A fter they returned to the hotel, Violet refused to be left alone in her room. She craved connection with her companions as well as their distraction. But after the four of them found a quiet table on the patio and indulged in several drinks, they were plunged into tense silence. Isaac scowled into his cup. David’s curious gaze continually passed over her, but he spoke not a word. Dina attempted to fill the void, drawing Violet into conversation about music and dancing.
Dina told them of a club not far from the hotel, where they played the best music with a dance floor to rival the grand ballroom at Buckingham Palace. Violet longed to lose herself in music and dancing. Anything to purge the events of the afternoon from her mind.
She knew her father would never allow it, not without Khalid following her like a shadow. But she couldn’t bear the thought of going anywhere with him, not with the current questions burning in her mind.
Before her father could find them and inquire after the day, Violet took her leave, disappearing into the gardens to seek solace and brace herself for the inevitable.
She paced the small walkway, her fingers clasped around the locket at her throat. Her whispered plea echoed in the quiet alcove. “Mother, what have I done?”
She collapsed on the narrow bench where she’d surrendered so eagerly to his touch and closed her eyes, letting memories wash over her. Violet sucked in a breath at their intensity. The smoke surrounded them, encircling them in a bubble of silence as he explored her. He pushed her to voice her desires. Caressed her. Made her cry out with pleasure.
Her skin flickered with awareness, gooseflesh prickling across her arms. She longed for him, even now. But was it wise? There were so many unanswered questions. A thousand fragmented pieces scattered before her...and yet, she couldn’t see anything but a blurred image. Such uncertainty left her heart racing and conflicted.
Violet opened her mind, and her soft murmur rippled down the bond. Anubis.
The air around her stilled, and the sounds of the hotel, of the city, dimmed into silence. Black smoke curled in a pillar before her as he appeared. The smoke dissipated, revealing his raven hair and fathomless eyes. He came as Khalid. She shrugged off her disappointment.
Where Khalid was handsome and human, Anubis radiated power and strength. She admired both forms, but her questions were for the god of the dead, not the man before her.
“You are displeased.” His observation dispelled the stillness between them.
“I am.”
“You have questions.”
“I do.”
“Then ask.”
Violet bit her lip, unable to decide exactly where to begin. “Who was that?”
“Seth.” His eyes darkened to starless midnight. “You know him as the brother of Osiris.”
Her initial assumption had been correct. They were both gods, both immortal, with a complicated history.
“Can he grant immortality?” she asked, her thoughts unraveling.
Khalid heaved a sigh. “In theory. However, I doubt his ability to follow through with such a promise.”
“So he lied to James?”
“His intentions were hidden, blocked from view.” He straightened. “There is no way for me to know if he intends to keep his promise.”
“Why me?” Violet asked, trying to harness the unease sliding along her spine like a serpent.
“I’ve told you before. You underestimate your value.”
“He didn’t want me for ransom.” She inclined her head, studying him for a sign of hesitation or duplicity. She found only the stoic expression she’d come to associate with him. “What did he mean...the bond is stronger than he anticipated? Was he referring to us ?”
“Yes,” Khalid replied simply.
“If you wish for my cooperation, I will need more explanation.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Khalid took her hand in his. The soft brush of his fingertips along the inside of her wrist sent a pang of longing through her. She shivered as he drew her close. His gaze dropped to the jewel on her wrist.
“He desired this.”
Violet scoffed. “My bracelet?”
“The jewel within it.”
“It’s worthless.” Her brow furrowed. “It was a trinket from my mother. She purchased it from a street vendor when she visited years ago.”
“It is not worthless.” The words drifted around her with a soft growl.
She lifted her wrist, still in his grip, and showed him. “No one can tell me what it is. There is none like it in the world.”
“Which makes it priceless.”
“That explains nothing.” She glowered at him. “Why does Seth want this so desperately?”
“Because it belongs to me.”
Violet prayed for strength. “Did you create it?”
“In a way, yes, I did.”
“I tire of your evasive responses, Anubis.” Violet changed tactics. “What did Seth mean when he said you couldn’t guard your heart forever? What does that have to do with me?”
For the first time in their acquaintance, Khalid flinched. Quicker than a flash of lightning in the night sky, the pained look vanished, as though it never existed.
He inhaled deeply. His thumb brushed over the racing thrum of her heartbeat beneath the skin of her wrist before he released it.
“The gemstone you wear is not of this world.” He paused as she lifted it for inspection. “A millennia ago, I made a rash decision. One I believed would benefit those in my care. I had no use for my heart. Therefore, I wanted it removed.”
Violet blinked before shifting her gaze to Khalid. What was he saying? She bit her lower lip to keep from asking more questions, breaking the intimacy of his revelation. Finally, he was unveiling the truth.
Was she truly prepared to hear it? Her hands trembled.
“Ra removed my heart, at my request, and transformed it into this jewel,” Khalid continued. “I buried the gem, praying it would remain hidden for eternity.”
