Death and Desire (Love in Cairo #1) Chapter Twenty-Three 89%
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Chapter Twenty-Three

K halid lifted her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles, his grip strong and warm. “As you desire, my lovely flower.”

Heat unfurled in the pit of her stomach when he flashed a lopsided, dimpled smile. There were still so many things about him she didn’t know, but there would be eternity for the unraveling of the details. So long as they were together.

Now to convince her father of the sincerity of her determination.

Violet drew Khalid alongside her as they wandered the path through the garden to the veranda where her family waited. His touch infused her with confidence. Every step brought her closer to a confrontation she’d avoided for years, but this time, she had a solution of her own choosing.

While she knew her father acted out of love, his overbearing nature often left her with a lingering bitterness of resentment. While this was not the marriage he would have chosen, Violet was confident in her decision. Even if it meant abandoning everything she’d ever known to pursue a romantic relationship with a god.

As they entered the dining area, Violet glimpsed the familiar faces of her family and inhaled deeply. A knot twisted in her stomach when they looked up and spied Khalid by her side. No doubt Isaac already knew what was coming, but his sly smile when she sat down told her he’d betrayed nothing and was settled in for a show.

She wrinkled her nose at him with a stern glare before turning to her father. “Good morning, Father.” Violet sat and took Khalid’s hand when he rested it on her shoulder. He stood in silent support beside her.

“It is nearly noon, young lady.” His gaze drifted from her face to the hand clasped in Khalid’s. He stood like a statue, maintaining his distance from familiarity at the table but making it abundantly clear there was something between them.

“Is there something you wish to tell me?” Templeton asked, his gaze soft but uncertain.

Violet inhaled, savoring the warmth of Khalid’s touch as it bolstered her. “Yes, Father.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve decided to remain in Egypt.”

“Because of him?” Her father’s gaze shifted to the man beside her. His tone wasn’t condescending or accusatory, but she could hear an undercurrent of concern. “And what of James Beaumond? You seemed to get along with him...until he vanished.”

At the mention of the backstabbing vermin, Violet bit the inside of her cheek to keep from saying something that would invite more questions than she was comfortable answering at the moment. What happened to him after that day in the chamber beneath the bookstore, she could not bring herself to care. Not after he’d betrayed her.

“There was never anything between James and me.” She rolled her shoulders, thankful for Khalid’s steadfast presence. Although they left her rankled, James’s actions did not surprise her. “Khalid has proven himself worthy of my company and my admiration.”

“You’ve known him for little more than a week.”

“Yes, and I only knew James for the same time.” Straightening, Violet harnessed her frustration. “Khalid is an honorable man. In case you’ve forgotten, it was you who hired him to protect me during this trip. Which he has done on several occasions.”

“I need no reminder, my dear.” Templeton softened his posture at her agitated response. “But I cannot allow you to remain in Egypt without good reason.”

“I love him.” Violet looked at Khalid, who smiled and gave her hand a comforting squeeze. She turned back to her father. “Is that not reason enough?”

“We’ve been in Egypt for less than a fortnight.” His expression relaxed, but she saw lines of worry etched on his aging face. “You expect me to entrust a stranger with my precious child and abandon her in a foreign country?”

“Khalid is no stranger.” Violet rested her cheek on their joined hands. “We are bound together.”

“Can you not be dissuaded from such a hasty decision?” her father asked. “Why not give it some time? Have Khalid join us in England for a visit—”

“I... we cannot leave Egypt,” Violet spoke with conviction. “My heart is here.”

Even though Khalid did not speak, she felt a ripple of approval at her words. It washed over her in a wave like a comforting blanket.

“Khalid.” Her father shifted the conversation. “Please, join us.”

Without relinquishing his hold on her, Khalid sat in the fourth chair. He seemed quite at ease as he smoothed his tie with his free hand. “My thanks for the invitation.”

“Have you any rational reason why my daughter chooses to remain in Egypt instead of returning home?”

Khalid held his gaze, unwavering. “I believe your daughter knows her own mind...and her own desires, sir.”

