Dark Signs 8 35%
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I was swollen and dripping. Each one of my heartbeats echoed again between my thighs. The need to orgasm was excruciating.

Caz had released my hands finally, and I stretched them out languidly in front of me, keeping my ass up for their viewing like the obedient girl I was.

This was what I had paid for.

To have them watch, and touch, and play and use however they saw fit.

To degrade, to punish. But to also praise and to worship.

To have their eyes only on me.

I could see myself quickly slipping into this delectable mindset over and over again.

The pain, the pleasure, the affection was like the most addictive drug. This was the purest form of ecstasy and I was high off their attention.

Someone came up behind me, their big hand leaving a trail of shivers up my spine as they skated their fingers over my overheated and over sensitive skin.

It came to a rest at the back of my neck, where he then pulled me to a kneeling position by the hood that I wore. Cum dribbled thickly from me with this new position and it pooled between my thighs.

“You're making a mess, little dove.” Kill’s voice spoke with a deadly tune, as he closed in on me, his breath skating over the exposed flesh of my shoulders.

He loosened the ties around the hood I wore before drawing it up and over my head. “There you are, such a pretty little dove.” he crooned.

I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the dulled brightness that flooded my vision, taking in my new surroundings. The room was dim, the only light coming from a few scattered pillar candles that were positioned around the room, their lights flickered and danced across the walls but left some corners cloaked in complete darkness.

My senses were drawn to one corner in particular, and in that corner, all I could see was the bright flare of the end of a cigarette burning as someone drew smoke heavily into their lungs. Their surroundings were nothing but blackness. No eyes, no features, just the glow of the tobacco burning brightly. The feeling I got when my eyes searched that ominous darkness was a warning and a curse, and something so familiar, those signs and feelings of being watched so intently bore into me.

The eyes that I could not see flayed me under their gaze. I felt so exposed now, so aware of a danger present in this room.

I craned my neck to search that darkness, but the skull masked man caught my jaw between his fingers and thumb, forcing my gaze to his.

Kill’s eyes held mine as I took in his features. Those eyes as they looked down upon me were the colour of the purest crystal, icy blue and they were luminous. As if they were lit from within by magic as they took me in.

His mask hid most of him from my view, but his eyes were expressive, and from what I could tell, they were hungry.

My jaw was aching, and I hadn't taken a full breath since they had snatched me.

I wasn't complaining, but I would like the gag gone. To be able to kiss, and lick and worship these men with my own lips and tongue would be a blessing, and one which

I would make sure I didn’t take for granted.

I pleaded first with my eyes, looking up submissively at Kill, asking him to remove the device without my words. He didn’t catch on, so I made a small gesture with my hand to where it was lodged tightly between my teeth.

“Nav, come.” Kill said softly, calling over his shoulder.

Nav stalked from the shadows and now that I could see him, he was now fully clothed. His cock tucked away beneath black denim jeans that was still slightly wet and discoloured around the fly.

This was my ghostie boy. The mask was red and adorned at the top with a pair of adorable devil horns, the eye holes had been cut open, and staring down upon me were a gorgeous pair of sage green eyes that looked so soft and caring. He took me in, every inch of my face and body exposed to him.

The only one left was blue eyes, so that one must be Caz.

“Our little dove wants her pretty gag gone. Don't you.” Kill stated as he looked down upon me.

I nodded, demurely.

“But she looks so pretty this way,” Nav sounded as if he was pouting under his mask.

“I know she does, and she can’t back chat like this.” Kill responded shortly, as he looked over his shoulder to Nav who nodded in agreement.

“Is this a hard order, little dove?” He asked gently as he turned back to me, searching deep into my eyes. The intensity and luminosity in those depths were otherworldly and wholly entrancing.

I nodded, making the safe sign I had agreed upon with my hand.

“Nav, remove it.”

“Understood, sir.” Nav spoke, his voice was soft and caring.

“Make sure that pretty little mouth of hers is okay and ready to worship my cock.”

Kill finished as he moved to take a seat close by, watching Nav work his magic upon me.

He sat forward, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together in front of him. His gaze was sharp and intense.

My jaw went slack and my face bright red with my blush at the use of his wicked words. To be able to taste him would be like nothing else.

