Dark Moon Boys (Love, Lust & Magic #2) Pruitt 84%
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opened his eyes to a familiar sight: the cabin in his dreams. He let out a sigh of relief, his mind deciding that the battle had been just a dream.

“Griff!?” He jumped out of bed. “Riah!?”

That’s when he remembered.

“Mr. Mondamin, we meet again,” said Theodulf, a smile running across his familiar face as he tended to the roaring flames of the fireplace. He no longer took the appearance of Griff. “It’s unfortunate the circumstances.”

“Theodulf,” spoke softly, the realization dawning on him. “ I’m dead, huh? ”

Theodulf looked away, walking across the cabin to retrieve a small box. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he chuckled as he took a seat at one of two chairs near the hearth. “Come on, then. Join me near the fire.”

examined his arms and legs for wounds. He swore he could still smell the scent of his own burning flesh, but his body was fully healed. Reluctantly, he sat next to the man. “I thought that was just a warning. You know, to kick me into high gear and stop this stupid prophecy from coming true.”

“Hm,” Theodulf let out a sigh. “It hurts, doesn’t it?”

“What, dying?”

“No,” began Theodulf, a pregnant pause between his words. “Knowing you left someone behind who is badly hurting. Perhaps, in your case, more than one someone.”

’s eyes grew watery. “Wasn’t this whole stupid ritual about resurrecting you, anyway? If I’m dead, how can I see you?”

Theodulf reached out and squeezed ’s hand. At first hesitant, he felt comforted by his former lover’s touch. It was overwhelmingly friendly and caring. “What happens next is where things get interesting.”

“What about everyone else back home?” asked . “If the ritual is complete, they’re safe now, right? You’ll stop Luna?”

Theodulf frowned. “Your death triggered a special part of my powers reserved only for you.”

“Oh, immortality, right?” scoffed. “Some good that did me.”

“In this tale, Mr. Mondamin, immortality does indeed mean you can live forever. However, there are exceptions. Separation of body parts, like, say, a beheading, and the total destruction of your body will forfeit your immortality. A vampire’s bite will still do the trick, too, as will too much wolfsbane or silver. Very important to remember those things.”

“You never gave me the fine print to read,” sighed. “What’s it matter now, anyway?”

“It matters, Mr. Mondamin, because I’m bringing you back to life.”

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