I was given more water, and this time, I drained the whole bottle while Caz massaged the soles of my feet and Nav my scalp.
Kill brought me a thick black robe which he draped around my shoulders and tied at the waist once I had pushed my arms through the plush sleeves that covered over my hands.
It smelled like musk, smoke and leather. I inhaled deeply at the collar. I did a quick search of all the shadowed corners that Val may have been able to hide in, but other than the shadowed profile of him next to Kill earlier, and the three words he had growled, there was no trace of him.
Nav brought over a new hood to shroud my vision. “Just for a little while, darling girl.”
“It’s fine, I understand.” I responded and lowered my head for him.
Nav gently pulled the hood over my eyes and let it fall until it came to rest upon my shoulders, my vision now nothing but darkness.
Once more, I was lifted by Caz and carried down the stairs, through the back entrance of the theatre and out into a loading bay where the van we had arrived in was parked. I was loaded into the back, where Caz and Nav joined me, and Kill entered behind the wheel and took off.
The trip back to civilization seemed too quick, as the boys continued to rub and massage my weary muscles in relative silence.
Their only words were to tell me to change positions, to ask if I was comfortable, or if I needed more water.
Before long, the van stopped and Kill opened the door. Caz pulled the hood from over my eyes and I blinked away the haze.
Kill held out a hand to help me down, I took it and stepped out into the chilly, very early morning air, only to realise they had pulled up out the front of my apartment building.
Confused as to how they knew where I lived, I turned to ask, only to be met with Caz handing me my shoes and handbag and planting a chaste kiss to my forehead through his mask before stalking back to the van.
Nav did the same, only he had his chin on display for me. He flicked his tongue over my lips once before falling in behind Caz, slamming the door behind him.Kill wasn't so passionate. His arm flung out, his hand wrapping tightly around my throat as he leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Behave yourself, little dove.”
I was left stunned, I stood still in place as he turned on his heel and jumped back in behind the wheel, slammed the door, and took off.
It took me a moment to collect my thoughts that were racing a million miles an hour around inside my head.
I felt dizzy. Like my world had just tilted on its axis a little and I was yet to get my footing.
I really did not want this night to end. I was in such a state of mind to book them again.
Unfortunately, all I could afford was this one night. I should call the club and ask for any information and if they offered payment plans.
As it stood, I still owed them my final payment, Chloe never stipulated what would happen if my booking happened to be fulfilled prior to my full membership being paid.
I yawned and stretched, my toes and fingers starting to freeze as I watched the vans lights as they disappeared down the road .
I sighed long and slow, my breath turning into a white cloud as it hit the chilled morning air.
Right now, what I needed was a shower and my bed.
I awoke the next day well past noon with a delicious ache deep in my muscles, bones and pussy. Everytime I rolled over, I could feel the brush of fresh bruises that had formed upon my ass, a sweet little reminder.
I was delirious and still high on pleasure.
My sleep had been filled with dreams of dark creatures, deep growls, reaching hands, and golden eyes glowing, staring at me from darkened corners.
Haunted by the men who stalked, and taunted, and took from me what they wanted, but cared so deeply for my safety and own pleasure as they did.
Thank the goddess it was a Saturday and I could lay here all day, daydreaming of last night.
A ding from my phone sounded from where it lay discarded on my bedside table.
With a groan and a pop and crack of my joints, I rolled over and lit the screen to see a message from my bank saying a deposit had been transferred into my account.
I opened the banking app to indeed see a deposit of five thousand dollars sitting there from the club.
The exact amount I had paid as a deposit for my membership, returned to me.
As I watched my phone, another deposit of twenty thousand dollars appeared right the next second which had no transaction description.
This had to be a mistake. Someone has definitely had a bad start to their Saturday by sending a random person twenty thousand dollars .
I sat up, wanting to dig deeper into the transaction, when my phone started ringing, I immediately recognised it as Chloe's.
