Depths of Hunger (The Emerald Dagger Mafia #1) Chapter 12 42%
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Chapter 12



I watch my brothers and Mia on the steps. Luca fills me in on what’s going on. Mia is moving to take over or, as she thinks of it, maintain power for the family. I still don’t believe she was involved in the drive-by but she’s moving to take full control. Part of me is proud of her. I knew she was intelligent but now I know she’s ambitious as well. I dismissed humans, especially human females, hundreds of years ago after the last debacle, but Mia is changing my opinion. I’m on the fence about whether that’s a good or bad idea.

Your wife is quite somethin g, Luca’s voice rumbles in my mind. I’m impressed.

Me too. Nico joins the conversation. She’s holding it together and trying to move forward. How long are you going to stay dead?

Jealousy flares in my gut. I don’t like Nico and Luca admiring Mia. She’s been haunting me for years. I thought it was just lust but now I’m not so sure. The last thing I want is for one of them to fall for her as I have. I would have to kill them, brother or not. I stomp out the jealousy, and reply evenly, I haven’t decided. Whoever is behind this might reveal themselves more if they think I’m dead, but I won’t do it for long. No need to encourage anyone to move in on my territory. I’m talking about my wife as much as my business. Maybe more .

How long do we have to stay here? Luca asks ignoring my point. My head is starting to ache. Damn good thing it’s raining today. Easier to make it through being out in daylight with some cloud cover. Your wife asked about Father. I said he’d be at the house, but she is not the only one to think it weird he wasn’t at your funeral.

I frowned. It was one of the downsides of being a vampire. Daylight is always a problem. At least you can be here. Father couldn’t go out in daylight at all. Mother’s family could tolerate it for a few hours. No one knows why. At least she passed that trait on to her sons. It did make things a bit easier, but exposure to sunlight was exhausting for us.

I move down the street to the neighbor’s house and walk through the trees between the two mansions. I know the security for my house like the back of my hand because I planned it. I won’t show up on any of the cameras. I’m too far into the trees. But, once I come out on the canal side, I will be visible. I wait until I am at the end of the trees and then I dig through the undergrowth. The sun is setting now, and darkness will fall quickly.

“Yes,” I mumble to myself as I find the hatch I buried under the brush years ago. Now to open it. I brush off the automatic lock next to the hatch and put my first finger on it. The screen lights up and turns green. My stomach unknots slightly.

The hatch clicks. I pull it open, cringing when it makes a squeaking noise. I look around. Nothing moves. The neighbors have always been afraid of me. They understand they need to keep their eyes and mouths shut when it comes to what goes on at my place. Or at least they used to know when I was alive. Now that I’m dead, who knows what the fuck is going on. Angelo’s hand on the small of Mia’s back when she got out of the car at the cemetery floats to the surface of my brain. Apparently, a lot has changed. I will make sure she lives to regret it if she’s fucking Angelo. Just the thought of that makes my stomach sour. Maybe I’ll make her watch me kill Angelo slowly, skinning him alive until he knows the pain a vampire might feel as sunlight flays their body.

I climb onto the ladder and grab the hatch, pulling it down as I go down. I close the opening and lock it with my finger on the duplicate screen inside the tunnel. The tunnel is pitch black but I don’t need light. My eyesight is well beyond any human.

Sweat rolls down my back as the smell of the tunnel, stale water, and rat droppings add to the churn in my stomach. I go still and cock my head, intent on listening. There’s another entrance to this tunnel out in the bay. I hear the water. There are lights strung up the length of the tunnel but I don’t use them because if anyone is out on the water, they might see the lights underwater from that entrance.

Instead, I start walking away from the water toward the house. Five minutes later, I arrived at the other end of the tunnel. I make my way up the ladder. At the top, I use my finger to disengage the lock. I pull the gun free of my waistband and slowly raise the hatch. Just in case someone is waiting for me, I need to be prepared. I remain motionless until I’m sure I hear nothing.

The room is empty. Just the boxes of crap that I have stored down here and my fridges. Nice to see Mia hasn’t totally taken over just yet. I climb out of the tunnel and then close and lock the hatch again. I move around the stack of boxes I have in front of the tunnel entrance and head toward the stairs. I go over to the fridge and eat my fill. I’m thankful Albert didn’t get rid of this. Of course, he knows I’m not human so he will also realize I’m not dead. He will be waiting for me to return, unlike my wife. I cannot wait to surprise her. If she thinks the drive-by and me being dead is scary, wait until she sees I’m still alive. A grim smile stretches my lips as I contemplate how absolutely terrified she’ll be.

