Dark Signs 12 52%
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T ears threatened to fall. I couldn’t go through this again. They couldn’t string me along with hopes of being with them again. Leaving me with only crumbs to pick at so I didn't starve, just for them to leave me in the cold, alone, searching for answers and so incredibly hungry for them.

I sucked in a breath, the clean, warm scent of Caz had now been overtaken by the stench of sweaty bodies and sex.

It made me sick.

I took one more look around me and decided I was done for the night.

I elbowed my way through the throng of bodies that were jam-packed in the venue, all gyrating and thrusting in time to the now irritating beat.

I burst through the club doors and out into the crisp midnight air. I sucked in a gulping, cleansing breath. The night was bright out, the moon full and fat, sitting low in the sky, making the street lamps almost useless.

The chilled air burned as I sucked it deeply into my lungs. It was colder tonight than what it had been in the previous weeks.

I started the walk home. It wasn’t far, just a few blocks, I needed the fresh air to clear my swimming head. The buzz from the alcohol had now worn off, and all I was left with was a dull ache behind my temples and a bloodied lip.

Fucking Caz.

Fucking Nav, and fucking Kill.

Fuck them all. I was pissed.

I stalked down the street, my head down to ward off the flurries of ice that had been picked up by a wayward breeze and were getting thrown around the street.

I took a shortcut through an alleyway that I knew would cut my commute time in half, but it was in an undesirable part of the city. It was cold enough out tonight, and that usually deterred people.

I was wrong.

I walked past a group of men loitering outside of a run down dive bar. They were all staggering around, smoking stale hand-rolled cigarettes.

I kept my head down, wrapped my jacket around myself tighter and just kept going.

“Where you headed, baby girl?” One of them slurred and broke off from the crowd.

I ignored him and picked up my pace.

“I asked you a question.” His voice turned sour as it started to follow me.

Oh fuck. Okay. Should have caught a taxi.

“I’m talking to you.” He kept on.

I continued to ignore him and kept my head down. I slid my handbag to my front and tried to inconspicuously find my keys. I thread them through my fingers as a makeshift weapon.

“You too good for me, huh? You fucking slut.”

Lovely. What the fuck was I going to do? I couldn’t turn around and head back to the club. I couldn’t cross the road. Why the fuck did I take the alleyway?

I could only keep going straight ahead.

“Hey!” The man yelled while grabbing on to the back of my jacket.

Fuck, he was fast.

“I just wanna talk.” He slurred. His breath was heavy against me and stank of ale and stale cigarettes .

I used his drunkenness against him and shimmied out of my jacket and started to sprint. It was freezing now, and without my jacket, the dress I had worn did nothing to ward off the end of the late night winter chill. This thing had nothing but tiny spaghetti straps and was not built for a bigger girl to run in.

My breath sawed in and out of my lungs in white puffs as I barrelled down the alley.

Before I could get too far, I heard his footsteps closing in behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and the delightful man was once again following me, apparently undeterred by my attempted escape and his sheer intoxication.

He barged into me from behind, knocking my keys from my hand and my feet out from under me. I went down in a heap. My dress tore, one of the shoulder straps snapped. My knees and palms scraped against the rough concrete beneath me.

I sucked in a breath through my teeth at the sting.

Fuck, this was bad.

“I said, I just wanted to talk.” The man breathed angrily as he grabbed at my hair and pulled me upright to my feet.

With all his strength, he pushed me forward until my chest was flush against the wall of the alley.

He slammed my cheek against the rough brick, tearing at the skin. I'd be surprised if he didn't break my cheekbone, he was that rough.

His hands ripped and pulled at my dress while I tried to kick and fight him off, but he was at least two times my size in weight alone, so he held me steady.

I flung my head back, wanting to crack him in the jaw, but missed. He was quick for a big guy. I scratched and scraped at the wall in front of me, trying to get any sort of leverage I possibly could to push myself away, but he had me pinned and all I did was tear my nails to shreds.

The man had my dress up to my thighs, his fingers scratching the skin of the underside of my ass, when suddenly, he was gone and I was alone.

The chill of the night air slapped at my bare and bloody skin with ferocity. My breathing was laboured, but I had to keep going, I had to get home. I wasn’t safe.

But my legs turned to jelly and I dropped to my knees before I could even take one step.

I hunched over and tried to draw a full breath into my lungs. That breath just wouldn’t come.

I heard a scuffle in front of me and quickly went on the defensive, I shuffled back on my ass. A pair of black boots encroached into my space along with the scent of vanilla and oud. My chest was heaving in too shallow pants.

That scent was one I knew, but at the moment, my brain just wasn’t thinking clearly so I couldn't place it.

The newcomer bent down before me. I shrunk back into the wall, curled myself into a ball and screwed my eyes shut. Doing anything I could to try to make myself disappear.

