I n Violet’s mind, the Netherworld provided two important things. A respite from the mortal realm where time was a dark cloud over her head, and an opportunity to explore her repressed carnal appetite.
Falling in love with Anubis had unleashed something inside her. A hunger unlike anything she had ever experienced. And his ability to alternate between two physical forms left her in a perpetual state of desire. What truths would she unravel over the course of their eternity together? The thought left her aching.
Anubis answered whatever questions she proposed. His revelations showed her the world she thought she knew was nothing but a glimmering facade. He revealed the depth and complexity of not only the mortal plane, but the intricate workings of unseen realms.
“Are you ready to go?” Anubis asked from the doorway.
Violet turned away from the mirror and smoothed her hands over her dress. He’d procured her a wardrobe, complete with jewelry, shoes, makeup, and the other finery she required. Some of these things were unnecessary in the Netherworld, but she needed them when they traveled to the mortal realm.
Anubis wore only the belted linen around his waist, forgoing the gilded trappings of his station. His dark skin practically absorbed the light around him, and he glowed from within. His gold eyes roamed over her before his mouth twisted in a canine smile.
He looked positively ravishing, and he was hers .
A secretive grin stole across her lips as she crossed the room, noting the hunger in his gaze.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked, offering his hand.
“Absolutely.” She slipped her hand in his. “They deserve to know the truth.”
“And your father?”
“Perhaps one day, but let’s take this one step at a time, shall we?”
“As you wish, my little flower.”
The black smoke consumed them both, transporting them across dimensions to the mortal plane. When it cleared, they stood in the garden of the Continental. Khalid smiled at her as the final wisps of black disappeared into sunlight.
Violet studied his handsome face. She loved what lay within, but both forms had their advantages. A wicked thought stole across her mind.
Khalid’s eyes darkened as he read her thoughts. “Insatiable,” he muttered.
“I blame it entirely on you.” Violet jabbed him in the chest.
He took her by the wrist and pressed a kiss to her parted lips. She melted into him.
When they broke apart, she sighed, distracted and dreamy.
“It has been days for us, but only hours for them,” Khalid whispered as he drew away.
Violet nodded. “Can you create a barrier to shield us?”
“That would be the simplest solution, but no, we must follow through.” Khalid inclined his head. “Allow me to summon them.”
“You can do that?” Violet was stunned by the revelation.
Khalid’s heavy sigh provided no answer. He closed his eyes and murmured beneath his breath, the ancient words lost in the gentle breeze as it drifted through the garden.
The first to appear was Bast in her cloud of gold smoke. She stepped clear of it, wearing her human form, her green eyes shifting between them as a coy smile toyed at her sensual mouth.
“What’s this, then?” she asked Violet before studying Khalid.
“If I am to remain in Egypt with Anubis, I wish to reveal the truth to those closest to me.” Violet explained, hoping the goddess would understand her reasoning.
“Honesty is an admirable trait, but do you truly believe they can process such a revelation?” Bast tapped a curved fingernail against her cheek.
“My brother is quite taken with you,” Violet said carefully. “Tell me what you have observed during your time in his company.”
Bast’s sly smile betrayed nothing. “Do you also wish to reveal my part in this?”
“Not unless you wish me to do so.” Violet inhaled deeply to steady her racing heart. “I will honor your decision, but I wished for you to be aware of my intentions, as well as hear yours...especially those involving my brother.”
“I will not allow any harm to befall him,” Bast vowed. “You have my word.”
It wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear, but it would have to do. Violet nodded before turning to Khalid, who stood still with his eyes closed, murmuring in ancient Egyptian.
“He deserves happiness.” Bast’s soft words lingered between them as she nodded toward Anubis. “You both do.”
“Thank you.” A weight lifted from Violet’s shoulders at the affirmation.
Bast lifted a finger to her lips, and the cloud of gold enveloped her once more. When it vanished, a black cat sat on a nearby bench, tail swishing leisurely behind her, golden eyes fixed on Violet.
Violet leaned close to Khalid and whispered in his ear. “Summon them.”
Three identical pillars of smoke rose before her. As the darkness faded, three familiar faces appeared, pale and stricken.
“What happened?” Isaac asked, turning to them. “One minute I’m in my room, and the next...”
“Same happened to me,” David said before turning to Dina, who swayed on her feet. He reached out to catch her, but she swatted his hand away.
“Don’t touch me,” she hissed. “I’m perfectly fine.”
Violet blinked at the open hostility. Questions burned her tongue, but she swallowed them.
