V iolet stepped onto the dock, basking in the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze drifting from the water. The boat was docked and waiting. Soft white clouds painted the blue sky overhead. What a perfect day to begin their cruise on the Nile River.
She paused at the base of the gangplank when she heard commotion behind her.
“I told you to leave that infernal thing at the hotel,” David grumbled to Isaac as they approached.
“I can’t just leave it ,” her brother insisted, tucking the item into his jacket pocket.
“What are you two arguing over now?” Violet rested her hand on the railing and glared at the pair.
“Nothing important, sister dear.” Isaac’s sickeningly sweet smile nauseated her, and it had nothing to do with the sway beneath her feet. “Where’s your protector?”
“His name is Khalid, and if you remember correctly, I am not the one who requested his company.” Violet’s eyes narrowed. “If you’d listened to Father and remained by my side, I wouldn’t need a loyal hound.”
“What an interesting description.”
Embarrassment bit into her, warming her cheeks as she turned. Khalid stood several paces away, leaning on an oversized crate. To his credit, he did not seem offended by the remark, but it was clear there was little amusement.
“Three nights together on a boat in the middle of the Nile. How exciting.” David winked at her before boarding the ship.
Isaac gave her a sympathetic smile and followed his friend, leaving her to face Khalid alone.
“My apologies if I offended you.” She fidgeted with her bracelet. “My father’s overprotective nature is...frustrating.”
“He’s concerned for the welfare of his child.” Khalid closed the distance between them. From here, she had to tip her chin to look at him. The sun cast his skin in an ethereal glow and ignited a light deep inside his dark eyes. “There is nothing wrong with wanting to ensure your child’s safety.”
“I am not a child. I’m a woman with desires and needs.” She inhaled sharply at the intensity of his gaze. “While I appreciate your company, your presence as my protector is unnecessary.”
“Would you prefer I remain here?”
Violet considered for a moment before shaking her head. But as she gathered the words forming in her mind, Dina’s voice cut through the mingling crowd on the dock.
“There you are!” Dina rushed forward, clasping her hat on her head. “Isn’t this fabulous? A three-day tour, evenings bursting with music and laughter. How delightful. You will love it.”
With an apologetic smile, Violet turned away from Khalid and took Dina’s arm. Together, they ascended the gangplank and joined the rest of the passengers. In the whirlwind of activity, she barely took note of the lovely ship, a dahabiyya, complete with modern amenities and dozens of servants. It was truly a luxurious experience.
The pulsing, rhythmic beat of tarab music lured her deeper into the ship. She glimpsed a stage offset from a cluster of tables and a dance floor in the center of the main cabin. A trio of belly dancers stood on the stage, their scantily clad forms wrapped in sheer veils as they moved and swayed to the music.
Deep in her soul, Violet felt a shift. She was transported, detached from all she knew in England. The music left her entranced, ensnared. Finally, she found the Egypt her mother spoke of. She lingered to listen to the music as the remaining guests boarded the dahabiyya.
After they’d set sail, they were shown to their cabins. Small and quaint, neatly kept. Dina and Violet shared a room, and David and Isaac resided in neighboring quarters. As they wandered the boat, she searched for Khalid. Where was he staying? Dina assured her his passage had been secured and he had a room to himself, but there was no sign of him as they toured the ship.
Disappointment suffused her. Although she cared little for her father’s insistence on a bodyguard, she enjoyed Khalid’s company. He added to the experience. Having a handsome man following her on a daily basis was not something she was familiar with. Most of the men who dogged her were more interested in her father’s work...or his money. The rest pursued her for more intimate reasons, though she made it clear she was uninterested in anything of the sort. There were plenty of attractive men, but none who had caught her curiosity and held it.
Violet paused at the railing to admire the view of the setting sun on the horizon. Dinner would be announced soon, and after that, dancing. She relished the opportunity to dance. Would Khalid join them? Her pulse fluttered at the thought of dancing with him again. The thought of being pulled into his embrace and whisked away left her breathless with anticipation.
“We meet again, Violet.”
Irritation curdled in her gut at the unwelcome intrusion. Violet turned, unsurprised to find the gentleman from the gala standing before her.
“James.” She looked around, searching for her brother or Dina or anyone to save her. Finding no rescue party waiting in the wings, she pushed aside her distaste and greeted him properly. “How lovely to see you.”
“I hoped you would be here.” He ran his fingers through his hair, a carefree reminder of his status. “This is one of the most popular tours in Cairo.”
“Is it really?” Violet drawled. “How interesting.”
“Are you alone?” James asked, resting his hip against the railing.
“Ah, no. I’m traveling with my brother and some friends.” She shifted uncomfortably. “Such a thrilling experience must be shared.”
“I heartily agree.” His eyes sparkled midnight blue in the dying sunlight. “Do you like to dance?”
“I do.” Violet swallowed, anticipating his next move.
“I shall find you after dinner and sweep you off your feet.” He winked and tipped his head. “Until then.”
Violet blinked after him as he strode to the upper deck overlooking the river.
“Who was that?” David asked, coming alongside her.
“James Beaumond.” She furrowed her brow for a moment before waving a hand dismissively. “He’s harmless.”
“Careful with that one, Vi.” Isaac nodded in James’s direction. “We know his kind.”
David snorted in agreement.
