Destined for the Fae King (Courts of Faery #3) Chapter 15 33%
Library Sign in

Chapter 15

Y oga has become an almost daily routine, and something I find myself looking forward to. It’s the one time of day when the other women feel just like friends and not competition, and I’m finding I like that more and more. Making friends wasn’t something I gave much thought to before coming here, but now that the sprouts of possible friendship are starting to grow, it’s one of the best parts of The Choosing. Not that any of us are besties or anything, except Grace and Alex, but they came here that way. There’s potential though, and that’s something.

This morning, I felt Lysandir watching me again. I spied him on the balcony as we moved and stretched and surprised myself wishing he’d come down to our level where I could speak with him. I never did get to thank him for studying with me before the council meeting. More than that though, I enjoyed his company even more than that of my new potential friends. Maybe he could be more than just an ally if I play my cards right.

It’s for that reason—well, and the wealth of information available—that I spend the entire afternoon in the library. Alex had a date this morning. Katherine is on one now. I won’t miss time with the king. I’ve filled a few pages in my notebook with details about magical fae objects when I get the little rush of feeling along my spine that I’ve been hoping for.

I’m not even surprised when I turn to find Lysandir headed my way. I give him a little wave and smile, which he returns. A leather-bound book is clutched against his chest.

“More research today?” he inquires, pulling out the chair next to mine and taking a seat at the table where I have books spread out before me, my green gel pen resting on my notebook.

“It can’t hurt. And there’s only so much time I can spend listening to gossip about fashion and celebrities from back on Earth.”

“Not to your interest?”

“No, not really.” Not at all. “Actually, I was hoping I’d meet you here.”

“You were?” He blinks, looking almost dumbfounded.

I hold back a little laugh. He actually looks kind of cute when he’s confused. Not that I’m looking… Though no one could say he’s unattractive, not by any means. Between his strong, balanced features, lean muscle, and stunning dark red hair, he’s many a woman’s dream come to life. But that’s something I try not to focus too hard on. I’m here for his brother after all.

“Yes, I wanted to thank you for your help here before, and during the council meeting. I did better because of you.”

He shakes his head and scoots in his chair. “I didn’t do much. It was you who put the information to use. And the points you made were very strong. Those were yours, not mine.”

“Still, I appreciate it. I was convinced you hated me there for a little while.” I push a wayward strand of hair behind my ear, and his gaze snaps to it, lingering after I drop my hand.

“I don’t hate you, Mira.” He leans in closer. “I’m sorry you thought that. ”

I nod. “I know that now. I don’t suppose you’ll tell me what the nonsense that first night was about yet, huh?”

A half smile twitches at the corner of his mouth. “Not yet.”

Of course. I nearly sigh with disappointment. Lysandir grabs my open book and slides it closer to him.

“What have you been reading about today?” he asks, even as he takes in the open pages.

“Fae objects of power,” I say. “The Unseelie King has his sword, and that weapon presents a great threat. But what if we could find an object to counter it?”

“Ah.” He flips through the next few pages of the book before settling on one. “Then you’ll want to learn a bit about the spear.” He slides the book back to me and taps the open page.

I lean in. “The Spear of Shielding.”

As I read over the details on the page, Lysandir opens the book he brought. Except, upon closer inspection, it’s not a book at all but a notebook.

“You brought a notebook.”

He slips a pen from his pocket and taps the end on the open page. “It’s wise to be prepared. You never know what we’ll discover.”

I bite my bottom lip, hiding the goofy smile trying to break out across my face. A fae prince taking notes. Who would have ever thought.

“Did you bring a red pen?” I tease.

He laughs. “I didn’t, though perhaps I should acquire one.”

Tension builds in the silence as we stare at one another, and only then do I realize how close we’re sitting. I scoot back a little in my chair and drop my attention to the open book, anything to try to ignore the warmth building in my center.

“So, the spear.” He shifts his attention back to the book as well. “It’s an object of protection and one we have in our possession. It is always held by the Queen of Fire, so my mother possesses it now.”

“Oh! That is helpful. Though a spear is an object of protection? That seems strange.”

A soft murmur of agreement slips from him. “It is, I suppose, yet the spear allows its wielder to protect those near them.”

“Very handy in battle.” Though Elaine certainly isn’t taking the field if there’s a conflict. Maybe she would give it to someone else, then? I start to ask about it when someone clears their throat nearby.

