Depths of Hunger (The Emerald Dagger Mafia #1) Chapter 4 16%
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Chapter 4



I stand under the hot water, bracing myself against the slick, tiled shower wall. The scalding heat pounds over me, but it does nothing to wash away the frustration simmering in my veins. The wedding was long and fucking painful. The crowded room filled with humans and the murmur of too many voices had grated on me. The stifling mix of their perfumes clung to my senses. My hunger for blood claws at me, increasing with each passing moment. It’s a damn good thing I’d fed before the ceremony, or things could have gotten ugly.

Marrying a Giordano—mafia royalty—means no one can challenge my authority now. The Valdici clan is finally on top, both in the human world and the magickal one. It’s taken centuries, but we’ve done it. I could have done it through violence, but Mia was too enticing to give up. I sold it to my father as if this was the last thing I wanted but in reality, I’ve been looking forward to having Mia for a while now. Marriage doesn’t interest me, especially to a human. I find them hard to tolerate at the best of times. She better be worth what I’ve signed myself up for, otherwise her time on earth will run short.

Lorenzo, we are downstairs . My father’s voice cuts into my thoughts, echoing in my mind .

Speak of the devil. Father, it’s my wedding night. What’s so fucking important that you’re here to interrupt that?

Come down , is all my father says.

I curse under my breath, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. I dry off quickly, irritation simmering just beneath my skin. Pulling on a robe, I stalk out into the bedroom. Mia is standing in front of the glass doors, staring out at the darkening sky. “Why are you still dressed?” I snap as I stride past her. “Be naked by the time I get back.” I don’t wait for her response. I march out of the room and down the stairs, the tension knotting tighter in my chest with every step.

My father is waiting in my office when I enter, his imposing presence filling the room. “Congratulations again, Renzo,” he says, his tone approving. “You’ve done right by the family, as I knew you would.”

“Yeah, congrats, bro,” Luca chimes in, trying to suppress a smirk. He knows all too well why I married Mia. Not a bad way to take one for the team.

“Thanks.” Asshole , I add telepathically. I force the word out, trying not to let the bitterness creep into my voice. I want to get back to my wife and I’ve had enough company this evening. I have a brief flash of guilt. I should have told my father the truth, that I want my wife but that would only earn me lecture after lecture on why getting involved with humans is bad unless there is a major power gain. I am very well aware of the problems with humans, especially the female ones. I bite back a sigh. My wife has no idea she’s married to a vampire but understands she’s just a pawn in a chess game about the ultimate control—she just doesn’t know that it’s one that will ultimately end with her death.

As if reading my thoughts, my father adds, “Enjoy her for a while. It’s a necessary sacrifice. Once the ‘Ndrangheta fully understands that we control the northern half of the country, you can rid yourself of her and return to your true nature. It won’t be long now.”

I suppress a snort. I fully intend to enjoy my wife, over and over again. And when have we ever not been our natural selves? The thought lingers, but I keep it to myself. Instead, I say, “I have a meeting set with the ‘Ndrangheta in a few weeks. The first step in negotiating the division of the territory. It’ll take a few months to sort everything, but after that, we’ll be free to proceed as planned.”

My father takes a seat behind my desk, a subtle yet pointed display of dominance that frays my nerves. Luca and Nico sink into the visitor chairs, Nico’s grin widening as he catches my eye. He knows how much it irks me when our father commandeers my space.

“Salvatore Palma reached out to congratulate you,” my father says. “As head of the ‘Ndrangheta families, his acknowledgment of your marriage is a good sign, but there’s no need to rush. The humans’ days are numbered regardless. We are vampires. We have centuries to accomplish our goals. Establishing ourselves here in the north, with spies embedded in the ‘Ndrangheta families, is crucial before we make our move. We must attack from within, both here in Italy and in the New World.”

I nod, keeping my face neutral.

I hope this isn’t going to be a long speech . Nico’s voice echoes in my mind. I have plans with Esme tonight.

You have plans with Esme every night, Luca interjects. The three of us have always communicated like this—holding side conversations while Father lectures. I’m sure he knows, but he lets it slide.

