Death’s Curse (Femme Fatale Freakshow) 16. Bridging the PastMaraCreedCassiusMara 74%
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16. Bridging the PastMaraCreedCassiusMara




I walk nervously through the dilapidated house, thinking about the man and the meeting he enticed me into attending. It wasn’t so much the explanation of who charged them with hunting me down and capturing me. It was only a matter of time before Samael caught up with me. But it was the familiarity I felt when we stood so close. The unique tattoos that adorn his skin brought flashes of a familiar feeling, and I wasn’t sure how to process my thoughts. It elicits conflicting emotions of anxiety and safety. Maybe this meeting will provide me with the clarity I need to figure out the reasoning.

Unable to rest, I am grateful that my hunger remains satisfied. If I had to go to this meeting feeling starved, I didn’t know how it would end. This way I can concentrate on the real issue and what I plan to do about it.

The alarm goes off and I just about jump out of my skin at the sharp noise it emits. What’s going on with me? There’s nothing to be worried about. It’s three guys. If they try anything, I’ll just turn into the she bitch and take them out. Does it really make a difference if they were handpicked by Samael? I am perfectly capable of managing them.

I swiftly change into a casual outfit - jeans and a tight tee - and slip a couple of daggers into my brown leather boots before leaving. Hopefully, this isn’t a trap and the knives will stay hidden the entire time. It’s never a bad idea to have them as a backup, just in case.

Quietly making my way around the house from the back, I cautiously examine my surroundings to ensure I go unnoticed when I leave. The path ahead is clear, but as I walk down the sidewalk towards the church, the conflict I feel continues to weigh on me. Even though my mind is urging me to go back, I feel a compelling push to keep moving forward.

The common assumption is that God wouldn’t welcome us into his place of worship because we have fallen. Their theory would be incorrect. Just because we went against our father doesn’t mean he disowned us. We remain his children, and his love for us remains unwavering. Our actions resemble those of rebellious teenagers defying their parents. They might be disappointed and there’s a good possibility that they are frustrated, but they don’t stop loving you. All one had to do was repent to be embraced once more, but how could I atone for all my sins?

Soon enough, I’m standing in front of the pristine church. Since I knew going in through the front would be a mistake, I decide to go around and enter through the rear entrance. The door hinges make a generous decision to remain silent as I sneak through.


After fleeing her home, I swiftly rush to Cassius to update him on the latest development. I hope he won’t be too angry with me when he finds out about the meeting I scheduled with Mara. I know what our mission is, but after talking with her and being so close, I can’t just hand her over. There’s something off about Samael’s demands and treating her as if she is merely chattel.

While sneaking in the shadows provides concealment, it requires additional time and concentration. Due to the significance of this information, I decide to use our faster mode of transportation. Closing my eyes, I imagine Cass inside the dimly lit library he has been locking himself in. When I open my eyes, I see Cass standing in front of me. A frown on his face.

“Why’d you phase here?” he asks as he turns and attempts to straighten the desk behind him. The papers crinkle while he stacks them up, along with the books that occupy the remaining space. “Has there been a new development with the succubus?”

“Yes,” I say quickly. “I have arranged a meeting with her later today at the church near her home.”

Spinning around, his long dark hair follows as anger twists his face. “You what? How could you do this without talking with me and Ash first?”

“Before you take my head off, please hear me out,” I plead with my friend.

“You have five minutes to convince me I chose the better soldier for recon,”

He halts his anxious adjustments and directs his attention towards me. With his arms crossed over his chest, he leans back against the desk and gazes at me.

“I know we were entrusted to find and bring her back, but after confronting her, I don’t think that’s the right play for us to make,” I begin to explain. Feeling the weight of the situation, I fall into the chair before him, I put my head in my hands and entangle the locks in my fingers. I pull, hoping the sharp pain will clear my thoughts enough to get my point across.

“Well, that’s just great,” he replies, arms flying up in the air. “What do you think Samael is gonna say to that explanation? ‘That’s alright, I’ll just forget the one creature who has managed to escape me. No problems here. You guys did your best.’

“Of course not.” My back straightens. I’m ready for this argument. “I’m just stating that I think we need to find another way. One where Samael is forced to let her go and Mara can be free.”

“You think it’s just going to be that simple? Do you honestly think there’s anything that would force Samael to drop his infatuation with his first wife?” I see it now. He’s not mad. He’s frustrated.

“Cass?” I stand so we are closer to each other's level. “What is it? Did you find something in those books of yours?”

“Nothing, I’ve found absolute shit,” he exhales loudly. “When you told me about her shift and how powerful she is, I started to search for ways to keep her from him, but there’s nothing short of her death, or her re-entry into Heaven.”

Well, that’s not good. I sit back down and a growl releases from deep in my throat. Why does this have to be so hard? The one time, in centuries, I want to go against my lord for and there’s not even a flicker of a chance to make it happen.

“There has to be something,” I say wearily. “An ending where she’s not destroyed, either by slavery or death.”

“I don’t know, brother, but you seem more interested in her than the fact that allowing Samael control over such a powerful creature would be devastating to angel, demon and human alike.”