I would worship.

Nav moved behind me and placed his hands on either one of my shoulders and gave me a gentle massage between my shoulder blades. His hands were skilled as he worked out the tension between them, working one side and then the other when finally, he started on the buckle of the gag.

He had the clasp undone quickly and was gently prying my jaw open to pop out the ball I had all but crushed between my molars.

I opened and closed my mouth, working my muscles to get rid of the dull ache which had settled in my tendons and bones.

Nav moved his hands to the sides of my face, his gentle movements massaging there too. Working out the tension in my jaw. I moaned a satisfied moan at his ministrations.

Nav worked over my jaw, up to my temples, my scalp, then back down again. My eyes slipped closed in complete bliss.

Whatever was left of my clothing, Nav started to work off, too. My split top and bra slipped down my arms and was gracefully handed over to Kill who placed it on the chair beside himself. Next was the skirt which was haphazardly pooled at my waist,

Nav pulled it up and over my head with a small amount of difficulty when it got stuck on my shoulders.

All that was left was my very stretched and very askew thong and fishnets, which he smugly decided could stay.

The care and tenderness they were showing me after fucking me senseless was heart-warming. That they listened and complied with my unspoken hard order was even more comforting.

I knew they had to abide by the club's rules, but hearing it and then seeing it in action were two very separate things.

I had been with men in the past that when I've asked to stop, or I've said no to something of which they've asked of me, they ignore me. So after a while, I just stopped saying no and disassociated while they continued on doing whatever the fuck they wanted anyway .

It was fucked up, but it was easier.

Probably not the best coping mechanism, but it's what got me through.

I decided then and there from here on out, I would never not say no if I was ever uncertain.

If these three strangers could show me that respect, so could other partners.

When Nav was finished with my massage and blissful aftercare, he bent to whisper gently, “Are you okay, darling?” That voice of his was sumptuous and velvety.

I nodded and whispered back “Thank you,” with a slight smile gracing my tired lips.

Satisfied that I was indeed okay, Nav placed a quick kiss to my forehead through his mask, turned and disappeared back into a darkened corner.

I wished I could feel his actual lips upon my skin, to be able to taste him, too.

Kill stood from where he was seated and stalked toward me, my clutch purse hanging between his fingers. His boots thumped off the floor which in turn echoed off the walls in the eerie silence of the room.

“Is that mouth ready to take me?” He asked as he drew his thumb along my bottom lip, stopping in the centre and pulling it down exposing my teeth. “Such a pretty little thing, Val.” He said loud enough for the unknown in the room to hear.

Another answering growl was all I heard from the darkness as a fresh wave of tobacco smoke and rich fruits reached me on a phantom wind.

Kill withdrew his hand and opened my purse. Rummaging through it until he found what he was after.

“This is such a slutty shade on you, dove.” Kill complimented as he pulled my lipstick from my bag.

He closed the clasp and threw the bag back to his seat, uncapped the lipstick and got to work. He grabbed my chin held in his firm grip and he drew across my face.

On one cheek, he drew a letter, then on the other, another. And finally, applied more of the red shade to the fullness of my lips. His eyes were hungry as he worked .

Once he was satisfied with his artwork across my face, Nav walked up behind him and clicked the camera in my face. The flash temporarily blinded me and I blinked away the brightness. He shook the instant film out before handing it to Kill once it was developed enough to make out what was on it.

“Such a good little toy.” Kill said darkly, looking down at the photo between his fingers, my chin still firmly in his grasp.

He shook it again, just once before turning it to me so I could see.

I was positively dishevelled, my mascara already running down my cheeks, my eyes hooded and sultry, my skin flushed and pink.

I looked and felt how I had always wanted.

Well and truly fucked.

I took in the rest of the details on my face.

Kill had indeed turned me into his toy.

On my right cheek Kill had drawn a large letter T, and on my left, a Y. My mouth formed the perfect O.


Kill traced my bottom lip with his thumb again, this time smudging my freshly applied lipstick across my chin and jaw.

He played the villain so well. He was the one to degrade and punish, and I had never felt more alive and wanted.

