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I reluctantly showed up at work the next day, much to Sophia's delight. Her face was alight with questions and knowing the moment she saw me.

I was surprised she made it all the way until lunchtime to corner me.

The crowd thinned out in the staff room after a few minutes, leaving just her and me.

“So. Incubus, huh?” I asked smoothly.

“And proud.” She winked back at me.

“How long have you two…?”

“A while.” She replied with a smirk.

“He's okay with it?”

She raised a brow at me sceptically. Of course he was okay with it.

“What else did they tell you?” She asked hesitantly.

“You work for them.” I gave her my best death stare.

“They pay well.” She shrugged.

“I bet they do.” I joked back.

“And?” She prodded.

“There are… other monsters in this world.”

“Did they tell you about Theo?”

My stomach dropped. “What about Theo?”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course they didn't.”

“What about Theo?” I asked again, seriously .

“Werewolf.” She shrugged.

“I'm sorry?” I scoffed, choking on my coffee. My interactions with werewolves so far had not been pleasant.

“Yeah…” She dragged out the word.

“Fuck. Wow.” I breathed a long, noisy breath.

“I can’t believe they didn’t tell you that. Or that you didn’t figure it out, to be honest. I mean look at him!” She exclaimed.

He did have some… wolfish features about him, I suppose.

“What did they tell you about the weekend just gone?” I asked, seriously.

“I know of the rogue.” She replied. Sympathy slipped over her features as she looked at me again, looking for signs of the attack. Thankfully, most of the more visual injuries had faded, the ones that hadn’t I could camouflage with make-up.

“And does… anyone else know of the rogue?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes.” She said matter-of-factly.

“Theo?” My stomach dropped.


“And what does he think?” I asked smally, a lump of guilt and shame clogged my throat.

“I think.” A deep baritone voice filled the lunch room and my stomach dropped again, all blood falling from my face. “You're lucky to be here, alive.”

I spun on the spot to face him. He stood in the doorway of the lunch room, his shoulders wider than the door, arms as large as my thighs each, and a fine dusting of hair covered his skin. Everything about him now looked wolfish. Down to the colour of his deep eyes.

“Rogues are not something to mess with.” He finished with a nod.

“It's not like I went looking for a rogue to fight.” I exclaimed.

“That's not… that's not what I meant.” He replied, a heavy sigh left his mouth.

“I'm glad you're under Vaylen's protection. Let's just leave it at that.”He turned to leave the small room and stopped in the doorway and said over his shoulder. “Welcome to the underworld, Valentine.”

Words got stuck in my throat.

“Lunch finished twenty minutes ago, ladies. Back to work.” He said, back to normal and walked away.

“The fuck?” I stared at the back of the closed door.

“Come on, let's get back out there before he gets cranky.” Sophia suggested. I followed her back out into the office space with more questions than I had going in.

The rest of the day went by in a complete blur. I hadn't had any more time to speak to Sophia, and Theo kept his distance but made sure to keep a watchful eye over the entire office for the remainder of the day.

By the time the day had slipped to night and my shift had ended, I rode the elevator down to the ground floor and prepared for my walk home. As I exited the building, I noticed a sleek black car waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

Navien got out from behind the driver's seat and motioned me over with a curl of his fingers.

“Have fun!” Sophia called with a wave as she and Dan walked hand in hand to Dan's car.

Navien walked around the car and opened the door for me. He pulled me up short with a hand around my throat before I ducked down to enter the expensive looking sports car.

“Hello, darling.” He crooned as he placed a tender kiss to my lips and I melted into him.

“Hi,” I squeaked.

“Ready to go home?” He asked against my lips, his thumb drawing lines across my jaw. His breath brushed over my skin, his vanilla scent enveloping me.

I nodded enthusiastically, Navien helped me into the car before taking his place behind the wheel and taking off.