“Then how...?”
“It was stolen. Grave robbers sold it to local merchants. It was then sold to your mother.” He sighed. “When it left Egypt, I could not follow to retrieve it.”
“Oh.” Violet quieted, pondering his words. “But how...?” She blinked twice as the reality settled in her mind. “The dreams.”
Khalid nodded. “You possessed the jewel—my heart—and a bond was formed. I used it to reach across the space between us. To bring you here. To return my heart to Egypt, that I may be reunited with it.”
Reunited with his heart . Violet stilled, stunned surprise covering her like a shroud. You possessed the jewel, and a bond was formed. The words echoed in her mind, over and over, until they took root and sprouted into a twisted, gnarled knot of vines threatening to choke her.
“This is the reason for our bond?” She swallowed a lump rising in her throat. “This is your heart ?”
“Is it so difficult to believe?”
“No, it’s just...” She gasped, blindsided by the realization materializing with this new information. “Is this why you followed me? Why you offered to protect me?” Fury blossomed, a ball of fire in her chest, consuming her from within. “This was never about me . You lured me here...to Egypt...knowing I would bring this.”
She wrenched the bracelet from her arm, pinching her flesh as the metal scraped her wrist, and held it up. The jewel reflected the dying sunlight. All those years of dreaming of Egypt, of him , she believed there was something more , more substantial than kismet or fate. Her desire to travel to Cairo to uncover the secrets plaguing her for years now left her twisting with regret and disgust.
Violet backed away from him, putting distance between them. Pain clawed her heart at his betrayal. Shame cloaked her, making her draw away, want to run, to hide her face. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cower.
“You tricked me. Made me believe you cared for me...you were here to protect me.” She stifled a sob rising in her chest. “But you only wanted this. ”
She thrust the bracelet into the solid wall of warmth and muscle that was his chest. Khalid stood as still as the stone statue of Anubis in the Egyptian Museum.
“Take it.” Violet snapped, the shattering of her heart drowning out the conflict churning in her mind. “This is what Seth wants, what you want.” She pushed harder, bringing them toe to toe. The heat of him surrounded her, his familiar, comforting scent teasing her with wicked, painful memories.
“You used me.” Her voice cracked. “You filled my head with desires...and I...I believed there was something between us.”
“I cannot remove the pain, nor can I find regret in my actions.” Khalid reached his hand up to stroke her cheek, but she jerked away from his touch. “I can only apologize for not being honest with you from the beginning.”
A tear slipped free, sliding down her cheek. She angrily swiped it away. “Stay away from me.”
Violet threw the bracelet at him.
He caught it in one hand, closing it in his fist, but his gaze remained fixed on her. For a moment, his mask slipped, and she glimpsed something akin to regret etched on his handsome face. Another tear slipped free.
“Violet...please, let me—”
“No, Anubis.” She held up her hand, forcing him to silence. “Take your heart and go. I never want to see you again.”
His expression twisted for a moment before he nodded. “As you wish.”
A column of black smoke twisted around his legs. Violet stepped out of its reach as it consumed his torso and head. Just as quickly, the smoke vanished, taking all traces of him with it. He was gone.
Violet sobbed as her heart shattered. She clutched the pendant around her neck. The final tie to her mother. If only she were here to offer comfort...advice...anything.
Wrapping her arms around her torso, Violet sank onto the bench and wept. The bond they shared. Her love of Egypt. They’d been intertwined...manipulated.
Foolish, stupid girl , she chided herself. How could you have possibly believed he wanted you ? A mortal. You’re nothing. He is a god.
As the sun set beyond the horizon, the evening cooled around her. Even as lights flickered overhead, she remained in the garden until her tears ceased. The ache remained.
“Violet?” Dina’s voice filtered through the greenery. “Are you there?”
“Here,” she croaked, her voice hoarse and broken. “I’m here.”
Dina appeared from around the corner, her eyes wide. “I’ve been searching everywhere for you.” She stopped short at the sight of Violet’s red eyes and streaked mascara. “Are you okay? What happened, darling?”
She dropped to the bench beside Violet and clasped her hand. “Has someone hurt you?”
Violet shook her head. “I–I thought he cared for me.”
“Who?” Dina asked.
“A—Khalid.” The tears came again as a blade of regret twisted in her chest.
“Darling.” Dina wrapped her arm around Violet’s shoulders, pulling her into a loving embrace. “You hardly know the man.”
“I know, but—” Violet choked on the words. How could she possibly explain it to Dina? To anyone? It was madness, this bond between them. She reached out in the darkness, searching for the tether, the bond she’d assumed was nothing more than a figment of her imagination.
She found only silence and heartache.
“Come. I know the best way to cheer you up.” Dina gave her a hearty squeeze before standing. “Let’s go.”
“Where are you taking me?” Violet asked, slowly rising to her feet.
“Dancing,” Dina answered, her eyes sparkling with delight. “I’m taking you to Club Cairo.”