Violet noticed her brother’s smirk but chose to ignore it. Khalid had defended her. She bit her tongue, waiting for her father’s response.

“And you claim to know those desires , Khalid?” he asked, focused solely on the man beside her.

“Your daughter knows the road she wishes to travel. At some point, we all must follow the path laid for us, take our own journeys.”

Khalid’s wise response seemed to alleviate her father’s concern a fraction, but he held his ground. “And how do you intend to provide for my daughter?”

Khalid stood firm. “She will be cared for in the way she deserves, with honor and respect, as well as adoration.”

Her father’s cheeks pinkened at his final statement. “Well...then,” he said, clearing his throat. “Isaac, what do you have to say about this?”

Violet’s brother nearly choked on his tea. “Me?” he sputtered. “I...”

A familiar black cat leapt into his lap. He absently stroked the animal’s silky fur and admired her for a distracted moment. “I believe I may also remain in Egypt a while, see what opportunities await.”

Khalid and Violet shared a lingering look of amusement. Poor Isaac had no idea the cat in his lap was really Bast, an ancient Egyptian goddess. She would certainly use him to her advantage if the situation called for it. But why had she chosen him, of all people, to lavish with her attention?

“It seems both my children are deserting me.” Their father harrumphed, leaning back in his chair, but a smile lingered on his lips. He looked almost pleased, positively glowing with pride. “Very well. If that is your desire, I shall not stand in your way.”

“Really?” Isaac asked, his eyes wide as he continued to pet the cat in his lap.

“Do not give me reason to regret this.” Templeton rubbed the furrowed crease between his brows. “Where the devil is David?”

Violet shook her head, uncertain. Isaac however, blushed, and hid his face by turning to the goddess in his lap, disguised as an innocuous feline.

Before she could voice the question lingering on her tongue, a commotion rustled behind her. David, followed by Dina, burst through the door, weaving around tables, each completely ignoring the other.

“Did I miss anything?” David asked, breathless, as he reached the table.

Templeton wiped his mouth with the edge of a napkin but said nothing.

Isaac grinned. “Vi and Khalid are a couple, and she’s staying in Egypt. Oh, and I’m staying too.”

David came to a halt, blinking at the deluge of information. “You’re what?”

“We’re staying here.” Isaac gestured to himself and Violet.

Dina peered around David. “You’re what?”

“We’re staying in Cairo,” Violet supplied, smiling at her friend, who returned the gesture.

“That’s fantastic!” Dina bounced with joy at the announcement. “It will be lovely to have you here.”

“Khalid and I...” Violet squeezed his hand, and he reciprocated the action. “Well, we’re together.”

“Together?” Dina’s eyes widened at the implication. “Oh! Well, that is wonderful! I’m so happy for both of you.”

“Thank you,” Violet said as David pointedly ignored Dina.

Violet paused at Dina’s hesitant glance at David. Was there something between them? Something she’d missed? Surely not.

“Well, if you two are staying, I will too.” David crossed his arms.

Dina blushed, biting her lip and dropping her gaze.

There was something between them. Violet opened her mouth, only to snap it closed when Khalid spoke.

She made a mental note to ask David about Dina later, when they were alone. They’d been friends for so long, surely he wouldn’t keep this secret from her or Isaac. Instead of pressing her luck, Violet basked in the moment.

“Then it’s settled. I guess I’ll have to find a residence in Cairo.” Templeton stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend. We can discuss this further at dinner.” He took his leave without another word.

David and Dina stood closer than propriety dictated, still purposefully ignoring each other. She nudged him with her elbow as the waiter brought two chairs to the table. He grumbled as he held it out for her to sit before commandeering the chair beside hers. Violet would uncover their story if it killed her.

Isaac continued to pet the dignified cat sitting in his lap.

Violet stifled a laugh at the scene before her. There was nothing common about any of this, and yet, she adored the complex setting and interwoven stories. Questions racked her mind, but she pushed them aside, knowing she would have answers in the future.

Bast is enjoying your brother’s attention, Khalid murmured inside her mind.

Violet chuckled in response. And he has no idea.

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