I hesitated briefly with my finger over the accept button, my breath caught in my throat.
I quickly swiped to accept the call before I could talk myself out of it.
“He…Hello?” I stuttered.
“Good afternoon, Miss Valentine. This is Chloe from Eden's Vices, is now a good time to chat?” A musical voice came from the other end of the line.
“Yeah. Yes.” I replied. “Is there... Is there a problem?”
“Oh, no. Not at all. I'm calling to let you know that your partners have requested we refund your fee.”
“Oh, um, okay. Was there an issue?” My voice fractured. Tears threatened to spill from my bottom lashes. Had I imagined last night's highs? The way they touched me, the way I felt?
Was I that bad?
“No, no issue. The feedback was all positive.” Chloe's voice didn't waver.
“I'm confused.” I whispered.
“Nothing to worry about, Miss Valentine.” She continued. “We have also waived the remainder of your membership fee.”
“Can I ask why?” I asked softly.
“I do have to be going now, Miss Valentine.” Chloe said in her lyrical voice.
“I’m sorry, but do you know…” I started to ask about the twenty thousand, but was instantly cut off.
“Thank you for your patronage at Eden's Vices. Have a great day.”
The call ended abruptly, and I was left staring at a blank, dark screen.
I sagged back down into the sheets of my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Shattered lights dancing across its dull planes from the setting sun trying to seep through
the curtains.
I watched the shadows dance intently, counting my breaths.
So much for me wanting that second date.
I decided to get out of bed long after the sun had set beyond the horizon of the surrounding apartment buildings.
I made use of the bathroom and blasted the hot water of the shower. I stood under the scalding stream of heat as the water cascaded over my hair and skin.
The ache between my thighs never subsided, a vivid reminder of what I had experienced and all that I had felt.
The high felt so far away.
The lows were now incessantly plaguing my mind with thoughts of doubts and panic coated my throat with its acidic burn.
I shrugged into the plush robe the boys had given me, still richly scented of them, and tied the sash around my waist.
I would have this reminder of them at least.
I plunged my hands into the deep pockets, where my fingertips brushed a small bundle that had been stashed there.
I pulled the bundle free, and in the palm of my hand I held a stack of instant photos. The small images that were blurred and grainy and dark.
There were more than the two I knew had been taken of me.
The photos were taken from farther away, the edges rimmed in utter darkness.
Me with Nav’s cock in my hands.
Kill’s fingers in my pussy.
Nav's cock slamming into me.
Caz’s hand slapping down upon my ass.
Me strapped to the spreader bar.
Me taking Kill down my throat.
Caz looking like a man possessed as Kill held him by the throat in the moments leading up to his own orgasm.
The moment Kill sliced into my skin and the absolutely feral look in his eyes as he spilled my blood.
So many photos of me looking absolutely dishevelled and used.
Sweat coating my body, red handprints covering my ass and my make-up ruined.
I looked like an absolute mess, but I was a happy mess.
I was beyond happy. I had been utterly blissed out.
At home.
Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I flicked through every photo.
Doubt now clouding my mind.
I did not imagine their pleasure.
Nor did I imagine their attention and affection.
Fuck, my mind was swimming with so many muddied thoughts.
I pulled out my trinket box from the top shelf of my wardrobe and placed the photos inside, carefully hiding them beneath birthday cards hand written from my friends and a special one from my now deceased grandma, and closed the lid.
I placed the box back in its secret spot, vowing to myself that I would find those men again.
I would call Eden's Vices and make another appointment.
Especially now that I had my deposit back.
And more.
I plodded my way down to the kitchen of my cosy Victorian style apartment and stood before the open door of the refrigerator to try and find something to ease the growing hunger that was eating away inside of me. I slammed it again when nothing immediately jumped out at me.
I wanted food, but I didn’t want to make food.