I look up to spy Tharin advancing.

“Prince Lysandir. Lady Mira,” he says.

“Yes,” we echo in unison.

I’d swear he grimaces, but the look is there and gone so quickly that I start to second-guess it.

“The king has requested all the women of The Choosing return to the parlor,” Tharin says.

I push to my feet in a rush. “I thought he was on a date. Did something happen?”

“It seems the date has ended. He has something to discuss with you all, though I do not know the details of it.”

Sounds like Katherine’s date probably didn’t go as well as she hoped if it’s done already. Can’t say I feel too bad about that one. Some women I’ve grown fond of. Her and Cora? Not so much.

I quickly close my notebook and pick up my pens. “I should—”

“I’ll return the books to the shelves,” Lysandir offers.

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” I offer him my best winning smile.

He shrugs. “Don’t want you to be late to meet my brother.”

Ouch. Right. The comment shouldn’t sting, but it does .

Tharin isn’t helping, staring at me like I’ve been caught doing something inappropriate. We were just reading and talking.

I turn and head toward the door.

“The library again?” Tharin asks.

“It’s a public place,” Lysandir replies.

Tharin sighs. I’ve missed something, but I don’t know what. Should the prince not be in the library? And come to think of it, the two seem more familiar than I first thought. The whole walk back to the parlor—which isn’t that far—I consider asking Tharin about it but never do.

When we get there, it appears I’m the last to arrive, as the others all sit around the seating area, Katherine and Gabriella on either side of the king who has claimed the center seat of the couch. He looks almost uncomfortable with how close they are, basically pressed up against his sides. Maybe Katherine’s date didn’t go so poorly after all.

“A ball?” Katherine all but squeals. “I love balls!”

“Yes,” Vasilius gives her a wary look. “It’s tradition in The Choosing to host a ball, and we have extended the invitation to several of the other Seelie courts as well.”

This earns a round of excited whispers and comments.

I come to lean on the edge of Grace’s seat.

Vasilius looks at me. “I look forward to showing off all of my lovely candidates to our neighbors who attend.”

No doubt he does. It’s a strong statement to make to the other courts, especially the ones that don’t have relations with as many human families—if they attend, that is.

“But that’s not why I’m here this evening,” the king says. His countenance dims. “You all have been privy to the concerns we’ve had regarding the Unseelie of late.”

He pauses, waiting as we acknowledge him .

“We originally invited your families to attend the upcoming ball as well. The question is whether we should let them come, given that they are unbound and we cannot guarantee the Unseelie, particularly their null, will not try something.”

That sobers everyone up. It would be nice to see Selena again. But if it put her at risk? I’m not sure.

“You mean our family members are at risk of being stolen by the Unseelie if they come,” Alex says plainly.

Vasilius grimaces but nods. “It would be a significant risk for the Unseelie to take, given all the fae who will be in attendance, but we cannot guarantee they will not seek to take advantage of so many humans present if they become aware of it.”

“But it’s a small risk, right?” Adeline asks. “You don’t really think they’d get all the way here from the border, do you?”

“I would hope not,” the king says. “But the risk is not zero. I promise that my warriors will be present and alert throughout the event. And we will ask that the families not stay here in Faery to limit their risk.”

“You want them to come,” I say.

Vasilius looks at me again. He’s quiet for a moment before he says, “I do.”

And it makes sense. Even more humans present will show off the glory of his court, and that’s the whole point of the ball. Well, that and probably seeing how we interact with the other courts or what they think of us. It would be foolish to assume it’s not another test or chance to evaluate us.

“If you want our families to come and are taking precautions to keep them safe, then they should be invited,” Zoe says. “If they are worried, they can choose to stay home.”

“I don’t know.” Grace shares a look with Alex before blinking dolefully at the king. “Maybe it would be best if they don’t come. ”

“Why is that?” Katherine retorts. She grabs the king’s arm, and I don’t miss the way he subtly jolts at the touch. “King Vasilius will keep them all safe. They wouldn’t dare try to harm those under his protection.”

“Wishful thinking,” Alex says.

Katherine huffs.

Vasilius frees himself from her grip and stands. “Think on it this evening. Tell your attendants your wish in the morning, and I shall use that to make my decision. For now, I have things to attend to.” He gives us a slight bow.

“Aww,” Katherine whines.

But he doesn’t give her a backward glance as he leaves the room.

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