May’s breathing evened out, and I let out a shaky exhale. When she’d kicked me away, I’d thought I had hurt her. Hearing that she was fine and only tired hadn’t been enough to cut through the flood of panic. So I held her as she slept until my pulse slowed. Then I eased her onto the bed where she would be more comfortable.
The scent of her pussy teased my nose, and I craved another taste. Instead of kissing her there, I kissed her forehead and tucked the comforter around her before leaving to make her something to eat.
My mind dwelled on the short time we had spent together. Her touch. Her smiles. The sounds she made when she found her pleasure…I needed that in my life. Every day.
How could I get her to stay once the experiment was complete? Once she had her immunity?
While I tried to solve that problem, I prepared a simple dinner and took out a roast for the following day. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear May’s approach and almost dropped the pan when she reached around me to stroke my hard length from behind.
“Sorry,” she said, quickly withdrawing.
I spun around and caught her before she could retreat. Lifting her, I set her bare bottom on the stone counter and gently stroked her cheek with my fingers.
“Never apologize for touching me,” I said. “I crave your touch more than I crave my next breath.”
The worry that had filled her gaze fled, and she leaned in to brush her lips against mine.
“I want to crave your touch like that, too,” she said.
Her words sparked hope inside of me.
My fingers slid up into her hair as my other hand gripped her hip.
“Tell me if I go too far,” I said before I claimed her lips in a hungry kiss.
She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer. Close enough that my cock pressed against her hot pussy. I arched into her, needing more of that wet contact. She whimpered and kissed me more aggressively. That small surge of dominance almost had me releasing then and there.
I pulled away from her mouth, breathing heavily.
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“Starved. But not for what’s on the stove. Turn it off and take me back to the bedroom.”
Rather than ask her to remove her legs from around me, I picked her up, turned off the stove, and strode to the bedroom. She pressed her core against me with each step, grinding that sweet little button of pleasure along my length…using me.
I growled and turned at the last second so I was lying on the mattress, and she was on top.
“Show me what you want,” I said, palming her breasts.
“That,” she panted, continuing to rub against me.
I could feel her clenches. I could smell her wetness.
When she was close, I pulled her up until her hips hovered above my face.
“Sing for me, May.”
The sound of her pleasure filled my ears as I lowered her and closed my mouth over her clit. She ground against my face, drenching me with her scent and crying out her joy in one long note.
Outside, I heard my brothers guessing what methods I was using to get her to sound like that.
I released her clit with one last flick then used my tongue to lap at her opening. I couldn’t stop tasting her even after the last of her tremors faded. Slipping my tongue into her core, I thrust into her slow and deep.
“Hejun,” she said breathlessly. “We’re going to do this again soon. But first, I need you to let go for a minute.”
I did. Reluctantly. She kissed my mouth hungrily then slid down my body.
“My turn,” she whispered before closing her lips around my shaft again.
The flick of her tongue on the other side made my balls ache with the need to release. I fisted my hands in the bedding, trying not to give in too soon. But when she started to suck and flick, I lost control. The tingle started at the base of my spine and spread to my cock as it twitched and jerked in her mouth with my release. She swallowed and groaned, drinking me greedily.
She didn’t lift her head when I stopped. She reached between my legs and gently cradled my balls in her palm. Rubbing them. Tugging on them. Running her finger over the sensitive skin behind them.
The warning tingle shot through me a moment before my release. I had no control.
“I should taste you again,” I murmured, even as my fingers caressed her hollowed cheeks. She shook her head and increased her suction.
I tried not to think about the upcoming test with each release.
I didn’t want to lose May. Not ever.
But I couldn’t hold her to me if she didn’t want to stay. So I did my best to make her want me as much as I wanted her. When her mouth grew tired, the sounds of her pleasure filled the house again and again until she asked so sweetly for a break.
I carried her to the kitchen and fed her from my plate. She drank from the glass I held for her. I didn’t want her to lift a finger to do anything. When she said she was full, I carried her to the bedroom and helped her dress, which required several well-placed kisses and another orgasm.
She fell asleep in my arms, snuggling against my chest on the way to Eitri’s house, and woke just enough to remove her jacket for the sample.
“How many releases did you consume?” the doctor asked.
“Seventeen,” May said with a sweet smile aimed at me.
The doctor noted it and looked at me.
“She released twelve times,” I said.
“All right,” the doctor said as she tapped on the pad. “We’re all set here. I’ll see both of you tomorrow morning at nine. Make sure you get some rest. I don’t expect these changes to happen overnight.”
I helped May into her jacket again and carried her home. She didn’t fall asleep again, though, and when I unzipped her jacket, she trailed her fingers over my chest.
Catching her hands, I kissed her fingertips.
“Would you like to watch a movie with me, May?”
Her slow smile as she shook her head twisted my insides.
I was lost to May. Whatever she wanted, I would give her. Even if it was the immunity that would see her leaving me.