Dark Awakening: Echoes of Destiny (The Children Of The Gods #88) 72. Ell-rom 99%
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72. Ell-rom



A s the last of the guests bid their farewells, exhaustion washed over Ell-rom. During the whirlwind of introductions and conversations, he'd felt energized, but now that it had ended, he was drained.

Glancing at Jasmine, he could see that she was showing signs of fatigue as well, despite how much she thrived on social interaction.

She might be getting sick, or she might be transitioning, but the signs were too subtle to indicate either. They were both just hyperaware of any minute change because they were expecting and hoping for her transition to begin.

Standing next to him, Kian seemed as fresh and as energetic as he had been when he greeted them at the parking garage several hours before. "Ready to head to my mother's house?" he asked. "Sari and David are already there."

Ell-rom hadn't noticed them leaving, but then he had been surrounded by people and talking nonstop since the party had started.

He cast Kian a grateful smile. "Please, I'm exhausted."

"Then let's go." Kian headed toward where Jasmine was standing with her friends.

As Brundar and Anandur followed, Ell-rom wanted to ask Kian whether his bodyguards trailed him even in the village, but then they reached Jasmine.

She turned to them. "Is it time?"

Ell-rom nodded. "Kian is escorting us to Annani's."

After hugs, kisses, and promises to see each other soon, they parted from Margo, Frankie, and Gabi and started walking.

Ell-rom reached for Jasmine's hand. "How are you holding up?"

She smiled, but it looked more like a wince. "You were right about the shoes." She stopped, leaned on his arm, and took them off. "That's much better."

Except, it wasn't because the gravel path was not comfortable to walk on barefoot. Besides, the bottoms of her white pants were getting dirty.

"I could carry you," Ell-rom offered.

The look Jasmine gave him was equal parts amused and exasperated. "Don't be silly. You are exhausted, but even if you weren't, I wouldn't let you do that in front of everyone. I'll just put them back on."

She walked over to the nearest bench and sat down, preparing to do just that.

"I'll have the cart brought," Kian said. "We can wait right here."

To Ell-rom's surprise, Jasmine didn't argue. "Thank you." She massaged her aching feet.

As Brundar departed to get the cart, Ell-rom sat next to Jasmine, lifted her feet onto his lap, and took over the task of massaging the pain away.

Smiling, Kian nodded his approval. "They say that diamonds are the way to a woman's heart, but in my experience, it's foot massages."

Jasmine laughed. "You are spot on. That's my language of love."

That statement was a little confusing, but Ell-rom assumed it was just one more example of things getting lost in translation. One thing was certain, though; from now on, he would massage Jasmine's feet as often as she would allow it.

"It was a wonderful day." She sighed. "But I can't wait to take these clothes off, get in the shower, and wash the war paint off."

Once again, he was confused. "War paint?"

Kian chuckled, "The color they put on their faces to accentuate certain features. Women sometimes call it war paint."

Though he still didn't fully understand the reference, Ell-rom nodded, making a mental note to ask Jasmine about it later.

When Brundar arrived with the cart, Ell-rom lifted Jasmine into his arms despite her protests and put her down on the middle seat of the vehicle. He climbed in to sit beside her while Kian joined Brundar at the front, and Anandur took the back seat.

It suddenly occurred to Ell-rom that Brundar and Anandur were there to safeguard him rather than Kian.

"Do you expect anyone harboring ill intentions toward me?" Ell-rom asked. "Is that why your bodyguards are escorting us to Annani's place?"

Kian turned around. "I don't expect any trouble, but I'd rather err on the side of caution."

Next to him, Jasmine let out a sigh before her eyes drifted closed, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. By the time the cart stopped in front of Annani's home, she was asleep.

"Jasmine." Ell-rom took her hand and lifted it to his lips for a kiss. "Wake up, love. We've arrived."

She blinked, offering him a sleepy smile before leaning down to put her shoes on.

When he opened his mouth to offer to carry her, she lifted her finger and put it on his lips. "I'm walking into the Clan Mother's house on my own two feet."

Ell-rom could understand that. Hopping out of the cart, he offered her a hand down, which she accepted.

As they ascended the steps, one of Annani's Odus opened the door before Kian had the chance to ring the bell.

"Welcome." The Odu bowed. "The Clan Mother is expecting you in the living room."

Ell-rom had expected the house to be even more opulent than the penthouse, but it wasn't. Instead, the place felt warm and inviting, and so was the smile on his sister's face.

"Welcome home." She rose to her feet and walked over to give him and Jasmine hugs. "You look tired. Freshen up, put on something comfortable and then come join us for tea. David and Sari are also freshening up and will join us as soon as they are ready."

