Daddy’s Little Surprise (Missouri Daddies #6) 9. Chapter Seven 20%
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9. Chapter Seven



M arco placed some slices of strawberries and watermelon into a bowl before putting it on the tray. He was making Rainey breakfast in bed. She was currently

asleep, snuggled up to her stuffed animal, Tootsie, and his pillow.

He didn’t want to leave her this morning, but he needed to make her breakfast. They had both slept in, Rainey snuggled up to his side. He loved the feeling of her against him, something he could get used to.

That brought his mind back to last night.

They’d had sex in the kitchen. He couldn’t help but look over at the slim counter and replay it in his head. The boys had laughed at him when he was building it, but he didn’t care. Marco knew it was going to come in handy one day, and it did.

Sighing, he pulled the French toast out of the pan and onto her plate. It was something light, so hopefully, she would be able to eat it and keep it down. He placed a bottle of chocolate milk on the tray and started to cut up the French toast.

Dane whined, and Marco looked down at him.

“I know, buddy,” he gently said. “I know you want to see Rainey, but you can’t right now.”

He knew exactly what Marco was saying because he started to whine more. Marco bent down and started to pet him.

“After I finish feeding her, you can come in and get snuggles from her.”

Marco had a feeling he was starting to lose Dane to Rainey, but Marco couldn’t be mad. He was completely infatuated, obsessed, and in love with Rainey himself.

“I can’t believe I said that last night,” he whispered as he got up.

He told Rainey he loved her. He didn’t regret telling her because it was the truth, but it was too early. They hadn’t known each other for a long time, but he knew.

She was the one.

Marco took the tray of food and started walking toward their room. Dane followed the whole way.

“Stay,” Marco commanded as he opened the door.

He quietly walked in and shut the door before heading toward the bed. Placing the tray on the dresser, he gently sat next to Rainey and ran his hands through her hair.

So soft and silky.

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

She moaned and pushed her head into his hand. A smile spread across his face as he continued to run his hands through her hair.

“It’s time to get up,” he gently said.

“No,” she whined.

A chuckle escaped past his lips. “Yes, Little girl. It’s time to get up and eat. You and our baby boy need food.”

“How do you know it’s a boy?” She opened one of her eyes.

“It’s just a feeling.” He placed one hand on her stomach and started to rub.

“A feeling?”

“Yeah, Little girl, a feeling it’s going to be a boy.”

Marco didn’t know why, but he sure felt it would be a boy.

“Do you want a boy or girl?” he asked.

“I don’t care. I just want the baby to be healthy.”

“The baby will be healthy, and so will you.”

He would make sure of it.

“Do I really have to get up?” she grumbled.

“Yes, Little girl. I’ve got food. You just need to sit up in bed and let me feed you.”

She groaned and tried to push herself up. He quickly placed his hands on her and helped her sit up.

“One second.”

Marco grabbed several pillows and placed them behind her back.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Do you need to?—”

“Pee,” she urgently said. “Pee!”

He quickly stood, picked her up, and rushed to the bathroom. Before she could do anything, he sat her down on the toilet. He knelt in front of her as she placed her head in her hands and started to go.

“This is so embarrassing,” she whispered.


She pulled her head out of her hands. “I’m peeing in front of you!”

He wrapped his hands around her face. “It’s not that big of a deal. You are just peeing. Everyone pees. You can watch me if you want.”


“Yes, Little girl. You can definitely watch if you want.”

“You don’t think it’s weird?”

“No, Little girl. I don’t think it’s weird at all.”

By this point, Rainey had done her business and was just looking at him. He didn’t want anything between them. He wanted to be so comfortable with each other that none of them got embarrassed about anything.

Marco knew it was going to take time and patience.

“Do you want me to wipe you?”

Her face turned beet red, and she slapped his shoulder. “No! I am a grown adult who can wipe herself after going to the bathroom.”

“I never said you weren’t, but sometimes it’s nice for Daddy to help with things. Anytime you want that, let me know, and I’ll make it happen.”

Marco stood up while Rainey wiped herself.

“Oh my,” she whispered.

He rushed in, alarmed, as he heard the slight panic in her voice. “What’s wrong? Are you and the baby okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?”

Marco looked at her, trying to see what was wrong, but he couldn’t figure anything out. He knelt in front of her and cupped her face .

“Little girl, I need you to tell me what’s wrong. Are you and the baby okay? Do I need to call an ambulance, or do I need to take you to the hospital?”

Marco didn’t like not being in the know. Rainey just stared at him.

“If you don’t answer Daddy in three seconds, I will call an ambulance.”

He wasn’t messing around. He wanted both of them healthy and safe.

“Wait, Daddy! The baby and I are fine. You don’t need to call an ambulance.” She gripped his wrist.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“We just had this whole conversation while we were naked. I peed in front of you.”


“And?! What do you mean ‘and’?”

“Exactly what I mean, Little girl.”

He didn’t see a problem with it, but he knew she was probably embarrassed. He didn’t want to feed into it and make her feel like it was a big deal. She had to be super embarrassed about it. It was all going to come with time.

“I just… We’re naked, and I was peeing in front of you.”

“Yes, you were, and it’s not a big deal. We’ll be doing a lot more of it.”

Her mouth hung open as she stared at him .

“I don’t want you to be embarrassed around me. I know we just met, and I know it’s going to take some time, which is fine, but why not now?”

Rainey didn’t say anything, but he didn’t expect her to. It was a lot to take in.

“How about we go back into the room and eat,” he suggested.

Marco helped her up from the toilet and walked her over to the sink. Without thinking, he helped her wash her hands before gently drying them.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she whispered.

“I wanted to do it. Is that okay?”

She nodded and walked into the room, sitting on her side of the bed.

“How did you sleep last night?” he asked.

It had been one of the best nights for him. To feel her up against him several times and to wake up with her in his arms was incredible.

“Amazing, and I woke up refreshed. I loved it. Your bed is so soft and better than I have been sleeping on.”

“I think anything would be beat sleeping on a couch.”

She chuckled and nodded. Marco pulled the covers over her lap and turned to get the food. He was about to feed her in bed. How many times had he imagined feeding his woman breakfast in bed? Too many to count, and now it was finally happening.

Marco turned around and stared at her for several seconds. She was looking down at her stomach, rubbing it ever so gently. He wanted this every morning. Even when the baby came and their schedule turned into chaos, he still wanted to take time to cherish her and show her she was loved.

Had she been shown love her whole life, or would this be a first for her?

Marco knew it was foolish to have these strong feelings for her when he didn’t know her that well. Even if it was, he wasn’t going to stop.

Rainey looked up and gave him a smile. “Whatever that is, it smells delicious.”

A grin spread across his face as he walked over to her and sat down. “French toast and some fruit. Something light, but it will give you and your baby some nourishment.”

Her eyes looked down at the food, her gaze making its way from one thing to another when her body went rigid.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, worry bubbling up inside him.

He had forgotten to ask her if she was allergic to anything. Had he brought something she was allergic to?

“It’s nothing,” she whispered, looking up at him and giving him the fakest smile ever.

He shook his head. “Nope. That’s not going to work, Little girl. What’s wrong?”

This time, she shook her head as tears filled her eyes.

“Are you allergic to something on the tray? Do you not like chocolate milk?”

She shook her head once again, staring at the fruit on the plate.

“What’s wrong then? I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“It’s not an even number!”

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