Kill looked down on me, his eyes starving and luminous as he slowly sunk his thumb into my mouth, opening me further for him. I swirled my tongue around his digit, drawing him in. He withdrew, but only to replace his thumb with his pointer and middle finger. Slowly edging them in.

I treated them the same as his thumb, swirling my tongue in and around his fingers. He continued pushing them in until he reached the back of my throat, where he kept going. Pushing past my gag reflex, I kept my tongue busy on him.

"That's it, show me how far you can take me,” Kill purred, deep and low in his throat.

My saliva started pooling in my mouth around him. I felt myself start to gag, a string of saliva dripped from my lips and down onto my breasts where it carved a glistening trail over my flushed skin. Washing away the small line of dried blood that had spilled from the cut of his blade.

“Good girl.” He praised smoothly.

“Is that as far as you can go?” I teased around Kill's fingers. My words were garbled and rough.

“What was that, little dove? I can't seem to understand you with my fingers down your pretty throat.” His voice was icy and clipped, his eyes turned hard.

He withdrew his fingers from my mouth to allow me to speak again.

“Well, go on. What was it then?” He clipped.

I said,” I swallowed hard, losing all of the stupid bravery that coursed through me, mere moments ago.

“Speak.” Kill demanded.

“I said, is that as far as you can go?” My voice was meek and timid.

I saw his eyes darken at my bratty words.

Kill grabbed my chin in one hand and slapped my face with the other, leaving a trail of my own saliva across my cheek. The sting burned all the way down, deep into my pussy.

“Was removing your gag a mistake, little dove?” Kill said, his words were sharp and dark. “Go on, then. Open that bratty mouth again.” He demanded, his voice laced with delicious heat.

I didn't. I kept my lips firmly closed. A smile gracing the corner of my lips as I saw his eyes frost over even more, the blue turning glacial.

Kill grabbed my chin and squeezed, tighter and tighter until I buckled under the pressure and the muscles of my jaw popped open for him.

He stood, my chin still in his grip, and moved so he positioned my chin to his crotch. He looked down on me as he slowly lifted the bottom of his mask, just enough so his chin and mouth were visible.

His lips were perfect and full, and his chin and jaw was dusted in a coating of light brown stubble. The hint of a moustache teased his upper lip.

He pursed his lips and before I knew it, he slowly dribbled his spit down into my waiting, open mouth, it trickled down onto my tongue before slowly sliding down the back of my throat. A long string of his saliva connected him to me.

When he was done, he closed my mouth again with a commanding grip, “Swallow,” he demanded.

I did as he said without hesitation, swallowing him down.

"Mmm." He moaned as he watched me swallow. “I do like it when bratty little doves can follow orders.” Kill said with gravel in his voice. His perfect lips curving up in half a smile before he lowered his mask again, fitting it snuggly back into place against his neck. “You, little whore, are not to speak again unless I explicitly ask you to. Am I understood?” Kill asked.

I didn't answer straight away, but swallowed thickly. Liquid heat pounding through my veins. Kill was a very, very good dominant, one I would love to push to the edge. See what made him tick, what got him to punish me in the most fun way.

“Now,” Kill continued. “Can I trust you not to touch me or yourself if I keep your hands untied?” Kill asked gruffly.

I bit my lower lip between my teeth and grinned. I couldn't promise that. The temptation was too strong.

“So be it, then. Caz, spreader.” Kill demanded.

Caz stalked forward with an ominous looking, long black bar between his hands. Twirling it effortlessly around as he moved.

The bar was adorned with four sets of padded cuffs and locks which clinked off the metal with each of his fluid movements.

While Kill held my chin in his grip forcing my gaze up to his own, Caz disappeared behind me.

I heard a clink and jingle of the locks and then felt the padded leather clasped around one of my ankles. Caz fiddled with the tightness of the cuff before he found the correct setting and did up the lock just tight enough to hold me in place and not dig into my flesh.

Kill jerked my face to his when my gaze strayed to see what Caz was doing, and through the mask, he captured my lips in an all consuming kiss. His teeth grabbed a hold of my bottom lip through his mask and pulled tight. It was painful but oh-so delicious.

I should have known better, but the kiss was a beautiful distraction, and he used that lapse in concentration against me as he pushed me down by the shoulders until my knees spread farther apart. The bar clicked into place, holding me wide open. Caz used my lower position and clasped the cuff around my other ankle.