“Forgive my intrusion,” Khalid interjected, forcing all of them to look at him.
“Your intrusion?” Isaac asked, blinking in confusion. “What the hell is going on here?”
Violet took her place next to Khalid. “As you know, I explained my intentions to remain in Egypt with Khalid.”
The three of them nodded in unison.
“But I didn’t reveal the whole truth.” Violet took Khalid’s hand and squeezed. “I wish to do so now.”
Khalid closed his eyes, and the familiar scent and smoke enveloped him. His hand shifted in hers, elongating and widening as he assumed his true form.
Violet’s gaze remained on her brother and her friends as the smoke cleared. Their eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, and their mouths hung agape. Dina grasped David’s arm, her fingers clawing his shirt and the flesh beneath. Isaac stepped closer to them. The three clustered together in a huddle, staring up at the man she loved.
“Anubis.” Dina’s voice trembled with awe and terror.
“How is this possible?” David asked. “It must be a trick.”
“No trick, I assure you,” Anubis replied, softening his stance. He wore his full regalia, as he had the night he revealed himself to Violet in the Netherworld. “I am Anubis, god and protector of the dead.” He looked at Violet. “And this is my beloved.”
A soft squeak rose from the huddled trio.
Silence descended, and as she studied their expressions, she noted disbelief, even as the proof stood before them, clad in gold and holding her hand.
“It makes sense now.” Isaac broke the tension with a soft snort of laughter. He held Anubis’s gaze. “How you managed to be everywhere exactly when she needed you.”
“None of this makes any sense at all.” Dina finally found her courage, though her grip on David didn’t loosen. She glanced between Violet and Anubis. “How did this happen?”
With a deep breath, Violet explained the jewel, how her dreams led her to Egypt, the bond it created between them. As she revealed the details of the last two weeks, her companions listened with rapt attention, jaws slack and eyes glazed.
Violet chose to leave out a few details concerning Bast, out of respect for the goddess, but the rest of the truth spilled from her lips in a torrent. The confession lifted a weight from her chest, and she was able to breathe in relief when she finished the tale.
“So...you’re immortal and in love with the god of the dead?” Isaac narrowed his eyes at her.
“In the simplest terms, yes, that sums it up.” Violet laughed at his strange reaction to her story. Only he would latch onto something so specific and cling to it.
“Are you sure about this?” David asked.
Anubis tensed beside her, and she rested a hand on his hip. He growled but said nothing.
David swallowed hard, noting the shift in Anubis’s demeanor. “I mean no disrespect, but such a relationship cannot be maintained easily.”
“Every relationship has its hurdles and trials,” Violet admitted. “I’m willing to follow this path and see where it leads. It’s my destiny. Our destiny.”
“Why tell us?” Dina stepped closer, showing her slow acceptance. “You couldn’t be sure we would be willing or ready for such a revelation.”
“You are my friends, my family.” Violet took Dina’s hand. “I could never abandon those I love. You deserve to know the truth. I knew it would be difficult to understand, but it all worked out in the end.”
“Where will you live?” Isaac asked.
“Khalid has a palace on the outskirts of the city, and Anubis has one in the Netherworld.” Violet looked up at Anubis, who nodded. “And you are welcome to stay with us in Cairo any time.”
“There you are.” Isaac stooped down and gathered the black cat in his arms. “I can’t leave you behind, can I, darling?”
Violet stifled a laugh at the way Bast draped herself across her brother’s chest as he scratched behind her ears.
Bast finds this all highly amusing, Anubis murmured in her mind.
I’m sure she does, Violet replied, smiling.
“Come, let us celebrate together.” Violet released Anubis as he transformed back into Khalid.
Dina came alongside Violet and pulled her into a tight embrace. “I’m so happy for you.”
“I can only hope you find the same happiness.” Violet glanced pointedly at David, who stood shaking his head at Isaac as he crooned to the cat. “He’s a good man.”
“I know.” Dina sighed and linked her arm through Violet’s. “But tonight, we celebrate your good fortune. This is no time to commiserate over my failures.”
“I shall not be quick to forget this,” Violet murmured to her friend. “Tea tomorrow?”
Dina relented after a moment of hesitation. “Very well.”
Together they led the way through the garden.
Violet looked over her shoulder and met Khalid’s hooded gaze. Her heart swelled at the sight. Handsome, stoic, strong...not a person on earth would ever guess the truth behind those soulful eyes. Anubis, god of the dead, protector of those traveling through the Netherworld, walked among them and had fallen in love with a mere mortal.
A deep, sultry voice whispered in her mind. This is only the beginning , my love.