He was confident and sure behind the wheel as he swerved in and out of traffic. One hand on my knee, the other on the steering wheel. Every time he needed to change gears, he grabbed my hand and made me hold the gear stick with him. It was unbelievably fucking hot.

The trip to the penthouse took no time at all, and before I knew it, we were pulling into the underground garage.


The next few weeks played out much the same.

I would wake up and get myself off to work in the morning while my men still slept. Every evening I would exit my office to find one of them there to pick me up and escort me home to the penthouse.

Every day it was a new fancy car one of them were driving. They seemed to have their favourites.

Every Friday and Saturday night I would accompany them to one of their clubs, meeting up with Sophia and Dan, Theo tagged along once.

I started to get the feeling he was trying to get in good with Vaylen, and good for him, he seemed lonely. I wanted nothing more than for him to find a good partner.

Maybe he would stop being so damn grouchy all the time, if only he got laid.

As time went on, the air had started to warm, the winter quickly becoming nothing more than a distant memory.

Every few days, I would make my way over to my old apartment and start packing more and more of my things. The more time I spent in this apartment, the less it felt like a home to me.

I knew where my home was.

It was twelve stories up in the top penthouse with four very protective and very sweet vampires.

We had done nothing more than cuddle in these last few agonising weeks and I was about ready to come apart at the seams if I didn’t get railed, and soon.

The day had come and gone once more, Killian was waiting for me.

I had been toying with the idea for a few days now, and tonight was the night I wanted to put it into action.

I skipped down the stairs to the car, the door held open by Killian.

“You're in a bright mood today.” He commented.

“Am I?” I replied with a saccharine smile. I had become quite good at blocking all of my thoughts from them these last few weeks, but keeping my plan hidden from Killian now was proving difficult when it was all I could think of. “Take me home?” I asked.

Killian's face lit up with a genuine smile. “Gladly.”

Once we were home and settled, I gathered them all in the living room.

“I think we've waited long enough.” All of their eyes were watching me with predatory precision. I tangled my fingers together in front of me nervously as I paced.

“For?” Cairn asked, leaning forward in his chair, steepling his fingers.

“I want to play a game.” I continued, not answering his question. My words were answered with a chorus of deep purrs.

“What kind of game, dove?” Killian growled.


The night was dark and the air was balmy. The humidity was at an all time high causing sweat to trickle down my spine.

I was running, there was something in this part of the park that had my hair standing on end.

That something was hunting me.

A monster.

Many monsters that lurked in the dark, biding their time until an unsuspecting mouse fell into their carefully laid trap.

“Run, run, run, little dove.” A menacing voice cooed from over my shoulder.

He was hot on my tail .

I ran. I pumped my legs harder, making the muscles work more than they ever had before.

“Remember, if we catch you, we fuck you, poppet.” An East-End voice echoed through the darkness.

There was a crunch of leaves to my left and a rustle of branches to my right. They'd found me and were closing in on me quickly.

I rounded a corner, my bare feet meeting the rough cobblestones of a winding path that snaked through this part of the park.

My light dress flowed behind me like a crimson cape caught on the wind as I ran.

I stopped beneath a street lamp to catch my breath, I hunched over dragging in gasping breaths with my hands on my knees.

“Beautiful night out, isn't it?” A velvety smooth voice asked, coming to a stop beside me. Their silver tipped boots came into my field of vision.


“Hello, poppet.”

I didn't give the unwelcome intruder a response, just turned on my heel and sprinted to the next clearing. The next checkpoint in this maze of unforgiving trees and shrubs.

I sprinted as fast as I could. I looked back over my shoulder as I ran, checking my surroundings. They weren't giving chase. Maybe I was safe and in the clear.

My getaway was snuffed out as I collided face first into a solid chest of inked muscle.

“Going somewhere, mon petit diable ?” A wicked voice asked, a hand snaked up to my throat and gripped tightly, forcing my gaze to his.

His white mask slashed with blood red stains was menacing. He cocked his head to the side and breathed in noisily.

