Demon’s Test (Demon Mates #4) Chapter Four 29%
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Chapter Four

“I really think we should go with the ink from Japan, Quirion. It shows that we mean business.”

Quirion furrowed his brows. “I’m in two minds about this, Sammy. On the one hand, you are absolutely right. The ink you suggested would not only look lovely on the laid paper but would also nicely reinforce that Beverly isn’t dealing with an amateur.” He sighed. “The whole point, though, is that she thinks she’s addressing Milo, and we have to keep in mind that he might not be as eclectic in his tastes as we are.”

“I heard that.” Milo’s voice sounded dry behind them. Both Sammy and Quirion turned around. Quirion was ready to start a lengthy apology before he saw the amused twinkle in Milo’s eyes. “And when it comes to paper, ink and wax seals, nobody’s taste is as—what was the word you used?— eclectic as yours and Sammy’s.” He winked. “I see you haven’t made any significant progress.”

Sammy shook his head. “No, Milo, we have. We’re now positive which paper we’re going to use, look, it’s this nice laid paper I found online in a shop operated by a lovely lady who also does YouTube videos where you can watch her during the process. Quirion and I started using her different products some time ago and we’re super happy with it. The paper will tell this Miss Nyx how serious you’re taking her while at the same time presenting her a little puzzle, because this isn’t paper from one of the big producers like the factory in Louisental, Bavaria, where she gets hers from. She will, however, no doubt be fascinated by its high quality, which is what we want to achieve. Her being fascinated and her interest being piqued.”

“Yes, and the ink, we’re close to finding a solution for the ink!” Quirion added when Milo’s expression didn’t immediately break into a joyous smile.

“That’s great, guys. You see, I’d just been hoping we could maybe be done with the entire letter by now? Like you said earlier today?”

Quirion shared a look with Sammy. Milo was such an intelligent, smart young man, but sometimes, he just couldn’t see the bigger picture. Then again, that was a prerogative of youth, wasn’t it? Being unbothered by consequences and ramifications. And he had Quirion to take care of that side of things for him.

“Yes, that’s what I said, but it might be I have underestimated the depth of this quandary. Fear not, Milo, Sammy and I are going to find the perfect solution and create a letter Beverly won’t be able to resist!”

“It’s kind of creepy when you two aren’t arguing.” Dre’s annoying voice was like a bucket of ice-cold water on Quirion’s reassurances.

“Oh, Dre, I told you. Quirion and I don’t argue. We discuss heatedly in good spirits to find common ground through the extensive sharing of arguments.” Sammy went to his mate to give him a kiss.

They totally argued like siblings over the last piece of cake—or vultures over a dead carrion—and it was the most fun Quirion had had with a member of his family since the day he was born. He always found it hard to agree on something with his father, but the old demon had gotten one thing absolutely right. Bringing Sammy into the family was Dre’s greatest accomplishment by far.

“All I hear is that you have found fancy words to hide your squabbling behind a curtain of respectability.” Dre waggled his eyebrows.

“Now you sound almost sophisticated,” Quirion taunted.

“Keep it up, brother mine, and this fish dish goes back to Crete.” Dre held up a paper bag. Quirion snatched it before his brother could make good on his totally needless threat. With a chuckle, Dre handed Milo another paper bag and put two more on the table next to the letter. “Let’s eat, then you can discuss some more.”

“Oh, Dre, you are the greatest mate I could wish for!” Sammy kissed Dre again, meaning every word, which made it a bit awkward for Quirion who wasn’t used to such open displays of adoration. If Mildred was feeling particularly loving, she would sometimes give a croak when he came home.

Quirion glanced at Milo, who was busying himself with his paper bag, which contained Mexican food, if Quirion’s nose wasn’t leading him astray. This young man who’d been holding his interest for years now was the second reason why Quirion had started to spend more time with his brother-in-law. He hoped that by studying Sammy, and Sammy’s interactions with Dre, he would gain insight in how to treat Milo and make his interest known without blurting it out and sending the human running for the hills. Or ocean, in case of his dimension. Though the more he studied Sammy, the more Quirion was convinced that he maybe needed to set his bars a little lower, which was why he had started including the rest of his family in his observations.

Dre was no help. He was eating up Sammy’s adoration with a spoon, beaming as if traveling around the world demon-style to get food on the table was some great feat of strength and endurance. The worst thing Dre had probably faced was the line in front of the restaurant on Crete. It was very popular. Quirion put the stationery aside to prevent stains. Milo helped Sammy distributing the tableware then they sat down to eat.

“Hmm, seems like I chose the right moment to come by.”

Quirion sighed. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to put up with Dre, now their father was here as well.

“Dad!” Sammy squealed, jumped up from his place and raced around the table to hug the demon king, who had just appeared between the living room and dining area.

Alerion smiled and lifted up his son-in-law, squeezing him gently.

“It’s good to see you, son.”

“Yeah, so nice to see you, Dad .” Dre sounded a little miffed and Quirion could actually relate. Even though he had spent most of his life actively avoiding his family, it was a little jarring to witness their father directing all his affection to Sammy. Of course, because it was Sammy, it was somehow okay. It was more about the principle.

Alerion didn’t seem bothered by Dre’s tone. “I’m always happy to see all my sons,” he declared haughtily.

