Defining Us (Rocky Waters) Chapter 10 39%
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Chapter 10



I love my sister. I love my sister. I love my sister. I repeat this thought over and over as I finish getting the meal ready to throw on the grill. Not only did she and Kylie cockblock me, they brought up the wedding five minutes after they arrived. And the worst part? They are dragging my girl to the dark side. No, they aren't converting her to lesbianism, but they are filling her head with stories from when I was younger. And they are not all pleasant stories. But the smile plastered all over Ainsley's face is enough to let it all slide.

You think I don't know I called her “my girl?” Yeah, I know all right. She's weaseled her way under my skin in the best possible way and hell if I can't get enough of her. Even just watching her from afar as she listens to stories told by Bella and Kylie makes my dick start to twitch. But I'm happy to report that the feelings are not purely sexual. She's got my emotions on a roller coaster ride as well and while I'm just a passenger along for the ride, I hope that it doesn't end anytime soon.

“Ainsley, help me carry these trays out to the grill please?” I ask, beckoning her over to me.

She's quick to hop down off her stool at the island, but Kylie beats her to it and grabs a tray before I can stop her. Damn her .

Ainsley gives me a small shrug and look that says “sorry.” There’s a small look of concern on her face but Bella quickly manages to get her talking about something else. She’s the queen of changing the subject.

Kylie and I make our way to the preheated grill. I throw the veggies on one side, the chicken on the other. Kylie monitors my movements and then takes a seat at the table. Shutting the grill, I take a seat next to her and set the timer.

“She's really cool, Gray,” Kylie states.

“That she is.” I take a deep breath, not really wanting to have a conversation with Kylie but knowing it's practically inevitable.

“She seems really into you, too.”

I’m sure she doesn't mean anything by the comment, but something about the way she says it irks me. “What does that mean?” I ask, deepening my tone just a bit and raising my eyebrows at her.

She puts her hand on my arm. “Relax. I just meant that the feelings you seem to have for her are reciprocal.”

“Oh. And my feelings for her are that obvious?”I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, I know how I feel about Ainsley but didn't realize that I was wearing them on my sleeve. I rake my hands through my hair and stare down at the ground.

“Look at me,” she instructs. I pick my head up. She’s got a genuine smile on her face. “Gray, I've known you for about ten years now. I’ve seen you around many girls, including Molly.” At the sound of her name, I cringe. “You’ve never been this interested in a girl this fast. Hell, I could go so far as adding you've never been this interested in a girl period.” She doesn't let me interrupt even though I start to say something. “We’ll come back to Molly. Let me finish.” She takes a deep breath and her eyes dart around us, making sure we are alone. She leans her body in closer to me. And what she says next floors me. “Gray, you already broke your cardinal rule. Shouldn't that say something?”She winks at me.

I don't know who to be pissed at. And it takes me a minute to realize I'm not even pissed, more so taken aback. I’m content in the fact that I did sleep with Ainsley on the first date and it was most likely the best sex I've ever had. And I can’t wait to do it again.

“Did she tell you that?” I'm not mad, just curious.

“Not directly, but she let something slip about your sheets being so comfortable and how they might need to be washed.”

I smile at the memory of watching her come in my bed. Those damn emerald eyes. And knowing she hopefully didn't tell them about the island. That’s between her and me.

Then she tells me something else I didn’t know. “You know, you taught your sister well. She didn’t put out until our sixth date. And I couldn’t even get her pregnant!” Her face lights up, and she hoots with laughter.

I smile. “Sometimes she listens well.”

It's not just about the pregnancy, but that is a big factor. It’s more about protecting my heart.

The timer goes off indicating I need to flip the chicken. I get up and mix up the veggies and flip the chicken. When I go back to the table, Ainsley and Bella are coming outside with a pitcher of some sort of yellow drink and cups.

Bella puts the pitcher down and proceeds to pour four glasses while Ainsley takes a seat in the chair next to me. I slide the chair closer to me and put my hand on her thigh. I give it a loving squeeze, garnering a smile out of her.

She leans in close so that no one else can hear. My breath hitches in my chest in anticipation of what she might say. “I love your sister,” she whispers all raspy in my ear.

I push her back from me. “That’s what you whisper in my ear?” I ask incredulously, more so to get a rise out of her.

She looks taken aback. Then, because she’s Ainsley, a smirk creeps across her face. “Oh Grayson, if I whisper the things I want to say, the things you want to hear, the semi you’re sporting would be a full hard-on.” Just for good measure, she gives it a tap, her smile getting even bigger.

It’s at that moment the timer goes off indicating dinner’s ready. Knowing I’m sporting wood, I can’t stand right up. “Bella, check the food, will you please?” I call out to her. I do my best to adjust myself while working my erection back down.

She walks over to the grill and checks it all. “It needs about two more minutes. That long enough to compose yourself?” She giggles.

“Ass,” I toss in her direction, feeling myself blush.

“Ainsley, I love how you rile him up. You will fit right in with me and Kylie.”

I watch Ainsley's face at Bella's words.It doesn't seem to faze her one bit, which makes me smile. She will fit right in with all of us, but this kind of thinking is not helping my situation.

I finally get myself in check, by thinking about football players tackling each other, and get up and check the food. Since it's all cooked, I take it off the grill and plate it on the serving tray. Ainsley appears next to me and grabs it and starts to carry it over to the table. Once she places it on the table, I wrap my arms around her and place a kiss on her cheek. “Just so you know. I share Bella’s sentiments.”This time, it's my turn to leave her hanging. I let her out of my embrace and walk away, her mouth and eyes wide in shock.

