“ I don’t know if I can do this. I really don’t know if I can do this. This was a mistake. Maybe I can just hang out with you in your office.”
Nerves bubbled inside of Rainey as they drove toward the club. She didn’t know why she thought she could do this. She obviously wasn’t ready, but she had said yes.
Rainey turned toward Daddy. “I really don’t know if I can do this. I... This is a bad idea. Dane and I can just hang out in your office and relax there. I think that sounds like such a better idea.”
She gripped onto her thighs. Why had she agreed to hang out with the girls? She so badly wanted to, but the nerves were getting to her. Dane started barking, and she took in a deep breath.
Before she knew what was happening, Daddy was pulling off the road.
“What are you doing? Why have you stopped? Is there something wrong with the car? Are we going to have to walk? I really can’t walk long distances while pregnant. I… I’m just always so tired.”
“Little girl.”
“It’s also not safe to stop on the side of the road. People are driving by. What if you try to get out and somebody harms you? What am I going to do then? I won’t have you, which leaves me alone.”
Dane continued to bark.
“Quiet, Dane,” Daddy commanded.
“Maybe Dane and I should just go home. That way, we can just relax. I’m making him worried, which is making me nervous. I don’t want to make him worried. Or maybe it’s because we’re pulled over on the side of the road. That could be it. He knows how dangerous it is.”
Daddy cupped her face with his hands, bringing her attention to him.
“Deep breath in. Hold. Now, slowly let it out.”
They continued this for several seconds as he helped her calm down.
“I think this was a bad idea,” she whispered.
“It’s not a bad idea. You’re just really nervous, which is normal. The other girls are nervous as well. They all want you to like them so you guys can hang out.”
“Yes, Little girl. Finn texted me, saying Charlotte was nervous. I have no doubt all the other girls are too. They are just like you, not wanting to have someone not like them. Everything is going to be okay, but if you really don’t want to hang out with them, you and Dane can come sit with me. They’ll understand. ”
Rainey hadn’t thought the other girls would be nervous. They all had each other, and she didn’t have any of them. What if she did something to make them upset?
“Everything is going to be fine. Now, I’m going to get back on the road. You think about what you want to do. I won’t be mad if you go and hang out with them, and I won’t be mad if you want to hang out with me. I want you to be comfortable.”
Daddy took her hand and held it as he started to drive again. She was so torn on what she wanted to do. She didn’t like feeling this anxious and worried, but at the same time, she wanted to make friends.
It was so hard deciding what to do. She just wanted somebody else to make the decision for her.
“You’re all right. Everything is going to be okay. You can hang out with them for as little or as long as you want. They’ll understand, and they’re not going to judge you for it.”
“Maybe I’ll hang out with them for a coupleof minutes. I really wish you would come with me and Dane, but I know you have work.”
“I can try and do my work out in the main area if you would feel more comfortable with that.”
She shook her head as he pulled into a parking spot. It wouldn’t be fair. Daddy had work to do, and she felt like screaming Littles was going to be a distraction.
“Will it only be them, or will other people be there?” she asked, getting nervous again.
How would she react to having other people there? People she didn’t know. Would they look at her funny when she brought Dane with her? He wasn’t officially her emotional support dog, but he really felt like it.
“There might be a coupleof other people, but normally at this time of day it’s pretty dead.”
What if they wanted to hang out with her? What if they started to make her feel uncomfortable? Was she going to be able to survive?
It was a bit dramatic, but it was a thought nonetheless. It was a good thought. She was scared about going in there and not having Daddy. Rainey knew she would have Dane, though.
“If you don’t want to hang out with the other people, just politely let them know. And if they don’t take the hint, you let me know, and you can come hang out with me.”
She waited patiently as Daddy got out of the car and walked to her.
“I want you to hold on to my belt loops as I get Dane out of the car. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He unbuckled her and helped her out of the car. She immediately grabbed onto the loops of his pants as he got Dane. This wasn’t the first time he’d had her do this. Whenever they had things in the back of the car, he made her hold on so she wouldn’t go anywhere.
It was sweet of him to do that. He really cared for her. Made her feel all gooey inside every time he said or did something like that.
“Are you ready?” Daddy asked.
“I guess,” she whispered.
Daddy handed her Dane’s leash, and she gripped it tightly.
“Are you coming with Daddy, or will you hang out with them for a little bit?”
“I guess I’ll hang out with them. Are you sure I can come to you at any point?” She held onto his hand.
Any time they were in a parking lot, Daddy always wanted her to hold onto his hand. She didn’t mind because she didn’t like to navigate parking lots. They were confusing, and she didn’t know whether a car was coming or not. It was easier with Daddy because he took control.
“Yes, Little girl. I promise. I’ll have my door open, and if you need me, call out or come to my office.”
Nausea bubbled inside her as they walked into the building.
