Dark Angel (The Gilded Blade #1) Love and Deceit 93%
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Love and Deceit

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“You failed!” Colton snarls at her.

Daisy stands in the abandoned manor in Covent Garden. At least, Daisy assumes it was abandoned with the amount of dust caked on the furniture and the musky, waxy scent lingering.

It’s where Colton brought her and ordered her to remain with him. She won’t leave his side now. She’s completely enthralled by him, wanting to please him in every way possible. She’s fully captured in his gorgeous features, his bare phantom body and dark aura. “Clarence intervened.”

“Because you took too long to kill him!” Colton snaps again.

She doesn’t flinch at his outburst.

He stalks towards her, jaw tight like iron and dark eyes glaring into hers. “We have four more sacrifices to be made. That was meant to be our fourth, and you failed me, Petal.”

“I’m sorry.” Her lips tremble. She doesn’t want to see him mad, especially if it’s her fault.

“You will make it up to me. Make another sacrifice tonight. My power is dwindling the longer you delay. Don’t let me down this time.” He grits out at her harshly.

“I won’t.” She promises.

His finger trails her chin gently, the tip light and airy like a feather. His body still isn’t fully complete, but his touch is beginning to feel realer now. “I should hope not. I don’t like giving second chances. But you, Petal. I need you to do this for me. I am too weak still to kill with my own hands. And I need Uriel’s blade.” He grunts out angrily, pulling on his chestnut hair. “They’re keeping it in the Ascendancy now, so you’ll have to go in and retrieve it for me. My demonic soul can’t enter that hideous place, and that blade is the one thing that can kill me.”

Daisy nods hurriedly. “I will do whatever you need.”

He smirks. It’s feral and dark, but her heart still flutters, nonetheless. Colton sits in one of the deep blue armchairs, rubbing his hair angrily while plucking his glass off of the side table. It’s half filled with a deep ruby liquid. Daisy knows from the consistency that it’s not wine, it’s too thick. Colton brings the glass to his lips and gulps down the syrupy fluid.

“Is that…”

“Blood. Yes.” He simply answers, wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hand. Red stains his blurred skin. “Seraphim blood, to be exact.”


His tongue sweeps across his bottom lip, soaking up the remnants clinging to his mouth. “It gives me some more strength, but soon I won’t need it. I’ll survive off nothing but dark energy when my powers are fully obtained. Well, I guess I will feed off of the souls I take as well.” His sickly sweet grin reappearing.

Daisy stares at him, stunned for a moment, before giggling like it’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard in her life.

She stifles a yawn, her hand covering her mouth as her eyes water. She’s been awake all night and morning. Her body is starting to fatigue.

He looks at her almost in a compassionate way, his grin falling. “You should rest.” Colton says, surprisingly gentler than she anticipated.

She shakes her head at him. “No. I am fine. ”

“I can see you drifting off as you stand there. Please. I need you at full strength tonight if we are to make another kill.”

His head nods to the lounge opposite him. It has a blanket thrown over it already and various cushions.

Daisy approaches it, pulling the folded blanket until it’s unravelled. “You made sure to leave me a blanket?” Daisy stares at it, her heart swelling at the thought of him caring for her.

Colton scoffs, “You’re a weak mortal being. You need warmth to sleep.”

“Thank you.” She chimes before falling onto the lounge. Tucking a cushion under her hair, Daisy turns onto her side to watch him. His deep eyes stare into the flickering fire, his empty glass still in his hand as he swirls it around like he’s deep in thought.

“Are you not resting as well?”

His gaze lands on hers from the armchair. “I don’t need it.”


“Demons don’t need sleep. We are powerful enough already.”

“Right, of course…”

She closes her eyes, her body relaxing underneath the fluffy blanket layered on top of her. Muscles loosening, she can feel herself already being pulled into sleep when his cold lips gently brush the skin of her forehead. It’s incredibly soft and fleeting, but enough to jolt her heart awake once again.

She cracks open an eyelid to see Colton wandering away from her into the kitchen of the manor with his empty glass.

