Demon Shy (Resurrection Chronicles) Chapter 2 14%
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Chapter 2



She was walking outside again. The woman who filled my thoughts every waking moment.


She wore the bright pink scarf that made her yellow hair look so vibrant, but her pretty gaze once again saw nothing except the road in front of her. I took in her slow steps and the unchanged slouch in her shoulders and felt sad and hopeless.

My brothers and I all knew why we should never approach May. She had suffered at the hands of men. Humans who had kept her in an underground bunker and forced her to do things for food. Sex things. Things she did not truly wish to do.

I growled and fisted my hands, unable to look away from her. My frustration and need to help May grew with each passing day.

Angel had told Merdon that, when women were hurt, they needed time and understanding to recover. But it had been many months since my brothers and I had rescued everyone from the bunker, and May did not look like she was recovering. She seemed just as sad and resigned as the first time I saw her.

She turned her head suddenly and looked right at me. I quickly averted my gaze so she wouldn’t know I’d been watching her. While I had no wish to mislead May, I also did not wish to cause her more fear or distress.

If she knew how often I watched her and thought of her, she would feel more fear. That was something I did not want. Yet, I couldn’t stop myself from seeking her out day after day. I worried. Did she have enough to eat? Was she warm enough? Were any human men trying to take advantage of her like those in the bunker? My hands fisted at the thought.

I was still looking down at my feet when she veered in my direction. My chest started to ache, and I considered hurrying away before she could scold me for my unwanted attention.

“Good morning,” she said without a hint of censure in her tone. “I’ve been meaning to stop and introduce myself. I’m May.”

She held out her small hand, offering it to me in a human greeting that my brothers and I seldom received.

I stared at her delicate, waiting fingers in surprise. She wanted me to touch her? Anticipation overruled common sense, and my fingers trembled as I very carefully took her hand into mine and held it.

“Um, what’s your name?” she asked.



I nodded, still staring at her tiny hand in mine. She felt so soft.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Hejun.” She moved our hands up and down twice then indicated she wanted to be released. I quickly let go and glanced at her face.

Her smile hinted at sadness.

“I was wondering if you’ve heard the latest news about the volunteers the doctor is looking for?”

“Yes,” I said, wondering if that was why Eden had gone to May this morning. Had Eden warned May? Were they worried a female would be forced?

“Good,” May said. “That makes this easier, then. I want to volunteer. Would you be interested in being my partner?”

Her softly worded question had the same effect as Brenna shooting one of her arrows accurately at the human dick likenesses. My insides twisted, and my brow began to sweat from nerves.

I’d thought of little else but May since she arrived. Yet, I’d never imagined her approaching me to be my partner. I wanted that more than anything, but what if I made a mistake?

The cold sweat spread to the back of my neck.

“There is no need for you to volunteer,” I assured her.

“Why not me? Am I not good enough to save?” she asked.

I glanced at her face again, searching for signs that I’d upset her. But she didn’t look afraid or angry. Only curious.

“Save?” I asked. “How does forcing you to have sex with any of us save you? We will keep you safe without sex.”

She smiled again, and this time, it held a spark of humor. It was the first time I ever witnessed anything but sadness in her expression.

She set her hand on my chest and patted me…just above my heart. My pulse thundered under her palm at the touch.

“You’re a sweetheart; you know that? The doctor’s tests show that the women who are sleeping with the fey—I mean, the ones having sexual intercourse—are immune from turning infected. That’s what I want. And if sex gets me there, I’m willing to do it. No force is necessary. But if you aren’t interested, that’s okay. I’ll ask around.”

I frowned down at her hand. “Ask around?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask a different fey if he would be interested in being my sperm donor.”

My traitorous cock twitched in my pants. It wanted to donate, no matter how much I told it that May had been used enough. She deserved peace and respect, not the thoughts I had while gripping myself in the shower each night.

“I will keep you safe, May,” I said, trying again to reassure her. “You do not need to ask anyone for donations.”

“Really?” she said happily. “Do you mean it?”

“I do.” Did she think I was like the humans? That I would only protect her and provide for her in return for her touch? I dreamed of the day she would touch me. But of her own free will, not because she had no other choice.

“Thank you. Would you mind giving me a lift to Eitri’s so we can let everyone know we came to an agreement?” she asked.

I glanced at her face once more to make sure I had heard right. She wanted me to hold her in my arms?

She gave me another smile, brighter than the last one, and I nodded.

“I will carry you,” I said.


She held out her arms, and I carefully picked her up. She barely weighed anything but had a softness the other women I’d been lucky enough to carry the prior day hadn’t. I liked May’s softness better.

My cock twitched again, and I tried to focus on something other than how right she felt in my arms as I took a running start at Tenacity’s walls.

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