With the way in which my legs were spread now, there would be no way I would be able to get any sort of friction.

No matter. I still had my hands and I planned to use them.

I took a moment as Caz fiddled with the restraints, while Kill watched him intently, to take a sneaky look around, and I finally realised where I was and what they had set me down upon, it was a pile of fur blankets and silk sheets on a large stage.

Dark red velvet curtains framed the backdrop and sides of where I could see. Large overhead lights hung from the rafters, sitting dull and lifeless. I could barely make out the first row of old cracked leather theatre seats down a small flight of stairs and off the stage which were all cloaked in shadows and darkness.

Kill then decided to destroy my fantasy of using my hands as he grabbed both my wrists and one by one, handed them back to Caz who skillfully and quickly cuffed them next to my ankles on the bar.

My chest was arched out, my breasts thrust forward with this new position.


“Oh, I like this position,” Caz stated, he punctuated his words with a quick squeeze of my hips as he rose from behind me, done with the clasps binding me open, vulnerable. He disappeared into the darkness once again.

“So do I.” Kill said while playing with my bottom lip, dragging it under his thumb.

With his other hand, he slowly undid the button on his jeans followed by the zip of his fly.

The bulge of his cock strained at the seam of his black pants, aching to be released .

Each tooth of his zipper came undone so agonisingly slow until finally he had it fully undone, and his heavy cock sprung free.

It was long and thick and dripping with his desire for me.

I licked my lips at the sight of him. Kill reached down and pulled out the twin weights that hung below so that they too, rested on the outside of his jeans.

Once again, I was so turned on by the fact that they'd all kept their clothes on while they took their pleasure from me.

“You're going to take every last inch of me down this pretty little throat of yours. My little toy.” Kill said darkly. “And I will not stop until you are taking my whole cock, all the way to these.” He groped his balls for emphasis.

I gulped.

I was good, but my gag reflex wasn't that good.

Kill slowly stepped into me, his gentle hand a contrast to his menacing words, slid down to cup my cheek while the other knotted itself in my tangled hair.

He wrapped my long, dark tresses around his fist and pulled tight, the sting of the pull was pure pleasure that radiated throughout my entire body. I moaned at the contact.

He pulled my head back to face him as he growled “Such a pretty little dove.”

Kill slapped my cheek lightly. “Now take my cock,” and with that, he shoved himself down my throat in one swift thrust.

I gagged at his intrusion and tried to regulate my breathing through my nose.

He was salty and musky on my tongue as I found a rhythm. Gliding my tongue along the ridges and valleys, and the veins that decorated his cock.

I worked his entire length from base to tip, my tongue laving at his slit and lapping up the precum that dripped from him.

I decided to test my limits with Kill then, “Someone's a drippy boy for me,” I cooed cheekily around the tip of his cock.

The grip in my hair tightened as Kill pulled my head back. His cock slipped free of my lips.

“I'm sorry? I didn’t realise that I had given the toy permission to speak.” Kill chided, astonished at my clear disrespect for his rules. “Does anyone remember me giving permission or asking the toy to speak?” He asked the room, the grip upon my hair tightened.

Someone behind me chuckled under their breath.

Kill lowered his face to mine, his eyes and icy, luminous blue stared into mine.

“Please repeat what you just said, loudly. I want everyone to hear.” Kill growled through his teeth.

“I said,” I gulped. “You're just a big drippy boy for me.” I stared right back into his eyes, meeting him with as much lust-filled courage as I could muster.

Kill cleared his throat and stood tall once more. I could practically feel the anger and lust pouring from him. “This fucking toy has an attitude on it.” He purred to the room.

Who knew I was confident enough to be a brat?

Kill's excruciatingly hard cock bobbed in my line of sight. Another bead of pre-cum dripped from him and landed on my breast, it dribbled warmly down my skin.

“Well, are you going to complain about my attitude, or are you going to fuck it out of me?” I asked looking up at him, my voice held strong, despite the warring nerves that had now taken flight in my veins.

“Oh, fuck.” I heard someone exhale deeply from behind me.