I reach the top of the stairs and listen. The party is going on still so it’s time for me to sit and eavesdrop. Maybe I’ll find out what’s going on. Part of me wants to walk in and show the world I am alive. It was surreal watching my own funeral. I’ve done it several times and it never gets any less startling.

I hear Mia’s voice. She is close. Maybe the kitchen. I inhale, trying to catch her scent, but there are too many other humans around, and the mix of their aromas makes me gag. I lean against the wall to steady myself. I have never had that happen before. Ever since I was shot weird things have been happening. I’ve downplayed it to Father and my brothers, but I am worried. Esme still hasn’t gotten back to me on what was on the bullets. I need to know because weakness won’t be tolerated by either family. If I want to remain as the head of the Valdici family and be the heir to the Valdici seat of power in the vampire world then being weak is not an option. Ever.

“How are you finding it, Maria?” I ask. We are standing in the kitchen and it’s the first chance I’ve had to talk to her since the wedding.

She shrugs. “ Va bene , Mia. It’s not easy. Frankie tries.” She gives a little shrug again. “It’s tough. He needs support so it’s not really the time for us to have kids, you know? I think it will take a few more years before we’re in a situation to make that work.” She tries to look sad.

I snort. “Cut the shit. I know you are much better at the business than Frankie and you love it. You don’t have to sell me that I’d rather be having babies garbage.”

Maria’s eyebrows rise as if she’s surprised and then she breaks out in a grin. “I knew you were like me. Only you have it better. No husband to have to play to his ego.” She rolls her eyes then moves slightly closer to me and drops her voice. “I love it. I’m fucking amazing at it. Frankie… not so much. I tell him what to say, and he talks the talk with his friends to keep face, but it’s all me.”

“Any issue in particular that stands out to you?” I ask.

“Are you asking for advice?” She narrows her eyes at me and then nods once. “Put them in their place hard and fast. Don’t tolerate any bullshit. Handle everything as Renzo would. You’re smart. You’ll do fine.”

“Mia,” Donata Rizzoli greets me as she approaches. “How are you, poor thing? ”

Maria whispers, “Good luck,” and then walks away.

Donata is not one of my favorite people. She’s no one’s favorite, actually. She’s loud and obnoxious. She’s spent too much time in the States and picked up all of the worst habits which doesn’t endear her to anyone. I also happen to know that she’s Big Tony’s mistress. Apparently, she’s wild in bed and he’s been screwing her for years.

I nod my head in her direction. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“Oh, you poor dear,” she says as she tucks her hands through my arm as if we’re close. “I was just saying that you need support now. You should come to visit me. I will make sure to make you many dinners. You are too thin. No man will want a skinny wife. You’re going to have to find another husband now,” she clucks.

“I’m good for the moment, Donata.” I should thank her for the generous offer, but knowing she wants to marry me off and steal my power pisses me off. I glance at the clock in the kitchen. If Donata is talking to me then chances are good Tony sent her to keep me busy while they meet. Time for me to find out where the meeting is. “I’m just going to run to the little girls’ room,” I say trying to untangle myself from her.

“I was just talking to your mother. I understand she and your father are thinking of moving.”

My mother wouldn’t tell Donata anything if her life depended on it. “News to me,” I say.

Then I start to walk away, but Donata hangs on, digging her fingers into my arm. Judging from the panicked look in her eye, I know the meeting is definitely starting now. I look around the room and catch Pippa’s eye. My two best friends are here. We haven’t had a chance to exchange more than a couple of words, but I was hoping to catch up with them later. Now I send her a silent SOS.

She nods and then excuses herself from the woman she is talking with. She strides with purpose directly across the room to Donata with a determined look in her eyes. “I hear you went shopping and have some new to-die-for outfits. I want to hear all about it,” Pippa says wrapping her hands through Donata’s arm and tugging her away.

Donata can resist many things, but when talk turns to fashion, she’s a weakling. She has the worst taste of anyone I’ve ever met but she believes she’s a divine trend-setter. Point of fact, today she has on a black dress that has the largest black flower on the left shoulder. It’s so big it keeps hitting her chin when she moves. It’s hideous.

I move quickly to the foyer, where I catch Nico’s eye. I cock one eyebrow and he nods slowly. Then I nod and cock my head toward the back of the house. He nods again and starts to follow me back to Renzo’s office. Luca falls in behind me as well and we make our way through the crowd. There are too many people here, but everyone wants to be seen paying homage to the dead don or it will be held against them. No one knows who is going to be in charge next, so they don’t want to offend anyone.

I turn the corner and Marchello is standing in front of the door. That’s all the conformation I need. He’s one of Big Tony’s security detail. He’s guarding the door. He starts to step in front to block the door while at the same time raising his cell phone, presumably to alert those inside.