“Renzo, I know this is a sacrifice. Living with a human woman will be difficult. They are not like us; they can never understand our natures. She will be... annoying. But you cannot kill her until we are firmly established. Sometimes it seems like it would be easier to just wipe out the humans and take what we want, but that would only expose us. We must tread carefully.”

“Yes, Father. I have been married to a human before if you remember. I am familiar with it.” It had been a disaster the first time. I had thought myself in love. The notion doesn’t exist for me anymore, but I lust after Mia, and I intend to take full advantage of our marriage for the time being.

My father’s expression sours. “Let’s not repeat that experience.”

Nico smiles. He’s trying not to say you were young and stupid and picked the wrong woman. Good thing no one believed her when she told the world you were a vampire. Died in Bedlam, if memory serves. Mentally unfit.

That was over three hundred and fifty years ago. I think I’ve learned a thing or two since then. Besides, you weren’t more than a teenager back then, Nico. What the hell do you know about it?

My father shakes his head. “Just be careful, son.”

There’s no point in arguing. I’m married now, and my bride is waiting upstairs. A surge of desire flares in my gut, primal and insistent. “Was there another reason you all came by?”

“There’s more news about Berlin,” my father replies, his voice turning grave.

The mention of Berlin sobers me instantly. “Tell me.”

“So far, Miller has kept his word. No more vampire killings. But he got what he wanted.”

Nico curses under his breath, his frustration boiling over. “I still can’t believe they’re all gone. The boys, even Greta. We’ve been friendly for centuries and now they’re dust. What are we doing about it?” He clenches a tight fist on the arm of his chair.

My father raises a calming hand. “I know it’s hard, Nico, for all of us. But reacting without a plan is a recipe for disaster. There are rumors of a group of turned vampires out of Albania in search of a territory to take over. They haven’t decided where yet, but they will. And there will be more like them.”

“And there will be more like them,” I echo, my mind already spinning with the potential threats.

“We need to make a statement,” my father says, his voice hardening. “One that makes any turned vampire think twice. Your uncle and I are strategizing, and we will call upon Roman, Gabriel, and, of course, all of you.”

“What about Kyros?” Luca asks though we all know the answer. Kyros hasn’t left the magickal realm on Oak Island in Nova Scotia for over a century. No one expects him to now.

My father brushes off the question. “We may unite with other vampire seethes to present a united front. But more importantly, I need you to keep your eyes and ears open. Talk to your networks—vampires, humans, anyone. We need to know what’s being planned and by whom. See if there’s any chatter about this Albanian group of vampires. Every scrap of information helps.”

Nico leans forward, his expression grim. “What about the curse?”

The room goes still and my father’s expression hardens. I shoot Nico a glare. What the hell are you thinking?

It’s a valid question, now that you’re married . Nico’s voice rings in my mind, defiant.

Luca shifts uneasily beside me, tension radiating off him. This is dangerous territory.

Nico , my father’s voice booms in our minds, private but intense. We do not speak of the curse. You know the rules.

Nico doesn’t back down. But the curse says ? —

I know what the curse says , my father snaps.

Do you? Nico challenges. Then why aren’t you doing anything about it? The curse says that once we marry, we bring about the downfall of the Valdici seat of power.

“No, it doesn’t,” I cut in, my voice slicing through the tension. Everyone turns to look at me. “The curse says, “When the sons three marry and the moon is red, the sisters three will bring about the dead, and the clan of Valdici will be no more.”

My father’s gaze locks onto mine, heavy with unspoken questions. Nico and Luca look stunned; they’ve never heard the full wording of the curse before, only whispers and half-truths.

“How do you know that?” Nico’s voice ruptures the silence.

“It’s not important,” I say, my tone final. “And neither is the curse right now. You two are still single, so it’s not an immediate concern. What matters is the ‘Ndrangheta. If we’re plotting, you can be damn sure they are too.” I’m not about to tell them that I’d asked a witch I know to dig it up. That won’t go over well, and I do not want to get into that conversation now.

My father stands, his posture commanding. “Your brother is right. Focus on the task at hand.” He shoots a warning look at Nico, then Luca. He looks my way. “Congratulations again on your nuptials, Renzo. It’s a small sacrifice, but a necessary one.”

Small sacrifice? Luca scoffs, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Female vamps everywhere are weeping tonight since Renzo’s off the market.