* ? * ? *

“How are you feeling now?” Matthew asks as Kora curls up against him on the lounge .

Lewis, Valarie and Alice all sit in the parlour with them as they wait for Clarence and Jordan to return.

She shrugs against him, soaking up Matthew’s warmth. “He’s really gone, and I couldn’t say goodbye to him.” She hushes out.

His lips roll together as Matthew pulls her closer against him. She feels another arm wrap itself around her, and Alice rests her head on hers. Her sweet berry scent filling Kora’s nose.

The door to the Hamilton manor opens, and Clarence walks in with Jordan behind him, both wearing solemn expressions.

Kora stands from the lounge and rushes to throw her arms around her brother, hugging him tightly. “I am so sorry you had to do that.”

Clarence’s arms pull her closer. Her face nestles in the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry you’re the one who found him, and that nobody could save him.”

She nods against his skin, relaxing in his enveloping embrace for a moment. “Thank you.” She murmurs, turning her head to glance at Jordan, who is standing beside them still. He gives her a short half-smile of condolence.

Clarence exhales, pulling himself away to hold his sister’s face in his hands. “We need to focus on finding Daisy now.” Kora nods in agreement, and his eyes fall onto the empty leather sheath strapped to her back. “Where is your blade?”

“Robert has it at the Ascendancy.”

“What? Why?” Jordan rushes out, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Kora’s eyes flick between the two of them as she decides to not share the truth with everyone in the room. “Robert said it’ll be safer there, so I left it with him.” Is all she says.

Jordan eyes Kora, but he doesn’t argue with her, even though he can sense that she’s not telling them the complete truth.

Her brother exhales gently, “All right. We’ll all go to the Ascendancy tonight and catch Daisy in the act. We’ll wait for her to come to retrieve the blade and trap her. It’s the only way we can save her and rid her of Colton.”

“You think she knows the blade is at the Ascendancy?” Lewis questions as the others come to stand with them.

Clarence’s mouth twitches. “I believe Colton has his eye on us and knows more than we think. He’ll send Daisy in because of her Seraphim Mark. Colton can’t enter the building on his own, so she’ll have to steal it for him. It might not work, but we can at least try. What other option do we have?”

“We should leave soon, then.” Says Jordan, peering over at the clock on the mantel.

“Are we all going?” Valarie asks nervously.

“The more we have, the better our chances. Charles is still in the infirmary, otherwise I’d ask him to come too.”

“All right. Let’s do it then.” Matthew says with a definitive nod.

They all sit around the parlour, making their plan for the night. Valarie and Lewis are to stay at the rear of the building while Jordan and Clarence guard the entrance. Matthew, Alice and Kora on the fourth floor outside of Robert’s study, where Kora will wield Uriel’s blade.

“Do we all know our positions and what to do?” Clarence asks the group.

They all nod in agreement.

“All right. Let’s get ready then.”

They all separate to prepare. Matthew and Alice make their way towards their quarters as Lewis, Valarie and Jordan go to the attic to collect weapons.

Kora turns to change out of her dress when Clarence stops her. He waits for the others to leave the room before he murmurs to her quietly, “If Colton is there, he’s going to be difficult to attack.”

“He’s my twin. I have to try to stop him.”

“I know,” Clarence says, falling onto the lounge, “that’s what I’m afraid of. ”

Kora sits beside him, her hand on his. “I have trained my whole life for this. We can do it. We have to do it. If Colton isn’t stopped, then I don’t know what we’ll do.”

Clarence looks at her for a few moments as they sit in silence. The only sound filling the room is the crackling of the flames in the hearth.

“You won’t kill her, will you?” Clarence asks suddenly, his voice cracking as he questions her.

Kora thinks for a moment. She’s not entirely sure what she will do with Daisy, but she knows she will never forgive herself if she hurts her friend. “No. I won’t. I can’t hurt Daisy.”

“Thank you.” Clarence expires in relief. “We should prepare as well.”

