Dark Awakening: Echoes of Destiny (The Children Of The Gods #88) 12. Peter 16%
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12. Peter



P eter leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming an impatient beat on the armrest as he listened to Onegus address the gathered Guardians. The meeting room, typically a place of focused energy and strategic planning, felt oddly subdued today. The cancellation of the evening's mission hung over them like a cloud, casting a pall over the usually vibrant atmosphere.

He glanced around the room, taking in the faces of his fellow Guardians. Some, like him, wore expressions of barely concealed frustration. Others seemed relieved at the unexpected night off.

Peter understood both sentiments.

The prospect of spending an evening with Marina was appealing, but the weight of guilt pressed heavily on his conscience. Every night they didn't go out meant another night victims remained in the clutches of their tormentors.

"As you all know," the chief said, "in tonight's assembly, Kian will address the recent incidents of sabotage and theft and announce the mandatory interviews for all residents."

Peter resisted the urge to roll his eyes. They all knew this already. The village buzzed with little else these days. Instead, he raised his hand, waiting for Onegus to acknowledge him before speaking.

"Chief." Peter kept his tone respectful despite his impatience. "I understand the importance of the assembly, but why were tonight's missions canceled? Kian isn't putting anything to a vote, so why is our presence necessary?"

A ripple of murmurs swept through the room. Several of Peter's colleagues nodded in agreement.

Onegus's expression remained impassive, but Peter caught a flicker of annoyance in the chief's eyes. What he didn't know was whether the irritation was due to the question itself or what had prompted it. "Everyone is required to attend, Peter. As Guardians, it's crucial that we show our support for Kian."

Peter nodded. He might not like it, but he understood the need. In times of uncertainty, a show of solidarity was required.

"Now," Onegus continued, "let's discuss tomorrow's mission." The energy in the room instantly changed, Guardians sitting up straighter, eyes sharpening with focus. "We have a special task. One team will be responsible for capturing a trafficker and bringing him to the dungeon in the keep. Any volunteers?"

Peter felt a jolt of excitement course through him. This was different from their usual rescue operations. "Are we going to interrogate him?"

Onegus chuckled. "No need for that, Peter. We don't need to resort to torture to extract information from humans. Thralling is far more effective. Kian just needs a disposable human for an experiment."

The room erupted into cheers and hoots. Guardians began calling out suggestions, their voices overlapping in their enthusiasm.

"Finally, they'll be good for something. We could use them to test experimental drugs!"

"Think of all the lives we could save!"

"Years of research accelerated!"

Peter found himself nodding along, a grim smile on his face. The idea of using these monsters to potentially save countless lives felt like poetic justice.

He raised his hand again. "I volunteer my team for this mission."

Onegus nodded. "Excellent, Peter. Your team will work alongside Jay's for this operation. We have a large cell we're zeroing in on tomorrow."

A sense of satisfaction settled over Peter. He and Jay worked well together.

As Onegus wrapped up the meeting, Peter felt better than he had at its start. Tonight's mission had been canceled, but tomorrow they would take on a large cell, hopefully compensating for today's inaction.

As the Guardians began to disperse, some headed straight for the assembly hall two levels down, others made a beeline for the break room, and Peter followed the latter group.

In the break room, the atmosphere was lighter. Guardians clustered in small groups, voices animated as they discussed tomorrow's missions and speculated about the assembly.

Peter grabbed an energy bar from the counter and leaned against the wall, observing the scene around him.

Jay approached, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "Hey, partner," he said with a grin. "Looks like we're in for an interesting night tomorrow."

Peter nodded, returning the smile. "That we are."

As the call came for everyone to make their way to the assembly hall, Peter and Jay walked together in quiet companionship.

When they arrived, the place was already bustling with immortals, Kra-ell, and humans, and the air was thick with tension and anticipation.

Peter scanned the crowd, spotting Marina near the front. He made his way towards her, squeezing through the throng of people.

"Hey." He slipped an arm around her waist. "Miss me?"

"Terribly." She kissed his cheek. "What was the meeting about?"

"The mission tomorrow. Today, we have the night off. Have you given any thought to how we should spend it?"

Marina leaned into him. "I'll be happy to just cuddle with you on the couch and watch something funny. Maybe heat up a pizza and wash it down with a couple of beers."

"Sounds heavenly." He leaned to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

"You are such homebodies," Jay said behind them.

The murmur of the crowd died down when Kian stepped onto the platform, flanked by Annani and Syssi. Peter straightened, kissed Marina quickly on the cheek, and rushed to take his place among his fellow Guardians.

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