An unexpected torrent hit the back of my throat with the force of a power washer. Reflex had me swallowing instead of drowning. Again and again and again. His intense release was over in a matter of seconds, though.
I pulled back and blinked at him, stunned by what had just happened.
His shocked gaze held mine.
“May…I am sorry.”
He sat up and swiped a thumb over my chin before pulling me into his arms and hugging me.
“Forgive me. The feel of your mouth…I could not…I am sorry.”
He trembled against me, and the shock I felt slowly faded, replaced by a growing smile. I’d barely done anything to him. Yet, he’d liked it so much he’d simply exploded. And he felt guilty for it.
I couldn’t stop smiling as he hugged me.
Slowly, I wrapped my arms around him in return.
“It’s okay,” I said.
He pulled back and looked me in the eyes again. I could clearly see his panic, and it melted me in ways no other gesture could have. Hejun truly cared how I felt about what just happened.
“It’s okay,” I said again, rubbing my hand over his shoulder.
He had a nice shoulder. And pecs. And abs. I definitely appreciated the beauty of his body.
“I promise you didn’t upset me,” I said. “What just happened is normal for a man who hasn’t been with a woman yet. So, let’s try again. Now that you know what to expect and how it feels, maybe give me a little warning before you let loose, okay?”
“No. We do not need to try again. We can watch a movie, and I will cook you dinner. We can go for a walk and hold hands and?—”
I put a finger over his lips.
“Did I hurt you?” I asked.
He slowly shook his head.
“Did you like it?”
He looked completely anguished when he nodded once. I knew his concern was for me, and it made me like him even more.
Withdrawing my hand, I studied him for a moment.
“I’ve heard some stories that your brothers are really curious about the female body. That when they first got here, they would ask all manner of what we could consider inappropriate questions. Like asking to see between our legs. I heard their favorite word is pussy. I also heard it’s their favorite food.”
As I talked, his vertical pupils widened until they were almost circular.
“Is it true?” I asked.
The way he said my name, a desperate plea, warmed me from the inside.
“Do you want to look at me like I’m looking at you?” To encourage him and show that I liked everything we were talking about, I gently caressed his still very hard shaft.
He jerked but didn’t answer.
Remembering his fear of doing something wrong, I added, “What if I told you that I’m very interested in the reciprocation part of this experiment?”
“You want me to taste you?” he asked, sounding strangled.
“Only if you want to,” I said.
He nodded. “Tell me what to do.”
“First, let me finish my turn. Lie back again, and let me keep exploring you. When I’m ready for it to be your turn, I’ll get undressed. Okay?”
The gentle nudge I gave him had him slowly lying back again. He was delicious to look at. All ridges and planes that caught the light and begged to be touched. Especially what he was packing between his thickly muscled thighs.
I would have been afraid if it had belonged to anyone else. But on Hejun, it had me wondering what sex would be like if I stayed. The veins that textured every girth inch would feel amazing. And I was positive the engorged head would rub me the right way from the inside.
I licked my lips and heard his audible swallow as I lifted my gaze to his.
“You ready for round two?” I asked.
He swallowed hard and fisted his hands at his sides. Adorable.
“I am ready.”
I grinned at him, loving everything about his reluctance, and lowered my head to kiss his hip. His cock twitched at the contact and continued to bob with each kiss I planted that brought me closer to the base.
Giving head had never been much fun. My time in the bunker had killed my desire to provide it. Or so I’d thought.
Hejun was different. I loved his reactions to each subtle thing I did. He shook and trembled like I was the world’s most experienced torturer. Or maybe just a sex goddess.
The pained moan that escaped him when I closed my mouth over him again goaded me to push him further. I gripped his shaft, stroking him firmly as I bobbed my head to take as much as possible.
“May,” he rasped. “I…it…let me…”
I’d broken his brain with my mouth. Joy filled me, and I increased the suction and speed.
The anguished sound he made was the only warning I had for his second release. Thankfully, it was less shocking. Rather than releasing when it stopped, I kept going, easing my suction and slowing my hands until I felt him touch my hair.
Taking that as a signal, I went deep again. He rewarded me with another moan. As I withdrew, I increased the suction and gripped the base more firmly.
I’d heard rumors that they had endless stamina, and color me curious…I wanted to find out how much.
After the fifth release in fifteen minutes, he started to babble and beg.
“Please, May. I. We. Need. Please.”
I wasn’t entirely sure what he was begging for, so I stopped.
“You okay, sweetheart?” I asked.
He had me in his arms, cradling me and rocking me a second later. His fingers ran through my hair, and he kissed my temple repeatedly. I felt cuddled and cherished as I listened to his thundering pulse under my ear.
Once it calmed enough that I thought he’d hear me, I tipped my head back to look at him.
“What’s going on in your head, sugar?” I asked, gently smoothing a hand over his chest.