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I met the boys in my living room, all three of them taking up so much space in my otherwise very cosy apartment. Caz was leaning over my island bench watching Nav clean up. Kill was seated in the worn leather armchair I had in the corner talking softly on his phone. He looked up at me as I entered the room, winked, and went back to his hushed conversation.

“You almost ready to head out, little one?” Nav asked.

I nodded, “Do I look okay?”

“You look more than okay, poppet.” Caz replied.

“Do you know where we are going? I don’t want to be underdressed.”

“It’s exactly how you need to be dressed, darling.” Nav said with a nod.

“That’s entirely not helpful.” I frowned, feeling a little out of my depth.

“Come, poppet.” Caz motioned me toward him.

I made my way around the island bench and fell into his embrace. Caging me between his thighs as he wrapped his arms around me.

“You look perfect, don’t worry about that, okay?”

“You always look perfect.” Nav added.

I huffed out a sigh.

“Trust us, little one.” Nav said as he pulled in behind me his arms wrapped around my waist, settling himself in between Caz’s long legs too. “You can wear nothing wrong. Besides, tonight you will want to be comfortable.” He rested his chin on my shoulder.

“Exactly,” Caz replied and leaned forward to kiss Nav on the forehead.

Nav moaned out an explicit little sigh at Caz’s affection which made my stomach swim. Nav thrust his hips a little and pushed me further into Caz’s embrace. With this new position, I could not only feel the growing hardness from Nav’s cock behind me, but also Caz’s already hard one at my front.

Heat pooled between my thighs. My burning questions about what I was about to be taken into, died upon my tongue.

New questions arose.

Were they a thing? Have they ever? Could I watch?

“Yes, yes, and yes.” Nav groaned out, answering my unasked question with another thrust.

“Gods, the smell of her, Nav.” Caz groaned.

“The scent of her desire is like nothing else.” Nav replied coolly as if I wasn’t sandwiched between them.

“For fucksake. Would you two leave each other and her alone for five fucking minutes?” Killian swore thickly from where he was, watching us intently, no longer on his phone.

“They’re just so delicious together, Kill.” Caz spoke through gritted teeth with a slight thrust of his hips.

“Might I remind you of why we are here and what she endured not even twenty-four hours ago?” Kill retorted darkly.

“We aren’t the ones who threw her over our shoulder like a naughty child and stormed up the stairs, Mister Grumpy.” Caz retorted.

Killian responded with a low and menacing growl and I could imagine his eyes going icy-blue with their intensity.

“Ugh. Fine.” Nav groaned, heeding Killians warning. With a final kiss to the back of my head Nav withdrew from the embrace, disentangling his limbs from Caz’s.

Caz let him go reluctantly. I moved with Nav and stepped back from Caz, missing both his and Nav’s warmth and comfort holding me together.

Nav disappeared up the stairs and I assumed he made use of my bathroom, when finally he descended the stairs with a comb in his hand.

“Sit,” He demanded of Caz.

Caz did as he was asked and sat himself down on one of my bench seats. Even seated, Caz was taller than Nav, and much taller than Killian.

Nav took the comb to Caz’s bright red tresses and combed out the knots. Working section by section, starting at the ends and ending at the roots. Caz just closed his eyes and melted into Navien’s touch.

I watched in silence as Nav worked, Caz’s gentle sounds of appreciation filled the otherwise quiet room. Killian kept a protective watch over us all from the armchair in the corner of my living room. One leg crossed over a knee, thumb tracing backwards and forwards over his bottom lip.

“Darling.” Nav spoke absentmindedly while working on Caz’s hair. “Would you mind grabbing my belt? I think I left it in your bathroom.”

I knew he hadn’t, my bathroom was spotless and I could see the buckle beneath the hem of his shirt.

They wanted me out of the room for a moment. I could take a hint, so I trudged myself up to my bedroom so they could have their privacy.

I plopped myself down on my bed and lay back. Staring blankly at the ceiling. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

Seeing them again, losing them again. My encounter with the drunk man and then Navien finding me. Falling asleep with both Navien and Cairn. Killian showing up. My head was spinning.

I needed answers.

Tears started stinging my eyes. I let them fall. My emotions were too much, too raw to hold back. I let them fall freely.

I rolled to my side and heaved in big sobbing breaths while I let myself feel. I hadn’t had a lot of time to process what had happened to me last night, and I felt like this is what I needed. Cleansing tears were cathartic.