Kylie serves the dinner and everyone agrees it's delicious. I wasn’t too much worried about it, but I’m glad Ainsley especially enjoys it.

Before taking a sip of the drink, I look over to Kylie.My sister is known for her liquid concoctions that are less than stellar. Thank goodness Kylie and I are in cahoots in our agreement about our displeasure. “What is it?”

Ainsley answers. “Spiked lemonade. I helped her out.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I have to wonder if she somehow had to taste test something before this one was concocted.

Pushing my chair back, I ask, “Anyone need anything inside? Going to grab a water.” They all shake their heads no, but I don't miss the questioning look Ainsley gives to Bella.

Back outside, as soon as I'm back in my seat, Ainsley questions me with a hopeful look in her eyes, “Did you even try it? ”

I shake my head as I chug my water.

“Why not?”

“I'm not a big lemonade drinker.”

“Liar!” Bella calls me out. “He doesn't drink much since...”

Kylie's “BELLA!” cuts her off, which I'm grateful for. Bella gives Kylie the stink eye, but all Kylie does is shrug her off.

“She's going to find out eventually,” Bella tries to start again.

“When Grayson wants her to,” Kylie replies to shut her up.

I watch Ainsley as she takes in the exchange between the two of them. Confusion doesn't even begin to explain the perplexed look that's plastered on her face. Truthfully, I hate the look, but I can’t get into the reason I don’t drink right now, and my usual one-line explanation will make the look worse. Buying a little time, I tell her, “I'll explain later.” Her look eases up a little. And then the next sentence out of her mouth causes me to almost lose it.

“It’s okay. You can tell me when you are ready.” She reaches her hand out and gives my arm a squeeze, a smile filling her incredible lips.

Between the genuine words and the loving gesture, I fall hard, harder than before. And realize I’m seriously fucked.

To prove how perfect this girl is, she looks over to Bella. “How did you and Kylie meet?”

I swallow. “Kylie tells it way better.”

I listen as Kylie tells the story of how they first met. Not only was I a witness to their meeting, but I've heard the story a bunch of times. I watch Ainsley as she listens, laughs at the most appropriate times. Her eyes are full of happiness and her smile takes up her entire face. At one point, she looks in my direction, and if possible, her smile grows bigger. I match her smile.

After dinner is carried to the kitchen, I offer the girls Ainsley’s brownies. I kind of hint they are from a box. Ainsley plays along.

“Wow, these are really good for a box mix," Bella says in between bites. “What's your secret?”

“These are not from a box,” Kylie argues. “No way. ”

Ainsley can’t contain her laughter and she gives in and confirms what Kylie thinks. “No, they are from scratch.”

“Damn, Gray. This girl could give you a run for your money in the kitchen.”

“I'm okay with that,” I tell her, reaching for a brownie myself. “At least I would have help.”

“Hey! I help,” Bella whines.

Kylie snorts, shaking her head. “Ha! ‘Helping’ is more than just getting ingredients out of the cupboards. Or sitting there looking pretty.”

I steal a glance over at Ainsley. She’s had her fair share of animated conversations to watch today. This one just makes her smile.

“Kylie and Bella only eat homemade food at my house,” I explain. “Kylie is just marginally better than my sister at heating meals from the freezer, but they are both great at ordering takeout.”

Changing the subject, what she does best, Bella asks, “Firepit tonight?”

Oh shit. I should have factored this into the plan. Without missing a beat, Ainsley pipes in with, “I have an early class to teach tomorrow. Can we do it another day? I was just admiring the pit earlier, and I can't wait to roast marshmallows in it.”

There's not even a hint of insincerity in what rolls off her tongue. Not that she’s lying, but that's not her motive for passing on the fire with them.

“Ok cool. Another day.” Bella looks slightly disappointed and doesn't take the hint. Thank god that Kylie gets it.

“Bells, I think that’s her subtle way of telling us to leave so she can get it on with your brother.”

Ainsley doesn't even blush. It turns me on even more. God, this girl!

“Ohhhhh,” Bella draws out. “Yeah, okay. We can do that. I’m pretty sure I promised you sex tonight, too.”

Comments like this don't faze me anymore. I’m just glad Bella found someone as comfortable with her sexuality as she is. Some of the other girls she dated had a hard time with how open she is about sex—her own and others too.

Hugs are shared. Both Bella and Kylie whisper their own secrets in Ainsley's ear.She takes whatever they say in stride. Only Kylie offers me a comment as she leaves.

“Bella already invited her to the wedding. She says she’s not sorry.” She hugs me tightly and when she pulls away, with a smile on her face, she adds, “Seriously though, she seems like a keeper.”

“Thanks Kylie. Love you. See you soon.”

She practically drags Bella away from Ainsley to get her to leave.

“Bye Gray. Love you....” Bella calls out as she's yanked out the door.

Once the door clicks shut, Ainsley looks over to me, a hunger in her wild eyes. “I get you all to myself now?” she asks, sauntering her ass over to me, hips swaying back and forth, her fingers twirling her hair. When she reaches me, she grabs my hand and drags me to the pantry. Since we’re alone, she doesn't bother to shut the door.

“Darling, you're forgetting one thing.”

She shakes her head. She reaches behind the flour and produces a box of condoms. She’s got a wicked gleam in her eyes and her smile matches it.

Without wasting any time, her eyes boring holes into me, she commands in a mischievous voice, “Clothes off now. I've been wet since dinner. Make me come.”

Fuck. Me.

I waste no time complying with her request.

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