A s Jasmine led Ell-rom to their bedroom, the muffled sounds of the couples who still lingered in the dining room faded away, and when she closed the door behind them, the soft click of the latch shut out the rest of the world, leaving a charged silence and a hum of anticipation.
Moonlight filtered through the large windows, casting a soft, intimate light across the bed, inviting them to bask in its glow. The events of the day, the assembly, the dinner, the looming changes, all seemed to melt away in Ell-rom's presence, but as she took in his strong profile, she couldn't ignore the tension in his jaw. Something was troubling him, and before they could answer the call of the inviting bed, she needed to help him clear that cloud from his eyes.
"Talk to me, Ell-rom. Don't keep things bottled up because you think they are not important enough or because of some misguided male pride. I'm your partner, and you can tell me anything."
He sighed. "It's just that everything is changing so fast. We've barely settled here, and now we're moving again. And the village is not like a new apartment or even moving from the room in the clinic to the penthouse. It's a whole community of immortals who will know who I am and who will treat me differently because I'm Annani's brother. I don't want to be in the spotlight. I don't want people to have false expectations of me being like her. She's been ruling this clan for five thousand years while I'm still like a young boy who is learning how to read and write."
He wasn't wrong, so she couldn't tell him not to worry about it, but she could help him feel more comfortable about the role he was going to play. "People might have expectations that you cannot meet yet, but if you remain true to yourself and tell them who you are at this point in your life, they will adjust their expectations. Besides, you won't be facing them alone. I'll be there with you, and I'll try to shield you without doing too much hovering, which will be challenging."
As she'd expected, that got a smile out of him, so she continued. "It's normal to be nervous about the move. I'm nervous, too, and I'm a people person. I thrive on attention, so I can just imagine how uncomfortable this must make you feel."
He smiled again. "With so many new people to admire you, you will be happier there, and that will make me happy too."
She leaned into him and kissed him softly. "You are adorable, my prince. You say all the right things just by following your pure heart. You don't have any scripts memorized that are proven to charm every woman. I love you."
He wrapped his arm around her middle and pulled her closer to him. "I love you, too."
"We will make the new place feel like home in no time. And who knows? You might find that you like being in a community of people who understand what you are and who don't require you to hide or pretend to be someone else. We will be able to go on walks without people gaping at you."
He chuckled. "They gape because they see an infirm male leaning on a beautiful female and ask themselves what she's doing with such an inferior specimen."
She pretended to glare at him. "Now you are just fishing for compliments."
"A little," he admitted. "Being the grandson of the Eternal King carries a dubious weight, and the same is true for my potentially deadly ability."
"I wasn't talking about any of those things. You are gorgeous, and people stare at you because of that. They probably think you are a movie star."
Ell-rom frowned. "Why would they think that?"
"Because movie stars are usually very handsome, and we are in Los Angeles, where many movies are made."
"Interesting. Is Los Angeles the capital of Earth?"
Jasmine laughed. "In some ways, it is, but we can have a lesson in geography tomorrow. Right now, we should focus on what's important."
He arched a brow. "And that is?"
"My transition."
Ell-rom's eyes darkened with desire. "I agree. This is much more important than a lesson in geography."
As the raspy sound of his voice ignited a familiar warmth in her body, she placed her hands on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her palms.
"I've been thinking about this all day."
Ell-rom's arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer. "Have you now?" he asked, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
Jasmine nodded, her fingers tracing the contours of his chest through his shirt. "Mmhmm. It's been quite distracting, actually. I could barely focus on anything else."
It was just a slight exaggeration.
The venom bite had been incredibly pleasurable when delivered by Edgar, but from Ell-rom, it was epic because it was laced with love.
Without warning, Ell-rom lifted her, eliciting a surprised gasp that quickly turned into a laugh. He carried her to the bed, laying her down gently before joining her.
He was far from infirm and didn't even know that.
Jasmine reveled in the solid presence of his body against hers, and as his lips found hers, she lost herself in the kiss. It was tender at first, a soft exploration, but quickly deepened, igniting a fire that spread through her veins. Her hands roamed his back, pulling him closer, needing to feel every inch of him.
His lips left hers, only to trail a path of kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Jasmine tilted her head, offering better access, a throaty moan escaping her as he found a particularly sensitive spot.
"Ell-rom," she breathed.
He paused, lifting his head to meet her gaze. "Yes, my love?"
"I need you naked." She reached for the buttons of his shirt.
With a low growl, Ell-rom captured her lips again, and his hands joined hers in the task of removing their clothing more quickly and efficiently than her hands alone could.