"Thank you." Ell-rom kissed his sister's cheek.

"Ogidu will show you to your room," Annani said.

The Odu bowed. "Please, follow me." He walked down the corridor and opened the door on the left. "I placed the luggage in the walk-in closet, but I waited to ask your permission to unpack."

Ell-rom was about to grant it for no other reason than the Odu looking so excited at the prospect, but Jasmine shook her head.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'd rather organize things myself."

"As you wish, mistress." The Odu bowed and left.

Jasmine let out a sigh and kicked off her shoes. "What a relief." She popped the button, let her trousers drop to the floor, and stepped out of them.

She looked adorable with just her form-fitting jacket-style top on.

Pulling her into his arms, Ell-rom kissed her softly, pouring all his love and gratitude into the gesture. "I love you so much," he said when they parted. "I'm so happy that we're starting our lives together here, in a community that welcomes us so wholeheartedly. The sense of belonging is exhilarating."

Jasmine smiled up at him. "I love it here too." Her voice lacked the enthusiasm he felt.

"What's the matter, love?"

Jasmine sighed, leaning her forehead against his chest. "I'm just so tired. It's been a long day. I'll feel better after I've rested and freshened up."

Ell-rom nodded, releasing her from his embrace. He watched as she crouched by her suitcase, pulling out a pair of soft, stretchy black pants and a colorful blouse.

"That is as casually as I dare to dress for tea with the Clan Mother." She smiled ruefully.

"You look stunning no matter what you wear," he said, and meant it.

Pushing to her feet, Jasmine leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I love that you think that, I love that you say that, and I love you. I'm blessed."

He wrapped an arm around her middle and brought her against his body one more time. "It is me who is blessed." He kissed her long and hard.

When they parted, Jasmine smiled. "You'd better let me go freshen up so we don't keep Annani waiting."

Reluctantly, he let go of her.

As Jasmine disappeared into the bathroom to change and wash up, Ell-rom considered changing his clothes for a moment as well, but he was comfortable, so there was no need.

Instead, he settled into one of the armchairs by the window.

The sun was setting, but there was still plenty of light outside, and the view was soothing. A peaceful oasis hidden from the world. He imagined relaxing afternoons spent walking these grounds with Jasmine, stopping at the café to meet people and engage in conversations, and one day bringing their child to the playground to play.

Time passed, and as it started to become darker outside, Ell-rom realized Jasmine had been in the bathroom for quite a while.

Concern niggling at the back of his mind, he approached the door, knocking gently. "Jasmine? Are you alright in there?"

When no answer came, he cracked the door open and peeked inside.

The sight that greeted him sent a jolt of terror through his body. Jasmine lay sprawled on the floor.

"Jasmine!" He rushed to her side.

Her heart was beating, he could ascertain as much, but she didn't respond when he touched her face or when he gathered her limp form in his arms.

Panic rising, he scooped her into his arms and rushed back to the living room.

Everyone looked up in alarm as he burst in with Jasmine cradled against his chest.

"She's not waking up," Ell-rom said.

"I'm calling Brundar to bring the cart back around," Kian said while pulling his phone out. "We need to get Jasmine to the clinic."

As they waited for the cart to arrive, Kian called Julian and Bridget to let them know that Jasmine was transitioning and they were on their way, and Sari murmured words of comfort that Ell-rom did not even try to understand.

Holding Jasmine close, he forced himself to breathe. He'd been warned that it would happen, and he could hear her heartbeat and her shallow breathing, but her unresponsiveness was terrifying, nonetheless.

Annani approached, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Oftentimes, transition comes on suddenly like this, but that does not mean that anything is wrong. Jasmine's body needs to shut down all nonessential functions while working on all the necessary changes." She patted his arm. "Rejoice, Ell-rom. Your mate is a Dormant and is transitioning to immortality. I have been beseeching the Fates for this to happen."

She was right, of course.

If Jasmine were awake, she would tell him the same thing. But she wasn't awake, and he was terrified not only for her but also for himself.

Without Jasmine, Ell-rom had no anchor and he felt utterly alone, even though he was with his sister and the wonderful community that had welcomed him with no reservations. If the unthinkable happened and Jasmine didn't make it, he would find a way to end his own life because he couldn't imagine living without her.

In the short time they had known each other, Jasmine had become his whole world, his reason for waking up in the morning, for breathing. But then there was Morelle, and he couldn't leave this world as long as she needed him.

Ell-rom had promised their mother he would always take care of his sister.

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