Dark Awakening: Echoes of Destiny (The Children Of The Gods #88) 45. Ell-rom 62%
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45. Ell-rom



E ll-rom entered the elevator with Jasmine and pressed the button for the level where Kian's office was located.

He was grateful for Annani's earlier call. She'd told him that nothing had changed and that she didn't consider his ability a threat. She'd also hinted that she might have a way to mitigate it, but she hadn't elaborated.

"Good afternoon," he said as he entered and bowed to his sister, who sat at the head of the oblong conference table.

Kian was on her right, Julian on her left, and Kian's two formidable bodyguards were leaning against the desk in the back.

The redhead smiled at Ell-rom and nodded as if saying that he was okay with him, that he didn't think of him as a monster. The stoic blond was as expressionless and menacing as always, but by now, Ell-rom knew it wasn't personal. It was just the way he was.

He wondered what happened to the Guardian that made him this way. Something terrible, no doubt.

"Good afternoon," Annani said in her melodic and cheerful voice. "Please, do not bow to me, Ell-rom. We are family." She turned to look at Jasmine. "You too, dear. As my brother's mate, you are family, too, and I do not want you to bow to me."

"Thank you, Clan Mother." Jasmine nodded. "Does that include official gatherings and ceremonies? I'm asking because the members of the British Royal family always greet the monarch with bows and curtsies when in public."

Annani chuckled. "A dip of the head will suffice. Now, please sit down, and let's get started." She cast a glance at her son. "Kian needs to get back to the village as soon as possible."

Ell-rom pulled out a chair for Jasmine while glancing again at the two bodyguards.

During their earlier call, Annani had emphasized how important it was to keep his ability a secret. Shouldn't Kian dismiss his bodyguards? Or did he think that Ell-rom was a threat, and that their presence was necessary?

Following Ell-rom's gaze, Kian offered him a reassuring smile. "Anandur and Brundar are like brothers to me. I trust them with my life."

Ell-rom nodded.

If Kian trusted them enough to include them in this meeting, then perhaps their presence was more about protocol than perceived threat.

"We are also useful," the redhead said as he walked over to the cooling device tucked into a long cabinet. "Water, sparkling water, or beer? Those are the only three options."

When everyone made their choice, and Anandur fulfilled their wishes, Annani motioned for Julian to get up. "I want Ell-rom to sit next to me. Can you sit next to Kian, please?"

"Of course." Julian took his water bottle and vacated his seat for Ell-rom.

When he and Jasmine each moved a seat closer to Annani, his sister reached for his hand. "I have given a lot of thought to your situation, and I believe I have a solution that might alleviate your and everyone else's concerns."

Ell-rom felt a flicker of hope in his chest. "I cannot wait to hear it."

"I might be able to compel you to limit the use of your ability only to extreme situations and never against a clan member. Will you consent to this?"

The relief that washed over Ell-rom was so intense that it made him dizzy. He hadn't realized how desperately he'd been hoping for a way to manage his ability until this moment. "Yes," he said eagerly. "Please compel me to never use it again."

Jasmine put a hand on his arm. "Are you sure? Your power might have saved my life. Do you really want to bind it so completely?"

She was right, of course.

As terrifying as his ability was, it had protected her when he'd been powerless to do so physically. The memory of her in the mugger's grasp with a gun held to her head made his stomach churn.

He looked back to Annani. "Is there a way to word your compulsion so I would only be able to use my ability to protect people in grave danger from attackers?" He swallowed. "I'm terrified of harming someone out of anger."

Annani squeezed his hand. "I will do my best to frame the compulsion in those terms."

Kian cleared his throat. "You also need to leave the option for testing. We have to confirm Ell-rom's ability."

Alarm bells went off in Ell-rom's head. "How do you propose to do that?"

Kian grimaced. "It's not something I'm looking forward to, but it would be a service to humanity. The chief of Guardians proposed that we expand our operations to include the pedophiles who purchase children from the traffickers to use in the most horrific ways for their perverted indulgences. We can enter their minds to verify what they did, so there would be no question of their guilt. Would you have a problem testing your ability on those monsters?"

Already, Ell-rom could feel a burn behind his eyelids and his fangs elongating.

Kian smiled. "I can deduce your answer from your physical response. Your eyes are practically on fire."

Ell-rom shook his head to clear the haze of rage. "You are correct." The burn behind his eyes started to cool down. "I am more than willing to be their executioner. But on one condition."

"What is it?" Annani asked.

"That you will wait with the test until I learn to thrall." He shifted his gaze to Kian. "It's not that I don't trust you or your people, but to keep my conscience clear, I need to verify their atrocities for myself."

"I respect that." Kian offered him his hand across the table. "It's a deal."

Ell-rom clasped his offered hand, sealing the pact between them.

Next to him, Jasmine shifted in her chair, and as he turned to look at her, her expression was full of concern.

"What is it, my love?" he asked.

She hesitated. "Are you sure you will be able to do it? You are not a killer."

Ell-rom took a deep breath. "I'm not. But if I think these monsters need to be permanently eliminated so they can never hurt another child, then it would be cowardly of me to expect someone else to do it while I keep my hands clean."

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