Okay. This bratty streak is going to get me into trouble here, but I just couldn't seem to hold back my words.

“Oh, I see.” Kill responded, his eyes darted back to me. They were glistening with icy darkness behind his mask.

Kill looked to his side. Nav leaned forward from the darkness until his form was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. His elbows perched upon his knees and his chin resting on a fist, his thumb drawing his bottom lip each way, watching intently.

“Well?” I challenged.

Kill's eyes went dark as he lowered his face to mine. “When I fuck you, dove. I will hurt you. I will make those tears of yours fall so easily from your pretty eyes. I will fuck you like I hate you and you will endure every last second of it until I am drained and spent and you are begging for me to stop.” His words were a warning and a vow. “Are we clear?”

I swallowed thickly and nodded, my words long forgotten.

“Seeing as she's apparently a glutton for punishment, you wanna take her as well? Make her regret that bratty mouth of hers.” Kill asked Nav.

“Fuck, yes please.” Nav growled and rose languidly to his feet. He stretched and cracked his knuckles, rolled his shoulders and started toward me.

His gait was predatory, his eyes never leaving mine as he walked forward.

Kill snatched my face back to his own, my chin tightly gripped between his thumb and fingers. “You're to keep your eyes open and on me, my bratty little dove.” He said darkly. “I want to see those tears of yours stream down those cheeks as you take all of me.”

I gaped at him. Unable to speak as I felt Nav slide in behind me.

“Am I understood?” Kill spoke with authority.

I nodded quickly.

“This is one of those times you can use your words, darling.” Nav whispered upon the shell of my ear, causing delicious goosebumps to pepper my flesh.

“Yeah. Yes. I understand.” I fumbled the words out. They were thick upon my tongue.

“Good little dove.” Kill responded as he took his heavy cock between his hands and stroked a long sensual stroke from base to tip and back down again.

I licked my lips in preparation for his intrusion.

Before I knew it, I was being lifted slightly up and Nav was settling in under me. His mask clad head nestling between my thighs as he took his position.

He pulled his ghost mask up to just above his nose, his gorgeous eyes were bright and gleaming up at me through the eye holes.

His breath skated over my wet folds, the mixture of his, Caz's and my own desire wet upon my flesh.

His tongue darted out and lapped at my folds in a slow, sensual lick.

I gasped and my eyes started to close of their own volition from the pure pleasure of that one, singular taste.

Before I could sink too far into the feel of Nav’s tongue on me, Kill slapped a rough hand across my cheek.

My eyes sprung open in surprise and tears threatened to form on my bottom lashes from the sting.

“Last warning, little dove.” Kill's words were menacing. “What did I just say about your eyes?”

I gasped, the burn of the slap on my cheek quickly evaporated as Kill drew his thumb along my bottom lip.

“Hmm?” Kill said again, impatiently.

“Words, darling.” Nav mumbled from under me. His tongue darted out to continue lavishing my pussy in delicious licks and sucks.

“I'm… I'm to keep my eyes open and on you.” I stuttered out.

“You cannot follow directions, especially when you are distracted, can you dove? Do I need to make Nav stop?”

“No. Oh fuck. No.” I quickly gasped as Nav found my clit and sucked.


I struggled to keep my eyes upon Kill.

“No, what?”

“No, please?” I asked, confused.

“That's ‘no, Sir’, darling.” Nav whispered up to me.

“No, Sir?” I tried again, my voice a high pitched squeak.

Kill’s eyes lit up from under his mask. “That's better. But still not good enough.” His tone was completely unimpressed.

“I'm sorry?” I continued, confused.

“Beg.” His voice was a dark growl.

I could beg, if it meant I got to keep Nav's tongue on my pussy and Kill's cock in my mouth. The only one missing was Caz.

“Please Sir. Please don’t make Nav stop.” I pleaded in my most innocent voice. “I promise to be good. Please.” I pouted up at Kill.

“Make sure you're on your best behaviour, dove, and you will be rewarded like the good toy I know you can be.” Kill praised me. He looked down to Nav who was frantically lapping and sucking on my clit. “You good down there, Nav?”

“Mmm…” was all the response Kill received from Nav, the moan vibrating through my entire body as he lashed his tongue around my folds, licking up the traces of our spent pleasure.