I decided to order sushi delivered and ate in silence when it arrived. My mind was still too loud. I had always had terrible self esteem, and most of the time hated what I saw in the mirror, so why would I have thought that people I had paid to service me would feel any different.
I was the worst kind of delusional.
Did they keep any photos to remember me by?
Probably not.
Who would?
The darkness of midnight swept in all too quickly. I threw myself into bed still wrapped in the robe, and prayed for sleep while staring into the abyss of my darkened ceiling.
I slept fitfully once I finally gave into my exhaustion, tossing and turning and once again dreaming of shadows and monsters.
I awoke once to a feeling of alertness that prickled over my skin, like something was watching me from each and every darkened corner.
Every shadow within my room danced and writhed with the impenetrable darkness.
The shadows playing tricks on me.
A figure standing tall and still.
Glowing white fangs. Ambered, golden eyes.
Reaching hands.
Deep growls. Soft purrs.
The faint scent of cigarettes and figs.
It was all in my head.
Monday morning came in a haze of red eyes and rumpled bedsheets. I was in no way ready to get back to reality and face work, but life went on.
I called the club the second I knew they would be open, but instead of the phone ringing, a busy tone reverberated down the phone line.
I tried many times to call the club again throughout the day, all to the same result .
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I decided to try the number Chloe had personally called me from but was met with a robotic ‘we're sorry, your call cannot be connected. Please check the number and try again. Thank you.’
My mind spun. Why couldn't I get through?
Throughout the rest of Sunday and again this morning, more money had been transferred into my account, another twenty thousand dollars, followed by a fifty thousand dollar transaction filled my account with more money that I had ever had in my entire life.
“Ivy, what is with you today?” Theo barked from across the office as I stared down at the dark screen of my phone after once again trying to call Chloe and Eden's Vices.
Theo was a tall man, and towered over the cubicle walls that separated all of our offices. He could easily see right into my cubicle.
Shit, I had been avoiding this. “Sorry, Theo.” I quickly stuffed my phone into my handbag and turned to my computer.
The same spreadsheet I had been working on last week stared back at me in a mockery.
The numbers now bled into a meaningless jumble of nothingness.
“Can I help you with that?” Theo's voice came from much closer this time? He was gentle this time at least. And moved so fucking quietly for the huge man he was.
The fabric of his shirt strained against the bulge of his muscles, the buttons holding on for dear life. His sleeves of his pressed shirt had been rolled up to just below his elbow, the veins on his arms popping. He was a good looking man, but there was something about him that just constantly put me on alert, something animalistic.
He leaned down over me, looking down at my computer screen.
“Still working on this one, huh?” He asked casually.
The entire time I had worked at Moon and Hound, I hadn't known Theo to be… gentle. It was weird.
“Yeah. Yes. I can't seem to get the figures right.” I stuttered. “Are you okay?” I tacked on before I could think better of it. Having him be pleasant was new for me. He was usually a man of very few words.
I turned my head to face him, his big brown eyes were hard but kind.
“Are you?” He retorted with a grunt, not looking back at me, but at my screen.
I ignored him and turned back around to see what he was looking at.
“What part of it are you having trouble with?” He asked as he scrolled through line after line of my poorly executed spreadsheet equations.
I explained to him where I was encountering issues and he offered up some fairly helpful solutions.
“Thanks,” I said when he straightened and turned to head back out of my cubicle.
“Are you sure you're okay, you… feel different.” His voice was wary.
What the fuck did that mean?
“I'm fine. Thanks for checking. I just haven't been sleeping well.” I lied half smoothly.
“Mmm.” He grunted back. “Well, keep your phone away maybe.” Was all he said as he turned and stalked away.
I could get whiplash from this man's mood swings.
I watched as he walked back to his office, he scanned the floor, eyes narrowing on me before he snapped, “Back to work, Valentine.”
I quickly sat my ass in my seat and started to execute the fixes he suggested.