“Poppet?” Caz called up the stairs. “The car is here. Are you ready?”

I didn't respond, Just covered my face with my hands and sobbed some more.

“Poppet?” Caz’s voice was gentle and close. He must have ascended the stairs without me hearing. For a stupidly tall guy, he was awfully quiet.

I heaved out a guttural sob.

The bed dipped under his weight as he sat down beside me. “Can you talk to me, please?” Caz asked with worry in his tone. His fingers gently skating up and over my side.

My words wouldn't come, just more sobs.

“Please, poppet.”

“Everything is a mess. I'm a mess. I'm sore, I'm confused. I'm scared. I want to know what's going on.” I word vomited. “What am I to you?” I tacked on quietly.

“Poppet, I promise you. You come with us now and you will get all the answers you need. And more. You have my word. Okay?” Caz was gentle.

I didn’t respond.

“Come now, love.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“No.” A stern voice sounded from the doorway.

I popped my eyes open to see Killian leaning against the doorframe of my bedroom.

“Not helping, Kill.” Responded Caz.

“We need to leave.” Killian responded.

“We are getting there, right poppet?”

I didn’t move, just laid there, locked eyes with Killian. Neither of us blinking or backing down from this.

“What Cairn says is true, dove. You will be safe. We are here now. You will get answers, but right now, we really need to go.” Kill relented, buckling under the weight of my gaze.

I would take this win.

I huffed out a defeated sigh. Even if I did have a choice, I would choose to go with them. I knew I would.

“You have two minutes to have her organised and downstairs, Cairn. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” Caz responded with a nod.

“Good boy.” And with that, Killian turned on his heel and stalked back down the stairs.

“Come, poppet. You heard the tiny scary man. Let's get you up and ready.”

Caz helped me up, my bones and muscles were weary and tired, even after my marathon sleep today.

“Could I have a moment?” I asked and motioned to the bathroom.

“Of course, poppet. I’ll be right out here.” Caz turned and stalked toward the bedroom door, closing it gently with him on the other side.

I sighed out deep and long as I turned to make use of the bathroom.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but as I looked down I noticed my period had started. That explained the rampant mood swings and tears.

I sorted myself out, inserted my period cup and packed a few extra pads in my handbag just in case before leaving the bathroom in search of Caz.

“Are you bleeding?” Caz’s eyes darkened as he cocked his head and looked me over for any sign of injury.

I was taken aback at his question. How the fuck did he know?

“Ah, yeah. I scratched one of my cuts just now.” I lied, shyly.

My lie must have worked to placate him as he held out his hand for me, I took it. His huge hand swallowed mine with its sheer size, it made mine look so dainty in his grip.

“Ready?” He asked, as he pulled me into a one armed hug.

“Guess so.” I responded, and we descended the stairs together, hand in hand.

Killian was waiting, holding open my front door for us, the frosty night air that whipped through brought with it the scent of rain and chimney smoke.

We pulled up short in front of Killian.

“Is she bleeding?” Killian asked with a flare of his nostrils.

“Yeah, she scratched one of her wounds.” Caz responded with a shrug and a nod, Caz let go of my hand and descended the stairs of my apartment and down into the waiting car that had pulled up right out the front.

Killian stopped me with a hand around my wrist, he turned me to face him. “You good?” He asked shortly as he inhaled sharply again.

“I’m fine, it’s just a scratch.” I sighed, embarrassed.

“Are we good?” He asked, letting the subject of my bleeding go.

“That depends.” I retorted. I was starting to feel a little self conscious of myself now. Did I really smell bad?

“On…?” Killian retorted sharply.

“Whether I get answers or not.”

Killian sighed gruffly. “Uh huh.”

“Uh huh,” I copied.

“You truly are a brat, huh?” He sighed.

“Only for you.” I repeated.

Killian let out a growl and said, “Do not keep me waiting again, little dove.” As he turned and pulled me down the stairs and into the waiting car.


The car was huge. A blacked out SUV that comfortably fit Caz and his long legs. The interior was all leather with warmed seats, super dark tinted windows that made it almost impossible to see out of, and all the latest gadgets and knobs decorated the dash.

The warm air from the heaters that were blasting throughout the car was comfortable and cosy and amplified the woodsy scents from the men surrounding me.

