Dark Awakening: Echoes of Destiny (The Children Of The Gods #88) 38. Kian 52%
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38. Kian



I t was dark outside when Kian made his way home, and he was upset about missing Allegra's bath time. He loved sitting next to her while she played in the tub, and telling her made-up stories about his day.

The first time he had done that was when he'd realized how boring what he did would sound to a small child. So, instead of telling her about business contracts, phone meetings, and ongoing investigations, he told her fantastic tales about the heroic deeds of Captain Grouchy Face, which was his secret superhero identity.

The best part about that was hearing Syssi's laughter every time he mentioned his superhero name.

Allegra didn't laugh, but she smiled in a way that made it obvious she knew the stories were not real. He tried to make them educational and age-appropriate, but since he wasn't the best storyteller, they were sometimes too gruesome, and Syssi had to clear her throat to remind him that Captain Grouchy Face could scare the bad guys away with his formidable grouchy expression, and no violence was needed.

Funny how it turned out that Ell-rom was the real superhero with supernatural abilities. He also didn't use violence against the bad guys, but they still dropped dead.

It was a nifty superhero trick, provided the hero didn't turn into a supervillain.

Kian still needed to talk to his mother and tell her about Ell-rom and what happened earlier. He also needed to ask her about what she'd learned from her investigation today, but it could wait for tomorrow morning.

Kian's plan was to get home, sneak into Allegra's room, and kiss her cheeks, even at the risk of waking her up and having to deal with the real grouchy face in the family. Allegra didn't like being woken up.

Passing by his mother's house, he changed his plans when he saw her sitting on a rocker on her front porch.

Ogidu stood at attention near the railing, a silent, ever-vigilant sentinel.

Kian sighed and changed course. "Good evening, Mother," he said as he climbed the steps.

Annani looked at him with a warm smile spreading across her face. "Kian, my dear son. Come, sit with me for a while." She gestured to the empty rocking chair beside her.

"I'd rather go inside if you don't mind. I need a drink."

It wasn't a lie. He could use a drink, but his main objective was to have this conversation with his mother in private.

"Ogidu can bring it out for you," she said.

"I'd rather have the drink inside, Mother."

Understanding dawning in her eyes, Annani rose to her feet. "You are right. It is getting a little too chilly out here." She walked toward the front door.

Ogidu rushed to open it for her, and as soon as she entered, she removed the shawl and handed it to the Odu. "Thank you, Ogidu. Please put it in my closet."

She turned to Kian with a smile. "The truth is that I was too hot underneath that thing. I assume that you need to tell me something in private?"

Kian nodded. "But I also need a drink." He walked over to the bar. "Can I get you something?"

His mother rarely consumed alcohol, but he had to ask.

"No, thank you. I prefer tea." She told Ogidu, who had returned from putting her shawl away, "Can you be a darling and steep enough tea for two? I am sure Kian would like some after he is done with his drink."

Ogidu bowed. "Of course, Clan Mother."

As Annani settled on the couch, Kian poured himself a shot of whiskey and joined her. "I didn't want to talk outside because I didn't want the Guardians patrolling this section to overhear what I needed to tell you."

"I figured as much. Did Toven or the other investigators find who the perpetrator is?"

"No, not yet. But you know who the main suspect is. What about you? Did any of ours reveal anything?"

Annani shook her head. "Most are okay with the Kra-ell but wish that they would put more effort into integrating, but some do not like them, are bothered by having people with different values among them and think that it was a mistake to bring them here."

Kian took a sip of his drink and put the glass on the coffee table. "I'm surprised that only a small portion of clan members are regretting letting the Kra-ell in. I thought it would be more."

"Our people are thirsty for new blood in the village." She chuckled. "That phrase assumes a whole different meaning when the new blood is actually consuming blood."

"It does." Kian lifted his glass and emptied the rest of the amber liquid down his throat. "In other news, Ell-rom thinks that he killed a human today just by wishing him dead."

His delivery had been as delicate as a sledgehammer, and he could just imagine Syssi's reproachful look and headshaking upon hearing how he'd done it.

He could have started with the mugging attempt, but that wouldn't have softened the eventual blow when he got to the point when Ell-rom killed the guy by wishing him dead.

His mother was rarely lost for words, but she seemed speechless for a long moment. "Is that your idea of a joke, Kian?" she finally asked.

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