“I thought you were going home on Friday to finish this, liar.” Sophia said as she slipped quietly into my cubicle.
She was in a black pants suit today, all gold accessories that were probably real, not the fake stuff I buy from the dollar store.
“I tried.” I shrugged with my lie.
“He's right. You do feel different.” She sniffed the air around me.
“What the fuck does that mean?” I snapped.
“It means, what the fuck happened to you on the weekend?” She whisper-yelled at me.
“Nothing happened to me,” I hissed back, tears threatened to form on my lower lashes.
I swung my head back to my computer so she couldn't see the redness that surely would be lining my eyes. I clicked some keys on my keyboard and finished up the changes Theo had recommended.
And surprise, surprise, the equations added up and I got the green light, I huffed a thankful yet defeated sigh.
“Did you and Dan have fun?” I asked as a distraction, finally turning to face Sophia once I knew I could keep my composure, my eyes free of tears.
“We always do.” She replied, not as enthusiastic as what she normally is. “Stop changing the subject.”
“I just really want this client, Soph.”
“You said that on Friday, and I don’t believe you.” She said seriously. “Are you in danger?”
“What? No, I'm not in danger!” I snapped back.
“Mmm…” Was all she replied. Her gaze was a million miles away.
Sophia wasn't one to normally get distracted.
She stood abruptly and turned on her heel. Speaking over her shoulder she said,
“Just make sure you're being safe.”
I didn't see her for the rest of the day.
I made the decision to stop in at the bank on my way home to ask where all of the other deposits had come from.
Some time during the day, the sky had decided to open up and let out a deluge of fluffy white snowflakes, the air grew frigid in and around the office.
I hadn't dressed for the snow. I hugged closer into my jacket and started downtown.
I trudged down the snow lined streets of the inner city circle of London. My body was on alert, every single man dressed in black caught my attention, I searched their many faces in secret, hoping to find some sort of defining trait that would help me recognise one of my men.
But time after time, I was left disappointed.
A feeling of awareness skated across my shoulders and up the back of my neck, it was the same feeling I had felt as I was walking through the park less than three days ago. Eyes I couldn't see burned into me, shivers ran down my spine and goosebumps pimpled my flesh.
I stopped in my tracks, causing someone to run into me, I apologised profusely, but they just shook their head and kept on going.
I was losing my mind.
By the time I arrived at the bank, my skin was flushed despite the freezing temperatures, my breath erratic. I dusted off my jacket and fluffed out my hair of any loose snowflakes and made my way to the counter.
The teller behind the glass barrier assured me it was a legitimate transaction. Her eyebrows creased in concentration as she checked through my account and the details.
She called on her manager when I asked her to double check. They both stood staring at the monitor scratching their heads in complete and utter confusion.
“I'm sorry, Miss Valentine, but we can't tell you where these deposits are originating from, but they do have your specific ID and name attached to them.” The manager, a short round woman, confirmed.
“What do I do?” I asked.
“Just keep an eye on your bank account for a little while, Miss Valentine. Maybe convert it to a term deposit, just in case someone does come looking for it.”
“Okay.” I sighed. “Thank you for your time.”
I left the bank even more confused than when I had entered and started the agonisingly slow walk home. I passed the nightclub I was working on financing for my client, the windows were blacked out, as was the door. The overhead sign above read ‘Dark Signs’. The last nightclub left to open in the city, and my anonymous client was counting on me to finance it.
I trudged home through the thick snow, the weather decided to hold steady at least. I wasn’t ready for winter, although it seemed like it was early and here to stay.
Seasonal depression was known to kick my ass .
Give me autumn any day.
Once I finally opened the door to my apartment I dropped my handbag on the sideboard and pulled out the leftover Thai food I had ordered the night before from the fridge and downed it quickly. I shrugged out of my boots and slipped my feet into my slippers and took off my bra, the feeling of freedom quickly enveloped me by simply undoing that clasp.