“Overprotective men.” Dina shoved her way between them. “He’s handsome to be sure, but what’s his angle?”
“I wish I knew.” Violet shook the thoughts from her head. “When is dinner? I’m starving.”
Dina led them away from the fading sun.
Around every corridor, she expected to see Khalid, and yet, it was as if he’d vanished completely. Through dinner, she lamented his absence. James found a seat beside David and Isaac, and the three of them fell into conversation.
There was something unsettling about James, though he never directly said or did anything to indicate he would bring her harm. Perhaps she was just jaded. Her disinterest in him only drove his persistence.
When the meal ended, she bowed out for the evening, unable to take to the dance floor for fear James might follow through with his promise. He ruined dancing! How rude. Her one escape, stolen from her by his infernal, enamored determination.
When she reached her cabin, she leaned on the corridor wall beneath a soft glowing light. Exuberant strains of music echoed from the deck above, teasing her with a flowing melody. She swayed and wished she’d not been such a coward.
“Why are you not dancing with the others?” Khalid stepped from the shadows.
Her heartbeat quickened. “If you were a proper bodyguard, you would already know.”
“You should not let the American steal your joy.”
Violet’s jaw dropped open, but she quickly composed herself. “You’re far too observant.”
He shrugged one shoulder.
“Where have you been hiding? Slinking about in the shadows, spying on me?”
“It’s my job to watch you, is it not?”
“Yes, but I have not seen you since we left port.” She eyed him suspiciously.
“The requirement is that I watch you, not that you see me.”
Violet sighed at the twisting reply. “If you insist.”
The tempo changed, shifting to a slow, swaying waltz. Violet rocked to the rhythm, wishing she were on the dance floor, not hiding.
“Come.” Khalid extended his hand.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked, sliding her palm into his. The heat of him sank into her bones.
Silence met her question as he led her to the stern of the ship, where the music mingled with the hum of the ship’s engine. When she looked out over the river, she gasped at the rippling waves reflecting a clear, star filled sky. Light from a waxing moon shone down, painting the ship and Khalid in a pale glow.
“What...” She squeaked in surprise when he drew her into his arms, resting his palm on her hip and cradling her hand in the other.
When he fell into step with the music, she smiled and relaxed into his embrace.
“You could have just asked me to dance, you know?” Violet teased.
“Would you have accepted?” He spun her, catching her unaware.
Breathless, she laughed. They fell into a delightful rhythm, and Violet basked in the stolen moment of serenity. The music. The moonlight. The man. In the distance, a glow of ethereal light played on the pyramids. It was perfect. Her heart expanded, absorbing every detail to commit it to memory.
“Such a mystery,” Violet said, studying his face as they moved together.
“What is?”
“You.” She smiled. “I know only your name and that you come highly recommended .” She mimicked her father with the final two words.
Khalid’s lip twitched. “Perhaps not all mysteries are meant to be solved.”
“I beg to differ. All mysteries deserve to be solved.”
“Curiosity can be a noble trait, but it can lead to things better left hidden.”
“What are you hiding, Khalid?”
His dark eyes flashed in the moonlight. “What makes you think I’m hiding anything?”
“You never talk about yourself.”
“There’s nothing to say.”
“Your protests only make me wish to uncover your mysteries more.”
He tensed beneath her fingertips at her soft chuckle.
“Just one secret, and I shall be satisfied.”
“I doubt that.”
“Do you?”
“Very much.” He spun her around before catching her in a dip. His gaze fixed on hers. “It would be wise not to pry where you will most certainly find disappointment.” He returned her to her feet once more.
Dazed, she frowned. “What do you mean?”
Khalid lifted her wrist to his lips. His eyes drifted closed as he inhaled. The action felt intimate...sensual...almost forbidden. He sighed on his exhale, lowering her hand and stepping away. She shivered at the loss of contact.
“I am not the man you wish me to be, little thief.”
With those words, he turned, abandoning her to the night and the distant sound of music and flowing water.
A riot of emotions assailed her. Disappointment, rage, confusion, and shame mingled in a storm building in the pit of her stomach. How could he be so cold and distant when she felt the heat of his touch, the desire pulsing between them?
Mystery be damned. Khalid was a labyrinth of secrets locked in a vault more secure than the Tower of London. She cursed her inability to unravel his twisted words, to discover the man behind the impenetrable mask. He treated her with kindness, but his stoic, calculated demeanor made her question whether he truly enjoyed her company.
Damn him! She scuffed her shoe on the deck before returning to the rail. Leaning against it, she inhaled deeply, a desperate attempt to clear her mind.
Why was she here? What brought her to Egypt? Her mother’s memory. Her promise to show Violet the wonders she’d experienced.
Or was it something more? Her dreams. The man within them.
Darkness enveloped her as a thick cloth sack was draped over her head, knocking her off balance. She swayed, and her arm slammed into the railing. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound emerged as she gasped for air. Rough hands grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her.
Desperate, she slammed her heeled shoe into the assailant’s shin. A man swore. The pressure on her arms tightened.
Violet threw her weight back, catching him unaware.
He cursed when she broke free.
Blindly, she ran, only to catch the railing against her stomach and pitch forward over it. Down she tumbled, a scream lodged in her throat.
It died when she hit the water with a splash, and the bag covering her head soaked up liquid, pulling her into the depths of the Nile, stealing life as her scream dissipated in the black water surrounding her.