“Oh, darling girl. I am so sorry.” His voice was familiar, silky soft. “We lost you.” He swallowed thickly. “I got here as quickly as I could.” He spoke as softly as his venom-laced voice could manage.

“Nav..?” I asked, my tongue thick in my mouth. Talking hurt and pain lanced through my cheek and lip.

“Yes, darling. It’s me.”

“How did you… How did you find me?”

“Where are you hurt? Open your eyes for me.”

Slowly, I unwound myself and pried my eyes open. They were dry and raw.

To my utter disbelief and relief, it was indeed Nav that stood before me, making himself seem as small yet protective as possible.

“There you are.” Nav said gently, his large palm cupped my cheek. His gentle thumb rubbing soothingly over a graze on my jaw.

I let the tears fall freely then.

I wept.

I wept and wept all the while Nav gathered me into his chest and held me. He let me cry my tears. Let me get it all out, and didn’t say a word. Just gentle, soothing shooshes and melodic hums as he stroked my hair and rubbed my back.

At some stage, I wasn’t sure when, Nav had draped his jacket across my shoulders and I was completely shrouded in his warmth, enveloped in his safe and welcome scent.

Once all of my tears had dried up, I sniffled and asked the burning question.

“What happened to that man?”

“It’s okay, darling. Don’t you worry about that. You’re safe, that's all that matters. Okay?”

I nodded, swallowing thickly.

“Let's get you up, yeah. Can you walk for me?”

I struggled to stand as Nav helped me up slowly.

My knees were burning and bruised. I felt fresh blood trickle out as I cracked open one of the wounds with my movement.

“Fuck, darling. Look at you. I wasn’t quick enough.” Nav said, placing an arm around my waist, holding me steady. “I’m so sorry.”

I looked over my shoulder at my surroundings, there was nothing but an empty alley and scattered piles of ice and snow. No drunken beast of a man, no one else following me. It was just Nav and myself. I breathed a little deeper.

“You saved me.” I replied. And it was true. I thought I was done for.

I only liked being hunted when I knew I was safe.

“I should have been here.” Nav said through gritted teeth.

“You are now.” I smiled a weak smile at him.

Nav’s luscious green eyes sparkled as he looked over me. He leaned down and placed a long kiss on my forehead. He breathed in deeply, savouring the scent of me.

“Come.” He spoke softly against my hair. “Let's get you home.”

Nav walked at my pace, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist and his jacket wrapped snugly around my shoulders, letting me lean upon him.

We walked in relative silence the next few blocks to my Victorian apartment, the light I had left on on the porch illuminated my safe return. I fumbled for the front door keys in my handbag before I remembered I had lost them in the alley. “Fuck.” I cursed and tears fell freely once more, my voice broke .

“It's okay, little one. I found them.” Nav spoke softly, producing the familiar ring of keys.

“Fuck. Thank you.” I said quietly as Nav clanged the keys in the lock and opened the door for me.

“Do you want to be alone right now?” Nav asked as I hesitated on the doorstep, my keys in his outstretched hand waiting for me.

Did I? I had wanted them here from the very first night.

Why was I now so hesitant?

“No.” I said quietly, looking down at my boots. “I don't want to be alone.” I needed to know I was safe. Right now, my flight instincts were in overdrive.

What if that man could find me?

“Good, because I wasn’t going to let you be.” He said grimly. “Come, let's get you inside and clean you up. Yeah?” Nav cut off my racing thoughts with a quick kiss to the top of my hand.

I nodded and walked through the door Nav was holding open for me.

Nav stood on the doorstep and looked up at me. His lush green eyes searched my own. “Are you certain you want me to come in?”

“I’m certain, Nav. Please come in.” I said with a small smile and held my hand out for him.

“Say it again.” Nav growled with heat.

I looked down at him in confusion.

“My name, darling. Say it again.”

I hadn’t realised I had never said his name aloud before.

“But that's just a nickname, Nav, isn’t it?” I asked.

“Navien, darling. My name is Navien. Now say it.”

“Navien,” I nodded and swallowed thickly, the sound of his real name felt right upon my tongue. “Would you please come in? I’m freezing here!” I pulled his jacket around me tighter for emphasis.

Knowing his full name sounded sinful. Like it was a secret I wasn’t supposed to know. This made things real.

Navien took my hand in his own and stepped inside. His eyes looked almost predatory as he looked at me and then down at the mess that was my palms, they were grazed and cut up. The cuts were filled with dirt and gravel and dried blood. He turned my hands over and over in his as he took in the damage.

“That fucker.” Navien swore under his breath.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. It’s just a graze, Navien. It will wash off.” I placated.

Navien growled under his breath. “I don't give a fuck if it cleans off, darling girl. It should never have happened.”

“Sorry.” I replied softly.

“Please don't apologise, you did nothing wrong.” He said earnestly.

“Sorry,” I said again.

“Darling.” He warned.

“Okay, okay. I get it.” I relented.

“Good, now let's get you warmed up.”

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