“Fuck, the scent of your fear is even more intoxicating than the scent of your desire, mon amour .” His voice was gravelly. “But the two combined… It will be my undoing.” He continued.

I swallowed shallowly around the hand that gripped my throat, my desire was indeed slick between my thighs.

I had foregone underwear this evening, it was sundress season, and wearing them with such a pretty outfit while I was to be hunted was a cardinal sin.

“We've caught you.” A red ghost masked man purred as he staked from the shadows of a nearby pine tree. “Now we get to fuck you.”

The red ghost masked man, Nav disappeared beyond my line of sight, his hands running up the back of my thigh. The white masked one, Vaylen, still had his hand wrapped gently but firmly by the throat, forcing my gaze to him.

“You will watch me while he fucks you. I want to see the pretty faces you make when you come.” He purred, his thumb tracing the line of my bottom lip.

Navien lined himself up at my entrance before plunging himself deeply, filling me in one swift motion. We moaned in unison, his deep rumbling purr against my feminine gasp.

“That's in mon petit diable, take him like the good little cocksleeve you are.” Vaylen's words dripped in lust and carnal desire before his lips crashed into mine, all consuming and primal.

His gold tipped fang nipped my lip, my blood pooling on our tongues as he sipped from me in slow, languid pulls, so at odds with the way Navien was fucking me.

His pace was swift and precise, using me for his pleasure.

A hand snaked around my waist, up under the skirt of my sundress and found my clit, he circled it skillfully with the right amount of pressure to send me rocking back into him. His cock reaching new depths within me.

“Good girl.” Vaylen praised, his eyes watching us with a fiery intensity, my blood staining his lips in slashes of crimson.

Nav's fingers were precise, each stroke against my clit sent my pleasure bubbling within me, each time he thrust and withdrew, each drugging kiss from Val.

“That's it, come on my cock, darling.” Nav grunted, each word punctuated with a thrust.

His words were my undoing, I screamed into Val's mouth as I came apart. White stars flashed behind my eyes as the pleasure coursed through my veins.

My orgasm was the end of Nav, his pace stuttered behind me as he came with a guttural growl. His breathing laboured as his hands on me stilled.

The aftershocks hadn't even subsided before I felt Nav slide out of me and another longer, slimmer cock enter me.

“You didn't think you were done yet, did you poppet?” Caz whispered as he sheathed himself in my wet heat.

Caz bounced me, each thrust and withdrawal hitting deep within me. My overstimulated nerves were already firing with a blazing intensity. His pace was brutal, one fueled by desire and carnal instinct.

Val's grip on my throat tightened, just enough to slow my blood, my eyes rolled back as I pulled in a too shallow breath. My next orgasm tore through me by surprise, there was no languid build-up, no slow and steady rhythm, just pure pleasure whipping straight through my body. I jerked a full body movement as it surged through me, but Caz gave me no reprieve. He kept fucking me, kept filling me over and over with rolls and snaps of his hips until he too, came with a purred “ Fuck.”

He was limp and spent as he slid from me with a slap on my bare ass.

My head was limp upon my shoulders, my eyes slipped shut as Val loosened his grip, his hands were gentle, soothing back my sweat-slicked hair from my face.

“Such a pretty little devil.” Vaylen said, his voice was dark and gravelly.

“Perfect holes for us to fill, Val. Don't you think?” KIllian growled as he stalked from wherever he was watching. “I want your ass.”

I didn't even have the capacity to answer, just nodded groggily with a sated smile on my face.

“She likes the sound of that.” Val said against my lips. “Are you ready to take both of us, mon amour? ”

I nodded again, my head heavy. I loved the sound of that.

“Remember your safeword?” Nav asked from a distance.

“Uh huh.” I said, my tongue felt too thick in my mouth to form proper words .

“Because, although you are our reason for living now, dove. We are going to fuck you like we hate you. Understand?”

“Oh god.” I gasped.