Luca is suddenly on him. I swear I didn’t see him go by me, but there he is, quietly muscling Marchello out of the way and grabbing the cell.

I nod to him as I open the door and let myself into what is now my office and take my place at the head of the conference table.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen.” They all stare at me. The only one who doesn’t look surprised is Luigi. He gives me a quick wink. I take that as a sign and continue. “I thought I should be here since I am, in fact, the head of the family. No meetings will be held without me.” I say it in a clear firm voice. Nico is standing slightly behind me to my right. He shifts in a way that draws attention. At that moment, Luca comes inside and closes the door, leaning against it in a bored manner. The message is clear. I’m in charge and these men are here to enforce what I say. It’s enough to send a ripple of unease around the table.

Big Tony clears his throat. “We agreed to let you run things if Renzo went back to jail but no one said anything about you running things permanently. You’re a woman and you have no idea about how things work.”

I burst out laughing, which seems to shock everyone in the room. “Are you fucking kidding me? No idea? My father was the don for years and my grandfather before that. I know exactly what goes on in the business.”

“You grew up in the States, out of your padre’s reach,” Tony countered. “You don’t know jack about business.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Funny, that’s not what my professors at Columbia Business School thought when I graduated at the top of my class. Nor did any of you complain when my father expanded into the designer fashion and bag industry, which is now making you a tidy profit.”

Tony scoffs. “What are you talking about? You were still in school. You have nothing to do with that.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Who do you think gave my father the idea and told him which brands to target? Who do you think came up with the idea of cleaning money using car rental agencies?” It was true, all of it. In a way. I’d watched a special on American gangsters and what they were into and told my father all about it. He’d brushed me off but when I came home from college, I found out that he’d implemented my ideas as if they were his own. That’s when I’d decided I didn’t want to be part of the family business. Father had used what I’d told him and then told me to forget what I knew. I refused to be treated that way. Not ever.

But events changed things. Now I wasn’t going to walk away. If I did, they’d just marry me off to Ignocio Dicerbo or some other gross man, and my life would be over. At least this way I have a say. I could make decisions and make things better for me and my friends. The other option was to run. Run far and run fast. I’ll still keep that idea in reserve. Australia still looked like a viable option and if I lost control of the family, it would be the option. I wasn’t marrying Dicerbo or anyone else.

“So, you see, I’ve been involved for years.” I met every man’s gaze.

A thump sounds at the door, and Luca opens it a crack, then he steps back and admits Angelo, who gives me a nod and comes to stand behind me to the left. As much as I loathed the man, he does have his uses.

“But what do you bring to the table now?” Colucci demanded.

“Yeah,” Bobby Sticks added. “I don’t see how you’re gonna be able to run things. You’re gonna have to learn the business first and we don’t have time for that.”

Giuseppe’s foot bounced up and down on the carpet as he nodded his agreement but he remained silent.

“Hold on to your hats, gentlemen, because my first order of business is to meet with the head of the ‘Ndrangheta. We’re meeting in a couple of days. Carmine, I believe you need this meeting to happen as it’s a sticking point with your cartel deal. I’ve already informed your contact that this meeting is going to take place. Salvatore Palma and I have already had a brief conversation about the cartel’s needs. I’m quite sure I can get him on board.”

There was silence in the room once again.

“Oh, I see. While you all thought I was sitting around waiting for the funeral, I’ve been working. Tony,” I turn to the large man, “I’ve also gone over your stuff with a fine-tooth comb. We need to talk.” Big Tony’s face filled with color and Giuseppe’s foot stopped bouncing as he glanced at his partner. “Do you want to tell him?” I indicate Giuseppe with my chin. “Or should I?”

Tony pushes to his feet with a roar. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You don’t know jack shit. You belong in the kitchen not here. Get the fuck out of the room so we can do real business.”

Can they hear my heart slamming against my ribcage? Vague anxiety rises in my belly and sweat breaks out at my hairline. But I keep my face neutral. It’s so important I don’t show fear right now. I remember Maria’s words. Don’t give in. Don’t back down. Don’t show them weakness. I nod to Nico, who comes to stand behind Tony.

“The last shipment that you claimed was lost off the container ship in a storm? We’ve determined you stole it and sold it off the books, pocketing the proceeds for yourself.” Giuseppe gasped and leaned away from Tony. I continued, like I hadn’t just stirred up a fucking hornet’s nest. “You do it once or twice a year. Keep a shipment and then say it got lost somehow. You cheated Giuseppe out of the money, and more importantly, you cheated my father out of it. I won’t stand for it.” I lean forward and lower my voice to a deadly pitch. “Don’t even try that shit with me.”