“Do me a favor, Cass. Come with me and meet her.” I try not to beg, but compel him instead. “Once you speak with her, I think you’ll understand where I am coming from.”

“Fine, but I can’t promise anything,” he reluctantly gives in. “There’s a really good chance this will not end in the way you hope.”

'“I understand.” I stand to leave and turn to him before exiting. “Make sure Ash is with you. I’m going to check that the church is safe from spies and other things that may cause a problem for us.”


Creed has always been the more sentimental of the three of us. Asher just wants to rage. But me, I want to learn everything I can about humans, life on Earth, and anything regarding Heaven and Hell. The more I learn, the better equipped I will be in the future to escape my binds to the man who messed up everything.

Looking at the wall clock, I notice I have three hours before this meet up at the church. I’ll have to get Ash on board, although I don’t think it’ll be too difficult. He’s been nagging me to let him out of the cult house. This will work to my advantage, but I’m not sure how he’s going to react to Creed’s troubled conscious.


Despite hearing voices, I can’t understand what they are saying. It isn’t until I reach a partially closed door that the conversation becomes clear. It’s men talking. I stand outside the doorway and listen.

“Okay, so we’re here. Where is she?” An impatient voice asks.

“Ash, just relax.” That voice I recognize. That’s Creed. “She’ll be here.”

“You two are like small children,” another male spoke.

As I enter the room, all three stop talking and turn their gaze towards me. I walk towards them, a smile on my face.

“So, who wants to answer my questions?” I direct my gaze towards Creed before examining the other two males. Their physical appearances may be different, but they share the same stance. All three stand before me, looking like strong, capable soldiers in the clutches of evil.

“Who do you think you are demanding answers from us?” The short-haired pretty boy tips his head in my direction and his lips curl.

I shift my attention solely to Creed, completely ignoring him. With a smile, I give him a playful wink. If his friends are going to act like jerks, I’d rather have a conversation with him instead. He comes across as a nice guy, and he made it clear earlier today that this conversation means something to him.

“Creed tells us he doesn’t want to hand you over to Samael,” I whirl around to find a twin of the man standing next to Creed.

“Can you explain your story to us?” The same voice comes from my right and I turn to see there is a third clone.

“We don’t want to disobey our lord for an infatuation.” Again, the same voice rings out to my left, and sure as shit, there are four.

“Creed,” I say, drawing out his name. “I thought you said there were only three of you?”

“Cass, quit,” Creed scolds the man next to him. “This is serious. Stop trying to intimidate her.” With his reprimand, the man called Cass recalls all three of his clones.

And now I know two out of three of their powers. I wonder what the short-haired one can do? I shift my gaze towards Ash, pondering the potential of this tough guy. Control minds? No, he would have tried that tactic already. Maybe he’s an animal whisperer? Nope, couldn’t be. He seems too tense.

Instead of standing here looking like an idiot, I just ask, “So, big man, what’s your super power?”

Ash looks at me and scowls. I burst into laughter. He, apparently, doesn’t like people to be happy because he stalks my way. I can’t control myself. I think he’s hilarious. A big boy throwing a fit.

I’m not scared of him, but Creed clearly doesn’t think it’s a good idea for him to get any closer, so he stands in front of me. “That’s enough, Ash,” he warns. “We are supposed to be working things out, not trying to hurt one another. Plus, she’s pretty wicked. You might have met your match with her.”

I smell brimstone and look around Creed’s big frame to see Ash’s hands are on fire. Wait, not just on fire, but he has claws like me! Yippee, I found a homie! That thought makes me laugh again, and Creed turns to me this time.

“What is wrong with you?” he asks. “If I didn’t know any better I would ask if you were high. But I do know better, so what’s up?”

“Sorry,” I blurt out. My laughter begins to die off. Okay, Mara. Time to be serious. “I found the angry one hilarious. I just couldn’t help myself. I’ll do better.”

“Finally. Are you ready to tell us your side of the story?” Cass repeats his earlier question.

“How far back do you want me to go?” I reply with a question.

“All the way, if you can?” His eyes study me and I figure, why not tell them everything. I’m surprised they don’t already know.

“I’ll give you the speedy version, or we'll be here for quite some time.” I sit down on a polished pew and begin. “I was a minder in Heaven. I looked after all the wounded. Samael and I met after one of the great battles and he was overly kind to me. Feelings evolved and not having experienced them before, I didn’t know what else to do but talk with him about them. That was my first mistake. From there on out he manipulated me into believing our destiny was joined and we weren’t meant for Heaven. We were something bigger than the Kingdom of Love and Light. Like you, I agreed to fall with him. I loved him and I wanted to spend my existence with him. But that all changed once he created Hell. His feelings towards me morphed and I became nothing but his property. He used me to get what he wanted. I was nothing more to him than a way to achieve his goals. He threw me to others and they used me as they wished. Even in doing all of this, I still cared for him. It was when he brought in Lilith and the other two that our link was finally severed enough for me to want to escape. During a really cruel decision, Samael gave me to one of his armies to use as they desired. They beat and raped me over and over. They did other horrible things, and I was ready for the end. Miraculously three of his warriors saved me. I escaped during the fighting and never looked back.”