I sat back down at my desk and opened my work laptop and tapped away, typing up an email to the entrepreneur client. I did a final check over of all the paperwork for the finance along with the finalised spreadsheet and attached them to the email.
I hesitated over the ‘send’ button for longer than I cared to admit. It could wait until I was back at work in the morning, but I had a gut feeling I had to send it now.
I clicked send and sat back in my chair, staring out into nothingness.
No less than one minute passed and my computer dinged with an incoming email.
The email reply was from my client.
Fuck, that was quick.
The entrepreneur had sent back signed and dated copies of all forms, along with their initials V.B for each page required.
This person had obviously done this before.
I flicked through all the attachments, ensuring they were all indeed signed and dated and forwarded them along to Theo, he would process the finances first thing tomorrow morning.
I replied to V.B, thanking him and informing him of the next steps.
I was immediately replied to with a “My Pleasure, Miss Valentine.”
The email signature had his logo design, it was two daggers crossed in the centre surrounded by a halo of thorns and barbs. A singular, red teardrop fell from between the two blades.
I had a feeling that I had seen that insignia somewhere before.
I shrugged it off and closed my laptop, a sense of accomplishment flooded me and I decided I needed to celebrate. I grabbed a glass from the shelf and poured myself a shot of whiskey. It wasn't like I needed the commission money any more, but the extra money would be a nice little bonus. Maybe I could head home for the holidays, I'm sure my mum would love that.
The days bled into weeks and the weeks turned into months since my encounter with my masked captors.
I decided against visiting my family over the holidays, and instead spent the solid two weeks cooped up inside my apartment, ordering all of my food delivered to my door via my trusty app, and playing Animal Crossing in my pyjamas.
The ache that I was missing a part of me never abated.
Every single day without fail, I tried to call the club and Chloe, only to be met with the same torturous message.
And yet every morning I would try again with hope in my veins and fire in my heart, just to be struck down again and again.
I died a little more inside every single time.
My co-workers started to avoid me at all costs, whether it was because of my killer resting bitch face, or just my general air of unwelcomeness that seemed to seep from my pores, they knew to keep their distance.
My body was physically present, but my mind just wasn't there.
I was spiralling.
“You.” Sophia cornered me in the elevator as I was leaving for the day.
“Me.” I replied.
“This has got to stop, babe. I don’t know what it is, but it ends now. ”
I knew it needed to end and I needed to move on.
It was a one-time thing and I was very aware of that going into the contract. So why was I so caught up on this whole situation?
I had been blocked out. I just didn't want to accept that truth just yet. The connection I felt to those men was beyond anything I had experienced before. One night stand or no.
Obviously it had been extremely one sided. I wanted to be theirs, and I wanted them to be mine.
But it wasn't meant to be and I needed to move on.
Moving on was proving easier said than done.
“No more huffing, no more fobbing me off, no more.” She said as she grabbed me by the shoulders, forcing my gaze to hers.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked defeatedly.
“Well for starters, I want you to stop ignoring me. I miss you.” She pouted those perfectly red lips.
I couldn’t help but smile at her.
That’s a start.” She smiled back at me.
“Secondly?” I asked.
“Secondly.” She straightened and flattened her dress over her curves. “You. Me. DeVore.” She said, speaking of one of the nightclubs in town, it was notorious for its… underworld patrons.
“What about Dark Signs?” I replied, I had been meaning to visit the newly opened establishment since its new owners took over.
“Even better!” She exclaimed.
The elevator doors chimed the approach of the ground floor. She hopped out and turned to me, her eyes alight with excitement, I followed her through the foyer and then through the main doors of the building.
“Make sure you wear something…” She looked me up and down, a horrified look crept over her face. “Fucking hell, Ivy. Is that actually what you wore to work today?” She asked, referring to my crinkled band shirt and distressed baggy jeans. Topped off with an oversized ripped cardigan.
“Yes?” I questioned.