“Good.” Kill nodded then looked back to me. “Open.” He demanded, I did as he asked.

I only got my mouth open a fraction of what I needed to take Kill's length before he shoved himself hastily into me.

My breathing hitched as I worked my tongue and throat around him.

My eyes wanted to close, to savour his salty, musky flavour as he thrust into my mouth with harsh pulses leaving little room for me to breathe.

I adjusted myself slightly to accommodate his length and girth and took small, shallow breaths through my nose as he pumped his hips again and again, while Nav plunged his tongue inside of me.

My eyes watered as I gagged, time after time as the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat and father down.

But still, I kept them open.

“Gag, little whore. I want to see those pretty tears, all for me.” Kill cooed.

I looked up at him through my lashes and the tears that gathered on my lower lids slid free, streaking down my cheek.

“That's it. Just a little bit more.” Kill crooned as he thrust in the final few inches until he was completely sheathed within my mouth.

“Look at you, fuck. You're absolutely perfect, taking my whole cock.” Kill growled and pulsed his hips against me.

I could only imagine what my mascara was doing right now. Running black lines over my pale cheeks.

A bright red line of my lipstick stained what I could see at the base of Kill's cock.

That would be smudged all over my chin and lips, too. I would be a right-mess after this .

His pace was relentless as he started to pump his hips, making me take his entire length until he bottomed out repeatedly, my upper lip and nose hitting his public bone. The fine smattering of dark brown curls there tickled me.

Nav found my clit again and assaulted it with nips and sucks as Kill thrust himself deeper, not withdrawing this time. I ached to reach up and play with him. To wrap my hands around his girth and work him in tandem with my mouth, to worship the twin weights that hung from him.

To make his pleasure sky-rocket as I sucked him deeper into my throat.

Nav was skillful with his tongue, he knew where to suck and where to lick. Knew where to lavish all of his attention while never forgetting other parts of my sex. He knew how to bring me to the edge of oblivion and back again, never letting me get close enough to feel the warmth of my release start to wash over me.

I moaned around Kill’s cock as I gagged again, more tears spilled from my open eyes and saliva pooled in my mouth making everything sloppy.

I could feel Kill getting harder and harder under my tongue, the veins that adorned his length grew thicker, pumping even more blood to his pulsing manhood.

His eyes went utterly luminous as he thrust harshly.

Kill pulled out once more almost to the tip, before he thrust back in harshly to the hilt with a growl and spilled his cum down my throat.

“That's it, little dove. Look at how perfectly you take me.” Kill praised as his thrusts became shallower, he was a little breathless. “Look at her Val. Isn't she just the most depraved, perfect little dove you have ever seen?” He asked the unknown, there was no answer.

It took multiple gulps to swallow what I could of him down while his cock was still wedged between my lips. His flavour thick and heady upon my tongue.

Kill slowly withdrew his cock from me, now limp and happily spent.

A little cum that I could not swallow, dribbled out the side of my mouth and down my chin with his withdrawal .

Before I could clean myself and lick up what I had spilled, Caz leaned in and started happily lapping up the mess I had made with a greedy tongue. His mask pulled up to expose his lips. He was all sharp angles, his jaw square cut and coated in a light dusting of dark stubble.

“You look so pretty covered in Kills cum, poppet.” Caz said against my lips in a whisper.

I hadn't even heard him approach.

One quick lap with the flat warmth of his tongue up and over my chin and lips as he cleaned.

He moaned as he closed his mouth after he was done and swallowed deeply. His eyes shining brightly under the hood of his mask.

“Good little poppet.” Caz praised.

Kill stood back and stuffed his now limp cock back into his tight black jeans, leaving the fly and buttons unzipped and undone.

With a final kiss to my swollen sex, Nav wiggled his way out from under me, coming to a stand behind me, drawing his hands over the flesh of my hips and ass. He pulled his mask back into place upon his face. The elongated mouth showed glistening signs of my arousal over its shimmery surface.

Nav rubbed my shoulders and the back of my neck tenderly.

“Caz, Nav, untie our little dove.” Kill spoke as he sunk back into the darkness. “Make sure we didn’t go too hard on her.”

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