“Yeah, yeah, but Sammy is the golden boy.” Quirion waved him off. “Why are you here and where are your mates? I rarely see you without them.”

“That’s because you rarely see me.” Alerion winked, as if he wanted to take the sting out of his words. He needn’t have bothered. Quirion did see his father rarely, on purpose. “I’m here because my darling mates, who are under a lot of pressure at the moment because of a business merger that’s proving a bit more difficult than they anticipated, have told me Milo had dared to question their intake of caffeine. Of course, I immediately went to investigate.” Alerion turned to Milo. “What do you have to say for yourself, young man?”

For a moment Milo seemed to be poised to flee. Then his shoulders sagged. “They were already hyped when they came in. And it was late. Like six o’clock late. And Sammy has told me how they get when their caffeine levels reach a certain threshold. To me it looked as if they were already past that.”

Alerion patted Milo’s shoulder and he only flinched briefly. As relaxed as Milo was around Quirion and Dre, the demon king had yet to gain Milo’s trust. “That was very sweet of you. And yes, they are way past their normal levels of jittery juice.” He sank down on the chair next to Milo. “This merger is really bugging them.”

“Oh, can we help them somehow?” Sammy had brought another plate for Alerion and was now shoving more than half of his paella on it. Then he stole some of Dre’s souvlaki , two of the giltheads from Quirion and a taco from Milo. The newly assembled dish then found its way in front of Alerion, who nodded gratefully.

“Thank you, Sammy. And no. I’m afraid this is something they have to deal with themselves.” He took the fork Sammy handed him and speared a piece of souvlaki .

Quirion took this as the cue to start eating because he didn’t want to lose more of his food to any other unbidden guests crashing their dinner.

They ate in silence for some time, Dre trying to share part of his plate with Sammy, only to be rebuffed with a sweet, “You need your strength, my beloved, eat.”

Quirion leaned a bit forward to protect his plate, much like a lion would its fresh kill. It was an automatic reaction learned during his teenage years when Dre had been the child. Demons had healthy appetites and growing demons were bottomless pits who knew no mercy—and certainly neither friendship nor brotherly bonds—when it came to food. You either learned to protect what was yours or you went hungry.

Out of nowhere, a taco and an enchilada landed on his plate, deftly maneuvered around the protective wall his arms had formed. Quirion looked up to Milo, who smiled softly. “You need your strength, too. We still have to write this letter.”

“You’re writing a letter?” Alerion looked up from his food. “I thought these days emails were the thing to do?”

“They usually are, Dad, but this is a special occasion.” Sammy beamed at Milo. “This young genius here has gotten a letter from a prestigious society who is offering to fund his research! It’s super-important to get the answering letter perfectly right, which is why Quirion and I have been discussing the entire afternoon.”

“Discussing?” Alerion lifted a brow.

“It really was a discussion and not all-out war,” Dre explained. “Still can’t believe I’ve seen that.”

Sammy elbowed Dre, which spared Quirion the trouble, though he thought he would have done a better job. His brother certainly wouldn’t have kissed him afterward!

“Don’t make us sound like some uncivilized barbarians!” Sammy looked indignant. “I told you, our discussions might seem a bit intense, but they are held in loving spirit.”

Quirion decided not to comment on that. As sweet as Sammy was, his loving spirit could be quite vicious when it came to certain topics. Another reason Quirion liked him. He could respect a man with firm principles, even if said principles went against his own, which were also as firm as flint. Maybe even more so.

“I’m sure your discussions with my oldest son are nothing but bonding between brothers,” Alerion smoothly interjected. “Now, the letter? Congratulations, Milo, by the way. What’s the name of the society?”

Milo’s cheeks turned a lovely shade of red, making him look even more enticing than usual. Quirion tried to slap his amorous thoughts down and only yielded dubious success.

“It’s the Society for the Betterment of the World. I’ve never heard of them before, but apparently Quirion was a founding member? That means it has to be good, yes?”

Alerion glanced at Quirion, clearly looking for a diplomatic answer. Quirion knew his father had more information about the whole affair than he let on, which annoyed Quirion, because he didn’t need members of his family criticizing his decisions even if they didn’t do it out loud. The king of all demons had an uncanny knack for radiating his feelings on certain subjects.

“I’m sure it’s…exceptional.” Alerion tapped one of his fingertips against his lower lip. “They do have a lot of money to throw around, and I can’t imagine a more worthy cause than your research.”

Milo beamed, soaking up the fatherly vibes Alerion was sending his way. Despite his father’s many shortcomings, Quirion felt a rush of warmth for his sire simply for making Milo happy. He shook his head. Normally, he wasn’t that sappy. Spending an entire afternoon in Sammy’s presence did things to his common sense. Stupid things.

“Yes, yes, and if we want to get this letter done anytime soon, Sammy and I have to get back to work.” Quirion shoveled the rest of his food into his mouth, glancing expectantly at Sammy, who nodded and shoved his plate—which was still almost half full—toward Dre. His brother shot Quirion an indignant look, making it clear with a frown how much he disapproved of his mate being rushed during a meal. But it was too late. Sammy was already back on track to their mission and Quirion showed Dre his tongue. Dre responded by miming throttling and Quirion felt ecstatic. He got to help Milo, work on a letter, annoy his brother and eat delicious seafood, all in one day. Perhaps spending time with the family now and then wasn’t all bad.

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