“Never mind. Make sure you wear something sexy, for my sake and yours. I’m getting you laid tonight.” She turned on her stiletto-clad heel and strutted away.
“I don’t…” I called out after her.
“Yes you do!” She cut me off.
I really didn’t need to get laid.
“Sexy, Ivy. I mean it.” She yelled over her shoulder as she disappeared into the crowd of bodies that had now flooded the street with their five P.M departures from work.
Resigned, I made my way home.
I showered and changed into a tight red dress, a black leather jacket and my trusty Doctor Marten boots. Smeared some red across my lips and black across my eyes.
The dress hugged my hips and smoothed out my apron belly. I had decided against my bra, the thin spaghetti straps on this dress did nothing to hide the straps of my bra, so my nipple rings popped out against the fabric.
I added some chunky silver accessories, slid some earrings in my lobes and a stack of chains around my neck.
I looked hot, I knew it, but I just didn’t feel it.
The pictures from that night were scattered across the sideboard in my room after I had them out this morning pining over each and every one of them. Looking for any clues. Anything about those men that could help me find them. But they were all so anonymous and hidden. Not even anything in the background that could point me in the direction of the theatre they took me to.
The memories were still so vivid, still embedded in the reveries of my mind, still as real as the night I lived it.
I craved to feel that again. To see them again. I decided that the photos could stay there for the moment. I didn't have the energy to deal with all that right now.
Maybe once I got through tonight and potentially, with Sophia’s meddling, fuck around a little, I would put the photos and memories away for good.
But for now, I wanted to keep those treasures for just a little while longer.
I gave my untamed hair a once over with a brush in the hallway mirror, my bangs were wonky and there was a kink in the lengths from being shoved in a bun for the better part of the last two weeks, but it was as good as I was going to get, so I gave up and stepped outside into the frosty night air.
It was the end of January now and the snow had turned to ice upon the sidewalk. It was my least favourite time of year. The fluffiness of the snow from the Holiday period had all but gone, leaving nothing but disgusting melted slush that was impossible to walk or drive upon. It made my commute to work every morning almost impossible and extremely uncomfortable.
The bar was pumping music, I could hear it from more than two blocks away.
I lined up with the rest of the crowd as the security guards checked IDs at the door.
I was let through quickly with a nod and a wink.
The guard checking me out as I passed was a welcome confidence booster.
I entered the club doors and descended the stairs into the overwhelmingly cramped club. The air in here was thick and sticky and smelled like sex. The overhead lights were off, the lasers, strobe and coloured spotlights guided me to the bar.
The DJ was playing a mixture of dubstep and heavy drum and bass. The bass from the speakers vibrated through the floor and off the walls which shook my bones.
It wasn’t my particular scene, but the environment was warm and welcoming, so I embraced the distraction all the same.
Through the throng of people fighting over the length of the bar, I finally found a spot next to Sophia and Dan who were locked in a heated debate about who only knew what. Sophia was making wildly exaggerated hand gestures and Dan just laughed it off, the deep baritone of his voice exceeding that of this music.
Dan was always larger than life, and so full of fun.
He acknowledged me with a nod as he whispered “Good luck,” to me before he turned himself around on his barstool to inject himself in the neighbouring conversation, leaving Sophia to have at me .
I ignored her for the moment as the bartender approached me to take my order. I ordered two scotch on the rocks and threw one of them back.
I could feel the burn of Sophia's gaze now solely fixed on me.
I turned to her, my other glass of scotch halfway to my lips.
“This,” She gestured to my outfit with an approving smile. “Fucking stunning. I'd bang.”
I smiled sheepishly back, that was the vibe I was going for.
“So,” She said with a hand on her hip. “Spill. What's got your extremely sexy knickers in a knot lately?” She had changed into a body hugging mini dress the colour of midnight, the fabric shimmered under the club lights. Her hair fell in cascades over her bare shoulders, her eyes were smoky and sultry.