Nav was seated in the front and was chatting away in a one sided conversation to the faceless driver, his form hidden by a black hoodie that he wore tight around his head. He did not look back or acknowledge that Killian and I had entered as we took our seats with me in the middle, Caz on my right and Killian on my left.

Once we were all settled in and Killian was sure I was safe and secure, he signalled to the driver to proceed. We pulled seamlessly out into the night. The road was quiet at this time of the night, or should I say early morning, with only the odd taxi travelling along, taking drunk patrons home, and people to their booty calls.

And me, to my unknown.

There was no doubt in my mind that if I had refused to come with these men, Killian would have had me over his shoulder again in no time flat.

They made it out like I had a choice, but I knew deep down that I didn’t. And stupid me that was only thinking with what was between her legs, was okay with that.

I wanted to come with them.

I would follow them anywhere as long as they would have me.

Caz placed his hand upon my knee, his long fingers idly drawing slow, lazy circles around and around while he looked out the window and stared into the darkness.

Killian was anxious, if the constant bouncing of his knee was any indicator. I did the only thing I could think of, and gently placed my hand upon his thigh and squeezed reassuringly.

Killian didn’t look away from where he was focused out of his window, he just placed his hand atop mine and squeezed back. We stayed like that, hand in hand for the remainder of the car ride, which was about a little over an hour drive from my apartment in the central city.

We crept through the quiet, sleeping streets of Oxford until we pulled into the back alley of a run down building on the outskirts of Jericho, with boarded up windows and crumbling walls.

The driver pulled the car to a stop, the engine still idly running. Nav jumped out and opened Killian’s door. With one final squeeze of my hand, Killian let me go.

“Stay here with Caz, little dove. We won't be long.” He kissed the top of my head and exited the car.

Caz pulled me into him as Killian closed the door, leaving us surrounded by nothing but darkness and the car's warmth.

“You alright, poppet?” Caz nuzzled against my neck, kissing softly. Rain started to patter down upon the car. I followed a fat water droplet down the window pane as it made its slow descent.

The scent of him warmed as it enveloped me.

“Yeah, just a little… I don't know.” I responded with a sigh.

“Unsure? Worried? Scared?”

“Not scared. I trust you all. I think. Should I not?” I tumbled over the words.

“No, poppet. You can trust us. Plus, we protect what is ours.”

“You’ve said I'm yours a few times now, but how can I be?”

“Just trust us, poppet. You'll have answers as soon as we can give them.”

“I guess I'm still so unsure. Everything is just so… Need to know, basis, I guess.”

“Patience, poppet.” Caz replied, nipping my ear lobe.

“Patience isn't something I'm very good at.”

“Oh, I know.” Another nip to my jaw. “But I promise, you will be glad you stuck with us.”

“You're awfully good at distractions, Cairn.” I gasped as his fingers started to wander up my thigh to the waistband of my pants.

"That's the plan.” His lips found mine, as he lay me back across the car seat. His teeth pulled at my bottom lip, his tongue tracing the shape of my mouth.

“What about the driver?” I whispered around his lips.

“Brayden is paid not to… interfere or ask questions. Aren't you, Brayden?” He called over to the driver.

There was no response. Not even a slight change in his position. Brayden just held onto the steering wheel. His gaze trained out the rain soaked windscreen.

“See?” Caz whispered as he took my lips again in a slow, sensual kiss.

His long fingers traced the waistband of my pants before quickly getting underneath it. His hand landed against the soft of my belly and moved lazily south .

His calloused fingers drew patterns across the expanse of flesh there.

I gasped as he found my underwear, “Wait!” I exclaimed and grabbed at his arms.

His fingers stopped their exploration abruptly.

“What's wrong?” He asked, alarmed.

“Uh, fuck.” I sighed and threw my head back against the seat of the car.

“Poppet?” Caz asked again warily.

“I ah… I got my period.” I groaned out, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment.

“I see.” Caz said wickedly, once again continuing his movements, diving slowly beneath the fabric of my underwear. His fingers finding the small thick curls at my public bone and then continued further south still. His lips nipped at my jaw and along my throat eliciting a shiver from me.

“That doesn’t bother you?” I asked shyly.

“Not in the fucking slightest, poppet.” Caz all but growled. A feral sound ripped from his throat.

“But the mess?”

