the threat in them. I swallowed the scream back down before he had to cover my mouth.

“I think that’s enough therapy,” I panted as he slowly dialed up the strength. I ground my teeth together and looked at the lights on the ceiling.

“Eyes on me,” he said. Immediately, I looked at him. His large brown eyes framed with thick lashes looked emotionless. They didn’t feel emotionless though. Not to me.

“How close are you?” He asked.

“Close,” I rasped.

“Good.” He reached into his bag while holding the vibrator steady against my clit. It was relentless. I felt overstimulated but that didn’t matter to the orgasm growing in the depths of my body. The wand was pulling it out forcefully and it was already crashing into me like a tidal wave, knocking me over and rolling my brain.

I felt the cold press of a gun above my ear.

“I’m going to kill you now,” he said, flicking the speed up again. I screamed behind my lips. My eyes dipped to his mouth. His breath hitched when he noticed. Zero looked over his shoulder at the door before leaning in close.

“You can’t tell anyone about what I’m going to do,” he whispered, moving onto the mattress. The weight of his body settled on top of me. I couldn’t move at all in my restraints as he looked down at me.

“If anyone knew…” His lips were so close that I felt them move on mine as he talked. I trembled, knowing what was coming.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” Zero asked. I nodded. He took another breath and then pressed his mouth to mine. I whined against his lips. The vibrator was still dialed up and my muscles were tensing. I leaned my head against the gun’s barrel as we kissed—daring him, begging him. The thrill of death and the high of pleasure were driving me insane.

“If they knew I kissed you, they’d kill you. Really kill you. No coming back, Hazel,” he whispered. Then his lips were on mine again. They were soft and powerful. The demanding orgasm finally washed over me. I groaned and desperately tried to deepen the kiss. I wanted to taste him.

That’s about the time he pulled the trigger.

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