“There are no gods here, mon amour. Only monsters.” Vaylen said roughly, lifting one of my legs to wrap around his waist.

His cock nestled between us as he brought my other leg up. “Wrap them both around me and cling on.” He said. I wrapped my heavy arms around his shoulders, my face fell to his neck, I inhaled deeply as my eyes slipped closed.

“Ready?” He asked as he lined himself up with my pussy.

I nodded wearily.

I gasped as he slid inside, each bump and ridge of his Jacob's Ladder hit nerves as they popped in.

He stilled himself, making sure I was ready as Killian lined himself up.

His cock was slick as he circled the puckered hole of my ass, prodding gently, warming me up. Killian slowly slipped the first inch of his thick cock past the ring of tight muscle. “Good girl.” He cooed, as I reminded myself to relax.

I breathed deeply, Val pulsed his cock from deep within me, the movement pushed me back a little more onto Killian.

My eyes slipped closed as Killian slowly inched himself inside of me. Giving myself over to the intense feeling of fullness and pleasure, my body relaxed and easily gave way to his intrusion.

By the time he was fully seated in my ass, Vaylen started to move. Each thrust rubbed against Killian’s cock.

They quickly got a rhythm between them, when Vaylen would withdraw, Killian would thrust in.

“She's so fucking tight.” Killian seethed through gnashed teeth. “I fucking love feeling you against me, Val.” Killian slapped my ass, the shock and sting made my body jerk again.

Each snap and grind of their hips made my body draw tight like a bowstring, each time their cocks would draw against one another deep inside me made my pleasure soar.

My third orgasm barreled into me with a brutal force, the stretch and fullness of Vaylen and Killian filling me together was like nothing else. My back arched and my eyes slammed closed as I came apart with a hoarse groan.

“Oh fuck,” Killian moaned, his pace increasing.

“Let go of me, mon amour, ” Vaylen said, prying my arms from around him. His cock slipped free, still hard and pulsing with unspent desire. “I'm going to put you down.” One of my legs fell from his waist, followed by the other, this new position sank me further down onto Killian's cock. “Have your way, mon coeur. ” Vaylen whispered to Killian.

Killian didn't respond, just withdrew his cock from me, leaving me open and empty.

“On your fucking knees.” He swore.

I obediently dropped to my knees, my fingers tangling in the long green grass. Killian slid in behind me, quickly sheathing himself in me once more.

He was fast, methodical and cruel as he fucked. Slapping my ass with swift stings, but I didn't care, I was too lost in the moment, my body limp and sated as he fucked with brutal thrusts and degrading names.

There was love behind his harshness, I knew this was his way of worshipping, of showing me just how much I meant to him.

I came again twice more, each time my body jerking and spasming with aftershocks, not given any time to recover.

“One more, dove.” Killian said with another slap to my ass. “You will give me one more, then you can have my cum.”

My body was oversensitive, each movement felt like fire against my skin as I felt the tingles of another orgasm crawling up my spine.

“That's it, dove.” He praised as I shattered once more around him.

With three more thrusts, Killian came with a roar, his chest heaving. A small, private smile crept over my face as I felt him come undone.

“You're too amazing, my love.” Kill whispered against the shell of my ear as he lowered himself beside my boneless form. “You took me so well.”

I smiled again, this one for him and he smiled back, his moustache-lined top lip curling, fangs proudly on display .

Nav and Caz came into my line of hazy vision then, their masks were off, towels and water and a robe in their grasp. “You did so well, love.” Caz said as he dropped to his knees before Kill and I, gently wiping between my thighs, tenderly taking care of me. Nav held out the bottle of water, tipping it to my lips, I drank thirstily.

“Can you stand?” Val asked from where he watched.

Kill stood and held out a hand, I took it and stood on jelly-like knees. He reached for his big black robe and draped it around my shoulders.

“Let's get you home, mon amour, we have something else we need to do.” Val said, hope and admiration lined his words.

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