“I couldn’t give to fucks about the mess, love.” He whispered against the flesh of my neck.

“But I…” I started to counter when his skilled fingers slid through my folds and found my entrance.

“Gods, poppet. You are always so ready for us.” Caz moaned and slipped two fingers into me.

I gasped out, but Caz quickly caught the sound as he covered my mouth with his large hand.

“You will come for me before Kill and Nav return. Understood?”

I hesitated.

“Tick tock. We don't have much time, love.” Caz reiterated as he curled his fingers.

His other hand closed around my mouth to keep me quiet.

I gasped into his hand again. Caz found a rhythm which made my surroundings melt away. Brayden sitting a few inches away had become nothing but a silent blur as my eyes closed and my breathing became laboured under Caz's touch .

With every curl of his fingers, I became more and more undone.

I slid my own hand down until my fingers landed on my clit.

I circled it lightly, around and around in a clockwise motion, adding a delicious friction which sent me immediately soaring.

My orgasm tore through me, quick and sharp. There was no sensual build-up, just red-hot pleasure pouring swiftly through my veins.

“Fucking damn it, Caz.” A gruff voice came from behind my head. My eyes snapped open to find the green hungry eyes of Nav.

“What?” Caz grinned as he savoured the feel of my pussy fluttering with the aftershocks of my orgasm. He pulsed his fingers once more against that glorious spot inside of me before he slowly withdrew them from me.

Once they were free of me, Caz inhaled deeply as he took in the sight of his slightly bloody fingers. He brought them to his lips, but Nav caught his wrist in an iron grip and stopped him short.

“Fucking hell, darling. That’s what I could smell.” Nav’s green eyes flared in hunger as he looked down at me and then at Caz. “You got to feel her, I get to taste her.” Nav purred and pulled Caz's fingers to his mouth and sucked.

Caz balanced himself above me on one elbow as he let Nav take his fingers.

The sight of them tasting me like this should have made me uncomfortable, but I found it was quite the opposite. It was completely turning me on.

“Gods,” I whispered meekly, watching them together from the haze of my after-orgasm bliss. I was shameless. I loved watching them together.

Caz pulled his fingers from Nav's lips and grabbed Nav by the throat and pulled him in for a kiss.

Their lips clashed together right above my head, and they weren't gentle. Both warring with one another about whose tongue was in whose mouth.

I could feel Caz getting harder and harder as his cock pressed against my stomach.

I gulped deeply and let out a whimper. While I adored watching them together, I wanted to join in, also.

Their kiss broke apart and they both looked down on me. Their eyes glowed in the dim light from the car, they were absolutely ravenous with desire.

“Don't even fucking think about it you two.” Killian's voice sounded as his footsteps crunched over gravel toward us.

Nav rolled his eyes in the most adorable way before he winked at me. He turned away and straightened up.

“We had no such thoughts.” Nav said innocently.

“Bullshit, I can smell her from inside.” Killian retorted. “Scratched a cut, huh?” He continued wickedly.

I tried to hide my face behind Caz's arm as Killian stormed over the gravel and up to the side of the car.

I could curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment right now, that would be fantastic.

“Out.” Killian snapped.

“What?” Caz retorted with a smirk. “Poppet just needed a little distraction, she was nervous. I was doing her a favour.”

“Uh huh.” Killian replied. “Doing her a favour, or yourself?”

“Oh, absolutely her.” Caz replied cheekily.

“Just get inside. I'll deal with you later.” Killian sounded absolutely exasperated.

Caz leaned in again, his face hovering close to mine. He inhaled deeply before leaning in for a lingering kiss. Tracing every curve and line of my lips as he tasted me. Gently rocking his hips into mine.

He drew away quickly when Killian very obviously cleared his throat with annoyance.

“I'll see you inside, poppet.” Caz said with one final kiss to my lips.

And then he was sliding out the car door leaving me gaping and gasping while laying across the car seats looking up at Killian.

“I can't leave you alone for five minutes.”

“Sorry,” I replied abashedly while I sat up .

“Come, we're ready for you now.”

I breathed deeply, trying to placate the rising panic attack I could feel coming on.

“We'll be right there with you, dove. No one is going anywhere.”

I nodded and slid out of the open door.

“Brayden, don't hang around.” Killian spoke to the driver with authority.

Once I was on solid ground, Killian closed the door, tapped on the back car window and Brayden took off, as requested.

