Inside the visiting team’s locker room, the Moonhaven Wolf Pack was in various states of undress as the sound of music drifted in through the open doors leading directly to the empty field. Magnus entered with a fake smile on his face.
“Magnus, buddy!” Alo called out, pulling him into a hug. “ told me our resident cheerleader, Fen, wouldn’t make it tonight, but I knew we could count on you.”
Magnus paused, his eyes searching the room before returning the affectionate act. “I knew I couldn’t leave you all to take on Mystic Hollow alone. We’ll mop the field with those sorry excuses for football players.”
“That’s what I was just telling ,” Alo laughed, pulling the aforementioned blonde werewolf forward from the crowd of uniformed players.
“Hey, man!” shot Magnus a knowing look. “You ready to make magic happen?”
Relief evident in his voice, Magnus let out a sigh. “ More than ever. ”
“All right, boys, let’s bring it all in,” announced the team’s coach, a scrawny older gentleman with a blue Moonhaven University jacket. “I’ve seen how you all work together on a full moon—frankly, it’s a little strange, but also pretty much a guaranteed win—so let’s just focus on not messing this one up.”
One arm around and the other around Magnus, Alo guided them to the growing circle of players. “Let’s listen in.”
The locker room fell silent save for the coach. “We’ve been planning for this day since the last Crescent Mystic Match-up, fellas. Let’s do it just like we practiced. Keep it clean, no fighting dirty. Tonight more than ever, the refs will be watching closely.”
hesitated to make eye contact with his other team members. After all, each and every player in the locker room that night was a Dark Moon Boy. He knew he could only trust Magnus. What he didn’t know was if their plan was going to work.
Luna unexpectedly interrupted the team huddle. “Excuse me, Coach Talbot,” her voice came from behind. turned to see her standing at the entrance of the locker room, the bright lights of the field and the full moon—now free from cloud cover—perfectly framed in the open doors behind her. “Did you just say no fighting dirty?”
“Dr. Dark Moon, what a pleasant surprise,” the coach said with immense sarcasm, no attempt at hiding the disdain in his voice. “I’m just wrapping up my pre-game pep talk with the boys, and then you’re more than welcome to speak with them.”
“Oh, they already know what I want them to do, you useless old man,” Luna replied, pushing in between Alo, Magnus, and before standing on the nearest locker room bench. “Time for another pre-game ritual known simply as feeding. ”
The team members closest to the coach fell to their hands and knees, sniffing and barking as they transitioned into wolf form. The remaining members of the team looked on coldly as the sounds of the coach’s screams echoed through the locker room.
“Eat, my boys,” Luna cackled. “You’ll need the energy.”
The shadows cast upon were those of a hungry wolf pack tearing apart its prey. He tried his best to appear unbothered despite the horror unfolding.