Nodding, Kora gets up from the lounge, brushing down the fabric of her dress. “I’ll be upstairs.”

She heads up to her quarters. Closing the door behind her, she grabs her fighting leathers from her wardrobe to change into. A pair of tight black pants with loops for her weapons belt. A tight leather tunic with strings crossing down the front, and her thick black lace-up boots.

Kora undoes the ribbon binding her dress together. It’s tight, but she manages on her own. Falling to the floor, she slides out of the skirt. Her bodice clings to her chest as her thin silky chemise clings to her figure underneath. Kora goes to pull at the binding when her door creaks open.

Jolting upwards, her eyes collide with Jordan’s cerulean ones. She wants to pull her dress up to cover herself, but she’s frozen in place. She watches his throat work as Jordan closes the door behind him and leans against it, as if he’s too afraid to approach her now.


“I know. I shouldn’t be in here.” He starts, pushing himself off the door to step closer to her.

Kora doesn’t move. Her heart is thumping so loudly she's scared he’ll be able to hear it himself. She feels her blood heating and tingling as his eyes stare at her. “I just needed to see you alone before we go there and fight.” Jordan says almost breathlessly.

Her lips part as he nears her. “You make it sound like one of us will die.” She says honestly, wanting to break the tension between them with humour.

One side of his mouth ticks as he stops in front of her. His scent soothes her nose as she breathes Jordan in. His hair is looking slightly dishevelled, and she wants nothing more than to run her hands through it. Kora swallows, feeling the heat radiating off him, his energy mixing with hers as he stands before her. “I hope that doesn’t happen.” His voice dropping lowly. She eyes him, her gaze not moving from his as she itches to touch him. “But I also can’t die without ever kissing you.”

Her heart stops beating for a moment. Her racing pulse pauses. Passion flushes her skin in a wave of fervour. Her hazel eyes burn with intensity.

Jordan’s hands reach out to hold her face gently. His skin on hers awakes every sense and nerve ending in her body. Turquoise eyes search her own as his face inches closer to hers. Her chest flutters as his hand moves lower to the back of her neck, threading his fingers through her delicate hair.

She lets out the smallest gasp as Jordan draws her towards him. Soft lips connect with hers, and Kora feels electrified. Pressing lightly against her mouth, she can taste him. Notes of salt and coffee linger on his lips.

Her body almost melts into his like molten metal. His fingers continue to hold her as their eyes close.

Kora moves her lips against his tenderly, never wanting this feeling to end. It will have to, but for the moment, she pretends as if nothing else exists in the world. Like they’re the only ones here, and this is all she needs to survive.

Heat burns through her as her hands snake around his back. Jordan’s fingernails dig into the skin at the nape of her neck, deepening their kiss .

She moans against him lightly, her mind going utterly blank apart from focusing on him. Her muscles slacken with bliss. She can feel Jordan loosening under her touch.

Fingers griping the fabric of his shirt, Jordan continues to hold her against him, forgetting that she’s barely wearing anything. He’s not thinking about her in that way right now. He just wants to hold her before the plan begins.

After a few long minutes, his lips fall away from hers, and Jordan leans his forehead down to rest against Kora’s. Their chests pant as they collect themselves, soaking in each other’s warmth.

“I needed to do that.” Jordan murmurs gently. His lips are so close she can feel his breath on her.

Kora’s eyes close as his hands remain on her skin, as if he’s craving her touch as well. “I’m glad that you did.”

He sniffs a laugh. “I should have the last time we were in here.”

She lifts her head to look up at him. Sea-blue is quickly becoming her favourite colour. “At least you did this time.”

He smiles down at her, and his dimples grow, causing Kora to almost moan again at the sight. “I couldn’t miss the opportunity, I suppose.”

Kora grins back, cheeks flushing as she feels the material bunched at her feet. “I still need to change.”

“I can leave then.”

Jordan’s hands slip from her neck as he turns to leave, but Kora catches his hand, halting him. His eyes dart back to hers as his brows pinch with confusion. “Can you help me with my bodice?” she asks softly, her cheeks blushing deeper.

