Chapter Forty-Five
M y blood races as I place the car into park and glance around the driveway again. There’s no sign of Gerrard or his car. So I throw open the car door, tuck my phone inside my jeans pocket, and head toward the house.
Then I knock on the door and push it open. “Matty?”
Silence fills the air, and a creeping sense of foreboding slivers up my spine. “Matty?” I say, louder this time, wondering if he’s upstairs despite him knowing I was coming straight over. He was in so much of a rush to get out of here I was sure he would be waiting for me.
My hands shake as I slip inside the house and close the door behind me. The sound of it clicking shut has me jolting. Then I take a deep breath, and as I exhale, movement comes from the family living room.
My feet travel toward the sound without thinking, and when I push open the door, a strangled cry escapes me.
Kneeling on the floor is my son with his hair being yanked in order to keep his head upright. His bloody face has my heart crumbling as my feet draw to a standstill.
Gerrard’s sinister smile spreads across his face, and for the first time in my life I see a man I no longer recognize.
Sure, he has always been abusive toward me, but he’s never shown Matty any contempt. He’s never lifted a finger to him. Our son simply existed. He was never the target of Gerrard’s controlling behavior. He was simply not on his father’s radar, and in the past, I would have been thankful for that, but now, now I’m terrified. This man has a darkness in his eyes that he only ever allowed me to see, a combination of jealousy and possessiveness that’s destructive. Not protective like Rocco’s.
My breath catches in my throat when Matty attempts to speak, but the callous way Gerrard sneers toward our son heightens my terror. He’s simply a means to an end for him, and something tells me I’m the end.
Has this always been his plan? For Matty to tie me to him.
His gleaming eyes slice toward me. “I knew you’d arrive for your precious Matty.” The way disdain oozes from his words has my pulse skyrocketing.
“Gerrard, you’re hurting him,” I cry out, and he curls his lip.
“He always was a pussy.”
Matty flinches, and I can’t help but feel pleased he’s coherent enough to react despite the cruel taunts of his father.
“Tell me, Hallie. How does it feel to know everything you hold dear to you is about to be taken away? Like you took it from me!” He screams the latter, and I jump at the aggression in his tone.
Awareness trickles through my veins, and when a smug smile encompasses his face, a wave of sickness washes over me.
“Did you really think I’d allow that piece of shit to take my place? Did you think I’d allow him to touch what’s mine and get away with it?” His chuckle is lacking humor. “Oh, Hallie.” He tsks. “You never really knew me at all. It’s time you all learned your place. Don’t you agree, Matty?”
He yanks Matty’s head up and down like a puppet as my body vibrates with dread.
Rocco’s in danger, and there’s no way I can warn him.