Nico grins, rising from his chair. “Good luck, brother. You’re going to need it.”

“Don’t keep your bride waiting,” Luca taunts. “She’s in for quite the surprise.” He and Nico leave the room, their laughter echoing in the hallway. My father squeezes my shoulder briefly before following them out.

I climb the stairs, my thoughts churning, when my phone rings. It’s Angelo, my human consigliere.

“Renzo, Colucci wants an update.”

“It’s my fucking wedding night,” I snap. “He was there. I don’t have time for this shit.”

“I know, but he’s panicking. The cartel heard about your marriage, and they want to know how it affects their deal with Colucci.”

Colucci’s nerves are a liability. He’s always been a weak link, too scared to make a move without reassurance. Ignoring him would be easy, but desperate men do stupid things. And stupid things are often hard to fix. “Fine.” I hang up and dial Colucci, barely containing my anger. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Sorry to bother you, Renzo, but I need to know if the ‘Ndrangheta deal is still on. The cartel’s on edge. We didn’t get a chance to speak after…everything.”

“Do you think something has changed in the last hour since my wedding? Are you out of your mind?” I snarl. “I told you this was a bad idea from the start. Now I’m head of the family, and you don’t get to make demands. If this goes south, it’s on you.”

I hang up, the urge to rip Colucci’s throat out flaring hot and vicious. An accident would solve a lot of problems. Something fiery, dramatic. I imagine dragging him into the light, watching the terror in his eyes as I sink my fangs into his neck. The thought makes me smile. I’m going to enjoy being king. My father may control the Valdici seat of power in the vampire realm, but I own the human world. This marriage has crowned me the leader. Power surges through me, and I feel the need for release—a violent, primal need. It’s time to fuck my pretty little wife.

My phone buzzes again. Angelo.

“I told Colucci he’s on his own. If it goes sideways, it’s on him,” I say, irritation still simmering. “I want him to feel helpless so that when you save him, he owes me. Then he’s mine. Watch him closely. Call me if he does something stupid.”

“Understood,” Angelo replies. “And congrats on the wedding. You lucked out—Mia’s hot as hell. Nice tits on her.”

Rage explodes inside me, white-hot. My voice is feral as I say, “If you ever speak about my wife like that again, I’ll kill you.” The warning couldn’t be clearer.

“Got it,” Angelo says and hangs up.

I approach the bedroom door, my mind filled with images of Mia. Angelo isn’t wrong—she’s stunning, with curves that have haunted me for years. I remember the first time I saw her, a teenager at her boarding school. My father promised her father I would check in on her since I was in the US. It was a strategic move, and I was all for it.

I quietly entered her room as she was sleeping but her roommate sent her a text demanding she open the window to be let in. Mia has sat up in bed, her sweet round tits straining against the fabric of her tank top, her dark eyes flashing with anger at being woken up. She saw me and her mouth opened in a wide O. I wondered then how good it would feel if I filled that pretty little mouth with my cock. I disappeared as quickly and quietly as I had entered, one of the perks of being a vampire.

Since then, she’s always been a temptation, a dangerous lure. I’ve kept my eye on her and my hands off, but now she’s mine. No more waiting to sample her wares.

Tonight, at the wedding, she was breathtaking. The dress hugged every curve, and the rush of possession hit me hard. She belongs to me now—only me. I won’t let any man touch her. Not ever.

I step into the room, finding her still fully clothed, staring out into the darkness. She hasn’t heard me come in, and her expression is tense, her mind clearly elsewhere .

“Mia, I said get undressed,” I growl, my voice low and commanding. “You’re my wife now. You will obey me. Understand?” It’s important she realizes from the start I will not tolerate any disobedience. I don’t want her to mistake any feelings between us. This is about power and lust. I don’t want to share my day or hear her thoughts on things. This isn’t a real marriage.

She turns slowly, meeting my gaze with her big, dark eyes. There’s a flicker of defiance there, mixed with nerves, and it sends a thrill through me.

“I can’t reach the zipper.” Her tone is flat but her eyes are wary.