His smile reforms, as his hands come to rest on her shoulders, spinning her around. “Oh, thank the Angels this one doesn’t have so many buttons,” he mutters out.

Kora can’t help but giggle as his fingers undo the five buttons and pull apart the binding. The bodice slips down her, and the soft thump of it hitting the floor spreads more tingles across her skin .

She goes to turn back around when his hands hold onto her waist, grabbing her tightly but tenderly, and his lips land on her neck again.

Kora’s eyes close with passion once more, as he kisses his way along her skin, inching closer to her mouth. This time, his fingers hold onto her chin, forcing her head around to face him, and he kisses her once more. It’s lighter and warmer than the last, but it still sends a wave of pleasure through her veins.

Jordan pulls away, smirking at her. “All right, you really should dress now.”

“Yes, I probably should.” She whispers.

Neither of them move, and Kora bites her bottom lip, giggling some more.

Jordan’s head rocks back as he groans out. “Don’t give me that look. I can’t say no to it.”

“That’s good to know.” She says through a laugh.

He leans his forehead against hers again, and she absorbs their connection. “I’ll be waiting downstairs for you.” He kisses her forehead before his skin disconnects from hers and he leaves her breathing heavily in her quarters, alone.

* ? * ? *

Daisy stares down at her lifeless face. Grace’s long silver hair is splattered with her own blood. Her grey eyes are clouded over with death. Her fair skin is bloodless and still.

She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to killing anything that isn’t demonic. The thought makes her feel queasy.

Sliding the knife out from her abdomen, the silver metal glints in the moonlight as Daisy cuts away at the fabric of Grace’s deep pink dress .

“Now carve, Petal.” She hears him speaking into her mind once again.

Nodding, she rips open the fabric, exposing all of Grace’s skin to the elements and poises the poison laced dagger against her flesh.

A ‘T’ symbol appears at the forefront of her mind, and Daisy begins mindlessly carving. The blade digs deep into Grace’s flesh, drawing vibrant ruby blood that trickles out leisurely.

Etching after etching.

Carving after carving.

Daisy continues until the majority of Grace’s body is covered in symbols. She’s still warm under Daisy’s touch, her blood is still sticky.

Sitting back on her heels, Daisy assesses the body before repeating the dark spell Colton speaks to her. As she recites his words in a hushed tone, Grace’s etchings release grey shadows, as if mist is escaping her organs and seeping out through the carvings. Then droplets of her blood float into the air like raindrops, hovering over her body before disappearing.

Completing the fourth sacrifice, Daisy stands, giving one last glance at Grace’s body before leaving.

She wipes the blade on her skirt before sliding it back into her cloak, securing it in its place once again.

Daisy knows where Colton is waiting for her, making a beeline towards the Ascendancy building.

Her boots crunch in the snow as she wanders. Her gaze locked on the street before her. Blood decorating her light-yellow dress. Perhaps she should have selected another one, but she doesn’t truly mind. As long as she helps Colton, that’s all that she is required to do.

She approaches the iron gates of the Ascendancy. It’s just after midnight when she stops out the front. It’s silent. Everyone is at home sleeping, which should make this retrieval quick and easy.

Colton is lingering in the shadows, waiting for her. She rushes up to him and his feral grin returns. “You did well, Petal.” He speaks calmly. “I need the blade now. You know where it is. ”

Daisy nods slowly.

“Go get it. I will be waiting for you. No doubt your friends will show, so I might just call some of my own to join us.”

“Are you going to hurt them?”

“If they get in the way, yes,” Colton answers with no remorse.

Daisy’s brows crease at the thought. His hand wraps around her neck, drawing her gaze back up to his dark one. “Don’t you fret, Petal. I will be with you every step of the way. Remember, I can see everything. All you need to do is retrieve my blade. Leave the rest to me.”

“ Our blade.”

Colton’s smile drops as he stares at her delicate face. “Do you have all you need, then?” She nods hastily. “Then let’s go take what’s ours, Petal.”

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