“You’re okay.” Daddy squeezed her hand.
Dane stayed close to her as they walked down a long corridor. Doors were scattered, some closed and some not.
“These are rooms for Doms and their subs to come in if they need some alone time. All of them have windows in case a Monitor needs to watch.”
“Some people who come to the club are new to the lifestyle, and the monitors make sure they are okay. We vet everyone before they come in, but we want to ensure everything is still safe.”
“Are the windows always open?”
“Not always.”
They continued to walk down the hallway .
“What, Little girl?”
“It’s a shop!”
“We can go there sometime if you want. They have stuffies, clothes, necessities, and other things.”
“Could we?”
“Of course. We can go after I get some work done.”
Daddy led her further down the hallway before he stopped right in front of a closed door.
“This is Daddy’s office. If you need anything, you get me or call out. If you can’t find my office, other people are working here that will help you.”
She nodded, and they walked through a different door into a big room. The first thing she saw was the bar. It was to the side, but it was massive.
“The bar is where you can get drinks and food. They’ll know to put you on my tab, so get whatever you want.”
“So, all the candy?”
“No, Little girl. I’ll be telling them how much candy you can have in a night when we are here. They won’t go over it, and if I hear you trying to bribe them, your bottom will be hot.”
She clenched her butt cheeks. “No, thank you.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Rainey looked to her right and immediately saw the part of the room where people could color and play with blocks.
“Can I?”
“Give me one second, and we can go over there.”
Her eyes went wide, and she stared at the group of people sitting in the corner she was looking at. She hadn’t seen them sitting there. How had she missed them? Hedda was waving at her, a big smile on her face. Were all of them happy to see her?
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “Maybe we should just go to your office.”
Dane pushed against her leg, and she started to pet him.
“Such a good boy.”
“After I get you something to drink and eat, we’ll go over there and say hi. Why don’t you try for five minutes to hang out with them? If you really don’t want to hang out after those five minutes, you can come to my office. But you have to actually try.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
He led her toward the bar.
“Can I have juice to drink?”
“Water first, and then he can give you some juice after.”
Rainey pouted. “No fair.”
“Baby, health. You haven’t drunk much today, and you need to. Water before, and then you can have juice.”
She pushed her bottom lip out and looked at Daddy.
“Or you can just have water.”
“Water first is fine,” she quickly said.
“That’s what I thought.”
They stood right in front of the bar, and a man walked over.
“Hey, John.”
“Marco. And who do we have here?”
“This is Rainey, my girl.”
Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. He had called her his girl several times but to hear him say it to another person, that was completely different. She wanted to hear it all the time.
“Nice to meet you, Rainey. I’m John, the bar manager. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
She gave him a smile but made no move to talk.
“Can you say hi to John?”
“Hi,” she whispered.
“Such a good girl.”
“A shy girl.”
“When she wants to be. Once she gets comfortable around the person, she comes out of her shell.”
“When are you guys due?” John asked.
Daddy brought his other hand to her stomach and started to rub it. Any time he could, it seemed like he always had a hand on her stomach. Not that she minded. He had taken more interest in her and her baby than anyone else.
Their baby.
Daddy never said her baby but their baby . She’d started to get used to it as well, liking the sound of him taking initiative.
“In less than three months,” Daddy said.
“Soon. Congratulations. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”
She shook her head. “No. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Do you have a preference for what you want?”
She shook her head once again. “Healthy.”
“I keep saying it’s going to be a boy. I just have a feeling.”
“Well, they say when the bump is high, it’s going to be a boy.”
Rainey looked down at her stomach and grew self- conscious. She was getting bigger and bigger every day. Did people think she was fat?
“You’re just the perfect size. John didn’t mean anything by that.”
“Shit. Sorry, Little one. I really didn’t. My mama just told me when she was pregnant with me, her bump was high.”
Rainey didn’t look up but continued to look at her stomach.
“Little girl. Can you look at me?”
She kept her head down.
Her eyes found him and he smiled.
“You are perfect. You are growing our baby inside you. You look amazing.”
She leaned into him and took several deep breaths. Not many people commented about how big her stomach was. She knew it was big because she was carrying it around all the time. It was exhausting.
“Now, what do you want to eat? Cheese and crackers? Pretzels?”
“Cheese and crackers?”
“Can we get some cheese and crackers along with some water for Rainey?”
“Coming right up.”
John moved around, grabbing everything and putting it on a plate.
“Here you go. If you need anything else, you let me know.”
Rainey looked at the plate and took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down. He didn’t know she liked things in even numbers. How could he know when she hadn’t mentioned anything?
But she couldn’t help but feel her skin crawling at the odd number. Maybe she could just not eat one of them. She could totally do that, right? How hard could it be?
Rainey gave the person a smile. “Tha?—”
“Could she have one more?” Daddy asked.