I stride over, the scent of her blood filling my senses as I reach for the zipper. I tug it down slowly, savoring the tension that radiates from her. I brush my lips against her shoulder, my hunger flaring as her dress falls in a soft heap at her feet. Her scent, so distinct and intoxicating, coils around me, feeding my desire. She doesn’t know it yet, but Mia Giordano belongs to me. Completely.

My blood rushes to my cock when I see what she’s wearing. A white corset with a tiny white thong and white garter belt. She’s so damn luscious. I squeeze her ass cheeks in my hands. “You have such a fine ass, my gattina.” Kitten . That’s what she is…my kitten. God, I want her. Have since the first night I saw her at the boarding school. Tonight is going to be fucking amazing. I will have her even if I can’t have her. Yet.

I wrap one arm around her hips and bring her ass back against my hard cock and grab her neck with the other, forcing her head back as I drop my face into the hollow of her throat and breathe in deeply. She smells like sunshine and strawberries with just a hint of fear. The last note hits me like a sledgehammer, and I run my tongue down her satiny skin. So fucking tempting to just take a sip. But I know if I start, I won’t be able to stop. “You smell so fucking good. Do you know that? So fucking good.”

I pull my robe open and rub my cock against her sweet ass. “You like that? You like the feel of me against your ass? I’m going to fuck that pretty little ass. I’m gonna make you come so fucking hard while I’m in there. ”

She is silent and it suddenly sinks in that she’s not responding. Her heart is hammering against her ribcage. Fear. She’s afraid.

I stop. “What is it?” I growl. “Are you afraid of me? Afraid of what will happen when I sink into your pussy? Afraid you won’t like it?” Women love me. Love what I do to them. They seem to be able to sense that I’m different, that I am dangerous, and it makes them wet. They want it from me so badly they’ll do anything I say.

My nickname is Satana. Satan. And I’ve earned the title when it comes to the family business, but I’ve never hurt a woman who didn’t ask for it to hurt. Unless I was feeding and that is an altogether different scenario. Mia has nothing to fear from me for a while unless she plots against me. Then she’d better run like hell because if I catch her, she’ll be dead in the most painful way possible.

She’s biting her lip. “No. It’s not that. I—I’m just…” her voice dies out.

I smile as I run my hand up over her belly and squeeze one of her tits. “Nervous? Do I make you nervous?” I like that. Making her nervous makes me so fucking hard. I run my tongue down her neck once again and then nip along her shoulder. It’s killing me that I can’t taste her blood. “You don’t have to be nervous, gattina . I promise you will have fun.” She is my kitten, and I mean to make her purr. “You’re gonna be so wet for me. You’re gonna like when I sink my cock into you.”

With one hand still on her neck I reach around and undo the corset with the other. It falls on top of the dress and her tits are free. I bring both hands around to squeeze them and rub them. I take her nipples and roll them between my fingers as I breathe in her scent. God, she’s so fucking perfect. The hum in my blood increases and I know if I don’t fuck her soon, I’m going to give in and taste her blood. No woman has ever made me this hard this fast. There is something in her blood that calls to me on a primal level. If I didn’t know better, I’d say there’s magick involved. But, Mia is human. No magick, just magnificence.

I kiss her neck and her shoulders as I rub her nipples and squeeze her tits. She lets out a soft moan and reaches back with her hands to grab at my thighs. She presses against my hard cock and starts to move her hips.

“That’s my little slut. Already wet for me aren’t you? Should I touch you and find out?”

I spin her around and press her up against the glass. I know it’s cold on her naked ass and back. She sucks in a deep breath, and I claim her mouth. I kiss her hard making my tongue roll against hers. She responds in kind. Her whole body relaxes. She puts her arms around my neck as I crush her against the window. It’s heaven, not that heaven exists but if it did, this would be it. Pure fucking heaven.

I run my hand over her hip and down her leg. I bring it back up along the inside of her thigh as I put my other hand on her throat and squeeze ever so gently. “I love the feel of you.” I slip my fingers over her hot center. She freezes. I kiss her and try to coax a response but nothing. I lean away from her to find a look of pure terror in her dark eyes.

“What the fuck?” I demand. “Mia, what’s wrong?” Then it hits me. “Did someone hurt you? Did some asshole force you to fuck him?” I’ll kill him. I will take the guy apart, limb by limb, and fucking enjoy every bit of it. “Mia,” I snarl, “answer me.”