The men stared at me in disbelief. All but Creed. I knew at that exact moment that it was them. The three men from my past. Creed looks down at the floor and the other two continue to look at me in horror.

“That was you?” Ash asked. “We thought it was one of the Master’s pets.”

“Yup, that was me,” I reply. “I guess I should thank you. If it wasn’t for you stepping in I would still be trapped or maybe even dead.”

“Now I think we are getting closer to what Creed has been trying to make us understand.” Cass looks between his friend and me and says nothing more.

At this point I’m full of my own rage and words just begin to flow from me. “You guys need to understand. Samael never cared for me. I don’t think he cares for anyone but himself.

He manipulated me into feeling emotions I was never meant to feel towards another spiritual being. I broke my connection with God and my home for a lie. And that fading emotion, so easily changed, is the reason I am stuck here. Love, nothing but a curse set upon the weak. A moment I found myself in, one that split my heart in two, and separated me from my father and home.

No one knows the hunger I face as soon as the sun rises on a new day. It’s been an eternity since I last laid eyes on the man who deceived me into becoming a monster. The echo of the woman I used to be went quiet a long time ago. I might look sweet in the light of day, but the night brings out the monster in me.

And now I’m a monster. A complete savage. When someone crosses my path, they only have two options. Have amazing sex with me and die or just die. There is nothing more to me than hunger and now collecting souls for the man who destroyed my life.”

“Wait, what? Say that again,” Ash demands. “You sold your soul to Samael again? How is that possible?”

“He sought me out in a dream and we made a deal.” I turn to him. “Five years of my life to collect no more than 1500 souls for his kingdom, and then he’ll let me go. Or at least I thought he would. Now I’m thinking he plans to capture me and go back on his word to set me free.”

“I think you just pleaded my case for me, Mara,” Creed steps towards me but stops when he looks at my face. “Are you okay?”

I touch my face, and my fingers come back wet. I’m crying. I don’t cry. I think I’m slowly unraveling. “Yeah, I’m just fine. Are we done here? Did you all get to see everything you wanted to see from the freak?”

“Mara.” Creed reaches for my arm and I lash out, nails sharp and grazing skin. Ash rushes forward and forces my arms behind me, holding me so I can’t move.

Cassius steps forward and looks at me. “Mara, you need to calm down. No one here is going to hurt you.” He slowly raises his arm above my head and I feel his fingers touch my horns. “That’s magnificent. Do you feel the change, or is it something that just comes over you?”

My rapid heartbeat slows and I can feel the sting in my fingertips as the claws retract. My horns take a little longer to disappear, but once they do, Ash loosens his grip on my wrists and steps to my side.

“For the most part, I can call my demon forward, but when I feel cornered, it just happens. A protection thing, I’m guessing,” I reply as I look at Creed and see just how badly I slashed his arm. “Oh, Creed, I’m sorry. I really didn’t want to hurt you. It just happens sometimes. I’m trying to work on controlling the fright reaction.”

“It’s okay,” he replies. “We all had to go through it. Hell, Asher is still dealing with rage and its triggering aspects.”

“We can help you if you let us,” Cassius says softly. Awed. I think he’s warming up to me. How sweet.

“Thanks, maybe I’ll take you up on that offer, but I have to go now.” Stepping back, I distance myself from them. The cramping in my stomach signals the onset of hunger. If I don’t leave now, I’m liable to jump these men. They wouldn’t be able to handle me if I were starving. I quickly pivot and dash away before they have a chance to stop me. If they need me, they know where to find me.

I make it outside, but to my surprise Creed is waiting for me. “You’re not alone. We’ll help you figure out how to get out of this situation.” He reaches for me and I let him. Contact is not something I am used to anymore. Not the type that comes from someone who actually cares about me. It’s a completely different feeling when I’m touched with kindness. He folds me in his arms.

“Thanks, Creed, really, but I have to go.” My words are muffled by his chest. “I need to feed, before I get too hungry.”

He stops hugging me and grabs my face instead. Looking into my eyes he smiles and lowers his face to mine. The man plants one on me. Not no quick peck, but an actual toe curling kiss. I melt into him and moan into his mouth. He smiles against my lips and I return the gesture.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. My nails lengthen and my fangs protrude from my gums. My first instinct is to back away, but Creed doesn’t allow it. He grips my hips and holds on tight. The hunger eases with his passion and I’ve been granted the opportunity to enjoy this moment. This is how it’s meant to be. And I just want to live in this feeling, for a bit longer.

“Awe-humm,” Asher clears his throat behind me and I freeze. I’m not embarrassed by being caught sucking face, after all, I am a sexual being. It’s that I want more of this and now. But I can’t. Asher’s interruption is a good thing. Food is what I need and the energy I gain from it, along with the justice the ending brings.

I look up at Creed, apology in my eyes. “I’m sorry. I really do have to go.”

He runs his hands over my ass before he drops them and we separate. I say my goodbyes and walk back towards my house.

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