I wondered how much that guy was worth on their payroll.

Killian threaded his hand in mine and pulled me close. My heart rapidly beating, a mixture of anxiety and desire. He placed a quick kiss on my forehead as he led us forward.

Once we were at the door he stopped and turned to me. His eyes were luminous, but where they are normally laced with menace, right now they were laced with worry and compassion.

“Once we enter here, little dove, there is no going back. You cannot go back to what you were. Who you were.”

I nodded.

“This is going to change how you think. How you feel. How you view the world. It will change everything for you.”

“I get it.” I said sharply. “Can I turn back now?”

“Do you want to?” Killian said, hesitantly.

My mind raced.

I stepped back from Killian, dropping his hand from mine.

Killian looked down at our now separated hands, and breathed in deeply through his nose. His nostrils flaring, eyes going glacial.

I needed a moment.

Did I belong here? Did I belong with them?

From the moment I met them, I wanted them. They were so far buried beneath my skin, in my veins, in my blood. They were the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep at night and the first thing I thought about when I awoke.

I wanted them to be mine. I wanted to be theirs, and the thought of not having them sent my mind into a tailspin of desperation.

It was a different, more primal feeling. Much more than I had ever felt before.

It went beyond a crush. Beyond love.

Like they were my fate.

They were mine.

I just hoped I was theirs.

I sighed deep and long before jumping into Killian and wrapping my arms around him.

It took him a moment to register what I had done, but once he realised I was with him, his arms wound around my waist and held me tightly. His face nestled into my hair and he inhaled deeply.

“You'll be the ruin of me, won't you?” I said under my breath. So softly that I didn't even think Killian would be able to hear me.

“Yes, dove.” He replied and pulled me back by the shoulders to look me in the eye. His gaze illuminated. It was soft yet deeply hard. “Does that scare you?” He finished.

“Should it?” I met his gaze without falter.


“Then ruin –”

I didn't get to finish my sentence before his lips were on mine. Killians kiss was consuming and raw. He wore his relief at my admission in this kiss.

This was the first time I had seen genuine emotion from him, and it was all for me.

We kissed and kissed some more until he finally pulled back. His eyes glowing with reverence and desire.

“I don't know if it will be us ruining you, or you ruining us, little dove.” Killian said breathlessly. “But either way, what bliss.” His lips cocked up into a lopsided smile. A sharp, pearly white canine tooth on display.

I couldn't help but smile back.

“Come.” He gestured to the door we were standing in front of. “But before we enter, here.” He handed me a piece of black fabric. My heart sunk, another hood. I took a step back.

“It's not like that, dove. Here.” He took it from my limp hands and manoeuvred it so the opening was stretched wide enough for my head to go through. “Come now.” He said softly.

I did as he asked and let him put the hood over my head, but this hood was not like the last few I had worn. This was snug and fitted with an oval cut out for my eyes.

“Oh!” I exclaimed when Killian made the final adjustments to my mask.

“Perfect.” He growled, the sound almost predatory. “I'd like to see you wear this when you suck my cock. Of course, I’d have to make a few adjustments.” His hand traced my lips through the mask, pushing in slightly.

I bit down on his fingers playfully while I kept my eyes on him.

“Careful, dove. We might not make it inside if you keep that up.” His eyes darkened with hunger.

He pulled his fingers free of my mouth and tilted my chin forward with his thumb before placing a kiss to the crown of my head.

He pulled away, and retrieved a second mask from his back pocket and pulled it over his own head. The mask I remember from the first night. His jaw adorned with that of a skeleton.

My mind raced with memories of that delicious night.

The one that brought me to these men, that changed the entire trajectory of my life. Tilted my world on its axis so that it revolved not around the sun, but these men themselves.

“Just remember, whatever happens next, you are ours, little dove.” His voice held so much meaning.

“Okay,” I all but whispered.

“We are monsters.”

I gulped.

“But we are your monsters and we would never do anything to hurt you.”

I inhaled an unsteady breath.

“Not without your explicit consent, I mean.” Killian tacked on with what I could only assume was a devilish grin beneath his mask as he winked.

I exhaled that breath, lust swarmed my veins and liquid heat pooled low in my belly .

“Right then. Ready?” Kill asked.

I nodded.

Kill threaded his fingers through mine and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before he opened the heavy metal door and led us inside.

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