“And you,” I turn to Giuseppe. “You’re not innocent. You get guns supposedly to run off the Albanians, but instead, you sell them and pocket the cash.”

I turn to the whole table. “Gentlemen, this shit stops now. I know my father was weak and you all took advantage, but Renzo wasn’t weak, and neither am I.” I swallow and grit my teeth. The next part is going to suck on so many levels but it’s a necessity to prove I can do this. “Nico, I think both Tony and Giuseppe owe me. I want my pound of flesh,” I say as I stare at them. “Take a finger each. Just a pinkie this time.” I focus on Tony and Giuseppe. “Do it again and it will be a whole hand.”

Tony starts to move but Nico is on him immediately. He has Tony down on his knees in seconds. Luca pulls out Tony’s left hand and puts it on the table. Giuseppe stands up but Luca smashes him in the jaw, and he drops back into his seat, his eyes rolling in their sockets like a damn cartoon character.

Tony keeps his fingers balled into a fist, but Luca pries his pinky finger free. Tony curses and tries to struggle but Nico’s grip is firm. Luca takes out a knife and slices Tony’s finger off at the base. Tony howls and Luca lets his hand go. He whips around and grabs Giuseppe’s hand, taking off the pinky finger before Giuseppe even realizes what’s going on.

The other men stare first at Tony and Giuseppe and then at me. They are speechless, and I know they’re shocked, but now they know what they’re up against. I will not go down without a fight.

“Take this as a warning. I will not put up with the shit my father did. You will respect me. You will do as I say.” I pat my chest. “I am the head of this family. God help any man who tries to take that from me. I will guarantee you will not live long enough to regret it. ”

“Now,” I say as I hold out my hand. “Kiss my ring.” It’s not my family ring that my father gave Renzo. It’s another ring that my mother had made for herself years ago. It has the family crest. It will do for now until I get one of my own made.

Tony is still cursing and trying to wrap his jacket around his hand. “You fucking bitch,” he snarls.

Nico comes up behind him. “Say that again,” Nico comments.

Tony whirls and stares at Nico. He curses under his breath, but his bravado is gone. He slowly gets to his feet and then bends and kisses my ring.

Giuseppe is openly crying. He’s trying to stem the flow of blood with a handkerchief he had in his pocket. He shakily gets to his feet and sways. Luca moves toward him.

“No!” Giuseppe says and raises his good hand in fear.

Luca gestures towards my ring. Giuseppe nods and then quickly kisses it.

I turn to face the rest of the men. “Gentlemen?” I prod.

One by one, they get up and come around the table. Carmine is first. He quickly kisses my ring and then grabs a hold of Giuseppe and helps him out of the room. Bobby Sticks glares at me but kisses my ring and quickly heads to the door, taking Big Tony with him.

“You are quite something, bella.” Paolo Lombardi grins at me as he takes my hand and kisses my ring. He straightens but doesn’t let go. “This is going to be so interesting. I look forward to working with you.” The way he says it makes it sound dirty. I say nothing but will the heat out of my cheeks. Paolo finally releases my hand and then nods to the Valdici brothers before taking his leave.

“That was brutal but necessary,” Luigi comments. “You had to put them in their place. They’ll hate you for it, all of them, but they will respect you. You need to make some smart business moves to cement your position, but you’ve bought yourself some time.” He smiles slightly. “You are a credit to your grandfather.” He bends and kisses my ring and then leans over and kisses my cheek. “He would be very proud of you.”

“ Grazie , Luigi. ”

The man smiles again and then exits, leaving the four of us in the room. I look down at the two pinky fingers on the table and my stomach lurches. Maybe I’m not cut out for this. I look up and meet Luca’s gaze. He gives me a small smile. “I’ll take care of these,” he says.

“Thanks. Angelo, clear out the house and then leave. I’m going upstairs. I’m done with all of this for today.”

“But we should talk about?—”

“It will wait until tomorrow,” I say. I glance at Nico and give a small nod of my head toward Angelo. Making my voice barely above a whisper I say, “Make sure he leaves.” I don’t want any nasty surprises later. I wouldn’t put it past him to hide somewhere and then try and jump me later.

Nico smiles. “I’ll take care of it.”

I leave the office and stride regally down the hallway, not bothering to speak to anyone. Keeping up the brave fa?ade will be difficult, but I have attitude for days. I’ll make this work. I cross the foyer and head up to my room. This is my life now. I have to get used to it. Before I got married I thought Renzo was a monster. How quickly the tables turn. Now I’m the monster and I am going to be fucking great at it.

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