She looked up at him in shock. What was he doing? John gave him a weird look but grabbed another cracker, giving it to Daddy.
“Thank you,” Daddy said.
She watched as Daddy took everything and turned toward her.
“Here you go. Eight to be exact.”
Her mouth hung open in shock. “Wh-what? Why would you do that?”
“I know you like even numbers. I know when you don’t get even numbers, your skin feels like it’s starting to crawl,” Daddy gently said. “I also know you don’t like things to go to waste. You would have eaten all of them, even if it made your uncomfortable for the rest of the day.”
Tears pooled in her eyes. She had mentioned that to him before, but she didn’t think he had remembered. Normally, people forgot or pretended they didn’t know.
“I didn’t think you paid that much attention,” she whispered.
“With you, I’m never not paying attention. You are my life. Both of you are,” he replied as he placed his hands on her stomach again. “I would do anything for you. I want to make you comfortable whenever I can. ”
Daddy turned to John as she stared at him in shock.
“From now on, can we ensure she gets everything in even numbers? And all her items are to be put on my tab. Candy is limited to two small packets a night. If she tries to get more, you tell me.”
“Of course, Sir. I’ll put that all down in the file so everyone can see.”
“Thank you.”
“Daddy is going to hold this while we walk over to the other Littles. I’ll set it down, and then I need to go work.”
Unease filled her. Was she really going to go hang out with them?
“Try for at least five minutes. Can you do that for Daddy? You might be surprised and love hanging out with them. You might just have some pre-jitters.”
“I don’t know, Daddy.”
“Just try for five minutes. I would hate for you not to try and regret it.”
She sighed. “Fine.”
“Such a good girl.”
They walked toward the group of Littles. There were a coupleof people she didn’t recognize and several she didn’t see.
“I’m so happy you came!” Hedda yelled. “You’re going to have so much fun.”
She gripped on to Daddy’s arm and Dane’s leash tighter.
“You’re okay,” Daddy gently said.
Rainey let go of his arm as he set her food and water on the table. The other Littles also had food and drinks, which made her feel a lot better. She didn’t want to be the only one to eat. What if they hated the way she chewed or drank her water?
“Rainey is a little nervous right now. Just be gentle.”
“Daddy,” she whined.
He didn’t need to let them know she was nervous. Now, they could make fun of her when he left.
“It’s okay. They aren’t mad at you for being nervous.”
“I was nervous when I first came to the group,” Sofia spoke up. “I still get nervous sometimes. Daddy always has to talk me through it.”
“You do?! No way! My Daddy talked to me this morning. I love you all, but I just get worried still,” Monroe exclaimed.
“See, Little one? You aren’t the only one who gets nervous. It’s normal,” Daddy whispered in her ear.
She was seeing that now.
“I’ll be back in five minutes to check-in on you.” Daddy kissed her forehead.
“You don’t have to,” she whispered. “If I need anything, I’ll come to you. Promise.”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Positive. I’ll come to you if I get overwhelmed.”
“Or if you just need me.”
“Or if I need you. I promise. Pinky promise? You know I can’t break them. Unless you want to break my pinky when I do. That would be kind of weird but maybe you are into that. Everyone is into something. I’m not really into you breaking my pinky but I do love you so I mean, I guess?”
“No hurting you.”
“No one will be hurting you. Over my dead body.”
Daddy sighed and kissed her forehead again.
“Sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean it.”
She was starting to feel bad. How could she be so inconsiderate?
“No, baby. It’s not you. I just don’t want to leave you.”
Rainey giggled and looked up.
“You’ve got work, though.”
“I know. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“I promise. And if I’m not, I’ll come immediately to you.”
“If you can’t find me or anyone to get you to my office, tell Dane to follow Daddy’s scent, and he’ll get you to me.”
Her mouth hung open. “He can do that, too?”
“Yes, Little girl. He was able to do this before, but if you say, “Follow Daddy’s scent,” he’ll recognize it and take you to me. I wanted you to feel safe and be able to find me when you’re with him.”
How thoughtful of him.
“Thank you,” she whispered, feeling herself getting all emotional.
“I didn’t want to make you cry. I needed him to recognize the command so he would take you to me.”
She wrapped her arms around Daddy and melted as his arms wrapped around her.
“Thank you again.”
“Anytime, Little girl. I love you, too.”
Rainey pulled away from him and smiled.
“If you need anything, call out or come to me.”
“I will.”
“Have fun, but not too much.”
Daddy kissed her forehead once again, and she watched as he walked toward his office. Her heart started beating faster as he left the room. She was all alone with the other Littles.
Dane pushed his nose into her leg and barked.
“I’m okay,” she whispered, petting his head before turning to the group. They were all staring at her with big smiles on their faces.
Maybe she wasn’t okay.