A nnani examined her reflection in the full-length mirror in her bedroom, checking her gown for unsightly creases.
Naturally, there were none, but it was difficult to disregard what had been drilled into her head in her youth. Her mother had insisted that a ruler's appearance should always be spotless, and her words still echoed in Annani's mind five thousand years later. The difference was that now she thought of her mother's strict upbringing fondly, but back then, she had thought of it as tyrannical.
Children never knew how good they had it until they lost it.
She adjusted the folds of the deep blue silk gown, ensuring that it draped elegantly over her petite frame. As always, her face was free of makeup and unchanged despite her age.
Even for a goddess, Annani looked remarkably young.
While most goddesses typically appeared as strikingly beautiful human females in their mid-twenties, Annani's petite size and delicate features gave her the appearance of a girl barely out of her teens.
She had learned to live with that. What she lacked in physical stature, Annani more than made up for in presence.
Her children accused her of being a diva, and there was some truth in that, but it was part of the role she played, and she enjoyed it tremendously. Her attitude was what transformed her from a youthful-looking goddess into the regal Clan Mother—a leader who commanded the respect of her people while securing their love.
These days, though, she was content to be just the figurehead and let her children run the show, which was the reason she only attended assemblies when the entire clan was voting on an issue.
That was not the case today, as only the village residents were involved, but she was still going to attend.
The recent acts of sabotage and theft within the village had forced Kian's hand, necessitating an investigation that would involve every resident—immortal, Kra-ell, and human alike—and Annani knew that the announcement would not be well received.
Kian needed her support.
The village residents would demand a vote on the measure, but given the circumstances, Kian was not going to allow it. They would be more inclined to accept the necessary steps without too much fuss if she lent her voice to Kian's.
Reaching for her brush, she pulled it through her hip-long red hair. She had inherited the color from her mother, but the volume and the curl had come from her father.
Ahn's hair had been almost pure white like his mother's, but the curl must have come from the Eternal King.
According to Aru's description, the queen was a tall goddess with long, straight, silvery hair. He had also said that Annani and Queen Ani's facial features were nearly identical, and that was how he immediately knew Annani was the royal granddaughter and the only legitimate heir to the throne.
It would have been nice to see what her grandmother looked like.
Perhaps she could ask Andrew to arrange a meeting between Aru and Tim, the forensic artist they had used in the past. Aru could describe Ani to Tim, and the artist could bring her image to life on canvas.
Annani would hang Ani's portrait in her living room and have a visual representation of her grandmother to accompany their nightly talks.
Those conversations had become a cherished part of Annani's routine, filled with fascinating insights into Anumati's history, geography, and political landscape.
She was learning so much from her grandmother about the gods' planet that the wealth of information was sometimes overwhelming.
When Annani's phone pinged with an incoming message, she reached into a hidden pocket of her gown and retrieved the device. Seeing that it was from Ell-rom surprised and delighted her.
Her brother's recovery was progressing in leaps and bounds, and now he was mastering Earth's technology and sending her a simple message. "Are you free to talk?"
A smile spread over her face, and Annani called him right back.
The phone barely rang once before Ell-rom's voice came through.
"Hello, sister," he said, and she wondered whether he had mastered English so quickly. "I'm using the teardrop to translate for me, but soon, I will be able to communicate with you in English. I'm learning with the help of an artificial intelligence teacher."
"That is wonderful, Ell-rom. I am so happy that you have your own phone now and that you reached out to me. Congratulations on your progress."
"Thank you." She could almost hear the smile in Ell-rom's voice. "I am enjoying having a laptop and a phone and being a little less dependent on others, but I still have a lot to learn."
"I have no doubt you will master it in no time," Annani assured him. "Now, tell me, what prompted this call? Is everything alright?"
There was a brief pause before Ell-rom spoke again. "Julian suggested that Morelle, Jasmine, and I move to the village. In case Jasmine starts transitioning, he feels she will be better served by the clinic in the village. I wanted to know your thoughts on the matter."
Annani's heart soared at the news. She had been hoping for this moment, eagerly anticipating the day when her siblings would join her in the village.
"Oh, Ell-rom, that is wonderful news. I am overjoyed at the prospect. We must celebrate your arrival properly. I'll arrange a grand welcome party with every resident of the village in attendance."
Her enthusiasm was met with an unexpected silence and then a throat clearing. "About that," he said. "I was wondering if you could possibly be satisfied with a smaller gathering. Just the close family? I'm not sure I'm ready to face so many people at once."
Annani moved to sit on the chaise, taking a moment to consider her words carefully. "My dear Ell-rom, I understand your apprehension, but as my brother, you have no choice but to get used to being in the public eye. I do not intend to hide you and Morelle, and it is better to embrace your position in the clan from the start." She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "Think of it this way. This celebration is not just for you. It is for our people as well. They are curious about you and Morelle. They know that you are part Kra-ell and, given what has been happening lately in the village, they might be a little apprehensive about you. I want to put their minds at ease."
Ell-rom remained silent for a moment, and Annani could almost picture him processing her words, weighing them against his own reservations. "I understand. You're right, of course. I'll do my best not to disappoint you."
"You could not do that even if you tried. You are a wonderful person, and I cannot wait for the rest of my people to meet you."