She licks her lips and blinks. I notice that her dark eyes are flecked with gold. She makes a sound but it’s not words.

“Mia, what the fuck?”

“I’m a virgin,” she blurts out.

I stare at her. Of all the shit she could’ve said that wasn’t even on my list. Fuck. I haven’t had a virgin in so long I don’t remember. Decades probably. “No one has ever touched your pussy before?” I ask, incredulous. Then the reality of it hits me. Possessiveness roars through me. No one has ever had Mia before.

I will be her first and her last. Forever.

“No,” she says as she pushes me back and crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s not like I’m ever left alone long enough to fuck anyone. My bodyguards are the only two men I’m allowed to be around on my own. So, unless I fuck one of them, there’s not a lot of choice.” She cocks her head. “Maybe I should’ve fucked one of them. Tony’s too rough but Ralf is better. Huh,” she says as if she’s thinking about it.

I want to slam my fist through the fucking wall. I put my hand on her chin and lift until her gaze locks on mine. “If you ever even think about fucking any other man again, I swear to God, I’ll kill him in front of you. You are mine. All mine and only mine.” I run my other hand over her thong until my fingers are between her legs. “No other man will ever touch you here. I will be your first and your last.”

I kiss her again fiercely not giving her a moment to breathe. I push her arms up until they are above her head and hold her wrists with one hand while the other goes back to her pussy. A fucking virgin. So fucking good. No one will ever have her but me. It makes my cock so damn hard as I rub it against her belly. I’m almost in fucking pain.

She kisses me as I rub her through her thong, and her wetness seeps onto my fingers as she spreads her legs without me asking. “That’s my kitten. You’re already drenched for me.” I say as I push her thong aside. I kiss her neck as I run my finger through her slick folds. She moans and arches her back. She angles her hips so I have better access. “You want me to touch you, baby? You’ve been waiting for this? Waiting for me.”

She moans and pushes her pussy into my fingers. “You’re so damn wet for me, baby,” It’s hard to believe she’s a virgin.

I let her hands go, and she is undoing my robe, and then she runs her hands down over my chest to my hips and lets out a groan. “Fuck, Renzo, why do you have to be so fucking hot?” she growls as she sinks her nails into my chest.

I grin. The pain doesn’t even register. This is more like it. My little virgin is just dying to fuck me but not half as bad as I’m dying to fuck her. I twist our bodies around and walk her backward to the bed, where she falls. I drop my robe and reach down to undo her garter belts and pull down her thong. Her cheeks turn pink, but she doesn’t stop me.

“I’m gonna make you come so fucking hard.” I kneel on the floor between her legs and push her thighs apart. Her cheeks get pinker.

I chuckle. “Don’t be embarrassed, kitten. This is just the beginning. I’m gonna show you all kinds of things.” I kiss her thighs and make my way to her core. I watch her face as I run my fingers over her clit. She bites her lip but doesn’t break her gaze from mine. There’s my gattina . My tough, sassy wife.

I dip my head and take my first taste of my new bride as there’s a sudden crash somewhere in the house. I’m on my feet instantly throwing my robe over Mia as I sprint to the closet and pull on a pair of jeans. I grab my gun instinctively, not that I need it. With my strength, I can literally tear someone limb from limb, and bullets, no matter what they’re made of, won’t stop me. But I have to keep my secret. There’s a lot of yelling and the bedroom door bursts open.

“ Getta la pistola. Alza le mani !” a guy in a blue windbreaker screams as he points his Glock at me. The room fills with other men. “ Carabinieri. Alza le mani !”

I stand here grinding my teeth. I have no choice. I drop my gun on the carpet and put my hands up. I glance at Mia. She’s on the bed with my robe over her. Our gazes lock. I’m expecting to see fear in her eyes, but instead, I see a calmness and steel. I flashback to the look on her face when I came into the room. She’d been plotting something. Has my pretty new wife arranged to have me arrested? Icy fingers grip my heart. Of all the things she could have done, this is the worst. Jail means my secret will be exposed. I can’t feed and I won’t age like everyone else. They’ll know I’m not human. Mia better hope she isn’t behind this because if she is, she’s a dead woman.

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