May wasn’t happy. The light in her eyes was fading with each passing second.
“Tell me what to do,” I said.
Her eyes started to fill with tears.
“I ate the last peanut butter cup.” Her words ended with a sob.
I didn’t understand why eating the chocolate treat upset her so much. She didn’t like sweets. Yet this morning, she had found the peanut butter cups in the cupboard and had started eating them.
“Don’t cry. I’ll find more. I promise.” I kissed her temple. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
I left the house in a hurry but was stopped by Fallor, who was waiting outside.
“How many of the peanut butter cups did she eat?” he asked.
“The whole bag of little ones,” I said.
He nodded thoughtfully. “May does not need more chocolate. She needs Angel.”
Rather than question him, I changed directions and ran to Angel’s house. Shax opened the door with Daisy sleeping peacefully in his arms.
“May is crying because she ate the last peanut butter cup. Fallor said I needed Angel, not more peanut butter cups.”
Shax nodded and looked back into his home.
“Angel, May needs you,” he called.
Daisy twitched in his arms. He gently patted her back, calming her again. Her tiny mouth twitched with a brief smile. The infant mesmerized me. Only Angel had given birth so far. Mya’s belly was round with the next infant our community would welcome. Mom said soon. Mya said not soon enough. My brothers and I were all eager to see another tiny human. Although, Mom said it wouldn’t be human. It would be more of a mix of fey and human than little Daisy and her pretty mismatched eyes.
Angel appeared beside Shax and kissed Daisy’s head.
“What’s up, Hejun?”
“May ate all of the peanut butter cups and is crying. Fallor said to get you.”
A smile lit Angel’s face. “That man is working overtime to get all of his brothers settled. I hope Emily puts him out of his misery soon.”
Shax grunted in agreement. We all knew that Fallor hoped to win Emily’s favor by helping the rest of us find females. But I didn’t understand what that had to do with me. I’d been with May for over two months now. She was mine, and I was hers.
“Let me just grab my bag,” Angel said.
She left me at the door with Shax and Daisy.
“Did you hear that four more humans answered the call?” Shax asked. “They were in a bunker like Tor’s June had lived in and are running out of supplies. Ryan has some fresh food from the greenhouses Molev wants to bring them. I think he hopes to establish another communication and trade base.”
“That is good news. Will Ryan want more greenhouses soon?”
“Yes. I said I would go on the next supply run. If there’s anything you need that’s not in the blue shed, let me know.”
I frowned. “Blue shed?”
“I’m ready,” Angel said, emerging with a small bag over her shoulder. She kissed Shax then wrapped her arm around mine before I could ask why Shax thought I would need anything from the baby supply shed.
“Let’s go see May,” she said. “How has she been lately?”
“May has been perfect,” I said. “Even though the experiment is done, she likes to suck my cock at least twice a day while I lick her pussy.”
Angel laughed and hugged my arm. “I’m betting those sessions are to give her poor pussy a break. I heard through the fey vine that you’re going to pound town at least five times a day on the regular.”
The way Angel spoke confused many of my brothers, including myself. However, I thought I understood what she meant this time.
“May said she likes sex with me because it never lasts too long. Do you think she cried because I hurt her?”
“Hejun, you’re adorable, and I hope you never change. No, I don’t think you hurt her. I think there’s something else going on.”
She nodded her head toward my house where May stood in the doorway, speaking to Fallor, who stood outside. Her eyes were red and puffy but dry. Not wanting Fallor to accidentally cause her to cry again, I lengthened my stride.
He pointed to me, proving he’d heard my approach, and her worried expression changed to relief.
“Sugar, I am so sorry I started crying like that.”
I wrapped her up in a hug as Fallor stepped away.
“Please tell me you didn’t bring me more candy. I’ll get sick if I keep eating it.”
“No candy,” Angel said from nearby. “Just me. Want to invite me in for a chat?”
May pulled free of my hold and welcomed Angel into our home. It wasn’t her first visit, but it was the first one due to May’s tears.
“I heard you had a rough morning,” Angel said as she sat on the couch.
May indicated that I should sit in the chair across from Angel and waited until I was settled to claim my lap for her own. I liked it when she did that.
“I’m not ready to talk about it yet,” May said.
Angel glanced from me to May.
“No, it’s nothing like that,” May said, confusing me. “I just…I don’t want things to change. I like how things are now.”
“How do you think they’re going to change?” Angel asked.
I felt May shrug and lightly rubbed her back, not liking that she was uncertain about something.
“I get it,” Angel said. “The attention can get a little overwhelming, but they’re great about giving you space when you ask. Oh, and the snacks they randomly feed you…” Angel sighed, and my hand paused on May’s back.
Overwhelming attention?
“It’s not that,” May said. “I just?—“
She squeaked in the way I liked when I lifted her and turned her to straddle my lap. I cupped her face between my hands and pressed my forehead to hers while looking into her eyes.
“Tell me what you fear will change now that you carry our child,” I said.
Her eyes started to water, and I kissed the lid of each one.
“I cannot undo what’s been done. Help me understand, May, so I can stop these tears. They hurt my heart.”
She sighed and wrapped her arms around me.
“I love you, Hejun. I know fey want babies, and I’m not opposed to having them. It’s just…I see how much attention the babies get, and I don’t want to lose the attention you’re giving me.”
“You’re afraid he’ll stop giving you attention after you have the baby?” Angel asked. “Bless your heart.”
May lifted her head and gave Angel a female fighting look. Angel tossed May a box that contained a pregnancy test and stood.
“You asked for this yourself. Don’t go light on the attention, Hejun. May, come find me when you’re questioning your sanity.”
The door closed behind Angel, and May turned to look at me again. The need to show her how much I wanted her crawled through me.
“Will you tell me if I do something you don’t like?” I asked.
She smiled slightly and nodded.
May didn’t question her sanity for another four months. Angel laughed and sent Shax to find me to bring my pregnant wife home.
The baby May delivered months later was as beautiful as her mother, and I couldn’t wait to start on the next one.
Thank you for reading Demon Shy, a short story from the Resurrection Chronicles world!