“It's honestly nothing,” I responded, taking another healthy swig of my scotch. It burnt down my throat with a warm pleasantness.
“Uh huh.” Sophia said, not happy with my dismissive response.
“Really, it's nothing.”
“No, we're not doing that.” She said with authority. She raised a hand to the bartender, who acknowledged her immediately with a nod. “I warned you. You are coming clean, Miss Ma’am. Is it a boy? Who am I murdering?” She prodded, eyebrows wagging.
“Well, I guess you could say that… ” I spoke into my glass. Taking another healthy swig of my scotch. It's smoky flavour coating my tongue. “And you’re not murdering anyone!” I exclaimed, only just catching on to what she had said.
“Eh. You'll be my alibi, I’ll be fine!” She said confidently. “Babe! Come on. Do tell.” She leaned closer, eyes wide, ready to take in all the depressing details.
“There's nothing to tell.”
“Give me something. I’m dying here!” She nagged.
“We fucked around, it didn't work out, so here we are.” I gestured around the club with a fake smile plastered to my face. I shrugged and raised my glass in a salute. I downed the remainder of my second glass of scotch and winced at the afterburn.
“Ugh, you're no fun.” She pouted.
I smiled. “I know this.”
“Are you sure that's all that's going on?” She asked sceptically.
“I'm just a little hurt over it. That’s all. I liked this one, Soph.” I admitted. “Like, really liked.”
“Why didn't you tell me?” She asked with a pout.
“I'm just a little embarrassed over the whole situation.” I replied. “I caught feelings. I don't like catching feelings.” I made a disgusted face at her in jest.
“I'm sorry, babe. Whoever it was doesn’t deserve you.” She said with menace and looked up at the camera in the corner of the bar and stared daggers down the lense.
I shook off her action as Sophia being Sophia and placed my empty glass on the counter.
The bartender had finished with his last order and made his way over to us.
“Two Bloody Mary's, and two of whatever it is she's having.” She yelled to the bartender over the cacophony of music and talking.
Our drinks were quickly made and passed across the bar with a wink, saying that they were on the house.
Fuck I loved being friends with her sometimes. I never got free drinks.
Sophia raised a glass above her head and declared loudly “Fuck boys!”
She brought her thick, red drink down and clinked her glass against my own and downed her disgusting beverage of choice in one gulp. Not wincing at the burn or the taste.
“Fuck boys.” I repeated a little softer than she had and did the same with my scotch.
“Come!” She exclaimed. “Dance with me.” She shot the second glass easily and extended her hand.
I winced as I shot my second glass, well fourth if we’re keeping count, and slid my hand into hers.
She picked a way through the crowd with me trailing behind her, our hands locked together until we made it to the middle of the dance floor.
The music thumped through me, heavy and raw. Mixing with the four shots of alcohol I was already deep, my head was swimming and my blood was warm. It was a pleasant mix.
If anything would make me forget the last few months, it would be a raging hangover, a one night stand, and tired, blistered feet.
We started dancing together, her body grinding against my own in a rhythm to the beat. My dress started to cling to my skin with sweat thanks to the heat of the bodies crammed into the close space.
We danced and danced some more while the crowd writhed around us. Some couples locked in almost violent embraces. Lashing tongues and grinding limbs.
After a while of dancing and grinding with Sophia, I felt the movements of someone looking to hook up as they pressed themselves hard up against my ass. Their hands encompassed my hips, swaying me with them.
His body was hard against mine as we moved together.
I looked over at Sophia for confirmation, who looked back at me with a shit-eating grin plastered over her face. Her eyes lit up as she looked at the person behind me, obviously she approved of whoever it was.
“Finally!” She exclaimed on an exasperated breath and gave me two thumbs up before she turned around to continue her dancing, blending back into the throng of bodies. Probably seeking out Dan to go and make out with in a bathroom stall.
This would work.